How is raising taxes on the wealthy going to create jobs?


But in no way did Clinton have a surplus

Oh I see. Reagan is responsible for Clinton's economy. You guys do know how to spin. Does that mean you agree that Bush is responsible for our current economy?

Yes Reaganoics where a chief cause that help Clinton have a stronge economy his first term not so good after his secoind.

So what happened to Bush II (which was in between Clinton and Reagan)?

Ronald Reagan R 1981–1985 91,031 96,353 +5.3 +1.5%
Ronald Reagan R 1985–1989 96,353 107,133 +10.8 +2.7%
George H. W. Bush R 1989–1993 107,133 109,725 +2.6 +0.6%
Bill Clinton D 1993–1997 109,725 121,231 +11.5 +2.6%
Bill Clinton D 1997–2001 121,231 132,469 +11.2 +2.3%
Oh I see. Reagan is responsible for Clinton's economy. You guys do know how to spin. Does that mean you agree that Bush is responsible for our current economy?

Yes Reaganoics where a chief cause that help Clinton have a stronge economy his first term not so good after his secoind.

So what happened to Bush II (which was in between Clinton and Reagan)?

Ronald Reagan R 1981–1985 91,031 96,353 +5.3 +1.5%
Ronald Reagan R 1985–1989 96,353 107,133 +10.8 +2.7%
George H. W. Bush R 1989–1993 107,133 109,725 +2.6 +0.6%
Bill Clinton D 1993–1997 109,725 121,231 +11.5 +2.6%
Bill Clinton D 1997–2001 121,231 132,469 +11.2 +2.3%

Bush II came after clinton.
We never had a Revenue problem. We had and still have a Government Spending problem. The Revenue has always been there. The Democrats are just using Tax-Hike rhetoric to divide the People further. It's all Class Warfare B.S. Saul Alinky's 'Rules for Radicals' should be required reading for all Americans. This stuff is classic Alinsky "Community Organizer" shit. We'll see if the People buy it again in 2012.
We never had a Revenue problem. We had and still have a Government Spending problem. The Revenue has always been there. The Democrats are just using Tax-Hike rhetoric to divide the People further. It's all Class Warfare B.S. Saul Alinky's 'Rules for Radicals' should be required reading for all Americans. This stuff is classic Alinsky "Community Organizer" shit. We'll see if the People buy it again in 2012.

Libo continues as one of the SaulAlinsky'sForConservatives with his absolute nonense.

The class warfare is waged by Corporatists, Big Business, and economic fascists that want to turn America over to the corporations again, disenfranchising the American working folks. Giving further tax cuts to the corporations merely means the American working class will continue to support the country. This is class warfare from the corporatist fascists, like LibocalpyseNow.
Yes Reaganoics where a chief cause that help Clinton have a stronge economy his first term not so good after his secoind.

So what happened to Bush II (which was in between Clinton and Reagan)?

Ronald Reagan R 1981–1985 91,031 96,353 +5.3 +1.5%
Ronald Reagan R 1985–1989 96,353 107,133 +10.8 +2.7%
George H. W. Bush R 1989–1993 107,133 109,725 +2.6 +0.6%
Bill Clinton D 1993–1997 109,725 121,231 +11.5 +2.6%
Bill Clinton D 1997–2001 121,231 132,469 +11.2 +2.3%

Bush II came after clinton.

Yes, sorry...meant Bush I
I have been thinking about this for quite some time. So I want someone who thinks it's a good thing to raise taxes on those who create jobs (the wealthy). What exactly do you think obama wants to do with the money? Give more money to the super poor? Increase payouts to the welfare crowd? None of that actually creates anything but more of an entitlement generation. It actually kills the real American dream for those who want to be rich and have money. It kills any type of a dream that a person can actually achieve home ownership they can afford and things they may want.

Here's the cold hard truth giving to the poor just makes more poor, when you take from those who have you're actually killing the American dream. Poor people do not hire people to work for them The wealthy do.

I think it's obama's goal not to create anything but equality in the poor house.

I actually agree with raising taxes, how long have we had these tax cuts and have lost jobs, apparently the rich have more money yet have stopped hiring even before this obama care fiasco was implemented. Now I do think Obama has a spending problem, I want the revenue raised to go toward the deficit and hopefully start on creating a surplus....will Obama do this? I doubt it from his history, but we have only seen a very small growht in this economy with the tax cuts....stop banging the same drum and expecting different results. So where is all this money going that the rich have now? where are the jobs if they are supposed to be creating jobs? seems like alot of you are buying into what is not working same as Obama wanting to spend money on things that do not work either........both sides are being lied to and are so against each other its laughable...anything cons and libs read about their candidates they believe, lets stop the fighting or point making and use common sense.....none of these guys cons or libs are doing any of you any favors they are just seeeking power and keeping everyone fighting with each other, nobody on either side shows any leadership they all deflect and convincing leadership ...they would rather go around making points about what the other guy is doing or not doing....and the media on both sides eat it up....
I don't know that it will. However we know for sure that giving the wealthy a tax break like President Bush did in 2001 didn't create jobs or trickle down to the middle, it helped put the country further in debt.
I don't know that it will. However we know for sure that giving the wealthy a tax break like President Bush did in 2001 didn't create jobs or trickle down to the middle, it helped put the country further in debt.

No... continuing to increase spending put the country further into debt
I don't know that it will. However we know for sure that giving the wealthy a tax break like President Bush did in 2001 didn't create jobs or trickle down to the middle, it helped put the country further in debt.

No... continuing to increase spending put the country further into debt

That was a contributing factor as was the lack of revenue on the wealthy.

And, yes, the tax cuts did not create or trickle down sufficient jobs to the middle and lower levels.
I have been thinking about this for quite some time. So I want someone who thinks it's a good thing to raise taxes on those who create jobs (the wealthy). What exactly do you think obama wants to do with the money? Give more money to the super poor? Increase payouts to the welfare crowd? None of that actually creates anything but more of an entitlement generation. It actually kills the real American dream for those who want to be rich and have money. It kills any type of a dream that a person can actually achieve home ownership they can afford and things they may want.

Here's the cold hard truth giving to the poor just makes more poor, when you take from those who have you're actually killing the American dream. Poor people do not hire people to work for them The wealthy do.

I think it's obama's goal not to create anything but equality in the poor house.

I actually agree with raising taxes, how long have we had these tax cuts and have lost jobs, apparently the rich have more money yet have stopped hiring even before this obama care fiasco was implemented. Now I do think Obama has a spending problem, I want the revenue raised to go toward the deficit and hopefully start on creating a surplus....will Obama do this? I doubt it from his history, but we have only seen a very small growht in this economy with the tax cuts....stop banging the same drum and expecting different results. So where is all this money going that the rich have now? where are the jobs if they are supposed to be creating jobs? seems like alot of you are buying into what is not working same as Obama wanting to spend money on things that do not work either........both sides are being lied to and are so against each other its laughable...anything cons and libs read about their candidates they believe, lets stop the fighting or point making and use common sense.....none of these guys cons or libs are doing any of you any favors they are just seeeking power and keeping everyone fighting with each other, nobody on either side shows any leadership they all deflect and convincing leadership ...they would rather go around making points about what the other guy is doing or not doing....and the media on both sides eat it up....

I actually agree with raising taxes

Fine give more at the end of the tax year.

how long have we had these tax cuts and have lost jobs


Now I do think Obama has a spending problem, I want the revenue raised to go toward the deficit and hopefully start on creating a surplus....will Obama do this?
OH You see a problem but yet you agree to raising taxes? that just doesn't make sense. You actually going to take obama at his word?

seems like alot of you are buying into what is not working same as Obama wanting to spend money on things that do not work either........

It seems to me obama is believeable if you do the opposit of what he wants to do.

lets stop the fighting or point making and use common sense

It's hard to stop that when the other side has yet to show they have common sense to give.

Look if you want to sit by a campfire and sing songs with poeople who have nothing in common by all means do it. As for me I can never compromise with people who I have nothing in common with.
So, wanting to fix the country for the sake of fixing the country isn't enough incentive for the GOP to work with Dems? And how exactly are they going to fix the country on their own when they only control one house of congress?

Here's the remedy that is coming your way Nov 2012, a Republican President along with a Republican senate and a Republican congress. Then it does get fixed. I can hardly wait.

The government does not create jobs, the private sector does, the best fix the government can do is to get off our backs and out of our wallets.

You've obviously never met someone who works in a defense plant. Or a postman. Or a teacher. Or a policeman. Or anyone who worked on building a defense plant, or a post office, or a school, or a police car.
For starters we need to raise taxes to pay for Bush's 2 wars, His father's war, and Reagan's escalation of the Cold War,

all of which were done on borrowed money, before, during, or after tax CUTS that necessitated the borrowing.
For starters we need to raise taxes to pay for Bush's 2 wars, His father's war, and Reagan's escalation of the Cold War,

all of which were done on borrowed money, before, during, or after tax CUTS that necessitated the borrowing.

I realize you're pissed because Reagan defeated the russians but show a little pride in American exceptionalism.

I will agree to a tax hike if you give me control of the spending.
Is that a deal?
For starters we need to raise taxes to pay for Bush's 2 wars, His father's war, and Reagan's escalation of the Cold War,

all of which were done on borrowed money, before, during, or after tax CUTS that necessitated the borrowing.

I realize you're pissed because Reagan defeated the russians but show a little pride in American exceptionalism.

I will agree to a tax hike if you give me control of the spending. Is that a deal?

That is what the Tea Party refused to do, littledebfascist, have you forgotten already. Yep, Iran Contra was American exceptionalism.
For starters we need to raise taxes to pay for Bush's 2 wars, His father's war, and Reagan's escalation of the Cold War,

all of which were done on borrowed money, before, during, or after tax CUTS that necessitated the borrowing.

I realize you're pissed because Reagan defeated the russians but show a little pride in American exceptionalism.

I will agree to a tax hike if you give me control of the spending. Is that a deal?

That is what the Tea Party refused to do, littledebfascist, have you forgotten already. Yep, Iran Contra was American exceptionalism.

jake the troll right on cue. You hate America because it will never be the socialist country you want it to be.
I love America because good Americans will not allow America to go socialist and good Americans will not let it go fascist as you want it to. We will protect you against yourself. What a deal.
I love America because good Americans will not allow America to go socialist and good Americans will not let it go fascist as you want it to. We will protect you against yourself. What a deal.

you're contridicting every post you have made here with this one.

We will protect you against yourself

The collective state of mind socialism at it's best.
If the Revenue wasn't or isn't there,why do they keep spending so much Money? Stealing more Money from Taxpayers isn't the answer. The Democrats are just wrong. It's time to Balance the Budget. Time to get spending under control.
I realize you're pissed because Reagan defeated the russians but show a little pride in American exceptionalism.

I will agree to a tax hike if you give me control of the spending. Is that a deal?

That is what the Tea Party refused to do, littledebfascist, have you forgotten already. Yep, Iran Contra was American exceptionalism.

jake the troll right on cue. You hate America because it will never be the socialist country you want it to be.

You use the same response no matter what anyone says. First you accuse them of having an emotional response (jealous or hate) and then you say some more stupid shit. :lol:

Did you have a teacher / student affair while being home schooled?
That is what the Tea Party refused to do, littledebfascist, have you forgotten already. Yep, Iran Contra was American exceptionalism.

jake the troll right on cue. You hate America because it will never be the socialist country you want it to be.

You use the same response no matter what anyone says. First you accuse them of having an emotional response (jealous or hate) and then you say some more stupid shit. :lol:

Did you have a teacher / student affair while being home schooled?

You have me confused with someone else, maybe it's that image in the mirror you look at.

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