How is this any Different Than Donald Sterling


Apr 22, 2007
Knicks great calls for all-black league amid Clippers race fiasco | New York Post

Larry Johnson calls for an all black league with only black owners and players!!! Hope you only want black fans also!

What he said is FAR worse that what Sterling stated. Sterling wasn't denying anyone a job? I mean he employed Donald Sterling for so long, even though Sterling consistently produced the worst team in the league.

Where is the calls for boycotts of the Knicks? Where is the media calling for LJ to be fired?

Fucking hypocrisy of liberalism!
Knicks great calls for all-black league amid Clippers race fiasco | New York Post

Larry Johnson calls for an all black league with only black owners and players!!! Hope you only want black fans also!

What he said is FAR worse that what Sterling stated. Sterling wasn't denying anyone a job? I mean he employed Donald Sterling for so long, even though Sterling consistently produced the worst team in the league.

Where is the calls for boycotts of the Knicks? Where is the media calling for LJ to be fired?

Fucking hypocrisy of liberalism!

He is talking about ownership dummy. How is that racist? Thats the American dream.
Knicks great calls for all-black league amid Clippers race fiasco | New York Post

Larry Johnson calls for an all black league with only black owners and players!!! Hope you only want black fans also!

What he said is FAR worse that what Sterling stated. Sterling wasn't denying anyone a job? I mean he employed Donald Sterling for so long, even though Sterling consistently produced the worst team in the league.

Where is the calls for boycotts of the Knicks? Where is the media calling for LJ to be fired?

Fucking hypocrisy of liberalism!

He is talking about ownership dummy. How is that racist? Thats the American dream.

Are you that much of a mental midget. He stated they should get an all black league including ownership. So let's stick with your theory that he only meant ownership, would that be in any way acceptable? What if a rich white guy (or Asian or Latino) wanted to purchase or start an NBA franchise, would it be OK (or even constitutional) to disallow him solely because of the color of his skin? Only a true racist would say that.

What Sterling stated was deplorable, but what Larry Johnson stated was far worse. Nothing is being reported on LJ. There is nothing being done about his racist comments. There are no calls for his head. Heck they media that did report on it are sympathetic. It's hypocrisy at it's worst!
Knicks great calls for all-black league amid Clippers race fiasco | New York Post

Larry Johnson calls for an all black league with only black owners and players!!! Hope you only want black fans also!

What he said is FAR worse that what Sterling stated. Sterling wasn't denying anyone a job? I mean he employed Donald Sterling for so long, even though Sterling consistently produced the worst team in the league.

Where is the calls for boycotts of the Knicks? Where is the media calling for LJ to be fired?

Fucking hypocrisy of liberalism!

He is talking about ownership dummy. How is that racist? Thats the American dream.

Are you that much of a mental midget. He stated they should get an all black league including ownership. So let's stick with your theory that he only meant ownership, would that be in any way acceptable? What if a rich white guy (or Asian or Latino) wanted to purchase or start an NBA franchise, would it be OK (or even constitutional) to disallow him solely because of the color of his skin? Only a true racist would say that.

What Sterling stated was deplorable, but what Larry Johnson stated was far worse. Nothing is being reported on LJ. There is nothing being done about his racist comments. There are no calls for his head. Heck they media that did report on it are sympathetic. It's hypocrisy at it's worst!

Could it be that for one you are wrong. How did you find out about it if it was not reported? I heard about pretty quickly. Could it be that in your state of butthurt you dont understand he was talking about ownership? If he were to disallow others to own a team it would be within his rights as the NBA does it all the time. They pick and choose their owners. Stop whining and wishing someone would take the attention off Sterling.
Knicks great calls for all-black league amid Clippers race fiasco | New York Post

Larry Johnson calls for an all black league with only black owners and players!!! Hope you only want black fans also!

What he said is FAR worse that what Sterling stated. Sterling wasn't denying anyone a job? I mean he employed Donald Sterling for so long, even though Sterling consistently produced the worst team in the league.

Where is the calls for boycotts of the Knicks? Where is the media calling for LJ to be fired?

Fucking hypocrisy of liberalism!

So now segregation is good?
(A) we already hav an all-black league. It's called the NBA.

(B) I would pay to see games in an all-white league.

So shoot me.
He is talking about ownership dummy. How is that racist? Thats the American dream.

Are you that much of a mental midget. He stated they should get an all black league including ownership. So let's stick with your theory that he only meant ownership, would that be in any way acceptable? What if a rich white guy (or Asian or Latino) wanted to purchase or start an NBA franchise, would it be OK (or even constitutional) to disallow him solely because of the color of his skin? Only a true racist would say that.

What Sterling stated was deplorable, but what Larry Johnson stated was far worse. Nothing is being reported on LJ. There is nothing being done about his racist comments. There are no calls for his head. Heck they media that did report on it are sympathetic. It's hypocrisy at it's worst!

Could it be that for one you are wrong. How did you find out about it if it was not reported? I heard about pretty quickly. Could it be that in your state of butthurt you dont understand he was talking about ownership? If he were to disallow others to own a team it would be within his rights as the NBA does it all the time. They pick and choose their owners. Stop whining and wishing someone would take the attention off Sterling.

First off it's barely reported unlike the Sterling controversy. Few people know about it. They aren't talking about it non-stop on MSNBC, FOXSNEWS, CNN, ESPN etc. Nope it's not mentioned. It's well under-reported by the race based media.

Second, only a fool would think that your argument is strengthened by the fact that he 'might' have meant ownership! How would that make his horrendous statement some way OK? What if a NFL stated that only white rich men could own a franchise and no black, hispanic or asian men could become owners. That would be AKO in your book, because that would mean only ownership and not players?

Sterling is a prick and is well deserving of what is happening to him. I am just sick off asshole hypocrites like you, the race baiters and the liberal elitest that scream when a white man makes a racist comment, but don't give two shits when a black man says a worse comment!
Knicks great calls for all-black league amid Clippers race fiasco | New York Post

Larry Johnson calls for an all black league with only black owners and players!!! Hope you only want black fans also!

What he said is FAR worse that what Sterling stated. Sterling wasn't denying anyone a job? I mean he employed Donald Sterling for so long, even though Sterling consistently produced the worst team in the league.

Where is the calls for boycotts of the Knicks? Where is the media calling for LJ to be fired?

Fucking hypocrisy of liberalism!

So now segregation is good?

According to Larry Johnson and everyone who supports him yes.
(A) we already hav an all-black league. It's called the NBA.
What Percentage of NBA Players Are White -
WRONG in 2011, 78% of the NBA is black. That leaves close to 1/4 as non-black. Yes the league is largely one race, but it's far from being homogenous. Just as the NHL isn't an all white league (5% of league is black).

(B) I would pay to see games in an all-white league.
I pitty you. I would pay (as I do regularly) to see the best talent on the field regardless of race!
(A) we already hav an all-black league. It's called the NBA.

(B) I would pay to see games in an all-white league.

So shoot me.

No you wouldnt pay to see that boring stuff. Give me a break. That league would fold faster than the first women's league did. :lol:

As would an all black league. Actually that would fold quicker than an all white league. Close to 90% of the leagues fans are white, so removing white people and what do you have?
Are you that much of a mental midget. He stated they should get an all black league including ownership. So let's stick with your theory that he only meant ownership, would that be in any way acceptable? What if a rich white guy (or Asian or Latino) wanted to purchase or start an NBA franchise, would it be OK (or even constitutional) to disallow him solely because of the color of his skin? Only a true racist would say that.

What Sterling stated was deplorable, but what Larry Johnson stated was far worse. Nothing is being reported on LJ. There is nothing being done about his racist comments. There are no calls for his head. Heck they media that did report on it are sympathetic. It's hypocrisy at it's worst!

Could it be that for one you are wrong. How did you find out about it if it was not reported? I heard about pretty quickly. Could it be that in your state of butthurt you dont understand he was talking about ownership? If he were to disallow others to own a team it would be within his rights as the NBA does it all the time. They pick and choose their owners. Stop whining and wishing someone would take the attention off Sterling.

First off it's barely reported unlike the Sterling controversy. Few people know about it. They aren't talking about it non-stop on MSNBC, FOXSNEWS, CNN, ESPN etc. Nope it's not mentioned. It's well under-reported by the race based media.

Second, only a fool would think that your argument is strengthened by the fact that he 'might' have meant ownership! How would that make his horrendous statement some way OK? What if a NFL stated that only white rich men could own a franchise and no black, hispanic or asian men could become owners. That would be AKO in your book, because that would mean only ownership and not players?

Sterling is a prick and is well deserving of what is happening to him. I am just sick off asshole hypocrites like you, the race baiters and the liberal elitest that scream when a white man makes a racist comment, but don't give two shits when a black man says a worse comment!

Its barely reported because its old news. Everyone already knows LJ advocates Black ownership. Thats how we know he was not being racist. This is not his first statements on the issue dumbass.

You are getting your panties in a bunch for nothing. Let me give you some advise. Dont lose your mind when someone like you get exposed for the racist they are. I can tell you are upset because you pulled the same stuff my children do. "Well what about Alex dad?"
(A) we already hav an all-black league. It's called the NBA.

(B) I would pay to see games in an all-white league.

So shoot me.

No you wouldnt pay to see that boring stuff. Give me a break. That league would fold faster than the first women's league did. :lol:

As would an all black league. Actually that would fold quicker than an all white league. Close to 90% of the leagues fans are white, so removing white people and what do you have?

You should give it a rest. i already told you he was talking about ownership. Not fans and players. What kind of dumbass would turn down green money from paying customers? You cant be this angry and irrational that you dont see this?
Knicks great calls for all-black league amid Clippers race fiasco | New York Post

Larry Johnson calls for an all black league with only black owners and players!!! Hope you only want black fans also!

What he said is FAR worse that what Sterling stated. Sterling wasn't denying anyone a job? I mean he employed Donald Sterling for so long, even though Sterling consistently produced the worst team in the league.

Where is the calls for boycotts of the Knicks? Where is the media calling for LJ to be fired?

Fucking hypocrisy of liberalism!

So now segregation is good?

Only if minorities initiate it.
Its barely reported because its old news. Everyone already knows LJ advocates Black ownership. Thats how we know he was not being racist. This is not his first statements on the issue dumbass.
He just stated it you stupid twat! He has stated other moronic thinks like NBA players are slaves. Truly moronic when they are paid millions of dollars to play a game (and in many cases paid not to play).

Only a true mental midget would say that LJ stating a desire for an all black league is proof he is not racist! You aren't worth my time little boy!

Dont lose your mind when someone like you get exposed for the racist they are.
Call me a racist I don't care. As painful as it may be I know I must be PC or lose my career (especially since I am in inhouse for a large bank that ironically is a huge sponor of the Bulls)
Basketball legend Kareem Abdul-Jabbar suggested on Monday that Los Angeles Clippers owner Donald Sterling's racist rant is at least partially his girlfriend's fault.

"And now the poor guy’s girlfriend (undoubtedly ex-girlfriend now) is on tape cajoling him into revealing his racism," Abdul-Jabbar wrote in a blog post for Time. "Man, what a winding road she led him down to get all of that out. She was like a sexy nanny playing 'pin the fried chicken on the Sambo.' She blindfolded him and spun him around until he was just blathering all sorts of incoherent racist sound bites that had the news media peeing themselves with glee."

Kareem Abdul-Jabbar Places Blame On Sterling's Girlfriend For 'Cajoling' Him Into Racist Comments
Basketball legend Kareem Abdul-Jabbar suggested on Monday that Los Angeles Clippers owner Donald Sterling's racist rant is at least partially his girlfriend's fault.

"And now the poor guy’s girlfriend (undoubtedly ex-girlfriend now) is on tape cajoling him into revealing his racism," Abdul-Jabbar wrote in a blog post for Time. "Man, what a winding road she led him down to get all of that out. She was like a sexy nanny playing 'pin the fried chicken on the Sambo.' She blindfolded him and spun him around until he was just blathering all sorts of incoherent racist sound bites that had the news media peeing themselves with glee."

Kareem Abdul-Jabbar Places Blame On Sterling's Girlfriend For 'Cajoling' Him Into Racist Comments

interesting comments from Kareem....
Knicks great calls for all-black league amid Clippers race fiasco | New York Post

Larry Johnson calls for an all black league with only black owners and players!!! Hope you only want black fans also!

What he said is FAR worse that what Sterling stated. Sterling wasn't denying anyone a job? I mean he employed Donald Sterling for so long, even though Sterling consistently produced the worst team in the league.

Where is the calls for boycotts of the Knicks? Where is the media calling for LJ to be fired?

Fucking hypocrisy of liberalism!

So now segregation is good?

Only to black people it seems.
Cut to the chase and Donald Sterling simply said who he wanted to associate with. That extended to the people in his private life who had the option of not associating with Sterling. He did not commit a criminal offense, nor did he harm any black people physically or financially. The filthy, filthy, bums in the media jumped on it by slanting their reporting. The objective in calling his remarks racist was to tell Sterling, and others, how they must behave. The league went along with it. The whole thing is nothing more than dictating politically correct behavior.

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