How is this racist?

Only because it was totally run by the Democratic party of segregation, slavery, racism and oppression.

The same party that you stupidly support, jackass.

The Democrat party in 1946 was quite a bit different than the Democrats' party of 2023. But then again the same can be said for the GOP. Everything old is Neo again.
uh huh, sure pal, like I own a fucking theater........

Whoa, are we moving too slow?
Have you seen us, Uncle Remus?
We look pretty sharp in these clothes
(Yes, we do)

your racism is confirmed,,

first you deny his attendence at the awards and now you remove him from all of theaters history,,
I don't see caricature or stereotypes as inherently racist. They can be. Imo, small minded people look to be offended in everything. All I can do is speak out about illiberalism like that when I see it.
OK, that's cool, I can respect that answer.
Yep in 1946. Jim crow was still the law of the South. Obviously the Neo-GOP looks back longingly at those days don't they?
Now this answer is wrong. The Democrats were the racists and were until they died. I've crushed Starkey on this issue, you would be suprised at how few party switchers occurred.
So you admit you’re a troll.
My posts don't start out as that, but yeah, if you want to troll, I shit on you so hard.....I mean crushing a lefty is pretty easy, so many ways to do it too
Now this answer is wrong. The Democrats were the racists and were until they died. I've crushed Starkey on this issue, you would be suprised at how few party switchers occurred.
I never said any of the southern Democrats switched sides. The people of the south continued to vote the same Democrats into Congress well after the coalition of Northern Democrats and Northern Republicans passed the Civil Right Act in 1964. The Republicans didn't start making inroads in the South until after those retired.
Yep in 1946. Jim crow was still the law of the South. Obviously the Neo-GOP looks back longingly at those days don't they?

Now why would the party that freed the slaves look back longingly at the days of filthy, racist Democrat slavery?
Now why would the party that freed the slaves look back longingly at the days of filthy, racist Democrat slavery?
Freed them and a few year later abandoned them to the same power structure that enslaved them. Besides they're all long dead. The party of Lincoln has been replaced by the Trumpyberra's budding Fascist Party, The Neo-GOP. It's filled with known liars, cranks and frauds. It's their brand and they're damn proud of it. Just ask George Whateverhislastnameis.
Freed them and a few year later abandoned them to the same power structure that enslaved them. Besides they're all long dead. The party of Lincoln has been replaced by the Trumpyberra's budding Fascist Party, The Neo-GOP. It's filled with known liars, cranks and frauds. It's their brand and they're damn proud of it. Just ask George Whateverhislastnameis.

You’ll go to any lengths to deflect from the absolute fact that you worship the party of slavery, Jim Crow and the KKK.
You’ll go to any lengths to deflect from the absolute fact that you worship the party of slavery, Jim Crow and the KKK.
A perfect example of just one of the demostrable lies that are apparently required and memorized talking points of this New Party.

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