How liberals are toning down the rhetoric

Seriously Rustic, this is another attempt to distract while the GOP hides behind closed doors passing bills..
It is coming from a bunch of FAKE News Trolls..

The republicans Love to hate anything that is not white, male....
You're a drooling retard. You spew hate and try to pin it on your enemies. Even a toddler can see through you.
These animals should be locked up.

Assassination threats against Barack Obama
Then president Obama, to date recieved on average, 2-7 death threats a the end of his term, he had recieved.....2,658 threats that were investigated by the SS....Barack Obama - Wikipedia


Total sidestep though. Libs are an intolerant bunch, like spoiled babies. I hope they escalate the rhetoric into more action. Like always, it will have the opposite intended effect.

Yaw kill me with this tough talk bullshit, please don't let Trumpmania get you mfs' killed. You have a few nuts out here on the left talking smack and all of sudden you bitches want a war.....a war that at any time if you whores were truly tough, could start any time, any where on any gvien don't need stupid mfs like this to get your courage up. So stop with the bullshit talk. Obama's life was threatened most of his presidency and I challenge you or any fuck nut out here to show proof were people on the left advocated a violence response to those attacks....I'll say it again, the real threat to this country is low life shit eating, dog smelling lice infected white mf's!!!!!!

Does your pussy hurt?

Seriously Rustic, this is another attempt to distract while the GOP hides behind closed doors passing bills..
It is coming from a bunch of FAKE News Trolls..

The republicans Love to hate anything that is not white, male....

I consider all career politicians the same no matter what side of the aisle they say they are on. Career politicians quit "working for the people" since the Woodrow Wilson days…
Every day that goes by I become more and more libertarian…
Assassination threats against Barack Obama
Then president Obama, to date recieved on average, 2-7 death threats a the end of his term, he had recieved.....2,658 threats that were investigated by the SS....Barack Obama - Wikipedia


Total sidestep though. Libs are an intolerant bunch, like spoiled babies. I hope they escalate the rhetoric into more action. Like always, it will have the opposite intended effect.
Yaw kill me with this tough talk bullshit, please don't let Trumpmania get you mfs' killed. You have a few nuts out here on the left talking smack and all of sudden you bitches want a war.....a war that at any time if you whores were truly tough, could start any time, any where on any gvien don't need stupid mfs like this to get your courage up. So stop with the bullshit talk. Obama's life was threatened most of his presidency and I challenge you or any fuck nut out here to show proof were people on the left advocated a violence response to those attacks....I'll say it again, the real threat to this country is low life shit eating, dog smelling lice infected white mf's!!!!!!
Does your pussy hurt?

Seriously Rustic, this is another attempt to distract while the GOP hides behind closed doors passing bills..
It is coming from a bunch of FAKE News Trolls..

The republicans Love to hate anything that is not white, male....
I consider all career politicians the same no matter what side of the aisle they say they are on. Career politicians quit "working for the people" since the Woodrow Wilson days…
Every day that goes by I become more and more libertarian…

I am feeling the same way about the far left too... I am right with you Rustic..

A smart politician would run against this corruption and fight for both parties...Trump touched on that last summer and gained tons of support, then in my opinion turned on the democrats.

People are so fed up with the paid off assholes in congress..
These animals should be locked up.

Assassination threats against Barack Obama
Then president Obama, to date recieved on average, 2-7 death threats a the end of his term, he had recieved.....2,658 threats that were investigated by the SS....Barack Obama - Wikipedia


Total sidestep though. Libs are an intolerant bunch, like spoiled babies. I hope they escalate the rhetoric into more action. Like always, it will have the opposite intended effect.

Yaw kill me with this tough talk bullshit, please don't let Trumpmania get you mfs' killed. You have a few nuts out here on the left talking smack and all of sudden you bitches want a war.....a war that at any time if you whores were truly tough, could start any time, any where on any gvien don't need stupid mfs like this to get your courage up. So stop with the bullshit talk. Obama's life was threatened most of his presidency and I challenge you or any fuck nut out here to show proof were people on the left advocated a violence response to those attacks....I'll say it again, the real threat to this country is low life shit eating, dog smelling lice infected white mf's!!!!!!

What tough talk? if you would stop lying for a while......
Hey good morning you awesome happy, kind group of righties....How does it feel being up there as the party of angels...

View attachment 134339

It's great! How does feel to be in the party of murder and hate and sickness?

What a Hannity Parrot...but Peace and Love to you anyway


Listen, I NEVER watch him. Figure out your next lie....

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