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How long before democrat party brown shirts/fascists murder a conservative speaker or their guests?

Heather Macdonald, the author of "The War on Boys," "Who Stole Feminism," and most recently "The War on Cops," was kept from giving a speech and taking questions by democrat party brown shirts.....she has been on local and national radio today to talk about how democrat party brown shirts surrounded the lecture hall where she was going to speak, and kept everyone out...no one was able to get in to hear her speak. They also became so aggressive in their banging on the glass windows as she tried to skype questions in the lecture hall, that the police had to smuggle her out of the building....

So...how soon before the democrat party fascists murder someone at these conservative speeches......in the name of free speech?

Shutting down campus speech is a great way to lose an argument

Sadly I think it will happen far too soon. soros and his sturm abteilung goons are following the nazi play book fairly closely. Makes sense given his nazi training.

They went from simply throwing pies in faces and throwing glitter on the speakers....to now completely shutting down and physically assaulting these speakers.....I can't see murder being too far off....

If Timoty McVeigh, Eric Rudolph, Scott Roeder, Dylann Roof has only thrown pies ... but that isn't what the Alt. Right / right wing fascists do - they commit murders.

So you approve of progressive protesters trying to shut down opposing speech?

Yes or no?

Do you approve of drumpf telling his crowds to attack, beat and even kill dissenters?

There's plenty of this shit to go around but the bottom line is, right or left, we all have the right to dissent and to peacefully protest.

That means drumpf telling his crowds he'd send his dissenters out on a stretcher WRONG and anti-US Constitution.

Stop lying and take responsibility for your own part in this.

When did he tell them to do that? Most of them were saying to get them out of there as they disrupted his rallies.

There is a difference between a guy we all know speaks from the hip talking about getting one disrupter out of his speech, and a concerted nationwide effort at places of higher learning to crush and prevent speech certain people don't like,

That you can't see the difference is either because you are a fucking moron, or you are complicit with what your side is doing.

Dipshit, I knew Obama would never take my guns, because he is too chicken shit to even try. But why I am well armed is for shits like you , who when the call goes out by the left to rise up, those of US who love this country, will be there to defend it, as the founding fathers knew would eventually happen.

No, what you will do is decide that someone else should do something. Too lazy to move your 350 lbs on a 5'4" frame off your grandmothers basement coach. LOL
This is probably one of your stupidest posts ever, and that's saying a lot.

Nice evasion. You're running even faster than conservatives usually do.

I asked you to condemn a couple very blatant cases of Stalinist thuggery, tactics endorsed by your entire party. You wouldn't. That's because you have Stalinist orgasms when you think of people being sent to the gulag for the crime of opposing TheParty.

Not a single Republican anywhere is ever willing to condemn RepubliStalinist tactics. Either they openly adore the Stalinism, or they're gutless, terrified that their own party might come after them if they dare dissent.

That's yet another reason why it's so good to be liberal. We don't have to suck the asses of Stalinists, and we're free to criticize our own party.

I notice you didn't quote the rest of my post, fucktard.

Here is what I said for everyone else to view

This is probably one of your stupidest posts ever, and that's saying a lot.

Show me one Progressive rally, speaker or gathering that was prevented or disrupted by conservative/libertarian people.

And don't go pointing out single counter-protesters at Trump rallies, that isn't the same.

Again, what thuggery? Where are all the Young Republican clubs trying to prevent progressive groups from holding meetings or talks? where are those libertarian groups counterprotesting and macing progressive marches?

And as for your last statement, LOLOLOLLOLLOL. There are plenty of pro-choice republicans out there, try and find me some pro-life democrats that aren't shunned by their own party.
Asswipe....we have the democrat party...on video..admitting to inciting violence at Trump rallies....

No, you're just making stories up, the better to run cover for the thuggery you adore.

You're still refusing to condemn any of your side's openly Stalinist tactics. That is the point I'll keep getting back to, no matter how much you twist and evade. You'll never condemn any RepubliStalinism, ever, because you love it so. The thought of the truncheons coming down on liberal heads, that sends a tingle up your leg.

Tim McVeigh, Eric Rudolph, Scott Roeder, Dylann Roof, et al, are Alt Right murderers.

So far the big name political killings and shootings (the Kennedys, King, Malcom X, the American Nazi, et al) have not yet happen.

When they do, the killers will be overwhelmingly Alt Right neo-fascists and Far Right loonies.

Wrong, they were ALL alt-left scumbags.
Mr. Westwall lies about everything.

Timothy McVeigh

Early Life
Timothy McVeigh was raised in Pendleton, New York, a typical working class town. Pastimes were high school football and church bingo. Parents divorced after a rocky marriage. Tim went to live with his father and became increasing close to his grandfather, who introduced him to guns. It was during this time that he read The Turner Diaries, and anti-government tome by neo-Nazi William Pierce. The book described a bombing of a federal building and fueled McVeigh’s paranoia about a government plot to repeal the Second Amendment.

Tall and skinny, Tim was bullied in high school. After graduation in 1986, he earned a partial scholarship to a business school, but soon dropped out. He enlisted in the U.S. Army and became a model soldier earning the Bronze Star for bravery in the Persian Gulf War. A candidate for Special Forces, he dropped out after only two days, soured on the military. He was discharged in 1991

Returning to New York, Timothy McVeigh worked the gun show circuit selling, weapons and preaching the evils of the government. He periodically spent time with army buddies Terry Nichols and Michael Fortier who shared McVeigh’s passion for guns and hatred of government.
Your lack of morality is shown in every post you write. The abject hate you hold for President Obama and those who supported him is pathological and deplorable. You're one very sick puppy.
Let's see your Love and admiration poem dedicated to President Donald J Trump.
Those who love to kiss Nazi ass, like you, have plenty of those already out there.
Oh look The usual USMB RepubliStalinists are projecting their own adoration of Stalinist thuggery on to the liberty-loving people. Why? To run cover for their own thuggery, of course.

If any of the conservative Stalinists want to protest they're not actually Stalinists, despite how they act, they can start by condemning the Republican attempts to send climate scientists to the gulag for the crime of doing science that's inconvenient to TheParty.

Or, they can condemn Trump's statements that Clinton needs to be jailed for being a Democrat, or the "lock her up" chants of their own base.

They won't, of course. I've asked many times. They never do, not one of them. Without exception, every conservative enthusiastically endorses their party's ongoing Stalinist thuggery. Watch 'em do it here now. Just like the Stalinists, they simply auto-declare that all of their political enemies need to be jailed because they're EnemiesOfTheState.

Oh, shall I also link to the hate crimes tracker, and point out the rising tide of conservative violence? Maybe not. We know how conservatives will react to that, the same way they react to all data. They'll simply say it's all fake.
Just to let you know Mamamooothy, Stalin was a Socialist Liberal, not a conservative you fucking moron. God, you guys really suck at history. Conservatives play by the law, and we are waiting, patiently for when you leftwing radical nutjobs start something we will be there shut you down with the 50 cent solution. Why else do you radical zelots always attack cities that have the strictest gun laws where you can burn buildings and assault women. Because you all are a bunch of chicken shit, pansy, cowards.

:lol: >>> Conservatives play by the law

:rolleyes: >>> "when you leftwing radical nutjobs start something we will be there shut you down with the 50 cent solution."

Absolute silliness by a pretend conservative who is nothing more than a wingnut Alt Righty. Andaronjim's types ran home and locked their doors during Detroit, Watts, Los Angeles, Ferguson, Baltimore, so forth and so on.

andaronjim, you fool no one except yourself.
The Alt Right neo-fascists will be far more likely to shoot officials they don't like.

As EVERY red blooded American should do to ANY politician who fails to uphold their oath of office.
Oh really? Seems that the Socialist liberals are always out their shooting politicians, once again, you fuckers on the left want to re-write history, and I wont let that happen. Dumbass liberals(redundant statement, I know)..
:lol: >>> Conservatives play by the law

:rolleyes: >>> "when you leftwing radical nutjobs start something we will be there shut you down with the 50 cent solution."

Absolute silliness by a pretend conservative who is nothing more than a wingnut Alt Righty. Andaronjim's types ran home and locked their doors during Detroit, Watts, Los Angeles, Ferguson, Baltimore, so forth and so on.

andaronjim, you fool no one except yourself.
Really Jake, who was it who burned down Ferguson when a criminal who assaulted a police officer was shot? Who burned down Baltimore when a known drug addict ended up dead because he resisted arrest? Who burned up UC Berkley and punched women, in protest of a guy who supports FREE SPEECH? Ah, yes, those wraskly liberals, but I don't worry about liberals in Virginia, because any one of them wants to start SHIT with me, I wont wait a second to respond to their violence, as the only way to deal with violence from the left is with greater violence.
Oh, I know my history, from Blair Mountain to Ludlow and a hundred smaller fights in between. And people like you, andaronjim, are always supporting the violence of the companies. The majority of serious violence in this nation has always come from the right.
The Alt Right neo-fascists will be far more likely to shoot officials they don't like.

As EVERY red blooded American should do to ANY politician who fails to uphold their oath of office.
Oh really? Seems that the Socialist liberals are always out their shooting politicians, once again, you fuckers on the left want to re-write history, and I wont let that happen. Dumbass liberals(redundant statement, I know)..
:rolleyes: You won't do anything.
:lol: >>> Conservatives play by the law

:rolleyes: >>> "when you leftwing radical nutjobs start something we will be there shut you down with the 50 cent solution."

Absolute silliness by a pretend conservative who is nothing more than a wingnut Alt Righty. Andaronjim's types ran home and locked their doors during Detroit, Watts, Los Angeles, Ferguson, Baltimore, so forth and so on.

andaronjim, you fool no one except yourself.
Really Jake, who was it who burned down Ferguson when a criminal who assaulted a police officer was shot? Who burned down Baltimore when a known drug addict ended up dead because he resisted arrest? Who burned up UC Berkley and punched women, in protest of a guy who supports FREE SPEECH? Ah, yes, those wraskly liberals, but I don't worry about liberals in Virginia, because any one of them wants to start SHIT with me, I wont wait a second to respond to their violence, as the only way to deal with violence from the left is with greater violence.
And your ilk ran home and hid. You are talk and full of balk.
Oh, I know my history, from Blair Mountain to Ludlow and a hundred smaller fights in between. And people like you, andaronjim, are always supporting the violence of the companies. The majority of serious violence in this nation has always come from the right.
Please if you wouldn't mind showing some links proving your point from lets say 30 years ago to today? Any link at all, showing the violence of the recent times, because anything over 30 years ago is long gone. Seems that since then, nothing but radical lefties are killing, burning, raping, and other dastardly crimes.
Oh, I know my history, from Blair Mountain to Ludlow and a hundred smaller fights in between. And people like you, andaronjim, are always supporting the violence of the companies. The majority of serious violence in this nation has always come from the right.
Please if you wouldn't mind showing some links proving your point from lets say 30 years ago to today? Any link at all, showing the violence of the recent times, because anything over 30 years ago is long gone. Seems that since then, nothing but radical lefties are killing, burning, raping, and other dastardly crimes.
When you prove that Democrats are brown shirts, someone may pay attention to your Jargon Matrix nonspeak. Good heavens, andaronjim, stay in reality.
:lol: >>> Conservatives play by the law

:rolleyes: >>> "when you leftwing radical nutjobs start something we will be there shut you down with the 50 cent solution."

Absolute silliness by a pretend conservative who is nothing more than a wingnut Alt Righty. Andaronjim's types ran home and locked their doors during Detroit, Watts, Los Angeles, Ferguson, Baltimore, so forth and so on.

andaronjim, you fool no one except yourself.
Really Jake, who was it who burned down Ferguson when a criminal who assaulted a police officer was shot? Who burned down Baltimore when a known drug addict ended up dead because he resisted arrest? Who burned up UC Berkley and punched women, in protest of a guy who supports FREE SPEECH? Ah, yes, those wraskly liberals, but I don't worry about liberals in Virginia, because any one of them wants to start SHIT with me, I wont wait a second to respond to their violence, as the only way to deal with violence from the left is with greater violence.
And your ilk ran home and hid. You are talk and full of balk.
I don't run home and hide, I walk around without a worry in the world. Just because you never come out of your parents basement, where you smoke dope all day, and eat hotpockets provided by welfare, you can sit cozy and tight, waiting for your marching orders. Once again, you Fake, I am not afraid of you, for I have a 50 cent solution for you ideologues.
Oh, I know my history, from Blair Mountain to Ludlow and a hundred smaller fights in between. And people like you, andaronjim, are always supporting the violence of the companies. The majority of serious violence in this nation has always come from the right.
Please if you wouldn't mind showing some links proving your point from lets say 30 years ago to today? Any link at all, showing the violence of the recent times, because anything over 30 years ago is long gone. Seems that since then, nothing but radical lefties are killing, burning, raping, and other dastardly crimes.
When you prove that Democrats are brown shirts, someone may pay attention to your Jargon Matrix nonspeak. Good heavens, andaronjim, stay in reality.
Are Democrats Socialists? Yes or No? Simple question, only needs a simple answer.
I don't run home and hide, I walk around without a worry in the world. Just because you never come out of your parents basement, where you smoke dope all day, and eat hotpockets provided by welfare, you can sit cozy and tight, waiting for your marching orders. Once again, you Fake, I am not afraid of you, for I have a 50 cent solution for you ideologues.
Yup, you are all blow and no go.
Are Democrats Socialists? Yes or No? Simple question, only needs a simple answer.
Do you understand definitions? I think not. Look up Nixon and price and wage controls. Come back and tell us to which party did he belong. Look up Eisenhower who defend Social Security from the far right. You are barely literate about our history.

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