How long should the so-called oath keepers have to go to jail for? what about the BLM rioters?

You’re the one saying what words mean.. not me

You said to fight means a literal call for violence.

Did you change your stance?
Lib Nancy’s feel the word fight means assault. Being non competitive participation trophy dweebs they dont have enough gumption nor brains for the Fact that the term means “pursue vigorously”
How does on call for violence against poverty, hunger? How would you carry it out? Hey man if you want to play the obtuse game with the various meaning of words, have fun.

What other word or words would you like to pivot on?
Fight has many definitions and apllications
Excluding all definitions is a Fail.
You made that up. I never defined fight until I posted the link.

Are you denying that MAGA Crowd chanted "Fight for Trump" several times and not once did the chant "But do it Peacefully"!
Fight can be used metaphorically and literally. You keep on cutting off half the definition just to attack your political opponent. It’s what hacks do.
Lib Nancy’s feel the word fight means assault. Being non competitive participation trophy dweebs they dont have enough gumption nor brains for the Fact that the term means “pursue vigorously”
Well, the word fight meant assault to a LOT of Trump supporters on Jan 6th.
View attachment 732717

Pictured Above is Jessica Watkins who is a so-called insurrectionist. So she is going to take our country over? So that’s it, those are the big bad wolf? We’re supposed to be scared of them? Come on now looks more like she and her cohorts had some mental issues. Appears that some of these “insurrectionists” couldn’t handle a job at McDonald’s let alone take over a country.

This can’t be reality right folks. I would hope that we could all see that the idea that these few dozen people had any sort of an ability to overturn the election is fraudulent. Bc in order to overtake a country one needs tanks and jets, A military. The idea that these “oath keepers “were somehow capable of overthrowing the election is absurd. They are about as much of a threat as the angry old white man who is still racist against blacks…

She faces a 20 year maximum prison sentence that she’s already been convicted guilty of the crime she was charged with. As far as I know she illegally walked into the Capitol building on Jan . I don’t think she attacked anyone. As a Catholic the punishment doesn’t fit the crime. Maybe she should get a few weeks in jail?

What about the BLM rioters burn down the Minnesota police station? That’s a government building it’s the same thing folks it is a official government building. And that was literally burn down. But guess what a January 6 the government building was not burned down. So what’s going on here this is clearly hypocrisy where are the trials for the BLM rioters?

The other end of it was considering some sort of a blanket immunity for BLM rioters and the January 6 rioters. Thinking of a way to bring the country together. Have Donald Trump and Joe Biden shake hands with each other. Seriously it’s about unity it’s about common sense the most violent offenders where the BLM rioters or January 6 rioters who are for example in fist fights with cops violently attacking people they should go to jail for more than a year but simply entering a government building illegally that does not warrant a 20 year prison sentence.
All persons using any form of hate or violence to attempt to get there own way deserve to be punished. Will it be even handed, that may be a better question.
All persons using any form of hate or violence to attempt to get there own way deserve to be punished. Will it be even handed, that may be a better question.

What country before ever existed a century and half without a rebellion? And what country can preserve it’s liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

Thomas Jefferson
Back in the old days, they didn't bother with jail sentences for was a firing squad.

I'm glad we have evolved away from that.
The British and Americans loyal to the King would be very proud of you. You're exactly of the same mind.
Well, the word fight meant assault to a LOT of Trump supporters on Jan 6th.
Likewise with BLM (actually tens to hundreds times more) yet I don’t hear the Democrats pushing for committees on that one, nor do I hear you much upset about it either.

petty politics.

And “a LOT” was a mere few hundred on J6, most of them randomly united via Facebook and there were even identified political opposition activists from the left riling things up..
View attachment 732717

Pictured Above is Jessica Watkins who is a so-called insurrectionist. So she is going to take our country over? So that’s it, those are the big bad wolf? We’re supposed to be scared of them? Come on now looks more like she and her cohorts had some mental issues. Appears that some of these “insurrectionists” couldn’t handle a job at McDonald’s let alone take over a country.

This can’t be reality right folks. I would hope that we could all see that the idea that these few dozen people had any sort of an ability to overturn the election is fraudulent. Bc in order to overtake a country one needs tanks and jets, A military. The idea that these “oath keepers “were somehow capable of overthrowing the election is absurd. They are about as much of a threat as the angry old white man who is still racist against blacks…

She faces a 20 year maximum prison sentence that she’s already been convicted guilty of the crime she was charged with. As far as I know she illegally walked into the Capitol building on Jan . I don’t think she attacked anyone. As a Catholic the punishment doesn’t fit the crime. Maybe she should get a few weeks in jail?

What about the BLM rioters burn down the Minnesota police station? That’s a government building it’s the same thing folks it is a official government building. And that was literally burn down. But guess what a January 6 the government building was not burned down. So what’s going on here this is clearly hypocrisy where are the trials for the BLM rioters?

The other end of it was considering some sort of a blanket immunity for BLM rioters and the January 6 rioters. Thinking of a way to bring the country together. Have Donald Trump and Joe Biden shake hands with each other. Seriously it’s about unity it’s about common sense the most violent offenders where the BLM rioters or January 6 rioters who are for example in fist fights with cops violently attacking people they should go to jail for more than a year but simply entering a government building illegally that does not warrant a 20 year prison sentence.
BLM rioters were protesting local police treatment of Blacks. The Oath Keepers attack on the Capitol was an attempt to overthrow a presidential election by force. It's an Apples and Oranges comparison.
BLM rioters were protesting local police treatment of Blacks. The Oath Keepers attack on the Capitol was an attempt to overthrow a presidential election by force. It's an Apples and Oranges comparison.
So if I show up at the White House with a super soaker water gun to take back the govt, are you calling that a legit attempt? LOL! These people weren’t even armed.. you continue to pretend and use vague, scripted language
BLM rioters were protesting local police treatment of Blacks. The Oath Keepers attack on the Capitol was an attempt to overthrow a presidential election by force. It's an Apples and Oranges comparison.
So suddenly after Trump leaves office the police all over the nation began treating Black criminals much better. That's simply amazing, huh. BLM has been pretty quiet the last two years.
So suddenly after Trump leaves office the police all over the nation began treating Black criminals much better. That's simply amazing, huh. BLM has been pretty quiet the last two years.

It has improved. There isn't a day that goes by that we don't see a report of officers getting fired or charged over things they would have been excused over earlier.
So suddenly after Trump leaves office the police all over the nation began treating Black criminals much better. That's simply amazing, huh. BLM has been pretty quiet the last two years.
A lot things were happening when Trump left, increasing Covid cases and deaths being one of them which affected just about every avenue of American life.
BLM rioters were protesting local police treatment of Blacks. The Oath Keepers attack on the Capitol was an attempt to overthrow a presidential election by force. It's an Apples and Oranges comparison.
Also one is a state jurisdiction, the other Federal. If you are whining about BLM, you should be directing that to your local and state government. Derp!
Lib loons keep trying to maintain that the FACT that this bunch could overthrow Nothing and install Nothing is meaningless. Well that FACT is vital to the prevailing feelings that since these protestors thought about things and took some actions that the USA was in peril. It’s another implausible hoax launched by lib loons.
What a hoot. You want to be in a place where nothing makes sense, Read this p[person.
1. “Please support our Capitol Police and Law Enforcement. They are truly on the side of our Country. Stay peaceful!”

2. “I am asking for everyone at the U.S. Capitol to remain peaceful. No violence! Remember, WE are the Party of Law & Order – respect the Law and our great men and women in Blue. Thank you!”

3. “you have to go home now. We have to have peace. We have to have law and order.”

- Donald trump on January 6th

- Joe Biden as thousands across country rioted for multiple days, causing destruction, death, arson, critically wounded cops.. to begin the George Floyd riots
What a hoot! He is trying to sell the fact that Scum Bag had nothing to do with what happened.

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