How long will it take the economy to recover from Democrat over reactions to the virus?

How long has the left doomed us for?

  • Within a year if Trump is reelected

  • Up to a decade

  • Within a year if Biden wins

  • This damage could become permanent

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1 to 2 months. Businesses will have to adapt to more online as a good chunk of people will continue to not go into stores for the foreseeable future. That's not a bad thing though.
I haate to keep telling youu clueless this. WE CAN AND NEVER WILL RETURN TO A NORMAL ECONOMY WE CAN'T!!!
" social distancing" should totally scare the hell out of you -------but since most can't comprehend what this " truly about". then go research " POST HUMAN" just that term alone------- then nlook at the demands of the NWO how gettingn rid of America nis the last frontier standing inn the NNWO's way.

You cann open today it wont matter NOBODY HAS HTE MONEY TO BUY A FKN THIRNG JACKASSES. IT WILL BE YEARS OF DIGGING OUT OF A HOLE there are NO same jobs left omfg..
Whats your best guess?
Months? Years? A decade? What if democrats win in November?
I don't think it matters who gets elected. If we ended it tomorrow, the damage is already done. We are in for a recession lasting a few years like before with Obama, assuming nothing else happens and we spend no more.

But I think this isn't the last of it. We aren't out of the woods. And I think government will spend like crazy. Many more businesses will close, many more people will be badly hurt, confidence will be destroyed, certain changes will never go away, and it'll be many years before we can hope to come back close to where we were 6 months ago. Prepare for shortages on EVERYTHING.
Whats your best guess?
Months? Years? A decade? What if democrats win in November?
I don't think it matters who gets elected. If we ended it tomorrow, the damage is already done. We are in for a recession lasting a few years like before with Obama, assuming nothing else happens and we spend no more.

But I think this isn't the last of it. We aren't out of the woods. And I think government will spend like crazy. Many more businesses will close, many more people will be badly hurt, confidence will be destroyed, certain changes will never go away, and it'll be many years before we can hope to come back close to where we were 6 months ago. Prepare for shortages on EVERYTHING.
I think the election matters very much. Can you imagine the state we would be in right now if DC was under the control of the left?
Massive boondoggle spending on socialist type shit. New decrees that would take forever to wind their way through the courts. New "czars" that have massive UNCHECKED input and control over our lives....etc

How long will it take the country to recover from Trump's under reaction to warnings about COVID?

Any guesses as to how many thousands of deaths he is responsible for?
Unfortunately, much depends on the results of the next election. Will Trump get a 2nd term? Will the GOP retain their majority in the Senate? Will the Dems keep their majority in the House? IMHO, if the Dems win one or more of these things then the recovery is going to take a heckuva lot longer. That's because I do not believe their economic policies work at all well; look at Obama's 8 years coming out of the 2008 recession, 1.6% economic growth doesn't cut it. I see no reason to believe it would be any better if they gain control this time around. They would socialize everything they can and a much as possible, and that kind of thinking will not lead to prosperity.

And I would add this: even if Trump is re-elected, it's going to take quite a while for the US economy to recover. That's because supply chains have been disrupted, and some destroyed. Prices are going to go up significantly over the next few years for basic stuff: food, clothing, etc. Too many businesses have closed, and too many employees out of work with no job to go back to when the pandemic subsides. Not saying we'll go back to the way things were in the 1930s, that was really bad. But I think it'll be years before we get back to the way it was in 2018, even 2019.

Toobfreak: "I don't think it matters who gets elected. If we ended it tomorrow, the damage is already done. "

Yeah, but the question is, going forward what is the best way to get back to more prosperity. I've heard what the Democrats want to do, and I truly believe that road leads to ruin. It won't be a piece cake no matter what we do, but I think we need to start climbing that mountain instead of making a bigger mountain.
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How long will it take the country to recover from Trump's under reaction to warnings about COVID?

Any guesses as to how many thousands of deaths he is responsible for?

As usual, you keep pretending that the more you repeat your bullshit, the more of a chance of it becoming true.
with rw's attempting to keep the virus alive as long as they can the time frame for recovery is unknown

A permanent lockdown without a vaccine would keep the virus circulating as a dangerous organism far longer than some type of attempt at herd immunity among those with the best chance of weathering an infection.

And which party is right now the party pushing longer and longer lockdowns?
Trump did it once he can do it again. I'm hoping that democrats never recover. They should never be forgiven for this. NEVER. Never win another election.
2nd President without 3% GDP growth. But he will set new records for GDP shrinkage as he spends his days trying to pass the buck and refusing to lead. But BeSt EcOnOmY eVaH!1!!11!

Thanks, Obama!

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