How long will it take the economy to recover from Democrat over reactions to the virus?

How long has the left doomed us for?

  • Within a year if Trump is reelected

  • Up to a decade

  • Within a year if Biden wins

  • This damage could become permanent

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Restaurant owners who are smart will be seeking out other businesses. People aren't going to flock to them.
How long will it take us to recover from the under reaction to the virus. how long will it take for us to realize that we should have been working together to beat the virus. how long will it take to realize that taking political sides in no way has assisted in destroying the virus.
Bill Gates cant even keep viruses out of computers.

what makes you think he can keep them out of humans?
yeah, we can't keep spending 4 or 6 trillion for every 80K or 100K deaths anyways

rip the band aid off already

95% with underlying conditions and 80% over 65

average age is 79

leas than 1% mortality rate, probably closer to half a percent

I like my chances and I crave liberty more than I fear death

on the OP question, less than a year with Trump
It happened on your blob’s watch. He’s responsible. When he leaves office we’ll see an improvement in everything except the moods of the blob supporters: you guys are chronically pissed off for some reason.
You liberals need to accept facts. This virus kills old people who already have one foot in the grave. It's time to move on and reopen the economy.
In part to save small businesses right?
The economy will be just fine even if half the people stay hunkered down. They should be encouraged to stay home as well.
when you start telling people what to do, its very hard to stop. that's the tragedy of fascism. in LA, they made a goofy preposterous list for what people can and cant do.
We're back to where we were..stagnated wages for the hardest working generation the nation has ever seen.
There are so many things Trump has done to attack the labor movement to undermine and betray workers

And since the coronavirus, he’s done nothing to help the essential workers

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