How long will it take the economy to recover from Democrat over reactions to the virus?

How long has the left doomed us for?

  • Within a year if Trump is reelected

  • Up to a decade

  • Within a year if Biden wins

  • This damage could become permanent

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Whats your best guess?
Months? Years? A decade? What if democrats win in November?
Probably longer than it took for the trump administration to get us into it by under-reacting to the threat and blowing it off or just being ineffective as they peddled the "no big deal" line. A lot of American's just don't get why our country had to end up with 5 times the number of cases and almost 3 times the number of dead, 1,705 dying yesterday. I get it, that is just old people dying, so it doesn't really matter to trumpers, as they think it is older American's duty to die for trump. Looks like Joe will still have a lot of recovery work to do over the years.
Whats your best guess?
Months? Years? A decade? What if democrats win in November?
Probably longer than it took for the trump administration to get us into it by under-reacting to the threat and blowing it off or just being ineffective as they peddled the "no big deal" line. A lot of American's just don't get why our country had to end up with 5 times the number of cases and almost 3 times the number of dead, 1,705 dying yesterday. I get it, that is just old people dying, so it doesn't really matter to trumpers, as they think it is older American's duty to die for trump. Looks like Joe will still have a lot of recovery work to do over the years.

Hysterically xenophobic was an under reaction....hmmmkay. What was sending infected elderly people back into their nursing homes?
Whats your best guess?
Months? Years? A decade? What if democrats win in November?
I don't think it matters who gets elected. If we ended it tomorrow, the damage is already done. We are in for a recession lasting a few years like before with Obama, assuming nothing else happens and we spend no more.

But I think this isn't the last of it. We aren't out of the woods. And I think government will spend like crazy. Many more businesses will close, many more people will be badly hurt, confidence will be destroyed, certain changes will never go away, and it'll be many years before we can hope to come back close to where we were 6 months ago. Prepare for shortages on EVERYTHING.
I think the election matters very much. Can you imagine the state we would be in right now if DC was under the control of the left?
Massive boondoggle spending on socialist type shit. New decrees that would take forever to wind their way through the courts. New "czars" that have massive UNCHECKED input and control over our lives....etc

Yeah, maybe. DC is already in control of the Left. All Trump can do is veto bills and try to keep his foot on the brake. But he feels political pressure too, right now to get reelected, and so he might let some things pass for the optics. We'll see. I think the lion's share of the damage will be from the shutdown, much of it already done. And I'm not so sure how much more will be left to do that Biden can do next January.
IF Trump is reelected and the GOP controls Congress, the economy will recover by next summer. If not, we will be consigned to a decade of stagnation.
Ah so when Biden wins that will be the tactic. Trump alone could have fixed it!

Fuck you people
with rw's attempting to keep the virus alive as long as they can the time frame for recovery is unknown

A permanent lockdown without a vaccine would keep the virus circulating as a dangerous organism far longer than some type of attempt at herd immunity among those with the best chance of weathering an infection.

And which party is right now the party pushing longer and longer lockdowns?

Whats your best guess?
Months? Years? A decade? What if democrats win in November?
Probably longer than it took for the trump administration to get us into it by under-reacting to the threat and blowing it off or just being ineffective as they peddled the "no big deal" line. A lot of American's just don't get why our country had to end up with 5 times the number of cases and almost 3 times the number of dead, 1,705 dying yesterday. I get it, that is just old people dying, so it doesn't really matter to trumpers, as they think it is older American's duty to die for trump. Looks like Joe will still have a lot of recovery work to do over the years.

Hysterically xenophobic was an under reaction....hmmmkay. What was sending infected elderly people back into their nursing homes?
Cuomo sucked on that crap. Talk is cheap, eh?
Whats your best guess?
Months? Years? A decade? What if democrats win in November?
Probably longer than it took for the trump administration to get us into it by under-reacting to the threat and blowing it off or just being ineffective as they peddled the "no big deal" line. A lot of American's just don't get why our country had to end up with 5 times the number of cases and almost 3 times the number of dead, 1,705 dying yesterday. I get it, that is just old people dying, so it doesn't really matter to trumpers, as they think it is older American's duty to die for trump. Looks like Joe will still have a lot of recovery work to do over the years.

Hysterically xenophobic was an under reaction....hmmmkay. What was sending infected elderly people back into their nursing homes?
Cuomo sucked on that crap. Talk is cheap, eh?

Trump was cancelling flights from China, democrats were ordering souvenir impeachment pens

talk is very cheap
with rw's attempting to keep the virus alive as long as they can the time frame for recovery is unknown

A permanent lockdown without a vaccine would keep the virus circulating as a dangerous organism far longer than some type of attempt at herd immunity among those with the best chance of weathering an infection.

And which party is right now the party pushing longer and longer lockdowns?


What a bullshit response. Try actually responding next time, fuck-face.
Now that the experts are advising against sex will democrats want the police kicking in doors to stop people from having illicit sex.
Whats your best guess?
Months? Years? A decade? What if democrats win in November?
Probably longer than it took for the trump administration to get us into it by under-reacting to the threat and blowing it off or just being ineffective as they peddled the "no big deal" line. A lot of American's just don't get why our country had to end up with 5 times the number of cases and almost 3 times the number of dead, 1,705 dying yesterday. I get it, that is just old people dying, so it doesn't really matter to trumpers, as they think it is older American's duty to die for trump. Looks like Joe will still have a lot of recovery work to do over the years.

Hysterically xenophobic was an under reaction....hmmmkay. What was sending infected elderly people back into their nursing homes?
Cuomo sucked on that crap. Talk is cheap, eh?

Trump was cancelling flights from China, democrats were ordering souvenir impeachment pens

talk is very cheap
Trump was warning against the virus, Nancy Pelosi was tearing up his state of the union speech.
It happened on your blob’s watch. He’s responsible. When he leaves office we’ll see an improvement in everything except the moods of the blob supporters: you guys are chronically pissed off for some reason.
You liberals need to accept facts. This virus kills old people who already have one foot in the grave. It's time to move on and reopen the economy.
There is no doubt that should democrats win in November they will magically stop complaining. It will be a miracle how fast things will be said to get better. Then the tyranny will really start. All for our own good.
Whats your best guess?
Months? Years? A decade? What if democrats win in November?
it was Trump who called for the shutdown.
Based on terribly false predictions and the narrative that followed suit. It is now the left keeping shit locked tighter than a frogs ass.
uh huh. Trump's shutdown did not slow the spread. I take it that's your final answer any you don't want a fact checking life line. LOL
If it wouldn't devastate so many Americans it would almost be worth it to see had badly a Biden led government would FUBAR this recovery!
One-Quarter of American Restaurants Won’t Reopen, OpenTable Says

One in every four U.S. restaurants will go out of business due to the coronavirus quarantines that have battered the food-service industry, according to a forecast by OpenTable.

The bleak projection underscores the widespread pain for American restaurants as lockdowns have forced people to cook at home or order takeout rather than eat out. Total reservations and walk-in customers from OpenTable’s network were down 95% on May 13 from the same day a year ago, according to data from the service, which is owned by Booking Holdings Inc.

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