How many here support sharia law?

sharia law is strict. It means women must be totally submissive. It means that men can beat and rape the women. Women have zero rights under sharia law. Being gay is punishable by death, as is blasphemy.

There are some protests across the country by people against sharia law. Groups of counter-protesters are shouting, attacking and throwing urine on the protesters, claiming that they are Islamophobic for speaking out against sharia law.

How many here think it should be okay to allow a form of government that denies women, children and gays any rights?
I've done extensive research on Sharia as well and what you say is only the tip of the iceberg. It truly does advocate very inhumane treatment of women, gays, children, and basically everyone who refuses to change to Islam. Pedophilia is endorsed allowing one man to wed four girl children at birth and consummate the marriage at the age of NINE. At any time men can claim a wife has been unfaithful and murder her or have her stoned in the street without needing a shred of proof to substantiate his claim.

Following this post I've added a very informative link that I advise everyone to read. After scrolling down and reading their laws, go to almost the bottom of the page to where the underlined words are located that say "Spread of Islam" to read about the FIVE phases of Islam. After that locate "Islamization of America" and read that as well.

At any rate, Muslims aided by progressive liberals are attacking those who see through what they're doing who are trying to stop them from overtaking our societies.

Because Sharia Law allows them to have four very young wives who can breed for a much longer time, their population numbers skyrocket and grow much faster than other societies.

There are Youtube videos showing them threatening people on the streets throughout Europe who try to tape their recruitment measures at stands. And as usual anyone who opposes their religion is shamed and called an "Islamophobe."

SPREAD OF ISLAM — History, Phases And The Current Status

I had to do a report on Sharia Law for my masters in Police Science, You hit the nail on the head. Libtard's are simply being 'useful idiots' as Hitler called them. They don't understand they are being lied to, to further the Islamization of the US. IN the end they will be the first killed, once they are no longer deemed useful.

Its the goal of total populace control through centralized government that liberals cling to. They simply fail to take into account the whole scope of the matter and look at how they treat their own let alone how they treat infidels.. Only idiots fail to look ahead by seeing what they have left behind.
christians, jews and muslims are peas in the same pod.


Christians and Jews do not force their beliefs on others or kill them. The Crusades were a response to Muslim aggression and the people in control decided to fight fire with fire.. Only when Muslims were faced with the same potential for extinction they were professing, did they return to their homes and stop with the aggression.
I don't think very many people really know what "sharia" is.

Those of us who do support it for Muslims, but not for anyone else.

If you decide to follow that path, have at it. Don't expect the rest of us to fold.

Thing is, if you are born into a Muslim family then you have no choice. You are automatically at the mercy of an oppressive government religion where you have no rights and must obey or face dire consequences. If people, as adults, chose that life then they are free to do so. I think it's different when they are forced into a submissive lifestyle as children.
If they can throw urine on anti-sharia protesters, then those so assaulted can surely throw pigs' blood on the counter-protestors. Works for me...

Love how the sharia supporting protesters were shouting peace and acceptance while attacking and throwing urine on those they disagreed with. The violent riots have become the new way for leftists to exercise their freedom of speech. Somehow, they think they can't speak unless they forcefully silent others first.
I don't think very many people really know what "sharia" is.

A generic working definition is law based on religion and many here do believe in it and want it made the law of the land.

Read any of the threads about marriage equality, women's reproductive rights, birth control and watch the Kim Davis Fan Club come out from under their rocks.

Thing is, trump has no more respect or love for the US Constitution than they do. That's why they voted for him"
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And if was the law of the land your head would no longer be as hat rack!

I personally voted for Trump to take our nation back from the progressives on the left who have been trying to give it all away for the last eight years. Apparently Obama and his despicable minions won't be happy until jihad is happening across this nation and people's bloody severed heads are lining our roads and highways. Evidence of that is the fact he keeps bringing Muslim migrants in by the droves every day with no end in sight. Can anyone explain to me how although he's no longer in office and his term has ended, the laws he set before leaving office which his lower court judges are still able to uphold continue to over rule Trump? How in the hell is that happening? One thing's for sure it certainly ties in with all the corrupt drama we've been witnessing on the news involving Comey's BS.

And can someone also tell me why with so much evidence of criminality against almost ALL on the left, the GOP can't/WON'T bring charges or investigate them? Unlike in Trump's case where there is no evidence, there is tons on the liberals and yet no one is doing anything about it. Oh sure the GOP will call for hearings as they always do to appease the American people but in the end after grilling them for hours with all cameras rolling and everyone on the edge of their seats, they'll call it a nothing burger and let them walk. So again I ask, what the hell is going on? Have our leaders sold us out to the Middle East already and just forgot to mention that to us? Is that what this is about?

At any rate there really is no hope at this point for those who can't see by now that liberalism is a cancer that's devouring our country changing it into some kind of devilish hell that our children and all generations going forward will suffer severely in. I suggest everyone stop having children altogether unless we can get this country back on track. I mean we have got to get the people of this nation to come together in the common goal of electing better leaders in office that will fight for America. Not the shit that's in there now that are either the problem or they're aiding those that are the problem. We need strong leaders in office who are not afraid to step up and do their jobs.

That said I think Trump could do that but he needs some help for Pete's sake. Jeff Sessions is fine but Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell, John McCain, Jared Kushner if he is pushing liberal agenda as some contend, and all the other wimps who don't want to bring those liberal a-holes to justice which includes the deep state, they all need to go.

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I don't think very many people really know what "sharia" is.

Those of us who do support it for Muslims, but not for anyone else.

If you decide to follow that path, have at it. Don't expect the rest of us to fold.

Thing is, if you are born into a Muslim family then you have no choice. You are automatically at the mercy of an oppressive government religion where you have no rights and must obey or face dire consequences. If people, as adults, chose that life then they are free to do so. I think it's different when they are forced into a submissive lifestyle as children.

Yes. As I said, "If you decide to follow that path ..."

If it's physically coercive on adults, I'd outlaw it.

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