How many House Seats are Really in Contention?

Tell you what, if:

Trump negotiates a deal with Canada and Mexico that is better than what we got now, AND

Trump negotiates a deal with China that is better than what we got now, AND

the 2nd qtr GDP numbers come in above 4% as many expect, AND

the Jobs numbers and other economic news continues to look good, THEN

the Democrats are fucked in November.

I suppose that out of the blue Mueller could find a bombshell that ties Trump to some serious criminal activity that no one up to now knows anything about, then that could make a difference, you Lefties can pin your hopes on that. But I wouldn't put any money on that.
Don't over estimate the zombie left.............They have been trying to bring them to a boil...............

What will be their OCTOBER SURPRISE..................Will Mueller release a GRAND MOMENT OF HISTORY........LOL

They will be slinging shit late October......whether real or imaginary.
My guess would be somewhere around 40 and declining. The bigger question is will the loss of captive money and "Volunteers" from PSU keep D turnout down? I'm calling the next house as 228D 225R and the Senate seeing something around 60 R-40 D due to mediocre fund raising, poor GOTV and too many incumbent seats to defend v. the Rs.

It is hardly declining. Connor Lamb's victory in a district that went 20 points for Trump shows any seat with a suburban component is in potential danger. The fact is that Democrats seem to be more fired up about turning out and especially women. The Democrat win in the Alabama Senate race was a turnout win.

The Senate race will likely see one party pick up at most a few seats. There are 3 Democrat seats and 3 Republican seats that are in the most danger of switching.
Democrats rely on the votes of women and expect them every election. When women turned out big for Bush it was shrugged off as married women.

When women turned out for Trump, Hillary said they were controlled by brothers, husbands and sons. The truth is women are not a reliable democrat vote.
My guess would be somewhere around 40 and declining. The bigger question is will the loss of captive money and "Volunteers" from PSU keep D turnout down? I'm calling the next house as 228D 225R and the Senate seeing something around 60 R-40 D due to mediocre fund raising, poor GOTV and too many incumbent seats to defend v. the Rs.

It is hardly declining. Connor Lamb's victory in a district that went 20 points for Trump shows any seat with a suburban component is in potential danger. The fact is that Democrats seem to be more fired up about turning out and especially women. The Democrat win in the Alabama Senate race was a turnout win.

The Senate race will likely see one party pick up at most a few seats. There are 3 Democrat seats and 3 Republican seats that are in the most danger of switching.
The Alabama vote was against the Bible Judge and the Demorat was the only option. Just the facts in that case.
Time will tell, but I think the Blue Wave will shrink to a ripple. Even if all their nut cases show up to vote, they are already concentrated in Democrat districts. Red blooded Americans understand what is at stake if the crazies get back in power.
The problem is that some Democrats will vote just to put the fear into the party and shock them into the real world again.
In the end does it really matter? Republicans take both house and senate nothing still gets done, Dems take one or other and they won't work with Trump and nothing still gets done. It just doesn't matter.

If Republicans pick up more more senate seats they will get a lot more done. Especially if Jim Jordan is our next speaker.

And contrary to popular belief this house has accomplished a lot. Just not all of what they want
Gym Jordan should be charged as a mandatory reporter for NOT doing what he is required by law to do.Mandatory reporting in the United States - Wikipedia

You don't have a requirement to report what you don't know. In fact, it's impossible to

Funny how these scandals always seem to be completely missed by political opponents for decades until Trump took office. And then Suddenly they just happen to appear since right before important elections.

AmazIng isn't it? I mean people start talking about Jim for Speaker and some identifiable scandal pops up.

It's almost like you guys are just making crap up hoping it will stick.
2018 House Election Interactive Map

This site saying 29 toss ups............GOP has 8 lead on fairly 29 to 30 or so would have to mostly shift to the Dems.......

Of course that is why they are trying to stir up the base to a frenzy to get them to vote's gonna be about turn out again.......which is usually low midterms and historically goes against incumbent Presidents.............we will see if the people respect the actions of the left............time will tell.
Looking at that map the Rs will need 11 of the 29 toss-ups and the Ds will need 19 of the toss ups to win the house. That will mean that bribes to flips will work better for the GOP than the Ds no matter who wins. I sure hope the Ds win the house because they will have next to no leverage.
In the end does it really matter? Republicans take both house and senate nothing still gets done, Dems take one or other and they won't work with Trump and nothing still gets done. It just doesn't matter.

If Republicans pick up more more senate seats they will get a lot more done. Especially if Jim Jordan is our next speaker.

And contrary to popular belief this house has accomplished a lot. Just not all of what they want
Gym Jordan should be charged as a mandatory reporter for NOT doing what he is required by law to do.Mandatory reporting in the United States - Wikipedia

You don't have a requirement to report what you don't know. In fact, it's impossible to

Funny how these scandals always seem to be completely missed by political opponents for decades until Trump took office. And then Suddenly they just happen to appear since right before important elections.

AmazIng isn't it? I mean people start talking about Jim for Speaker and some identifiable scandal pops up.

It's almost like you guys are just making crap up hoping it will stick.
More like paying other people to make things up.
61 Seats the GOP Must Hold to Maintain a Majority in the House of Representatives

Here is the math:

Republicans currently have 154 safe seats. Adding 61 holds and 3 flips from the Democrats to those safe seats will result in 218 Republican seats in the 116th Congress.

The Democrats currently have 181 safe seats. Adding 11 holds and 25 flips from Republicans to those safe seats will result in 217 Democrat seats in the 116th Congress.

The article then goes on with a lengthy district-by-district assessment. There’s one thing the article fails to consider – the current attempt by leftist Dims to destroy themselves and their party – and the possibility that President Trump is going to force usually self-destructive GOPers to actually get out and campaign.

Everything @ 61 Seats the GOP Must Hold to Maintain a Majority in the House of Representatives
Moochelle is on a campaign to register more Dims, bragging about her success.

The problem is simple. Signing a slip of paper is far easier than actually taking the time and effort to go to a poling place and vote.
Time will tell, but I think the Blue Wave will shrink to a ripple. Even if all their nut cases show up to vote, they are already concentrated in Democrat districts.
With the EU agreeing to buy meat and soybeans from the US the biggest problem is whether the third world will crash.
The 'Third World' is no longer China and India.
Who gives a shit about the real Third world? The only way they can afford to buy from 'Advanced' countries is to borrow the money from the Advanced countries..........which obviously they have zero intention/ability to ever paying back.
"Gee your new car looks great! You must really be getting ahead! Any idea when you're going to repay your grandma back the money you borrowed to buy the car?".
In the end does it really matter? Republicans take both house and senate nothing still gets done, Dems take one or other and they won't work with Trump and nothing still gets done. It just doesn't matter.

If Republicans pick up more more senate seats they will get a lot more done. Especially if Jim Jordan is our next speaker.

And contrary to popular belief this house has accomplished a lot. Just not all of what they want
CNN/MSNBC are already in full attack mode against Jordan. EVERY mention of him now is prefaced by insinuations that Jordan is a pedophile.
Time will tell, but I think the Blue Wave will shrink to a ripple. Even if all their nut cases show up to vote, they are already concentrated in Democrat districts.
With the EU agreeing to buy meat and soybeans from the US the biggest problem is whether the third world will crash.

Let actually inform you...

EU not buying meat... US fills it full of cancer shit...

Soybeans, yep Europe agreed to buy... Actually they agreed to not tarriff... EU doesn't buy shit... Anyway Europe doesn't use jackshit Soybeans...
Soybean Oil Domestic Consumption by Country in 1000 MT - Country Rankings
China comsumes 8 times, US comsumes 4 time, Argentina consumes more than the whole of EU....

Fucking idiot Trump knows jackshit..... EU agreed to buy Gas... That deal there since Obama...

€338m Cork deal to import Texas gas

EU won that one...
Time will tell, but I think the Blue Wave will shrink to a ripple. Even if all their nut cases show up to vote, they are already concentrated in Democrat districts.
With the EU agreeing to buy meat and soybeans from the US the biggest problem is whether the third world will crash.

Let actually inform you...

EU not buying meat... US fills it full of cancer shit...

Soybeans, yep Europe agreed to buy... Actually they agreed to not tarriff... EU doesn't buy shit... Anyway Europe doesn't use jackshit Soybeans...
Soybean Oil Domestic Consumption by Country in 1000 MT - Country Rankings
China comsumes 8 times, US comsumes 4 time, Argentina consumes more than the whole of EU....

Fucking idiot Trump knows jackshit..... EU agreed to buy Gas... That deal there since Obama...

€338m Cork deal to import Texas gas

EU won that one...
Obama explains to the RW war mongers how to be successful President.

He absolutely rips he whole question up.. Well Done.


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