How Many More Palestinians Will Hamas Let Die & Be Homeless?

Israel asks for a release of all hostages & Hamas refuses & continues to fire rockets into Israel & let thousands more Palestinians to die including innocents.
Hamas will be Crushed within 3 Weeks ( unless Xiden forces the IDF to Stand Down )
Palestinians support Hamas because Hamas calls for genocide against Jews and that is what the Palestinians have been trying to do for over a hundred years.
Problem is not all Palestinians support Hamas. And they too shall die by the thousands due to their leadership unless Hamas releases all hostages.
Problem is not all Palestinians support Hamas. And they too shall die by the thousands due to their leadership unless Hamas releases all hostages.
They ( Civilians ) are exiting the War Zone by the Thousands , and it seems the IDF can crush HAMAS within 10 days at this rate .
They ( Civilians ) are exiting the War Zone by the Thousands , and it seems the IDF can crush HAMAS within 10 days at this rate .
My biggest regret is that Hamas is still holding the hostages & thouisands more Palestinians including innocents will die because of it.
When Hamas is defeated, another Palestinian terrorist organization will take its place thus insuring that there will be no end to the Israel/Palestinian conflict & hence never will Palestine be free.
When Hamas is defeated, another Palestinian terrorist organization will take its place thus insuring that there will be no end to the Israel/Palestinian conflict & hence never will Palestine be free.
We already know from long experience that the so called Palestinians are not interested in a state in the territories alone, but when they say, Free Palestine, they mean free of the Jews, so there will never be peace until the Palestinians give up that ambition, and the first step in that direction is to terminate UNRWA and its hereditary refugee status that endorses and perpetuates the conflict generation after generation. Supply charity to them as needed but detach it from the political situation.
Select excerpts;

Hamas vs. Gazans​

by Daniel Pipes
The Washington Times
November 8, 2023

The king's response typifies dictators throughout history, who see troops as expendable. The lives of human drones matter little; more can always be conscripted. Russia's use of Wagner Group prison recruits in the Battle of Bakhmut typified this casual use of cheap manpower. It hardly mattered to Russian dictator Vladimir Putin how many of his cannon fodder perished so long as the front line moved forward. Battlefield gains justify any loss of life.

Then there is Hamas, the jihadi organization that has ruled Gaza since 2007 and which became the focus of global attention after massacring about 1,400 Israelis on Oct. 7. For 15 years, it has implemented an opposite and historically unique purpose in tormenting its subject population. Rather than sacrifice soldiers for battlefield gains, it sacrifices civilians for public relations purposes.

The more misery endured by the Palestinians in Gaza, the more convincingly Hamas can accuse Israel of aggression and the wider and more vehement the support it wins from antisemites of all persuasions — Islamists, Palestinian nationalists, far-leftists and far-rightists.

Hamas actively wants Gaza residents to be bombed, hungry, suffering, homeless, injured and killed. It bases troops and missiles in mosques, churches, schools, hospitals and homes. An Emirati political figure, Dirar Belhoul al-Falasi, explains that "Hamas fired a rocket from the hospital's roof, so that Israel would bomb this hospital." It calls on Gaza residents to serve as shields. It parks vehicles on the roads to block civilians from moving southward, out of harm's way. It even shoots these fleeing civilians.

The U.S. government has long noted this pattern of behavior. In 2014, the diplomat Dennis Ross commented that the people of Gaza paid a "staggering" price for Hamas' aggression, but its leaders "have never been concerned about that. For them, Palestinians' pain and suffering are tools to exploit, not conditions to end."

Douglas Feith, a former high-ranking Pentagon official, correctly finds it "unprecedented for a party to adopt a war strategy to maximize civilian deaths on its own side." He dubs this "not a human shield strategy [but] a human sacrifice strategy."

Of course, Hamas digs into its Islamist ideology to justify this practice. One official blithely explains that Palestinians "sacrifice ourselves. We consider our dead to be martyrs. The thing any Palestinian desires the most is to be martyred for the sake of Allah, defending his land."

Mosab Hassan Yousef, son of a founding Hamas leader, puts it another way: "I was born at the heart of Hamas leadership ... and I know them very well. They don't care for the Palestinian people. They do not regard the human life. I saw their brutality firsthand."
Hamas' brutal logic brings multiple benefits.

First, it provides Hamas tactically because it renders Israel, which tries to avoid harming civilians, not attacking mosques and schools. Second, if Israel does hit such vulnerable targets, Hamas crows about the victims. Third, should Hamas misfire, as in the Ahli Hospital incident, and kill Palestinians, it can blame Israel, convincing many. Fourth, campuses and streets worldwide erupt with anti-Israel demonstrations.

Fifth, Hamas chieftains enjoy the good life, whether in Turkey, Qatar or Gaza itself, where only its members have access to vast reserves of fuel, food, water and medicine. They even steal fuel from hospitals. The Majalla, a Saudi weekly magazine, found that control over Gaza's smuggling routes made 1,700 Hamas officials millionaires. Moshe Elad of Western Galilee Academic College estimates that Musa Abu Marzook, Khaled Mashaal and Ismail Haniyeh are all multibillionaires.

This inversion of logic and morality raises two questions: Why does it work? Can Israel find an antidote?

Note the several other article links to right side of the above with other related articles.
Select excerpts;

Hamas vs. Gazans​

by Daniel Pipes
The Washington Times
November 8, 2023

The king's response typifies dictators throughout history, who see troops as expendable. The lives of human drones matter little; more can always be conscripted. Russia's use of Wagner Group prison recruits in the Battle of Bakhmut typified this casual use of cheap manpower. It hardly mattered to Russian dictator Vladimir Putin how many of his cannon fodder perished so long as the front line moved forward. Battlefield gains justify any loss of life.

Then there is Hamas, the jihadi organization that has ruled Gaza since 2007 and which became the focus of global attention after massacring about 1,400 Israelis on Oct. 7. For 15 years, it has implemented an opposite and historically unique purpose in tormenting its subject population. Rather than sacrifice soldiers for battlefield gains, it sacrifices civilians for public relations purposes.

The more misery endured by the Palestinians in Gaza, the more convincingly Hamas can accuse Israel of aggression and the wider and more vehement the support it wins from antisemites of all persuasions — Islamists, Palestinian nationalists, far-leftists and far-rightists.

Hamas actively wants Gaza residents to be bombed, hungry, suffering, homeless, injured and killed. It bases troops and missiles in mosques, churches, schools, hospitals and homes. An Emirati political figure, Dirar Belhoul al-Falasi, explains that "Hamas fired a rocket from the hospital's roof, so that Israel would bomb this hospital." It calls on Gaza residents to serve as shields. It parks vehicles on the roads to block civilians from moving southward, out of harm's way. It even shoots these fleeing civilians.

The U.S. government has long noted this pattern of behavior. In 2014, the diplomat Dennis Ross commented that the people of Gaza paid a "staggering" price for Hamas' aggression, but its leaders "have never been concerned about that. For them, Palestinians' pain and suffering are tools to exploit, not conditions to end."

Douglas Feith, a former high-ranking Pentagon official, correctly finds it "unprecedented for a party to adopt a war strategy to maximize civilian deaths on its own side." He dubs this "not a human shield strategy [but] a human sacrifice strategy."

Of course, Hamas digs into its Islamist ideology to justify this practice. One official blithely explains that Palestinians "sacrifice ourselves. We consider our dead to be martyrs. The thing any Palestinian desires the most is to be martyred for the sake of Allah, defending his land."

Mosab Hassan Yousef, son of a founding Hamas leader, puts it another way: "I was born at the heart of Hamas leadership ... and I know them very well. They don't care for the Palestinian people. They do not regard the human life. I saw their brutality firsthand."
Hamas' brutal logic brings multiple benefits.

First, it provides Hamas tactically because it renders Israel, which tries to avoid harming civilians, not attacking mosques and schools. Second, if Israel does hit such vulnerable targets, Hamas crows about the victims. Third, should Hamas misfire, as in the Ahli Hospital incident, and kill Palestinians, it can blame Israel, convincing many. Fourth, campuses and streets worldwide erupt with anti-Israel demonstrations.

Fifth, Hamas chieftains enjoy the good life, whether in Turkey, Qatar or Gaza itself, where only its members have access to vast reserves of fuel, food, water and medicine. They even steal fuel from hospitals. The Majalla, a Saudi weekly magazine, found that control over Gaza's smuggling routes made 1,700 Hamas officials millionaires. Moshe Elad of Western Galilee Academic College estimates that Musa Abu Marzook, Khaled Mashaal and Ismail Haniyeh are all multibillionaires.

This inversion of logic and morality raises two questions: Why does it work? Can Israel find an antidote?

Note the several other article links to right side of the above with other related articles.
Outstanding commentary. Yes, Hamas wants Palestinians to die so they can blame Israel.
The longer this goes on with Hamas holding the hostages & still far more Palestinians dying each day, Hamas sees this as a victory.
The answer really relies Not on one hard core choice from some crazy political suggestion
that only one group of people has all the answers.
That is not the answer to anything.
Is there really any winner when this conflict is over? Even if Israel does end Hamas as a terrorist organization the Palestinians will just start another one.
The longer this goes on with Hamas holding the hostages & still far more Palestinians dying each day, Hamas sees this as a victory.
When it’s all over and there are less than 100 Hamas Fighters ( and several Hundred Wannabes ) the IDF can sweep out the remnants at their leisure and annex 1/3 of Gaza back as a buffer Zone

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