How many of repubs want eric holder to run for potus?


Just what we need, another race baiting corrupt jackwad. Eight years of Obama was enough
Holder would be so easy to beat. So easy. Easy. Toddster could beat him.
I want him to run for president of his cellblock.

you should probably worry about this treasonous criminal administration.

but why would you care about those things if it's an R

oshitass is not in office, I know you wish he was still there since you were complicit in his crimes.Trump has not commited ANY crimes, and has not done ANYTHING wrong at all. Your lies have been flushed but just keep on using the same lie over and over while you look in the mirror. HAHAHAHA

Holder would have more baggage and right off the bat he would have to push back his part in the gruesome murder of seventy women and children. A border patrol agent, and a lot of people killed in Mexico by the drug cartels. Go ahead and run the scum assed murdering son of a mangy dog.
Eric Holder should be in jail today. Much like Hillary, were it not for Obama protecting his ass from prosecution for Felony Perjury, he would be.
Like about all of us.
It's would be like reagan against mondale
Is he running or something?

He made a speech somewhere and hinted at it saying "I'm going to be back in politics" or something of that nature.

That's not the most idiotic part. The most idiotic part is that stupid Democrat voters just may nominate him if he did run. Democrat voters are really slow learners.........

Here in Cleveland the entire government is Democrat. Cleveland is short on police, and a new report today states they are very understaffed in detectives; they only have two for the entire city.

Anyway, the city Council voted to spend 2.5 million on a dirt bike path. The reason? Mayor Jackson's grandson got busted a couple of times riding his dirt bike on the street. Two weeks ago, he got busted for illegally carrying a concealed weapon. He also had pot and a scale with him.

Mayor Jackson is running for reelection again, and the stupid Democrat voters will vote him in again. The police are going to lose 160 police officers because of retirement. They are only replacing 60 of them.
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A Republican Dream.

Eric Holder and "The Bern" doing battle for the Democratic Nomination.

Could they possibly be that stupid?
I want him to run for president of his cellblock.

you should probably worry about this treasonous criminal administration.

but why would you care about those things if it's an R

But jillian, the only PROVEABLE criminal activity that we have seen was the shrilary's. Well, obummer did an awful lot of criminal activity too, and so did holder et al. Face it jillian, the obummer Admin is one of the most corrupt this country has ever witnessed.

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