How many of you are armed well enough to fight a war?

While working as an Engineer with an aerospace company I had Top Secret and Q Clearances. The government knew exactly who I was and the fact I had firearms. That never stopped them from issuing or renewing my clearances.

Of course that was back when the US was free so no telling now.
I'm former SAC....Draw your own conclusions.
You fuckers start shooting people with your popguns and you'll see the result.

I'd advise against it
They aren't popguns and there are at least 80 million of us and the military is sworn to uphold the Constitution so they will be on OUR side, so you stupid-assed libtard dumb fucks will see the result (if the fraudulent 2020 election isn't overturned by the military). If you think you are going to overthrow this country with your socialist / communist / Marxist bullshit you have another think coming. If you think that you are, a civil war is a drop-dead CERTAINTY and you will reap hell on earth (that is if the military doesn't hand you your collective asses on a plate first).

It has been said that about 70% of the dumb shits who ran out and got their jabs will be dead within 3 years. I think it's a safe bet that the majority of those are dumb-assed libtards. When all of you finally realize that you have been lied to and that Biden and your "saviors" have been busy orchestrating mass genocide on YOU, unless you are terminally STUPID you will be on OUR side.

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How many of you are armed well enough to fight a war? I have multiple handguns and rifles and a tactical 12 gauge and 20,000 round of ammo including 5,000 rounds of 22LR sitting on my shelves.
I have a big stick with a nail in it

Nobody fuks with me
Yeah, like they’re going to take out a squad of experts with their little pop guns.

The heart of the American military are Patriotic mostly White troops.

If we ever had a serious rebellion many of these troops would side with their fellow American Patriots.

The government would be left with the Negro cooks, Queers, Transsexuals and affirmative action Dyke women.
Orange Cloudcuckooland..... :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
You're a loser, honey..
While working as an Engineer with an aerospace company I had Top Secret and Q Clearances.
That's like Secret Service with Air Force One etc. And then you've got the whole "QAnon" controversy. There's a Deep Throat somewhere in all that.
The government knew exactly who I was and the fact I had firearms. That never stopped them from issuing or renewing my clearances.

Of course that was back when the US was free so no telling now.
Then you have to turn in your firearms as soon as you retire. You can't really say the U.S. has ever been free since they started registering the firearms in the first place.
Right out of the INCEL playbook.
Yeah. Just cut the guy's hair, put out his eyes, and lock him up in a prison cell. Just like Samson and Delilah in the Bible. And that's how those women get their kicks.
Yeah, like they’re going to take out a squad of experts with their little pop guns.

Libtards who are anti-gun and who don't even know which end the bullet comes out of are experts? GIVE ME A BREAK. And if you are talking about military experts, they will be on OUR side because they have all sworn an oath to PROTECT THE CONSTITUTION, not to support some ass hole who won a completely fraudulent, rigged election with proven foreign intervention along with domestic traitors.
How many of you are armed well enough to fight a war? I have multiple handguns and rifles and a tactical 12 gauge and 20,000 round of ammo including 5,000 rounds of 22LR sitting on my shelves.
Sounds like a lame trolling attempt by the Feds. Remember what they did to the poor schleps in Waco and don't fall for this shit.
Sounds like a lame trolling attempt by the Feds. Remember what they did to the poor schleps in Waco and don't fall for this shit.
Last I heard it is perfectly legal to own guns and ammo in this country and we have the Constitutional right to do so. Defending that right against a tyrannical "government" is precisely why I have them.
Compared to what you idiots would be facing...yea...they are
You really want that? If the military got involved we all lose. I would believe that those that are tired of this would go after people with your voting ways.
You really want that? If the military got involved we all lose. I would believe that those that are tired of this would go after people with your voting ways.
My parents , brother and sister all think I should never own a gun

I think I would do best with a carbine riffle
The North Vietnamese were armed by Russia and China...with all manner of sophisticated weaponry.

Surface to air missiles...jet fighters...tanks..

Who's gonna arm you freaks?


And we have over 9 million AR 15s in the hands of the people.

We don't NEED help from a foreign power.


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