How many of you are like these uninformed student organizations supporting Hamas at more than a dozen prominent Universities?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Student organizations at more than a dozen prominent U.S. universities have issued statements pointing the full blame of the Hamas attack on the back of Israel. Those include Columbia University, the University of Michigan Law School and Northwestern University.
Sickeningly, posters advertising the events highlight a paraglider. Hamas terrorists used paragliders to descend into Israel and proceeded to murder hundreds of young people at a music festival.

Perhaps the worst offenders – or at least the ones who have received the most attention – are the more than 30 student groups at Harvard University who signed on to a letter stating they “hold the Israeli regime entirely responsible for all unfolding violence.”

So how many of you uninformed readers hold the same truly uninformed views these ignorant college students hold?

Israel releases images of babies murdered and burned by Hamas as 'verified photos' of others beheaded by terrorists are 'confirmed' by local media and rescue team reveals pregnant woman 'had child sliced from her womb'

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  • Graphic images, material, or links to images, and/or material whether real, satirical, or implied depicting obscene, indecent (to include human genitalia or human female aureola or nipples), pornography, pornographic acts, or morbid images are not permitted. This includes gifs and cartoons. Please report these posts.
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Young people are easy to manipulate.
Politicians have exploited young people forever.
Hopefully when they become mentally mature, they will realize their mistake.
However, the Universities bear the blame for providing a place for hate to grow.
a better Q might be how many are buffaloed by western media to believe what they want you to believe 'myths'......~S~
OH you are 100% right! I was watching CBS news last night and it was so biased FOR the Hamas!
The MSM support the terrorists and hate Israel, the USA and frankly almost all people like me that
support the USA, freedom of religion, capitalism, and the truth. The biased MSM is encouraging the
people that do this! So please don't equate the truth of the biased MSM!
One simple question for you to answer...
Which group has historically for nearly 1,000s of years been the object of genocide...
Which group today is advocating

From the river to the sea’: where does the slogan come from and what does it mean?​

oh these poor antisemitic universities are having to be very careful in their wording in talking about these ham-ass supporters attacks on pro-israel students. They've been caught with their pants down on exactly what they've been propagandizing these students. They still want mom and dad's money and of course those student loans they release a statement...sometimes it is just NOT Quite evident who they are condemning and often they use that tired old tactice of accusing both side of aggression when it was only one side.....the religion of peace and i'm not talking about anything other than Is-slam.

Tulane University: Pro-Hamas Demonstrators Break Nose of Jewish Student at Pro-Israel Rally | Frontpage Mag
OH you are 100% right! I was watching CBS news last night and it was so biased FOR the Hamas!
The MSM support the terrorists and hate Israel, the USA and frankly almost all people like me that
support the USA, freedom of religion, capitalism, and the truth. The biased MSM is encouraging the
people that do this! So please don't equate the truth of the biased MSM!
One simple question for you to answer...
Which group has historically for nearly 1,000s of years been the object of genocide...
Which group today is advocating

From the river to the sea’: where does the slogan come from and what does it mean?​

View attachment 853075
THIS has been called HEROIC by the head of HEzbollah...
Student organizations at more than a dozen prominent U.S. universities have issued statements pointing the full blame of the Hamas attack on the back of Israel. Those include Columbia University, the University of Michigan Law School and Northwestern University.
Sickeningly, posters advertising the events highlight a paraglider. Hamas terrorists used paragliders to descend into Israel and proceeded to murder hundreds of young people at a music festival.

Perhaps the worst offenders – or at least the ones who have received the most attention – are the more than 30 student groups at Harvard University who signed on to a letter stating they “hold the Israeli regime entirely responsible for all unfolding violence.”

So how many of you uninformed readers hold the same truly uninformed views these ignorant college students hold?

Israel releases images of babies murdered and burned by Hamas as 'verified photos' of others beheaded by terrorists are 'confirmed' by local media and rescue team reveals pregnant woman 'had child sliced from her womb'

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  • Graphic images, material, or links to images, and/or material whether real, satirical, or implied depicting obscene, indecent (to include human genitalia or human female aureola or nipples), pornography, pornographic acts, or morbid images are not permitted. This includes gifs and cartoons. Please report these posts.
In the US even stupid people have a right to free speech.
Hezbollah--the same group Trump praised
You are right!
Trump said: “You know, Hezbollah is very smart,” Mr. Trump said. “They’re all very smart.”

FDR is remembered for leading America toward military preparedness and, later, in the war against Germany— but in the 1930s, he pursued a very different policy toward the Nazis.

Thus, President Roosevelt allowed U.S. diplomats to attend the mass Nazi Party rally in Nuremberg in 1937. His administration helped the Nazis evade American Jewry’s boycott of German goods in the 1930s by permitting the Nazis to deceptively label their goods with the city or province of origin, instead of “Made in Germany.” FDR also pressured Secretary of the Interior Harold Ickes to approve the sale of helium to power Germany’s Zeppelin airships (Ickes managed to obstruct the deal), and Roosevelt personally removed criticism of Nazi leaders from at least three of Ickes’ speeches in 1935 and 1938.

Young people are easy to manipulate.
Politicians have exploited young people forever.
Hopefully when they become mentally mature, they will realize their mistake.
However, the Universities bear the blame for providing a place for hate to grow.
Yes and -- No.

The problem is not when they mentally mature but "IF" they become mentally mature. I know people in their 70's that are still left of left. Still dumb as a box of rocks.

Every one of them, Men and Women, have messed-up lives. Multiple divorces, children that won't talk to them, still living in shithole Cities, emotional problems, anger issues, depression, etc

Thing is, it is really, REALLY difficult to admit you've been wrong about something for most of your life.

You build your friends around that belief system, your family, your work -- Everything. Finances.... Everything and to change it all if you have that 'Come to Jesus' moment is a monumental task. It's just so much easier to stay a dimocrap scumbag. At least what little you have, you are accustomed to.

It's one reason why I try to get people to leave it behind. It's poison. It limits you. It limits the friends you can have, it limits where you can live.....

Bottom line is this -- Everybody likes Conservatives, even libturds. Nobody likes dimocrap scum. Not even other dimocrap scum.

They're just an unlikable group. Mean, nasty, judgemental, easily angered, cultish, cliquish. Just not people you want to spend a lot of tie around, if any.

So the sooner a dimocrap can see the error of his/her ways, the easier it is for them to change and lead a good life.

Hezbollah--the same group Trump praised while Israel was digging people out of the rubble.
You mean because he called them 'smart'? Guess what STUPID?

They are smart. You are not.

They're smart enough to run one of the most complicated missile systems on the planet. Are you?

Think you'll hear about this on The View?

Spam, prepare to hit the fan

Square profile picture

Institute for the Study of War


5/ #Wagner elements in #Syria will reportedly transfer Russian Pantsir-S1 air defense systems that Syrian President Bashar al-#Assad has agreed to provide to Iranian-backed Lebanese #Hezbollah.


8:44 PM · Nov 3, 2023

Indeed, none other than Al Azhar -- the Muslim world’s most prestigious university, which hosted Obama’s 2009 “New Beginning” speech -- teaches these accounts of Muslims eating infidels.

The reason is simple: such a heritage doesn’t belong to ISIS any more than it does to Al Azhar.
It belongs to Islam -- hence why a young Palestinian darling is telling Israelis that she will “drink your blood and eat your skull.”
What’s the deal with Muslim calls for, not just violence, but eating the flesh or drinking the blood of their infidel enemies?

Consider the case of Ahed Tamimi, described by Wikipedia as
a Palestinian activist… in the occupied West Bank in Palestine. She is best known for appearances in images and videos in which she confronts Israeli soldiers.
Well, this “heroine” recently wrote the following on her Instagram:
We are waiting for you [Jewish settlers] in all the cities of the West Bank, from Hebron to Jenin. We will slaughter you and you will say that what Hitler did to you was a joke. We will drink your blood and eat your skull. Come on, we're waiting for you.

This is the mentality of Palestine supporters, like the student protestors.
You mean because he called them 'smart'? Guess what STUPID?

They are smart. You are not.

They're smart enough to run one of the most complicated missile systems on the planet. Are you?

Think you'll hear about this on The View?

Spam, prepare to hit the fan

Square profile picture
Institute for the Study of War

5/ #Wagner elements in #Syria will reportedly transfer Russian Pantsir-S1 air defense systems that Syrian President Bashar al-#Assad has agreed to provide to Iranian-backed Lebanese #Hezbollah.

8:44 PM · Nov 3, 2023
Praising terrorist groups is stupid.

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