How many of you are on the extreme end of the political spectrum?

Teddy Pollins

Senior Member
Feb 26, 2015
A little bit of confession...
I've always been further out on the left of the spectrum than any average person, but never considered myself to be a radical, but in the years since Obama was I've pretty much given over to Anarchism. It's a pretty unpopular political philosophy for sure. I find myself wondering how I got here some times. Is it common in this personality type to be unconventional politically? How would you describe yourself in this regard?
Please, join my team and share your thoughts.
Well, I guess I'm far right according to everything I read and see on how to judge such things. I'm for a few things which some think is crazy, which I deem as them being crazy.

I want a small federal government that does it's job efficiently. Things like maintain our military and actually use them to do such crazy things as protect our borders from illegals.

I don't want the feds involved in education, our retirement funds or healthcare. Not their job so fuck off.

I want to have control of my own charity and not be made to pay for things I don't want to for people I don't think deserve it. They can come to me or my church and ask for help. Then I will determine if I want to help based on them. Not some random bullshit from Washington based on my tax dollar contributions.

I want people to leave me alone. In return I will leave you alone. I don't care if your gay, black, white, hispanic or whatever in the hell you are. I will work with you if it's beneficial to me and if it's not or your just an asshole I don't want to deal with I won't.

I think a tax code should be so damn simple it can fit on a stamp not 250 thousand pages of convoluted shit. I think laws passed should be tested by sending them to 3rd graders and if they can understand it it passes. If not fuck it we probably don't need it.

Having an entire congress in session all year payed by our tax dollars disgusts me. There is no reason for this crap. And what pisses me off the most is they gauge success by how many more laws they can pass. That's a fucked up way to measure success. Let's look at success by if you needed to pass anything at all then get your stupid ass back to where you came from and work for a living.

You want me to keep going? I got more.
A little bit of confession...
I've always been further out on the left of the spectrum than any average person, but never considered myself to be a radical, but in the years since Obama was I've pretty much given over to Anarchism. It's a pretty unpopular political philosophy for sure. I find myself wondering how I got here some times. Is it common in this personality type to be unconventional politically? How would you describe yourself in this regard?
Please, join my team and share your thoughts.

I'm not calling you out, but isn't anarchism another word for irresponsibility? As for my views, I used to view things from a more ideologically conservative perspective. Now I tend to look at the practical effects of governmental policies: Do they actually solve real problems or simply create new ones? I suppose this puts me to the right of those who subscribe to a hope and change approach.
A little bit of confession...
I've always been further out on the left of the spectrum than any average person, but never considered myself to be a radical, but in the years since Obama was I've pretty much given over to Anarchism. It's a pretty unpopular political philosophy for sure. I find myself wondering how I got here some times. Is it common in this personality type to be unconventional politically? How would you describe yourself in this regard?
Please, join my team and share your thoughts.

I'm not calling you out, but isn't anarchism another word for irresponsibility? As for my views, I used to view things from a more ideologically conservative perspective. Now I tend to look at the practical effects of governmental policies: Do they actually solve real problems or simply create new ones? I suppose this puts me to the right of those who subscribe to a hope and change approach.
Nope, anarchism doesn't mean irresponsibility. I would say it is a feeling of responsibility when you don't need any power above you. Conservatism is also a good variant. Liberalism will destroy America. It is absolutely true. High way to the Hell.
Most people here certainly...I am a moderate that believes in infrastructure, science, r&d, education, law enforcement and common sense.

Fuck extremist.
A little bit of confession...
I've always been further out on the left of the spectrum than any average person, but never considered myself to be a radical, but in the years since Obama was I've pretty much given over to Anarchism. It's a pretty unpopular political philosophy for sure. I find myself wondering how I got here some times. Is it common in this personality type to be unconventional politically? How would you describe yourself in this regard?
Please, join my team and share your thoughts.

I'm not calling you out, but isn't anarchism another word for irresponsibility? As for my views, I used to view things from a more ideologically conservative perspective. Now I tend to look at the practical effects of governmental policies: Do they actually solve real problems or simply create new ones? I suppose this puts me to the right of those who subscribe to a hope and change approach.
Nope, anarchism doesn't mean irresponsibility. I would say it is a feeling of responsibility when you don't need any power above you. Conservatism is also a good variant. Liberalism will destroy America. It is absolutely true. High way to the Hell.

There will always be power above you as an average individual, whether it's big corporations, big religious bodies, a Monarch, or a big national government.

The only positive spin I can think of on any of those is that one of them has some sense of democratic accountability.
A little bit of confession...
I've always been further out on the left of the spectrum than any average person, but never considered myself to be a radical, but in the years since Obama was I've pretty much given over to Anarchism. It's a pretty unpopular political philosophy for sure. I find myself wondering how I got here some times. Is it common in this personality type to be unconventional politically? How would you describe yourself in this regard?
Please, join my team and share your thoughts.

I'm not calling you out, but isn't anarchism another word for irresponsibility? As for my views, I used to view things from a more ideologically conservative perspective. Now I tend to look at the practical effects of governmental policies: Do they actually solve real problems or simply create new ones? I suppose this puts me to the right of those who subscribe to a hope and change approach.
Nope, anarchism doesn't mean irresponsibility. I would say it is a feeling of responsibility when you don't need any power above you. Conservatism is also a good variant. Liberalism will destroy America. It is absolutely true. High way to the Hell.

There will always be power above you as an average individual, whether it's big corporations, big religious bodies, a Monarch, or a big national government.

The only positive spin I can think of on any of those is that one of them has some sense of democratic accountability.

This is why I choose our republican form of government. ;) At least we have a say in it! Part of that governments job is to regulate, defend and to maintain this country.
As an Objectivist sort of guy, I fit quite nicely on the extreme left or right for any given issue. :)

Try me. I'm sure to piss off most folks one way or another.

The Constitution is the political center. Tea Party members carry a copy of the Constitution and advocate respect for the Constitution and adherence to Constitutional law. Therefore the Tea Party is the political center.
Im not that extreme. I could never be an anarchist because i dont trust people enough to not try to completely fuck me over without government telling them not to and I think it would lead to the rich being more and more powerful.

I also couldnt be a communist because I think one group having that much power can only lead to corruption.

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