How Many Of You Are Sympathetic To Timmeh McVeigh?

btw i am not sympathic to anyone who murders it mcveigh or the government

I cannot help but wonder if the same people who blame our government for killing those innocent children at Waco also blame our government for killing all those innocent children in Iraq and Afghanistan.
btw i am not sympathic to anyone who murders it mcveigh or the government

Koresh is responsible for every single death at Waco.

nope, he is not. the gov. did not have to burn the place down.

Did 'the government' not allow the children out, or was that Koresh? Koresh - and Koresh alone started the fight. I'm fairly confident that those involved from the agencies have had many sleepless nights over what happened but if it were not for the actions of Koresh, it would not have happened.

The man was a whackjob.
My only regret about OKC is that OP wasn't under the hood checking the oil on the truck when it blew.

That would have made the world a better place.
btw i am not sympathic to anyone who murders it mcveigh or the government
Why didn't Koresh, or whatever his really name was, release the children and get them out of harm's way? Surely the ATF negotiators offered them safe sanctuary?

Why did Koresh fire on the ATF agents at the beginning?

Why does Koresh enjoy sympathy? Because he was a gun nut? I think he had a Jim Jones complex.

You are clueless!

Where is the front door to Mount Carmel that shows the direction of all the bullets traveling through it? Who's responsibility was this critical piece of evidence? Where is it? Where are the video tapes of the initial raid on Mt Carmel? Who fired on anyone who tried to escape? Who bombed & killed all the women & children in the bunker? Who started the fire at Waco?

McVeigh was an eye witness to Waco as it happened. He went there during the siege. For days he witnessed with his own eyes & ears, talked with other witnesses, police & military present. He went back afterwords & sifted through the rubble & found clues as to the truth.

I am not Sympathetic, nor do I do not condone McVeigh's response to what he believed was true. He should have went public, campaigned, convinced reporters or organized a huge protest. His actions had the opposite effect what he thought he would achieve & he became the murder's he despised.

I do not condone McVeigh's actions, nor do I condone the actions of the federal government at Waco.
I jumped in here to offer the information that McVeigh said (afterwards) that he did not trust most of the media and wanted an outlet he could trust. He came to my town to see a guy who used to live here that had a broadcast station on shortwave and AM. Most of the time his station broadcast christian content, but he also did call-in shows and interviews about politics. Bill Cooper was known locally as a drunken nutcase with a not-so-nice personality. Old transcripts of his radio shows can be found on the web.
McVeigh was a big fan of Bill Cooper, and came here with David Fortner wanting to be interviewed on his radio show. McVeigh was too nutty for Bill Cooper and he would not put him on the air. Less than a month after Cooper turned down his request to be interviewed, McVeigh set off his bomb in OK City.
Then, being the nutcase he was, Cooper went on his show and claimed 'inside information' and stated that McVeigh came to Eagar and wanted to be on the radio. He also claimed to have "evidence" from Waco that had been given him by McVeigh.
As one might imagine, that attracted attention from the feds towards Bill Cooper.
Shortly after the attacks of 911, Cooper was shot in his yard and killed by sherriff's deputies. He had shot one deputy a day before his death and attempted to shoot others, including citizens. When his house was searched, the radio equipment had been destroyed, files had been burned and it was reported that no evidence from Waco was found.
I tell the above story not because I think there was a conspiracy. I knew Cooper and to me he was just a drunken loudmouthed idiot. He did marry into a family who has been friends with my family for 5 generations, so I had to put up with him. I did not meet McVeigh when he came here.
I tell the above story because it shows that during his life, McVeigh was so far out there, he couldn't even get the support of real nutters. It has only been since he was executed that some of the less stable among us have expressed support or "sympathy" for McVeigh. It appears to me McVeigh is in the process of being recreated as a martyr to rally the angry, the racists, and the nutters among us.
Yep, McVeigh could have tried to go to the legit media and 'get his message out', but he didn't. he was so far out there he didn't trust anyone except other nutters. Thankfully, most of the other nutters rejected him.
As I lay here watching Rachel Maddow's "The McVeigh Tapes" and learn how this psychopath planned the worst terrorist attack committed by a single individual on American soil in US history I have to many Americans actually sympathize with this, now dead, lunatic.

I'm also wondering what their reasons be for doing so as well.

Your thoughts?

As a Liberal, I believe that all criminals should be rehabilitated. McVeigh obviously had mental problems, so it wasn't his fault that he turned out bad. But the State came along and executed him...

Who knows. He could've become a productive member of society. Obama probably would have made him a member of his cabinet just to prove that a person who carried out a "man-caused disaster" could be rehabilitated.
McVeigh literally rocked my world. I was sitting in my office just 6 blocks from the blast. My wife was only 3 blocks away. I drove past the Murrah building each morning and evening to get my son back and forth from daycare. Had we known the Murrah building had a daycare, we probably would have put our son there because it was within walking distance of our offices.

There isn't a corner of hell hot enough for McVeigh. He is one individual who I actually took pleasure in his death.
As I lay here watching Rachel Maddow's "The McVeigh Tapes" and learn how this psychopath planned the worst terrorist attack committed by a single individual on American soil in US history I have to many Americans actually sympathize with this, now dead, lunatic.

I'm also wondering what their reasons be for doing so as well.

Your thoughts?

As a Liberal, I believe that all criminals should be rehabilitated. McVeigh obviously had mental problems, so it wasn't his fault that he turned out bad. But the State came along and executed him...

Who knows. He could've become a productive member of society. Obama probably would have made him a member of his cabinet just to prove that a person who carried out a "man-caused disaster" could be rehabilitated.

You do know that he orchestrated his defense in such a way to receive the death penalty and refused his right to appeal. He wanted to be executed and some think that this was part of his plan.
McVeigh literally rocked my world. I was sitting in my office just 6 blocks from the blast. My wife was only 3 blocks away. I drove past the Murrah building each morning and evening to get my son back and forth from daycare. Had we known the Murrah building had a daycare, we probably would have put our son there because it was within walking distance of our offices.

There isn't a corner of hell hot enough for McVeigh. He is one individual who I actually took pleasure in his death.

so u watched the show?
McVeigh literally rocked my world. I was sitting in my office just 6 blocks from the blast. My wife was only 3 blocks away. I drove past the Murrah building each morning and evening to get my son back and forth from daycare. Had we known the Murrah building had a daycare, we probably would have put our son there because it was within walking distance of our offices.

There isn't a corner of hell hot enough for McVeigh. He is one individual who I actually took pleasure in his death.

so u watched the show?

We have it recorded. My wife watched the first 5 minutes and got the willys.
McVeigh literally rocked my world. I was sitting in my office just 6 blocks from the blast. My wife was only 3 blocks away. I drove past the Murrah building each morning and evening to get my son back and forth from daycare. Had we known the Murrah building had a daycare, we probably would have put our son there because it was within walking distance of our offices.

There isn't a corner of hell hot enough for McVeigh. He is one individual who I actually took pleasure in his death.

so u watched the show?

We have it recorded. My wife watched the first 5 minutes and got the willys.
Well...I guess I could understand why, considering what you posted on how personal this tragic event was for you guys.

I sympathize.

However, I found it to be quite interesting.

Believe it or not, I never quite gave this story much attention over the years. I was still a teenager then.
McVeigh literally rocked my world. I was sitting in my office just 6 blocks from the blast. My wife was only 3 blocks away. I drove past the Murrah building each morning and evening to get my son back and forth from daycare. Had we known the Murrah building had a daycare, we probably would have put our son there because it was within walking distance of our offices.

There isn't a corner of hell hot enough for McVeigh. He is one individual who I actually took pleasure in his death.

so u watched the show?

We have it recorded. My wife watched the first 5 minutes and got the willys.

my son was in daycare outside of boston at the time and it ( the msnbc piece) gave me the willies.
I have read some posts that sympathize with David Koresh and his Branch Davidians. The guy had 20 wives, the youngest only 10 years old. She wasn't a wife in "name only". He had adult sex with her. A ten year old. It was a dangerous cult. It had to be stopped.

Waco is what set off TM.

proof ?
As I lay here watching Rachel Maddow's "The McVeigh Tapes" and learn how this psychopath planned the worst terrorist attack committed by a single individual on American soil in US history I have to many Americans actually sympathize with this, now dead, lunatic.

I'm also wondering what their reasons be for doing so as well.

Your thoughts?

I now have SOME sympathy for McVeigh's complaints about the government's actions at Waco. It has taken a long time to convince me that there was any validity to his POV because of the OK bombing, etc.

I have some sympathy for the POV of a variety of murders, terrorists, lunatics, etc.

The Weathermen Underground 1969 to 1978 (five bombings, several attempted bombings. No murders, but that was a Grace of God.) I vehemently opposed the Vietnam War and the Draft.

Federal Bureau of Investigation - Press Room - Headline Archives

The Symbionese Liberation Army circa 1974 (murder, kidnapping, extortion, bank robbery). Who wouldn't want to end racism and poverty?

American Experience | Guerrilla: The Taking of Patty Hearst | People & Events | PBS

The Unabomber (murder, attempted murder). I'm not always wild about technology either.

FBI — The Unabomber - Press Room - Headline Archives 04-24-08

It does not matter if the actions are committed by the Left, the Right or the Completely Unhinged. The morality or immorality of an act is first judged by its effect and only then by its intended effect or message.

McVeigh was no more "entitled" to murder than Manson, Shawshank or any other criminal.
[ame=]YouTube - ATF Given Prior Warning of Oklahoma City Bombing[/ame]
Government & McVeigh both full of Lies.
As I lay here watching Rachel Maddow's "The McVeigh Tapes" and learn how this psychopath planned the worst terrorist attack committed by a single individual on American soil in US history I have to many Americans actually sympathize with this, now dead, lunatic.

I'm also wondering what their reasons be for doing so as well.

Your thoughts?

Do you also wonder why Obama sympathizes with Ayers? Where in the hell do you get the idea that a bunch of posters on this board would sympathize with a mass murderer? Well I can take a stab at that, since the left idolizes mass murders that were communists or just thugs I guess it would figure they would assume others do the same.

One can UNDERSTAND why McVeigh did what he did with out sympathizing with it. Don't you leftoid turds keep claiming we are to blame for the actions of Muslim Terrorists?

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