How many of you care about trans rights?

How many of you care about trans rights?​

I don't believe in trans-people so they can't have any rights.

Or gay marriage?
Gays can't marry. Marriage is a man-woman union before God. But gays can have a civil union, no matter what anyone says.

And who thinks racism is a significant issue
IM2, Paul, Superbugbrother and mostly blacks. Me, I'm concerned with our #1 problem: how to survive the Bidouche McRusset Tatertot until we can throw the Bum out of office and into prison.


Just because something makes you feel uncomfortable does not mean it is harmful to kids.
OK, you're just f*ing insane if you think taking kids into a gay bar to watch Drag Queens dance around and getting them to participate.

Tih seem to think the sexualization of small chdren is ok...I'm sure ill Clinton and Joe Biden agree with you.

This is also called grooming.

Taking small chdren into gay bars to watch Drag Queens and taking the kids up on stage to get them to participate, in stage, is NOT ok.
They have the right to not be bothered by anyone, have a job etc... just like anyone else.

I agree with that...but that is not any right they are willing to consider of mine or my children. INstead of minding their own business they and their supporters allow them to indoctrinate the children of parents who do not want their kids exposed. Others go out in public and make scenes because someone didn't call them what they want to be called as if strangers have any idea of what that might be. And then, there are those that insist on competing in women's sports and then those that insist on using the opposite sexes restrooms and then make nuisances of themselves. ALL under the protection and support of .....the left.
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Everybody should have rights. As long as they don't INFRINGE on everybody elses rights.

If two people want to get married. Why is it anybody elses business???????
Don't know WHY gay people want to get married anyway. They've seen what a farce it is, and how many people get DIVORCED soon after!! It's nothing but a waste of time, resources, and money!! Not to mention, buying in to the whole religious scam of it all!!
Or gay marriage? Vs, say, Um the inflation or racism. And who thinks racism is a significant issue Vs the inflation & gas prices? Truth is? I am not feeing it, trans/gay/racism seems rather transitory and meaningless when I can't pay for food or I get blamed for yesterdays tragedies I had nothing to do with but tangentially.

I don't care have to care about trans right because if they are legal us citizens then they have the same rights as everyother us citizen. They have the right to freedom of speech, they have the right to get a job, and everything else just like everyone else.

When trans people talk about trans rights they are really saying they want the right to special treatment and consideration. Or they believe they have the right to not be offended while offending others. No one has the right to not be offended. They think they have the right to alter reality and expect others to alter reality and lie for their feelings.

No, I don't care about trans rights because they have the same baseline rights as everyone else. If trannies want to be treated equal then they need to act equal.
Or gay marriage? Vs, say, Um the inflation or racism. And who thinks racism is a significant issue Vs the inflation & gas prices? Truth is? I am not feeing it, trans/gay/racism seems rather transitory and meaningless when I can't pay for food or I get blamed for yesterdays tragedies I had nothing to do with but tangentially.
I just checked my list of the 1000 things I care most about. Tranny rights isn't on the list anywhere.
Lol if that biased article was trying to say they stuck dollar bills into g strings they would just say it. They gave them dollars apparently. Who cares? It’s such a dumb thing to whine about. I mean my god, if these were regular women instead of drag queens you would not even give a shit this happened.
That is just as wrong. Prove that that has actually happened.
OK, you're just f*ing insane if you think taking kids into a gay bar to watch Drag Queens dance around and getting them to participate.
I feel like defending Billy, here. I don't think he is insane. I just think his IQ is far too low for him to understand much of anything at all.
I dont believe in group rights.
I believe in equal, individual rights.
Which is the ACTUAL liberal view on society. Liberalism is about egalitarianism where people are all treated the same. It is also all about protecting the vulnerable from exploitation.

Cretins like Billy are the antithesis of liberal in both regards.
Lol why are you trying to connect these two issues? Can’t they just exist on their own as they already do?
HMM, good question. : How did such a esoteric an hugely irrelevant issue like gay/trans become so important? It's not a significant issue worth this gravitas. This is basically woolgathering nonsense driven and funded by Soros/blackwater/China. NOBODY CARES ABOUT TRANS STUFF! Stop making it an issue! Please, just STOP. Enough. (if anything, it's pissing us off!)
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