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How many Original Saudi Arab Invaders in Arab Countries Now?


Devout UK Hindu-Jew
Oct 21, 2012
pune india
We are always hearing, especially from our beloved Rosie here that "hordes of Arab dogs or pigs" spread Islamic Fascism throughout first what is now the Arab world and then further afield.

They allegedly used the sword to convert the natives to islam and mass rape and slaughter wherever they went, and still do this today.

An unbroken line of terror right from Prophet Mohammed to Osama Bin Laden with few exceptions

The Muslims themselves believe that Islam was 100% ready made and spread in that instantly complete form from Saudi Arabia by the victorious Saudi Armies.

But now expert neutral historians are taking a closer look at early Islam and making shocking discoveries along the way.

The Saudi armies were small. Very very few Arabs today have any Saudi ancestry whatsoever; only the Language of Arabic and nothing else.

The conquests were by the standards of that time relatively peaceful. Only the city of Caesarea was burned down. Slaughter was minimal and conversion totally voluntary.

Most surprising of all, according to a new book and film, "The Untold Story of Islam", what we know as Islam was only developed 100 years after the death of Mohammed and not in Saudi Arabia at all. You can see the film on You Tube.

So Islam, Sharia Law and all the rest of it was not developed in Saudi Arabia at all, but by converts in Damascus, Baghdad, Cairo etc who were not Arabs, either.

So if you want someone to blame for Sharia, etc, IT WASNT ARABS WOT DUNNIT

And the armies who spread Islam further afield would have contained very very few if any Arabs at all;
only the language and the new religion.

A very far cry from what either Muslims or Anti-Muslims say.

The dogs and pigs of war came much later and Islam was just their rallying cry for spreading Empire like all Empires have done...by force in much the same way..

And please stop insulting dogs..they are our best friends

And even pigs, which may be toxic to eat and dirty, but never ever rape and are not violent; even wild boars!!

I will post a video link for the "Untold story of Islam" in this thread. Do watch it if you can.

And happy and peaceful Armistice Day, November 11th, to all our very peaceful posters
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Here's the link to the untold story:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dm8xKh8eQqU&feature=related]Islam: The Untold Story - Islam: The Untold Story - YouTube[/ame]
Today's arabs are contesting the rights and freedoms of the remnant of people in the middle east who managed to resist the filth of IMPOSED ISLAM_----an IMPERIALIST ARABIAN PROJECT that spun out of control------killed hundreds of millions and COUNTING
Strange how Bush and the Republicans were on their side.

They stood by and watched the Christians in Iraq get slaughtered and did nothing to help - the Christians.

But they did help the Iraqi's write this into their constitution:

Article 2:
First: Islam is the official religion of the State and it is a fundamental source of legislation:
A. No law that contradicts the established provisions of Islam may be established.

Why would Republicans do that?

You know, some on this board have even had the nerve to say that was from the OLD constitution?
the US makes lots of mistakes in the "islamic world" its high time they asked me. I would NEVER have subsidized the TALIBAN------and never played sadaam against the Iranian pigs --------playing that game with the ummah gets the player a knife in the back
the US makes lots of mistakes in the "islamic world" its high time they asked me. I would NEVER have subsidized the TALIBAN------and never played sadaam against the Iranian pigs --------playing that game with the ummah gets the player a knife in the back
The US began funding Arab fundamentalism to counter Arab nationalism after WWII, the heresy that Arab oil belonged to Arabs instead of New York and London bankers. It's long past time to begin rectifying that mistake.
Georgie----you are a bit confused about arab nationalism and arab fundamentalism One does nothing to counter the other The face of ARAB NATIONALISM post world war II -----has been BAATHISM -------among your heroes of BAATHISM have been Gamal kanzeer Nasser, Papa Assad and Baby Assad, and your all time fave SADDAM HUSSEIN A very interesting but obscure fact about the movement you support------As a Baathist arabist nationalist acolyte of Al Husseini-----Gamam kanzeer Nasser was GIFTED nitrogen mustard never gas ----along with the recipe guess where he used it.................ok you gave up------he dropped the crap on villages in ------YEMEN now guess why-----I will let you google------and then we can discuss why THE USSR so heavily armed NASSER for his war on Israel and even provided him with military experts in the field -----now fascinating it is that THREE TOTALITARIAN UTOPIAN IDEOLOGY-----make their bloody collide in ------ISLAMOLAND ----Nazism, Communism, Baathism-aka-arabism-aka islamicism
So it it the Land of Israel or a Little Loyal Jewish Ulster that today's Arabs are contesting?
not sure about loyal or ulster...i call it ulcer and it's "loyalism" makes decent brits sick!!

Arabs dont like their land being stolen by European Zio-colonial interlopers

but now thy care far more about the threat from Iran

and are lining up in a new cold war; Sunni vs Shia
the US makes lots of mistakes in the "islamic world" its high time they asked me. I would NEVER have subsidized the TALIBAN------and never played sadaam against the Iranian pigs --------playing that game with the ummah gets the player a knife in the back
The US began funding Arab fundamentalism to counter Arab nationalism after WWII, the heresy that Arab oil belonged to Arabs instead of New York and London bankers. It's long past time to begin rectifying that mistake.
israel did the same by funding Hamas for 10 years to divide and rule the pals; all too successful, sadly
big mistake NO ONE SHOULD GET INVOLVED IN ISLAMIC AFFAIRS-----the only role the civilized world need play is RESCUE THE KAFFIRIN
Georgie----you are a bit confused about arab nationalism and arab fundamentalism One does nothing to counter the other The face of ARAB NATIONALISM post world war II -----has been BAATHISM -------among your heroes of BAATHISM have been Gamal kanzeer Nasser, Papa Assad and Baby Assad, and your all time fave SADDAM HUSSEIN A very interesting but obscure fact about the movement you support------As a Baathist arabist nationalist acolyte of Al Husseini-----Gamam kanzeer Nasser was GIFTED nitrogen mustard never gas ----along with the recipe guess where he used it.................ok you gave up------he dropped the crap on villages in ------YEMEN now guess why-----I will let you google------and then we can discuss why THE USSR so heavily armed NASSER for his war on Israel and even provided him with military experts in the field -----now fascinating it is that THREE TOTALITARIAN UTOPIAN IDEOLOGY-----make their bloody collide in ------ISLAMOLAND ----Nazism, Communism, Baathism-aka-arabism-aka islamicism
I thought Nasser only turned to the USSR very reluctantly when the west refused to help him build the Aswan Dam; his no.1 project.

After all USA supported him in 1956 against the wicked Israelis, Brits and French in Suez.

Certainly USA gave Sod=damn Hussein the gas to bomb the Kurds; it was meant to be used on Iranians.

Clinton said so; "We kept the receipts" he said
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Strange how Bush and the Republicans were on their side.

They stood by and watched the Christians in Iraq get slaughtered and did nothing to help - the Christians.

But they did help the Iraqi's write this into their constitution:

Article 2:
First: Islam is the official religion of the State and it is a fundamental source of legislation:
A. No law that contradicts the established provisions of Islam may be established.

Why would Republicans do that?

You know, some on this board have even had the nerve to say that was from the OLD constitution?
the only gainer from Bush's and Israel's crusade against Saddam has been Iran and the North iraqi kurds..

Saudis warned him this would happen but he wouldn't listen.

BBC reported that a week before the USA troops actually invaded, Bush asked the question

What is a Shiite?

The ignorance arrogance and dogmatic rigidities in the Re-pube-icans is breathtaking and thank God thay aint in the white house again

even if Sandy the Storm was God's fart to stop them!
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So it it the Land of Israel or a Little Loyal Jewish Ulster that today's Arabs are contesting?
not sure about loyal or ulster...i call it ulcer and it's "loyalism" makes decent brits sick!!

Arabs dont like their land being stolen by European Zio-colonial interlopers

but now thy care far more about the threat from Iran

and are lining up in a new cold war; Sunni vs Shia
Sir Ronald was pretty realistic about the Balfour Declaration in 1922:

"Sir Ronald Storrs, the first Governor of Jerusalem, certainly had no illusions about what a 'Jewish homeland' in Palestine meant for the British Empire: 'It will form for England,” he said, “a little loyal Jewish Ulster in a sea of potentially hostile Arabism.'"

Do you see that impending civil war between Sunni and Shia as a consequence of the US invasion of Iraq?

What about the possibility of civil war in Israel?

Divide and Conquer as Imperial Rules | FPIF
So it it the Land of Israel or a Little Loyal Jewish Ulster that today's Arabs are contesting?
not sure about loyal or ulster...i call it ulcer and it's "loyalism" makes decent brits sick!!

Arabs dont like their land being stolen by European Zio-colonial interlopers

but now thy care far more about the threat from Iran

and are lining up in a new cold war; Sunni vs Shia
Sir Ronald was pretty realistic about the Balfour Declaration in 1922:

"Sir Ronald Storrs, the first Governor of Jerusalem, certainly had no illusions about what a 'Jewish homeland' in Palestine meant for the British Empire: 'It will form for England,” he said, “a little loyal Jewish Ulster in a sea of potentially hostile Arabism.'"

Do you see that impending civil war between Sunni and Shia as a consequence of the US invasion of Iraq?

What about the possibility of civil war in Israel?

Divide and Conquer as Imperial Rules | FPIF
Sir Ronald was pretty realistic about the Balfour Declaration in 1922:

"Sir Ronald Storrs, the first Governor of Jerusalem, certainly had no illusions about what a 'Jewish homeland' in Palestine meant for the British Empire: 'It will form for England,” he said, “a little loyal Jewish Ulster in a sea of potentially hostile Arabism.'"

I never saw that quote before. Thankyou. Ulcer indeed!

The wicked Brits promised BOTH Arabs and Jews independent states during WW1 then divided it up between Brits and French according to the Sykes Picot agreement. Triple duplicity!

Do you see that impending civil war between Sunni and Shia as a consequence of the US invasion of Iraq?

imho, Its really a territorial dispute as to who is the biggest swinging dick in the Gulf between Iran and Saudi disguised as a religious war,

Note that Israel is in bed with the Fascist Shias in Azerbaijan and Iran with Christian Armenia! Geo=strategic stuff trumps religion any day.

Iraq turning Shia has exacerbated but not caused this conflict, imho

What about the possibility of civil war in Israel?

I think a secular vs religious war is a real possibility and no less an authority than Nyet yahoo said so on BBC TV when I was watching it!

Israel is only held together by the external threat from the Arabs and N.Yahoo is trying to hold it together by paranoia about Iran.

Good questions, sir
Do you see that impending civil war between Sunni and Shia as a consequence of the US invasion of Iraq?

of course-----it was the ZONISTS who murdered little ALI HUSSEIN and who have been nudging the muslims to SPIT UP AND FIGHT each other for the past 1400 years. Its that old zionist DIVIDE AND CONQUOR thing that jews taught the brits
So it it the Land of Israel or a Little Loyal Jewish Ulster that today's Arabs are contesting?
not sure about loyal or ulster...i call it ulcer and it's "loyalism" makes decent brits sick!!

Arabs dont like their land being stolen by European Zio-colonial interlopers

but now thy care far more about the threat from Iran

and are lining up in a new cold war; Sunni vs Shia
Sir Ronald was pretty realistic about the Balfour Declaration in 1922:

"Sir Ronald Storrs, the first Governor of Jerusalem, certainly had no illusions about what a 'Jewish homeland' in Palestine meant for the British Empire: 'It will form for England,” he said, “a little loyal Jewish Ulster in a sea of potentially hostile Arabism.'"

Do you see that impending civil war between Sunni and Shia as a consequence of the US invasion of Iraq?

What about the possibility of civil war in Israel?

Yeah, I can see it now ... those evil Jews will debate each other to sleep. :D
Do you see that impending civil war between Sunni and Shia as a consequence of the US invasion of Iraq?

of course-----it was the ZONISTS who murdered little ALI HUSSEIN and who have been nudging the muslims to SPIT UP AND FIGHT each other for the past 1400 years. Its that old zionist DIVIDE AND CONQUOR thing that jews taught the brits
way back in the days of the 2 divided squabbling jewish kingdoms?

is that when they learned divide and misrule

i read one israeli archaeologist who said that the stories of abraham to david and solomon were created by spin doctors..the ancient hasbara in the southern kingdom as a way of saying how superior the southern jewish realm was to the northern one!

that divide and rule has certainly taught the world includin your fave muslims a whole lot

i will try and find that article on my hard disk...its there somewhere!
Do you see that impending civil war between Sunni and Shia as a consequence of the US invasion of Iraq?

of course-----it was the ZONISTS who murdered little ALI HUSSEIN and who have been nudging the muslims to SPIT UP AND FIGHT each other for the past 1400 years. Its that old zionist DIVIDE AND CONQUOR thing that jews taught the brits
way back in the days of the 2 divided squabbling jewish kingdoms?

is that when they learned divide and misrule

i read one israeli archaeologist who said that the stories of abraham to david and solomon were created by spin doctors..the ancient hasbara in the southern kingdom as a way of saying how superior the southern jewish realm was to the northern one!

that divide and rule has certainly taught the world includin your fave muslims a whole lot

i will try and find that article on my hard disk...its there somewhere!

Uh-huh. Only evil Joooos would stoop so low as to divide to conquer an enemy.
I know you claim to be of royal Jewish lineage, Princess, but you certainly post like a neo-Nazi. :D
Do you see that impending civil war between Sunni and Shia as a consequence of the US invasion of Iraq?

of course-----it was the ZONISTS who murdered little ALI HUSSEIN and who have been nudging the muslims to SPIT UP AND FIGHT each other for the past 1400 years. Its that old zionist DIVIDE AND CONQUOR thing that jews taught the brits
way back in the days of the 2 divided squabbling jewish kingdoms?

is that when they learned divide and misrule

i read one israeli archaeologist who said that the stories of abraham to david and solomon were created by spin doctors..the ancient hasbara in the southern kingdom as a way of saying how superior the southern jewish realm was to the northern one!

that divide and rule has certainly taught the world includin your fave muslims a whole lot

i will try and find that article on my hard disk...its there somewhere!

Uh-huh. Only evil Joooos would stoop so low as to divide to conquer an enemy.
I know you claim to be of royal Jewish lineage, Princess, but you certainly post like a neo-Nazi. :D
i post by clickin a mouse

sorry if neo nazis and evil zionuts do the same

as for my lineage, rosie calls me a MAMZER and she's the expert!!
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