How many Repug budget cuts and policies have resulted in balanced budgets and........


Handsome Devil
Feb 10, 2010
Surpluses? Why is it that all of their cuts end up increasing deficits and never reduces them? If their assumption is that overspending is the main cause of deficits and not a reduction of tax revenue from lowered taxes and tax breaks for the wealthy, why hasn't their simple solution of cuts-only without tax increases working?
Because they never cut any budget.

Though I don't expect you'll accept the fact, there it is.
Because they never cut any budget.

Though I don't expect you'll accept the fact, there it is.

Dont act any more retarded that you already have been acting. Repugs propose tons of cuts, mostly to programs for the less wealthy and have never had a balanced budget, the last three Repug POTUS left office with deficits despite tax cuts for the wealthy and budget cuts to programs they deem wasteful.
Surpluses? Why is it that all of their cuts end up increasing deficits and never reduces them? If their assumption is that overspending is the main cause of deficits and not a reduction of tax revenue from lowered taxes and tax breaks for the wealthy, why hasn't their simple solution of cuts-only without tax increases working?

Clinton raised taxes on the wealthy >economic boom > surplus. Bush spent 8 years cutting taxes, and the deficit skyrocketed > massive deficits.

Postwar years > top bracket tax rate 70%+ > greatest economic growth > America = biggest creditor nation. Government policy puts more money in middle class pockets. Capitalists must innovate and add jobs in order to capture that money (demand = trickle up wealth).

Post-Reagan > structural deficits > exploding debt > America as biggest debtor nation. Cheap labor = death of Middle Class = shrinking demand. Middle Class consumption sustained by Master Cards and Visas. Economic activity is created not from investment in real economy (which is too risky because there is no demand), but from speculation in phantom Wall Street economy . . . (i.e., bubbles and credit for 30 years) . . . until the banking system blows up from all the risk and debt.

America swallowed poison in 1980.

*Movement Conservatism created a well oiled system for turning corporate profits into political outcomes. Profits were also directed to opinion management > think tanks, FOX News, Talk Radio, which was paid to convince useful idiots to vote for policies which concentrated wealth and political power at levels historically seen only in 3rd world tyrannies.

Newsflash: concentrated wealth is concentrated political power. This is why we want to divide power between capital and labor, so a small group of owners can't buy political outcomes and media bullhorns. Reaganomics has concentrated power in Washington more than FDR and LBJ could ever dream. Suckers

A solvent, well-paid, financially secure middle class is not only necessary to sustain consumption and keep the economy afloat, but it is a democratizing political counterbalance to the concentrated wealth of corporations.

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Because they never cut any budget.

Though I don't expect you'll accept the fact, there it is.

Dont act any more retarded that you already have been acting. Repugs propose tons of cuts, mostly to programs for the less wealthy and have never had a balanced budget, the last three Repug POTUS left office with deficits despite tax cuts for the wealthy and budget cuts to programs they deem wasteful.
Proposing and actually cutting are two different animals, pinhead.

Now, name ONE program that has been cut....Not had the baseline increase trimmed, but CUT in real terms.

Just one.
Surpluses? Why is it that all of their cuts end up increasing deficits and never reduces them? If their assumption is that overspending is the main cause of deficits and not a reduction of tax revenue from lowered taxes and tax breaks for the wealthy, why hasn't their simple solution of cuts-only without tax increases working?

Clinton raised taxes on the wealthy >economic boom > surplus.
Gramm-Rudmann, a PAYGO with actual teeth, and live-item veto had NOTHING to do with that "surplus" right? :lol:
Surpluses? Why is it that all of their cuts end up increasing deficits and never reduces them? If their assumption is that overspending is the main cause of deficits and not a reduction of tax revenue from lowered taxes and tax breaks for the wealthy, why hasn't their simple solution of cuts-only without tax increases working?

Clinton raised taxes on the wealthy >economic boom > surplus. Bush spent 8 years cutting taxes, and the deficit skyrocketed > massive deficits.

Postwar years > top bracket tax rate 70%+ > greatest economic growth > America = biggest creditor nation. Government policy puts more money in middle class pockets. Capitalists must innovate and add jobs in order to capture that money (demand = trickle up wealth).

Post-Reagan > structural deficits > exploding debt > America as biggest debtor nation. Cheap labor = death of Middle Class = shrinking demand. Middle Class consumption sustained by Master Cards and Visas. Economic activity is created not from investment in real economy (which is too risky because there is no demand), but from speculation in phantom Wall Street economy . . . (i.e., bubbles and credit for 30 years) . . . until the banking system blows up from all the risk and debt.

America swallowed poison in 1980.
Someone call Guinness...That might be the biggest string of non sequiturs ever.

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