How many times a day do you have to refute the "Planned Parenthood provides mammograms" lie?

How many times a day do you have to refute the "Planned Parenthood provides mammograms" lie?

  • 0; I don't participate in that discussion

    Votes: 1 20.0%
  • 0; I'm just lucky

    Votes: 0 0.0%
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  • 5+

    Votes: 4 80.0%

  • Total voters

Pedro de San Patricio

Gold Member
Feb 14, 2015
It'd be great if people actually called and asked, or at least went to PP's website, where they clearly state that they "connect patients to resources to help them get vital biopsies, ultrasounds, and mammograms". They'll tell you where the real health clinics are that will provide those. What they will not do is provide them.
'How many times a day do you have to refute the "Planned Parenthood provides mammograms" lie?'

As many times as one must refute the Planned Parenthood 'violated the law' lie.
'How many times a day do you have to refute the "Planned Parenthood provides mammograms" lie?'

As many times as one must refute the Planned Parenthood 'violated the law' lie.
The investigation into whether Planned Parenthood violated the law is ongoing. All the public knows is what was on the tapes and the official positions of Planned Parenthood and the Center for Medical Progress concerning them. Planned Parenthood itself says that Planned Parenthood does not perform mammograms. That does not stop its supporters from making the claim that it does a core argument of their defense. Nice derail attempt tho.
'How many times a day do you have to refute the "Planned Parenthood provides mammograms" lie?'

As many times as one must refute the Planned Parenthood 'violated the law' lie.
The investigation into whether Planned Parenthood violated the law is ongoing. All the public knows is what was on the tapes and the official positions of Planned Parenthood and the Center for Medical Progress concerning them. Planned Parenthood itself says that Planned Parenthood does not perform mammograms. That does not stop its supporters from making the claim that it does a core argument of their defense. Nice derail attempt tho.
There no longer is a reason for PP. Obamacare was to replace it NOT add another layer. We are funding TWO healthcare systems when one size fit all was promised.
It'd be great if people actually called and asked, or at least went to PP's website, where they clearly state that they "connect patients to resources to help them get vital biopsies, ultrasounds, and mammograms". They'll tell you where the real health clinics are that will provide those. What they will not do is provide them.

The left specializes in the days before the internet they could put out a lie, their allies in the press and education and hollywood would push the lie and if you wanted to show it was a lie, you would have to dig through the micro fiche collection in the local library...fortunately, we now have the internet, so that their lies are addressed right away...much to their rage and frustration. But....they will still lie, so the price of truth is constant vigilence and constant posting.....much like liberty......
It'd be great if people actually called and asked, or at least went to PP's website, where they clearly state that they "connect patients to resources to help them get vital biopsies, ultrasounds, and mammograms". They'll tell you where the real health clinics are that will provide those. What they will not do is provide them.

The left specializes in the days before the internet they could put out a lie, their allies in the press and education and hollywood would push the lie and if you wanted to show it was a lie, you would have to dig through the micro fiche collection in the local library...fortunately, we now have the internet, so that their lies are addressed right away...much to their rage and frustration. But....they will still lie, so the price of truth is constant vigilence and constant posting.....much like liberty......
It's time for Obozcare to PROVE it can stand on its own. We are funding TWO health programs that provide the same services. There is NO reason for that duplication, none at all.

They have been celebrating their court wins and saying how great Obozocare is, but now all of a sudden its NOT the cure all they promised? One of them needs to go. Taxed TWICE for one service violates my rights on taxation.
They are different around the country. I've been to one who would not do a papsmear or an IUD unless I was having an abortion. I've been to one that does papsmears and IUD but no abortions ever. I don't recall either performing mammograms, but I didn't ask for one so I don't know.
They are different around the country. I've been to one who would not do a papsmear or an IUD unless I was having an abortion. I've been to one that does papsmears and IUD but no abortions ever. I don't recall either performing mammograms, but I didn't ask for one so I don't know.
But your Obozocare is supposed to cover ALL of it right?
They are different around the country. I've been to one who would not do a papsmear or an IUD unless I was having an abortion. I've been to one that does papsmears and IUD but no abortions ever. I don't recall either performing mammograms, but I didn't ask for one so I don't know.
But your Obozocare is supposed to cover ALL of it right?

I have BCBS presently and my primary care physician's partner doctor performs papsmears.

I've had female issues all my life, multiple miscarriages and an inability to carry even into term 2. I've had longmedicalword cells of undetermined origins and a LEAP procedure. It has always been very important to get checked every 6 months. When I was without insurance, PP was there ... except that one ... I had to drive 2 hours to the next one.

I don't know whether they have done anything illegal and will wait until investigations are complete. I do think the Louisiana investigation was only for show, as PP in Louisiana does not perform abortions.

Federally funding womens health facilities that do not provide abortions would give many women an option they dont have: receiving care at a facility they are not morally opposed to. Maybe the ACA will achieve that. I kinda doubt it, but maybe.
So the poll currently stands at 3 for 5+ and 1 for zero due to non-participation. Why do you think people are still pushing this talking point so hard when it's not actually true?

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