How Many Times Does This Have to Happen Before We Enact Sensible Laws? We Need Tranny Control Now

…even though you JUST said it would be common sense to not allow mentally ill people to have firearms. Now you’re saying you want mentally ill people to be allowed to own firearms.


The problem is: who decides who is "mentally ill"? We are probably a few months away from the Biden admin declaring all Christians and private schoolers "mentally ill". Meanwhile if you're 6'4, 240 lbs and have a penis, but say you're a woman, that's dandy. No problem there.
So once again, it turns out the mass shooter is another tranny.
How many times do we have to see this before people face the facts- gender dysphoria is a severe mental derangement that needs treatment, not enabling?
Stop coddling these pervs & sickos.

I demand Tranny Control now!

Meanwhile, the lefty lapdogs on here have already taken marching orders to blame Republicans.
Or white supremacy, domestic terrorism, climate change, purebloods, DT, the patriarchy or Putin if this doesn't work.

How will punishing law abiding gun owners stop this?
The problem is: who decides who is "mentally ill"? We are probably a few months away from the Biden admin declaring all Christians and private schoolers "mentally ill". Meanwhile if you're 6'4, 240 lbs and have a penis, but say you're a woman, that's dandy. No problem there.
The person I was talking to defined mentally ill people how they wanted, said they shouldn’t have guns, then did a complete 180 and said they should be allowed to get guns.

Very confusing.
There are roughly 1.6 million people in the US who identify as trannies. The violent psychopaths are an extremely tiny percentage of that group.

If you don't like trannies, that is fine. But making laws against them is UnAmerican.
The problem is: who decides who is "mentally ill"? We are probably a few months away from the Biden admin declaring all Christians and private schoolers "mentally ill". Meanwhile if you're 6'4, 240 lbs and have a penis, but say you're a woman, that's dandy. No problem there.

No one is saying all Christians and private schoolers are mentally. That is just nonsense.
It seems the perpetrator had made out a manifesto, detailing all future plans for similar massacres in the area.

All this going on under the noses of the authorities. Could there not be some sort of ‘intelligence’ organisation set up, monitoring, (particularly social media), placing individuals under surveillance, sort of thing?
Really tone deaf post the day after 6 Christians lost their lives, including three children.

Those 6 Christians were killed by a murderous individual. It was not the Biden administration "declaring all Christians and private schoolers "mentally ill".
Yes there are. But then, there are those at the opposite end of the spectrum demanding the US be made officially Christian and wanting to go back to the days of Blue Laws.
Again: BETTER than what the leftards are offering.

Leftard trannies shoot little children.

Righties shoot leftard trannies.

See the difference?

(,Probably not)...
Again: BETTER than what the leftards are offering.

Leftard trannies shoot little children.

Righties shoot leftard trannies.

See the difference?

(,Probably not)...

There is a current thread about declaring all trannies domestic terrorists. At least 2 posters want them in concentration camps, complete with gas chambers. One even volunteered to turn on the gas.

Pretending that one side is peaceful and the other wants to kill everyone is simply dishonest.
Well, my point was/is that it's a lot more intricate than that.

Most people think of sex as determined by DNA, and it turns out, it's not "just" nature, nurture also has a lot to do with it.

My example of the kitten shows how dramatic and lifelong the influence of nurture can be.

In human sexual development there are "many" overlapping critical periods and they're extraordinarily difficult to tease apart.
Thanks, the theory can’t be proven.
Yep I do.
It's about severely deranged trannies committing mass murders while virtue signaling lefties enable them & progject their own complicity on others.

Do you get what it's about yet?
It's about school shootings and banning trannies because they committed a few. So, if we are going on that basis - shouldn't we ban whites?

In terms of sheer number - more white people have committed school shootings than any other group of people.

Get it now? No? Read it a few times and when you are done - read it a couple more times. Eventually, you will. Good luck.:itsok:
Anyone that checks the "Non-Binary" box should be viewed as a mental defective and refused the sale.

Now you are onto something....
Glad you got back into character

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