How many ventilators did Cuomo end up needing?

Liberals, name one human being who died from not having a Ventilator because of the Chop fluey.

Name one.
Anyone? Name anyone who died because they did not have access to a ventilator.

Liberals were all about this in March.
In Cuomo's defense, the early models did suggest that he needed that quantity of ventilators. These models adapted to the new circumstances, which included lower infection rates due to aggressive social distancing.

This was not a given, considering how dense and interconnected/interdependent NYC and surrounding cities are. Every day he speaks, Cuomo acknowledges the sacrifices made by everyday New Yorkers by staying home.
Was it 20,000 over his claiming he needed 70.000?

What kind of stupid piece of trash is this asshole?
The crisis isn't over.

Oh the crisis is over ... just not the crying and complaining ...

In Cuomo's defense, the early models did suggest that he needed that quantity of ventilators.

Step 1. Manufacture a crisis

Step 2. Get your hand-picked 'experts' to lend it credibility

Step 3. Get the media to scream panic

Step 4. Use it to support your political agenda.
In Cuomo's defense, the early models did suggest that he needed that quantity of ventilators.

Step 1. Manufacture a crisis

Step 2. Get your hand-picked 'experts' to lend it credibility

Step 3. Get the media to scream panic

Step 4. Use it to support your political agenda.
Ya, Cuomo manufactured this virus in his Wuhan lab...uhhuuuuh

The manufactured crisis is, if we don't get The President to give us 70,000 respirators, we're all gonna die.

Were you not listening?
In Cuomo's defense, the early models did suggest that he needed that quantity of ventilators.

Step 1. Manufacture a crisis

Step 2. Get your hand-picked 'experts' to lend it credibility

Step 3. Get the media to scream panic

Step 4. Use it to support your political agenda.
Ya, Cuomo manufactured this virus in his Wuhan lab...uhhuuuuh

The manufactured crisis is, if we don't get The President to give us 70,000 respirators, we're all gonna die.

Were you not listening?
No, he simply said he estimated that they would be something like 30,000 ventilators short. He was fighting hard for his state, perhaps based on imperfect models.
Was it 20,000 over his claiming he needed 70.000?

What kind of stupid piece of trash is this asshole?
In his defense the scientists and modelers put a fear of God in everyone. Too bad we didn’t give an equal ear to the economists, political scientists and pragmatists. was the democrat party members in the press who spread the fear, panic and hysteria..........had they simply told everyone with the same passion that you had a 98% chance of surviving the virus even if you caught it....that the idiot who made the Imperial Model for the virus death projections also predicted that SARS would kill 200 million people.....and killed only 345......

Had the democrat members of the press told the truth, we would not have destroyed the U.S.economy...which is why they did not tell the truth...
a 2% death rate from it, in the USA's 325 million people, WOULD BE 6,500,000 DEAD.


That's HUGE! considering only about 36,000 people die from the flu each year?

And NO, it was not the democratic party with the press.... it was a Trump admin person, who said that the covid virus was a HUGE threat to the USA.... after she said it, the stock market popped like a balloon.... and the NBA, MLB, etc cancelled their seasons, all before the Democratic and Republican governors began their shut downs..... and the Dems began their shutdowns because the CDC put the stay 6 ft apart, and no gatherings of 10 people or more rule..... when those guidelines came out is when the states began following the issued CDC Guidelines and had to shut down their economies.....
He was fighting hard for his state, perhaps based on imperfect models.

He was trying to manufacture a crisis for a shot at getting Biden's shot at the 2020 nomination.

Unfortunately for him (and thousands of his dead constituents) his perfidious claims not only lost him that shot, it looks like they'll cost him his next election.
He was fighting hard for his state, perhaps based on imperfect models.

He was trying to manufacture a crisis for a shot at getting Biden's shot at the 2020 nomination.

Unfortunately for him (and thousands of his dead constituents) his perfidious claims not only lost him that shot, it looks like they'll cost him his next election.
Sure, you mean with his approval rating in the 70% range?
He was fighting hard for his state, perhaps based on imperfect models.

He was trying to manufacture a crisis for a shot at getting Biden's shot at the 2020 nomination.

Unfortunately for him (and thousands of his dead constituents) his perfidious claims not only lost him that shot, it looks like they'll cost him his next election.
Sure, you mean with his approval rating in the 70% range?

You guys LOVE your polls, don't you? It's kind of adorable.

In Cuomo's defense, the early models did suggest that he needed that quantity of ventilators. These models adapted to the new circumstances, which included lower infection rates due to aggressive social distancing.

This was not a given, considering how dense and interconnected/interdependent NYC and surrounding cities are. Every day he speaks, Cuomo acknowledges the sacrifices made by everyday New Yorkers by staying home.

Social distancing didn't do squat.......... in fact, 66% of new cases in New York happened among people who were already locked down, you doofus.

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