Zone1 How Many White/Black People Do You Normally Interact With on a Daily Basis?

If you're Black how many White people do you normally encounter daily? For Whites, how many Blacks?

  • I'm Black - I don't interact with any White people on a daily basis

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'm Black - I interact with one White person on a daily basis

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'm Black - I interact with two to five White people on a daily basis

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'm Black - I interact with six to ten White people on a daily basis

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'm Black - I interact with more than ten White people on a daily basis

    Votes: 1 5.0%
  • I'm White - I don't interact with any Black people on a daily basis

    Votes: 7 35.0%
  • I'm White - I interact with one Black person on a daily basis

    Votes: 2 10.0%
  • I'm White - I interact with two to five Black people on a daily basis

    Votes: 4 20.0%
  • I'm White - I interact with six to ten Black people on a daily basis

    Votes: 1 5.0%
  • I'm White - I interact with more than ten Black people on a daily basis

    Votes: 5 25.0%

  • Total voters
So what’s your point? That there are areas where there are few blacks, and so a white is unlucky to encounter any (or few)? There are areas where there are no Jews, as well, and I met people in college who, to that point, had never met a Jew.

And before you rush in to say I’m off-topic (your new approach), my point is that there are always going to be Americans who haven’t met an Asian, or a Jew, or some other minority. Mod Edit - No Flaming
Create your own thread then if you want to discuss Jewish people in America.

If all you can do is grouse, you're not welcome on my threads, I don't know how much clearer I can be about this.
There is a suspicion that we as Black people encounter White people significantly more frequently than White people encounter us. In fact it seems as if a significant portion of the information white people have regarding Black people comes from the things they see in media, the news, things they were taught in school or in their homes, etc.

And by encounter, I don't mean people who wait on you such as the cashier at the supermarket, gas station or any other establishment you patronize for services. I mean people who you actually interact with out of choice or necessity - friends, associates or co-workers, professional colleagues, etc.
Why isn't NOYB an option? The obsession with race will only divide us more. Why do you insist on keeping it going?
Create your own thread then if you want to discuss Jewish people in America.

If all you can do is grouse, you're not welcome on my threads, I don't know how much clearer I can be about this.
You are accusing ME of grousing?

And….you don’t get to declare who is and who is not welcome on ”your“ thread. I can choose to participate in whatever threads I choose.

And the parallels between antisemitism and racism in the 21st century is pertinent to the topic. Trying to separate them out loses the point.

My advice has been to focus on correcting the bad behavior and choices that plague the black underclass, and adopt choices and actions that lead to success, rather than focus on racists. Jews didn’t succeed by focusing on antisemites, and that is my point of drawing the parallel.
The college you attended is not relevant to the question you posed in your your poll. Why do you choose to fight with individuals instead of just answering the simple question your own poll poses? How many daily encounters do you have with White people?
It is relevant to the post she was responding to, which claimed she probably didn’t encounter very many white people and she pointed out she went to a primarily white college. It also ties in to the OP in that way.
That is normal. If you live anywhere that is populated by a particular race, you would expect that.
I don't understand why you all think I don't know this.

I've lived in predominantly black neighborhoods, integrated neighborhoods and all white neighborhoods. My question has nothing to do with the racial makeup of the population in which any of us is living.

I'm asking, if you're Black, how many interpersonal or business/professional relationships do you have with White people on a daily basis and if you're White, how many interpersonal or business/professional relationships do you have with Black people, on a daily basis.

And for total transparency, I'm much less concerned about the White people who Black people know because we, out of necessity, have had to learn how to navigate your world, while White people can remain totally isolated from anything having to do with Black people in most cases, if they so choose.

I am completely cognizant of the fact that we (Black people) live in a White majority country and it's obvious to me that we are more comfortable in mixed company that most of you are and again, I suspect it's because most of you don't actually know any black people or have had opportunity or reason to interact with Black people with any frequency, if at all.

This is not a trick questions, it's a hypothesis regarding why white racism not only still exists in the United States but also why people like Dylann Roof and Payton Gendron, neither of whom have ever lived in the United States when the White race still held legal dominion over the of the lives of Black people, yet their beliefs as as twisted as any Klansman at the end of the Civil war.
Always bringing the anger. I didn't see where you answered your own poll question I guess I'll go through the thread AGAIN. I don't know why you and IM2 won't just communicate like human beings. That's why you alienate everyone on this board.
Oh my gosh, how will I ever sleep at night? I've lost the high esteem in which I was held by the likes of those currently dissenting every comment I make on this board?

Seriously, I can barely hold back the tears <sniffle sniffle>

And yes, I do expect people to read and keep up with the comments made on my thread if you want me to respond to you. If you're repeatedly asking me questions which I've already answered yeah I'm going to get annoyed. My time is limited and shouldn't have to be spent looking up answers to things you can find for yourself.
You are accusing ME of grousing?

And….you don’t get to declare who is and who is not welcome on ”your“ thread. I can choose to participate in whatever threads I choose.

And the parallels between antisemitism and racism in the 21st century is pertinent to the topic. Trying to separate them out loses the point.

My advice has been to focus on correcting the bad behavior and choices that plague the black underclass, and adopt choices and actions that lead to success, rather than focus on racists. Jews didn’t succeed by focusing on antisemites, and that is my point of drawing the parallel.
Start your own thread then and I will be happy to visit it and then rain on every single point you attempt to make.

Sound like fun to you?
It is relevant to the post she was responding to, which claimed she probably didn’t encounter very many white people and she pointed out she went to a primarily white college. It also ties in to the OP in that way.
95% white male - they educate and train airline pilots.
Start your own thread then and I will be happy to visit it and then rain on every single point you attempt to make.

Sound like fun to you?
I’m not “raining” on your points. I am bringing up points that do not agree with those you are making. Is this not a debate thread, or do you only “permit” participants who adhere to your directions and agree with your points?
I don't understand why you all think I don't know this.

I've lived in predominantly black neighborhoods, integrated neighborhoods and all white neighborhoods. My question has nothing to do with the racial makeup of the population in which any of us is living.

I'm asking, if you're Black, how many interpersonal or business/professional relationships do you have with White people on a daily basis and if you're White, how many interpersonal or business/professional relationships do you have with Black people, on a daily basis.

And for total transparency, I'm much less concerned about the White people who Black people know because we, out of necessity, have had to learn how to navigate your world, while White people can remain totally isolated from anything having to do with Black people in most cases, if they so choose.

I am completely cognizant of the fact that we (Black people) live in a White majority country and it's obvious to me that we are more comfortable in mixed company that most of you are and again, I suspect it's because most of you don't actually know any black people or have had opportunity or reason to interact with Black people with any frequency, if at all.

This is not a trick questions, it's a hypothesis regarding why white racism not only still exists in the United States but also why people like Dylann Roof and Payton Gendron, neither of whom have ever lived in the United States when the White race still held legal dominion over the of the lives of Black people, yet their beliefs as as twisted as any Klansman at the end of the Civil war.
I used to live in Little Rock. I came in contact with a lot of black people, probably daily. I moved and now the population is more Hispanic, so that is who I encounter most often. I’m not sure what you are looking for in answers. My previous response still stands. Yes, the answers do have to do with the racial makeup when that is who you will encounter.
I used to have a black supervisor. She is one of the best bosses I ever had. We still talk a lot on Facebook even though I have moved. I’m not sure why anyone would think it would be difficult to interact with black people. They aren’t a foreign species, lol.
Oh my gosh, how will I ever sleep at night? I've lost the high esteem in which I was held by the likes of those currently dissenting every comment I make on this board?

Seriously, I can barely hold back the tears <sniffle sniffle>

And yes, I do expect people to read and keep up with the comments made on my thread if you want me to respond to you. If you're repeatedly asking me questions which I've already answered yeah I'm going to get annoyed. My time is limited and shouldn't have to be spent looking up answers to things you can find for yourself.
Not a big deal, I found your post. As I stated yesterday it appears your "encounters" with White people appear to all be necessary and not by choice. That would seem to be an important differentiator if you are trying to create some sort of racism database with your poll. What do you think?
Not a big deal, I found your post. As I stated yesterday it appears your "encounters" with White people appear to all be necessary and not by choice. That would seem to be an important differentiator if you are trying to create some sort of racism database with your poll. What do you think?
I think if you really read her posts you would see that is not the case. She mentioned several times that she works and interacts with a variety people and nowhere did she indicate it was unpleasant. Maybe this picking unnecessary battles?
I think if you really read her posts you would see that is not the case. She mentioned several times that she works and interacts with a variety people and nowhere did she indicate it was unpleasant. Maybe this picking unnecessary battles?
I read all of Newsvine's posts. Maybe you should too. She and IM2 are the angriest, most accusatory posters on this board. I'm not picking a battle, I'm pointing out the problem with with her poll that she is apparently going to use for some sort of 'racism database'. She is the one that always brings the attitude including today. Don't take my word for it, Just look at any exchange she has ever had with me in any thread.
I read all of Newsvine's posts. Maybe you should too. She and IM2 are the angriest, most accusatory posters on this board. I'm not picking a battle, I'm pointing out the problem with with her poll that she is apparently going to use for some sort of 'racism database'. She is the one that always brings the attitude including today. Don't take my word for it, Just look at any exchange she has ever had with me in any thread.
Yes, those two are awful. And as far as her “racism database,” she is already not objective to arrive at a fair conclusion as to what constitutes racism. She sees everything through the prism of race, and accuses everyone who disagrees with her as being racist.

She actually called me “evil,” and when I objected, to doubled down and insisted I WAS evil. She is hardly the right person to conduct objective research.

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