Zone1 How Many White/Black People Do You Normally Interact With on a Daily Basis?

If you're Black how many White people do you normally encounter daily? For Whites, how many Blacks?

  • I'm Black - I don't interact with any White people on a daily basis

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'm Black - I interact with one White person on a daily basis

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'm Black - I interact with two to five White people on a daily basis

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'm Black - I interact with six to ten White people on a daily basis

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'm Black - I interact with more than ten White people on a daily basis

    Votes: 1 5.0%
  • I'm White - I don't interact with any Black people on a daily basis

    Votes: 7 35.0%
  • I'm White - I interact with one Black person on a daily basis

    Votes: 2 10.0%
  • I'm White - I interact with two to five Black people on a daily basis

    Votes: 4 20.0%
  • I'm White - I interact with six to ten Black people on a daily basis

    Votes: 1 5.0%
  • I'm White - I interact with more than ten Black people on a daily basis

    Votes: 5 25.0%

  • Total voters
Let's say we all live in Beddington, Maine which is 94% White and doesn't even list a Black population the number is so insignificant.

Statistically you could go out every day for what, more than 3 months without ever encountering a Black person, if then, let alone interact with them. In fact, I'm sure it's quite possible that you may never encounter me, the one black person in Beddington depending on schedules, places we each frequent, etc. (remember, this is a hypothetical).

While I, on the other hand am guaranteed to encounter one or more white people every single time I go out, whom I may interact with or not (the people at the store, gas station, restaurant, etc. are not the kinds of interactions I'm speaking of). I'm talking about instructors, co-workers, friends, colleagues, associates, brothers-in-arms, etc.

Did that help clarify things.
That is normal. If you live anywhere that is populated by a particular race, you would expect that.
if she and IM2 reveal the disdain they have for whites and sense of entitlement for reparations, I think they are likely to actually drive racism, rather than negate it.
This is the problem with the left's grotesque disdain for conservatives ---- they are so consistently and nastily insulting that we fight back. At this point, WHATEVER they don't like the most, that's what I'll vote for.

Off topic, but related.
When I fight, it's not on internet message boards, it's in the public domain, where everybody's shit gets dragged out into the light and that's why I give people fair warning about continuing to antagonize me after I've asked them to stop.

You don't like my poll, don't answer it, but don't crap all over my thread and think there will be no consequences ever.
You know, this is a direct and explicit set of threats. And yet, one of the mods said *I* was threatening people when they made the race threads Zone 1 which I have never done anytime, anywhere, and wouldn't know how to threaten people on the Internet anyway: presumably this person thinks she does know how to get at people in real life and is saying she'll go after them.

And the mod threatened to ban me. Hey, I know who the threatener is: him.

There is some kind of strange double standard going on here. The black gets to threaten wildly as above, but the whites get yelled at and threatened even when we DON'T do any of that?

Serious racism. This in my opinion is a lot of why whites are so angry in America today. Just constant discrimination.
I'm pretty sure I explained what I meant in my OP when I asked "how frequently". And you're in a class all your because of your occupation although admittedly I kind of assumed you are a patrol officer, but I guess that's just due to them being the first thing that comes to mind when we think "police".

So, for the record, I'm not talking about white people who go to the same market everyday and think the Black cashier or the Black person who bags their groceries is "pretty nice/friendly". I mean Black people you interact with as in socialize or collaborate or depend on one another or help one another in some way.

I am the only Black person on my team at work but our team is very diverse and I rarely think of this because it's just normal for me in my working life. Even in my business, almost every single person I work with is White and almost 100% male, including my mentor, my firearm instructors, my colleagues, the guys I've trained, etc. again no big deal, that's just how it is.

My grad school mentor is a White male as well and I have to connect with him at least once a week.

These are the kind of situations I'm referring to.
Ah here it is, my bad you did answer your poll question. So what I gather from this is that your 'white interactions' are all out of necessity and not by choice i.e. friends, is that correct?
I live in a mostly White community but there are some Blacks.

My next door neighbor is of the Negro race but he is not considered Black by half the population because he is a Trump voting Conservative . The hate filled Moon Bat half.
You know, this is a direct and explicit set of threats. And yet, one of the mods said *I* was threatening people when they made the race threads Zone 1 which I have never done anytime, anywhere, and wouldn't know how to threaten people on the Internet anyway: presumably this person thinks she does know how to get at people in real life and is saying she'll go after them.

And the mod threatened to ban me. Hey, I know who the threatener is: him.

There is some kind of strange double standard going on here. The black gets to threaten wildly as above, but the whites get yelled at and threatened even when we DON'T do any of that?

Serious racism. This in my opinion is a lot of why whites are so angry in America today. Just constant discrimination.
Now that I read what she wrote again, you’re absolutely right. There is a very direct threat - she even uses the word “fight” - that she will bring our “shit” (her word again) into the public domain. What is she saying….that she will dox us? (Not sure how she would do that, since we are all anonymous, but interesting that her default position is to threaten people who “antagonize” her, with HER being the one who determines what qualifies as antagonism.)

Besides, what have we said that is so awful? All I’ve done, and as far as I recall all that you’ve done, is to point out the favoritism given to blacks in today’s political environment.
And that air of superiority comes through as well. What’s this with how she “gives fair warning to people who antagonize” her? She seems to have finally stopped, but she went on for weeks calling me a “racist“ and “evil”? So IOW, she feels she is entitled to lash out at whites who won’t submit to her view of the world with horrible insults, yet “warns” whites not to antagonize her.

To bring this back on topic, her theory is that whites who are racist are less likely to have real-life exposure to blacks, and thus are more likely to fall for the media’s negative stories (such as when blacks loot stores or are belligerent to cops), but if she and IM2 reveal the disdain they have for whites and sense of entitlement for reparations, I think they are likely to actually drive racism, rather than negate it.
Exactly. And her poll question seems odd to me. It would seem important to differentiate between forced interactions and interactions by choice, e.g. friends. It sounds as if Newsvine's interactions with White people are "necessary" and not by choice whereas my interactions with Black people are mostly by choice and not necessary. Yet she paints me (and you) the Racist(s). :dunno:
Exactly. And her poll question seems odd to me. It would seem important to differentiate between forced interactions and interactions by choice, e.g. friends. It sounds as if Newsvine's interactions with White people are "necessary" and not by choice whereas my interactions with Black people are mostly by choice and not necessary. Yet she paints me (and you) the Racist(s). :dunno:
Yes, that would be an important distinction.
You must not spend much time here then. Mac1958 has compiled a couple of lists of the more vile things said which is why they're being put into a database. Much easier to distribute that way.
I see, so two of the most biased posters on this board are compiling lists of "vile things said". Surely these lists will fairly represent vile things said by both extremes. ;)
I see, so two of the most biased posters on this board are compiling lists of "vile things said". Surely these lists will fairly represent vile things said by both extremes. ;)
I could compile a list of vile things posters have said about Jews, including many from liberals who scream about the wrongs of bigotry (against blacks), but what would be accomplished? To show that there are vile antisemites in this country? Everyone knows that.

Such a list serves no purpose, other than for those who mire in their victimhood, blaming other people for failings. Far better to focus on adopting attitudes and behavior, and making choices, that make success likely.
Quit your bitching. I'm not changing my poll to suit the likes of you. I've explained why I posted what I did and I didn't put it up to be dissected by those individuals who have a bone to pick.

And you shouldn't be so quick to try to ascribe ignorance to others when your own is on full display. The team I work with and meet daily is comprised of 3 East Indians, 1 Southeast Asian, 1 white female, 1 white male, We lost our manager a while back who is a white female, her boss who was a director - a white male, his boss, an Asian female. We also lost two other team members, a white female and a white male. I am the only African American on the team but we collaborated with another team and I worked with a Hispanic male and a Hispanic female then. Then there are our customers who cover every race & ethnicity under the sun.

And just for the record, it's not the Asians or Hispanics who are on here giving us grief on a daily basis talking about imaginary offenses against them.

But I have begun discussing some of you with my friends, team members and some colleagues who work in various legal professions and the general consensus is that we (the Black members here) are being gaslighted by some of the white racist members here who INTENTIONALLY and continually make belittling, derogatory racist comments about black people in general and us as members of U.S. Message Board. And that these individuals are not held accountable for their behavior and comments by the moderators while we are censured for every little thing we say against continuing white racism in the United States, but that this has always been the way of racists. They've always had the support and cooperation of those in authority which is why they've been able to continue with their racist behavior throughout all this time.

You are certainly free to create your own thread on whatever you feel is the appropriate topic, but trolling my thread is not the way to go.
Oh you need to stop telling people what to do seeing you are in no authority to do so and your issue is if someone points out your blatant racism and bigotry you quickly tell them to leave!

You see the World as black and white and I have every right to point out your bigoted nonsense and you just stated in your thread to me that the only people you have any issue with is WHITE people!

So let be clear you have no clue what people say behind your back and I bet all those you listed have a negative view of you as they should seeing you are a close minded person what seeing things as you vs white society!

Now let me tell you something I don’t owe you anything in life and I don’t have to apologize for being WHITE and if for any moment you believe that is racist well darling I don’t care!

You and those like you look for racism and when you can not find it you make it up and try to blame people for your failures in life, and I just mock those like you because let admit it if White Society were to leave this planet you would be miserable because then you couldn’t blame them and then discover Hispanics and Asians hate you more!

The fact is you are the minority that no one want to associate with even Blacks usually look at you and just walk the other way!

So do us all a favor and take your own advice and shut up for once and stop blaming White Society for not wanting you because no one want you in reality!
I guess you're not reading my responses. I attended a university that was predominantly white male. How does that fit into the misconception you have of me that only exists in your head?

This is my Alma mater, so tell me why again I should care what you think especially since you're so uninformed?
View attachment 676856
Holy shit!

I wrote Hispanic and Asian and you once again prove all this is about your hatred for White Society, so which one of us can not read?
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I see, so two of the most biased posters on this board are compiling lists of "vile things said". Surely these lists will fairly represent vile things said by both extremes. ;)
Of course not and the Op will excuse the her bigotry while demanding everyone else be held accountable for their bigotry.

Notice how the Op is just mainly focus on White Society’s and when you mention Asian and Hispanics she just will brush it off and don’t mention she is only part of the thirteen percent of the population because in her mind that doesn’t mean anything and she want to focus on how White Society should consider the a majority instead or have a majority even though they are the minority!
I could compile a list of vile things posters have said about Jews, including many from liberals who scream about the wrongs of bigotry (against blacks), but what would be accomplished? To show that there are vile antisemites in this country? Everyone knows that.

Such a list serves no purpose, other than for those who mire in their victimhood, blaming other people for failings. Far better to focus on adopting attitudes and behavior, and making choices, that make success likely.
How much you want to bet all the vile things Black posters wrote in Race Relations will be notably absent from these lists of vile things said.
I could compile a list of vile things posters have said about Jews, including many from liberals who scream about the wrongs of bigotry (against blacks), but what would be accomplished? To show that there are vile antisemites in this country? Everyone knows that.

Such a list serves no purpose, other than for those who mire in their victimhood, blaming other people for failings. Far better to focus on adopting attitudes and behavior, and making choices, that make success likely.
Somehow the term Garbage In Garbage Out comes to mind when I hear about ominous "lists" of things compiled by Leftists.
How much you want to bet all the vile things Black posters wrote in Race Relations will be notably absent from these lists of vile things said.

Somehow the term Garbage In Garbage Out comes to mind when I hear about ominous "lists" of things compiled by Leftists.
One poster here has said on multiple occasions that he wants to see white children be killed with their parents watching. Another has said that all white "racists" should be killed, "racist" in this case being and who did not adhere to CRT orthodoxy.
The poll is interesting. Where I used to live, most of my peers and coworkers were black. My daily encounters with black people were frequent. Was there racism? I was pretty naive then, I might not have been aware of it on an individual level. But on a larger level…it was there. The majority of the clerical staff and low level management was black. The majority of mid level management was white and upper level was all white and all male. That was in the eighties.

Where I am now whites are by far the majority, particularly among faculty. Most of the black faculty we have had have been African. Only one was African American. He made a lot of accusations about racism, and felt that the tenure process was racist and should be altered for him. When he left, he left a list of micro aggressions pinned to the wall.

Different people, different experiences.
There is a suspicion that we as Black people encounter White people significantly more frequently than White people encounter us. In fact it seems as if a significant portion of the information white people have regarding Black people comes from the things they see in media, the news, things they were taught in school or in their homes, etc.

And by encounter, I don't mean people who wait on you such as the cashier at the supermarket, gas station or any other establishment you patronize for services. I mean people who you actually interact with out of choice or necessity - friends, associates or co-workers, professional colleagues, etc.
Do you have any interests besides your skin pigment?
One poster here has said on multiple occasions that he wants to see white children be killed with their parents watching. Another has said that all white "racists" should be killed, "racist" in this case being and who did not adhere to CRT orthodoxy.
Who would that be?
I think it's the most important racial issue facing us. The continual pretense that the big IQ gap somehow does not matter, though as we see from decades of evidence, it cannot be overcome, has led to a lot of bad directions in American society and may well be the end of us as a country, just as it was in 1860 when the Civil War started, as now at least indirectly because of blacks.

I suppose we have that "sins of their fathers until the seventh generation" Bible thing working here. If we had just never STARTED it all, they'd all be living on the Ivory Coast and all would be well and a lot better than now.
How are those statements NOT racist Circe? The whole subnormal IQ of blacks is a canard that comes straight out of a racist playbook. And blaming blacks for all of our problems? Or am I misunderstanding your statement?
I guess you're not reading my responses. I attended a university that was predominantly white male. How does that fit into the misconception you have of me that only exists in your head?

This is my Alma mater, so tell me why again I should care what you think especially since you're so uninformed?
View attachment 676856
How is the university you attended relevant to this topic? Is it relevant that I graduated Phi Beta Kappa and at the top of my class?

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