Zone1 How Many White/Black People Do You Normally Interact With on a Daily Basis?

If you're Black how many White people do you normally encounter daily? For Whites, how many Blacks?

  • I'm Black - I don't interact with any White people on a daily basis

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'm Black - I interact with one White person on a daily basis

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'm Black - I interact with two to five White people on a daily basis

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'm Black - I interact with six to ten White people on a daily basis

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'm Black - I interact with more than ten White people on a daily basis

    Votes: 1 5.0%
  • I'm White - I don't interact with any Black people on a daily basis

    Votes: 7 35.0%
  • I'm White - I interact with one Black person on a daily basis

    Votes: 2 10.0%
  • I'm White - I interact with two to five Black people on a daily basis

    Votes: 4 20.0%
  • I'm White - I interact with six to ten Black people on a daily basis

    Votes: 1 5.0%
  • I'm White - I interact with more than ten Black people on a daily basis

    Votes: 5 25.0%

  • Total voters

How Many White/Black People Do You Normally Interact With on a Daily Basis?​

You mean like gray?
And why do you have upper income white areas ? Because white ppl have a system to assist with that.

Not true. Why is the black urban area poor in the first place ? Because of white ppl and there are always white ppl around and living in black areas.

So you live in Arizona but you post all day about Chicago. OK. Got it.

And those black friends are not in your phone, unlike your white friends who are ready to be dialled and texted in moments notice. You don't have black friends.
Oh look Paul is back under a new name. Look at the posting style and abbreviations for proof.
That would only be true if the 13% of Blacks in the U.S. were evenly distributed amongst all 50 states but that is not the case.

What I have long suspected is that many of the White members here on U.S. Message Board who believe that they, as a member of the White race, are superior to Black people, have very little if any interaction with Black people and are basing their assumptions on things other than their own experiences. For example, we have shared with some members here our experiences with racism in our personal and professional lives and will have certain White members here tell us that our experiences have nothing to do with racism, especially structural or institutional racism because that was abolished in by the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and all of it's subsequent amendments.

The bottom line is why some people will believe things that are not true even when the evidence to disprove their beliefs are presented to them. One of the only reasons I could think of is because they don't actually know any Black people. This is my theory at least.

No one said anything that even resembles that.

Have you ever visited any place outside of where you grew up? If a person lives/works/visits in DC or areas of Maryland or Virginia or even Atlanta, they will encounter more Black people than White.

I grew up and went to school in an integrated environment although I momentarily attended an predominantly Black jr high school and a predominantly White high school. I was always much happier in a diverse environment, still am.

I was specifically asking about what the individuals who routinely post here on U.S. Message Board have experienced, my goal was never to try to change anything, just document it.
I have not seen very many white posters who think they are superior. I do know that black people have experienced racism. I also know that not everything that is claimed to be race related is true. I have heard young black men claim to have been fired because they are black, when in reality it had nothing to do with their skin color, young white men were fired for the same reasons.
I don't interact with a lot of people on a daily basis.

But there are a lot more people than just Black and White out there.

I'm mixed race and don't consider myself Black or White
There are very few Black people in my neck of the woods and they’re mostly of the Oreo variety.
I didn't know anyone else thought about this!! It has always annoyed me A LOT. Why do black men get pushed ahead of white women all the time? IMO they don't deserve it, most of them.
Yup. And with all the crying about how black men haven’t had the same rights as white men, they - the black men - actually had voting rights a full two generations before women did! Yet I don’t hear any women wailing and whining to get reparations!
Yup. And with all the crying about how black men haven’t had the same rights as white men, they - the black men - actually had voting rights a full two generations before women did! Yet I don’t hear any women wailing and whining to get reparations!
Maybe we should. . . .
For very white a black person encounters, that same white person is encountering a black person. By the way, there are more white people.
Let's say we all live in Beddington, Maine which is 94% White and doesn't even list a Black population the number is so insignificant.

Statistically you could go out every day for what, more than 3 months without ever encountering a Black person, if then, let alone interact with them. In fact, I'm sure it's quite possible that you may never encounter me, the one black person in Beddington depending on schedules, places we each frequent, etc. (remember, this is a hypothetical).

While I, on the other hand am guaranteed to encounter one or more white people every single time I go out, whom I may interact with or not (the people at the store, gas station, restaurant, etc. are not the kinds of interactions I'm speaking of). I'm talking about instructors, co-workers, friends, colleagues, associates, brothers-in-arms, etc.

Did that help clarify things.
I have not seen very many white posters who think they are superior. I do know that black people have experienced racism. I also know that not everything that is claimed to be race related is true. I have heard young black men claim to have been fired because they are black, when in reality it had nothing to do with their skin color, young white men were fired for the same reasons.
You must not spend much time here then. Mac1958 has compiled a couple of lists of the more vile things said which is why they're being put into a database. Much easier to distribute that way.
The college you attended is not relevant to the question you posed in your your poll. Why do you choose to fight with individuals instead of just answering the simple question your own poll poses? How many daily encounters do you have with White people?
Of course my Alma mater is relevant to the point I was making to Godboy. It is the number one aeronautical university IN THE WORLD I'm proud to say. I noticed he hasn't posted anything about HIS Alma mater but even if he did, there's nothing above "WE'RE NUMBER 1!!!"

When I fight, it's not on internet message boards, it's in the public domain, where everybody's shit gets dragged out into the light and that's why I give people fair warning about continuing to antagonize me after I've asked them to stop.

You don't like my poll, don't answer it, but don't crap all over my thread and think there will be no consequences ever.

Why haven't you started a new Black Death's Matter thread?

And for the last time, I've already answered the damn question.
Let's say we all live in Beddington, Maine which is 94% White and doesn't even list a Black population the number is so insignificant.

Statistically you could go out every day for what, more than 3 months without ever encountering a Black person, if then, let alone interact with them. In fact, I'm sure it's quite possible that you may never encounter me, the one black person in Beddington depending on schedules, places we each frequent, etc. (remember, this is a hypothetical).

While I, on the other hand am guaranteed to encounter one or more white people every single time I go out, whom I may interact with or not (the people at the store, gas station, restaurant, etc. are not the kinds of interactions I'm speaking of). I'm talking about instructors, co-workers, friends, colleagues, associates, brothers-in-arms, etc.

Did that help clarify things.
So what’s your point? That there are areas where there are few blacks, and so a white is unlucky to encounter any (or few)? There are areas where there are no Jews, as well, and I met people in college who, to that point, had never met a Jew.

And before you rush in to say I’m off-topic (your new approach), my point is that there are always going to be Americans who haven’t met an Asian, or a Jew, or some other minority. Mod Edit - No Flaming
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Black men got the right to vote in 1870. There was more bigotry against women, who would have to wait another 50 years until they were allowed to vote.

Though I am willing to believe that early American Women were treated horrendously I think that is highly unlikely their situation was worse than African men especially you lived in the South. Did the 13th Amendment 1965 not give them the vote.- possibly limited. Immediately after of course the Southern State Legislature introduced things called Black Code. I am not sure of the wording of these but certainly as you say by 1870 Black Men officially if not practically had the vote

1870, Congress passed the last of the three so-called Reconstruction Amendments, the 15th Amendment, which stated that voting rights could not be “denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.”

I have also seen the 1870 bill describes as a bill to make sure they were not denied the vote.

Black codes were brought in around 67, after slavery was ended to ensure that Black people in the South were kept in a situation similar to slavery

Jim Crow laws were what was brought in when black codes had to go out and that did not end till 1964 which in practice was when Blacks got the same freedoms as white people long after white women got the vote.
Of course my Alma mater is relevant to the point I was making to Godboy. It is the number one aeronautical university IN THE WORLD I'm proud to say. I noticed he hasn't posted anything about HIS Alma mater but even if he did, there's nothing above "WE'RE NUMBER 1!!!"

When I fight, it's not on internet message boards, it's in the public domain, where everybody's shit gets dragged out into the light and that's why I give people fair warning about continuing to antagonize me after I've asked them to stop.

You don't like my poll, don't answer it, but don't crap all over my thread and think there will be no consequences ever.

Why haven't you started a new Black Death's Matter thread?

And for the last time, I've already answered the damn question.
Always bringing the anger. I didn't see where you answered your own poll question I guess I'll go through the thread AGAIN. I don't know why you and IM2 won't just communicate like human beings. That's why you alienate everyone on this board.
Always bringing the anger. I didn't see where you answered your own poll question I guess I'll go through the thread AGAIN. I don't know why you and IM2 won't just communicate like human beings. That's why you alienate everyone on this board.

MOD EDIT - no flaming in Zone 1

To bring this back on topic, her theory is that whites who are racist are less likely to have real-life exposure to blacks, and thus are more likely to fall for the media’s negative stories (such as when blacks loot stores or are belligerent to cops), but if she and IM2 reveal the disdain they have for whites and sense of entitlement for reparations, I think they are likely to actually drive racism, rather than negate it.
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You must not spend much time here then. Mac1958 has compiled a couple of lists of the more vile things said which is why they're being put into a database. Much easier to distribute that way.
I’m in here quite often. Vile things are said, I didn’t deny that. As far as many, depends on what you call many. There are a lot of threads and posts, I don’t read them all but I read a lot of them. Things may be repeated by particular posters and the comments may be spread out over time. There is no excuse for it. Some black posters have also degraded white posters.

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