Zone1 How Many White/Black People Do You Normally Interact With on a Daily Basis?

If you're Black how many White people do you normally encounter daily? For Whites, how many Blacks?

  • I'm Black - I don't interact with any White people on a daily basis

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'm Black - I interact with one White person on a daily basis

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'm Black - I interact with two to five White people on a daily basis

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'm Black - I interact with six to ten White people on a daily basis

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'm Black - I interact with more than ten White people on a daily basis

    Votes: 1 5.0%
  • I'm White - I don't interact with any Black people on a daily basis

    Votes: 7 35.0%
  • I'm White - I interact with one Black person on a daily basis

    Votes: 2 10.0%
  • I'm White - I interact with two to five Black people on a daily basis

    Votes: 4 20.0%
  • I'm White - I interact with six to ten Black people on a daily basis

    Votes: 1 5.0%
  • I'm White - I interact with more than ten Black people on a daily basis

    Votes: 5 25.0%

  • Total voters
There is a suspicion that we as Black people encounter White people significantly more frequently than White people encounter us. In fact it seems as if a significant portion of the information white people have regarding Black people comes from the things they see in media, the news, things they were taught in school or in their homes, etc.

And by encounter, I don't mean people who wait on you such as the cashier at the supermarket, gas station or any other establishment you patronize for services. I mean people who you actually interact with out of choice or necessity - friends, associates or co-workers, professional colleagues, etc.
The reason why is you are thirteen percent of the population which mean you will interact with more whites than whites interacting with Blacks…

I hope you can understand the math or are you suggesting Whites should be forced to interact with the same amount of percentage of Blacks as Blacks interact with Whites?

If so impossible to do seeing again you are the MINORITY in population!
Why don't you put your money where your mouth is and show us in what way there is any superiority in YOU.
Well, i behave appropriately in public. Im kind to people, i smile at people and i tip people who serve me. When there is conflict, i dont instantly become violent or make a big scene. When something doesnt go my way, i dont blame the nearest black guy and make everything about race. When a cop pulls me over i am polite.

These things come from having a superior culture, so you would never understand.
Good point, however the thing that prompted this thread was how often some of the more prolific Black posters here are "lectured" and/or talked down to by White people who consider themselves superior to Black people, even when they deny it and are in the closet most of the time not realizing the closet door is open and we can see them.

Most of them however don't deny what they are and there are at least a couple who are proud racists with a few rabid ones thrown in as well (see post #6 above by Godboy). But one thing they almost all have in common though is they get defensive and angry when you point out the things that they say that make them look as if they honestly believe they and all other White people are superior to all Black people (see post #6 above by Godboy).

Which then begs the question, at least to me, well how many Black people do they actually know/interact with on a personal or professional level, either by choice or as a requirement of their job or profession.
Nope, i said black CULTURE is inferior. Dishonesty is another hallmark of a person who comes from an inferior culture. Do better.
Good point, however the thing that prompted this thread was how often some of the more prolific Black posters here are "lectured" and/or talked down to by White people who consider themselves superior to Black people, even when they deny it and are in the closet most of the time not realizing the closet door is open and we can see them.

Most of them however don't deny what they are and there are at least a couple who are proud racists with a few rabid ones thrown in as well (see post #6 above by Godboy). But one thing they almost all have in common though is they get defensive and angry when you point out the things that they say that make them look as if they honestly believe they and all other White people are superior to all Black people (see post #6 above by Godboy).

Which then begs the question, at least to me, well how many Black people do they actually know/interact with on a personal or professional level, either by choice or as a requirement of their job or profession.
Right there you just shown how ignorant you are!

You are a small minority in this country and there are also Asians and Hispanics in this country and how many of them do you interact with?

You want to scream racism when you fail to understand you lack the population for what you are bitching about!

It would be like you going to Mexico and complaining that Mexicans don’t interact with Blacks in the percentage you prefer while not understanding you are the minority of the population or going to Sweden and demanding this nonsense or Canada!

I mean it would be like me going to a Nation in Africa and acting surprised that many of the Blacks there don’t have White friends!
I know that when you see a pitbull without a leash, whom youve never seen before, you are cautious and probably stay away from it. Why? Because that breed is notorious for mauling people. Not all of them bite, but many do. Certainly enough to make you cautious around them, right? Now you know how we all feel about black people.

Generally speaking, white people arent trying to be anywhere near racist, violent, criminal black communities. You people are the worst. Of course that should be expected from any group that has an inferior subculture. If you want to be treated the same as us, act the same. Until then, i will stay the fuck away from you people and always be cautious any time one of you is near me. You can call it racism all you want, but peoples perception of black people will NEVER change until black people as a community change their attitude and overall behavior.
You aren't speaking for ALL; you are speaking for yourself. Not everyone has the same perceptions that you do. Surely you understand that there is good and bad in every race, culture, religion, country, state, etc etc etc. If not, you haven't woken up yet.
I know that when you see a pitbull without a leash, whom youve never seen before, you are cautious and probably stay away from it. Why? Because that breed is notorious for mauling people. Not all of them bite, but many do. Certainly enough to make you cautious around them, right? Now you know how we all feel about black people.
That is an unfortunate fact.
Anyone can deny it, but they are liars if they do.
When my kids attended IU Medical in Indianapolis... when getting an apartment for them, I made damn sure there were as few black people living there as possible. I paid at least $200 more a month to find ones that didn't have section 8 sections.
I have said this before on here, and of course I got the usual "Raaaacist!!!" - bullshit. It's called being a good father who wants to ensure the best possible safe environment for my children.
Indianapolis is a crime cesspool all over the city. You have to diligently look for apartment complexes not taken over by the effects of Gentrification throughout the 2000s that spread crime all over the city.
You aren't speaking for ALL; you are speaking for yourself. Not everyone has the same perceptions that you do. Surely you understand that there is good and bad in every race, culture, religion, country, state, etc etc etc. If not, you haven't woken up yet.
Yes there is and I see it in all walks of life no matter what.

When I used to hike across this country the Mexicans ( From Mexico that worked the fields ) would give me rides, share food and I might need a paternity test or two before I die and I am whiter than you.

I have had very good business relations with Blacks and have been within the Filipino community for nearly twenty-five years, and believe it or not ( no I am not walking on air ) I have poor relations with Whites and the reason why is because even though I am a racist bigot I expect more from my society!
I lived in Oakland, California for about 20 years in very mixed neighborhoods, had black next door neighbors, dealt with black people continually and sent my son to a school that had a black majority.

In my interactions, many blacks expressed the same seething hostility towards me as IM2, Miriyam and others express here on a daily basis. Other black people were totally friendly and nice.

In general, those who were friendly and nice were successful in life and so had no reason to blame white people for their faulures. Those who were nothing but hostile to all the white people they encountered guaranteed a similar response which they then used to justify their hostility. This was the pattern of failure.

My advice in general is this: if you don't like racism than don't BE the biggest fucking racist you can possibly be. Stop all your childish bullshit that all your obsessive race hatred and hostility isn't racist simply because you have the magic skin.

You are just getting what you put out, folks.
I lived in Oakland, California for about 20 years in very mixed neighborhoods, had black next door neighbors, dealt with black people continually and sent my son to a school that had a black majority.

In my interactions, many blacks expressed the same seething hostility towards me as IM2, Miriyam and others express here on a daily basis. Other black people were totally friendly and nice.

In general, those who were friendly and nice were successful in life and so had no reason to blame white people for their faulures. Those who were nothing but hostile to all the white people they encountered guaranteed a similar response which they then used to justify their hostility. This was the pattern of failure.

My advice in general is this: if you don't like racism than don't BE the biggest fucking racist you can possibly be. Stop all your childish bullshit that all your obsessive race hatred and hostility isn't racist simply because you have the magic skin.

You are just getting what you put out, folks.
Ditto for my experience living in a largely black neighborhood.
I'm mixed race so the poll doesn't really apply to me as well. When I worked if my project was in Africa I had lots of blacks on my crew (like over 90%), if in Asia it was Asians, etc.

African blacks are great to work with. I never have had a problem with any of my workers, and I even managed to get three families that I became close friends with here to the US when the political situation in their home country went bad.

Nowadays, because my hobby is aviation I don't interact with blacks very often, though my daughter went to school with one young man who loved aviation so I have been mentoring him and now that he is 17 he is working on his CFI rating.
The reason why is you are thirteen percent of the population which mean you will interact with more whites than whites interacting with Blacks…
That would only be true if the 13% of Blacks in the U.S. were evenly distributed amongst all 50 states but that is not the case.

What I have long suspected is that many of the White members here on U.S. Message Board who believe that they, as a member of the White race, are superior to Black people, have very little if any interaction with Black people and are basing their assumptions on things other than their own experiences. For example, we have shared with some members here our experiences with racism in our personal and professional lives and will have certain White members here tell us that our experiences have nothing to do with racism, especially structural or institutional racism because that was abolished in by the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and all of it's subsequent amendments.

The bottom line is why some people will believe things that are not true even when the evidence to disprove their beliefs are presented to them. One of the only reasons I could think of is because they don't actually know any Black people. This is my theory at least.

I hope you can understand the math or are you suggesting Whites should be forced to interact with the same amount of percentage of Blacks as Blacks interact with Whites?
No one said anything that even resembles that.

If so impossible to do seeing again you are the MINORITY in population!
Have you ever visited any place outside of where you grew up? If a person lives/works/visits in DC or areas of Maryland or Virginia or even Atlanta, they will encounter more Black people than White.

I grew up and went to school in an integrated environment although I momentarily attended an predominantly Black jr high school and a predominantly White high school. I was always much happier in a diverse environment, still am.

I was specifically asking about what the individuals who routinely post here on U.S. Message Board have experienced, my goal was never to try to change anything, just document it.
Well, i behave appropriately in public. Im kind to people, i smile at people and i tip people who serve me. When there is conflict, i dont instantly become violent or make a big scene. When something doesnt go my way, i dont blame the nearest black guy and make everything about race. When a cop pulls me over i am polite.

These things come from having a superior culture, so you would never understand.
***Mod Edit: Personal attacks (including those that are insinuated) are not allowed in Zone 1.***

When I started college, landlords preferred renting to Embry-Riddle students because they assumed are parents were wealthy and they wouldn't have to worry about the rent being paid on time. Eventually some of the guys began trashing the places and it became a less favorable situation for the rest of us. Of course the school then was probably 95% white male if not higher and yes they were the ones who gave Riddle students a bad name in the rental market.

Being in the south I got to see first hand some real racism including having one of the apartment complexes lying to me about a vacancy no longer being available when I showed up to view the place. I guess I didn't sound Black on the phone or she just assumed that as an Embry-Riddle student I was White. When I arrived at work my boss asked me how it went with the apartment complex and I told him what had happened. I must have seemed really shaken because he asked me for the phone number and he called the complex and identified him as detective sgt .... and said he was interested in the apartment they were advertising. She couldn't wait to get him down there to view the unit fast enough. He did this without me asking, so I would venture that he thought enough of me as a person, politeness not withstanding, to help me to prove that I was being discriminated against. I was the only Black person working at that police department then.

But while working there I was subjected to other employees making comments such as "a ****** with FRECKLES?!? within hearing distance, calling the fire chief at home in an emergency and having his wife answer the phone and when he asked her "who is it" she replied "I don't know, some ******". <----- You are the fill-in for the fire chief's wife in this scenario as well as the landlord who wouldn't rent to me so when I say that I/we've heard this shit from white racists our entire lives, I'm not exaggerating because I'm talking about things that happened more than 30 years ago.

Although I don't know your educational background in order to compare it to my own, judging from your comments and your rather deplorable lack of critical thinking skills, especially since you believe you're from a culture superior to my own, I would be surprised if you even matched my educational background let alone exceed it.

My culture produced an army air corps fighter pilot, bombardier and escort pilot more commonly known as a Tuskegee Airman Red Tail. My choice of Embry-Riddle University and my degree from that university in aeronautical science is just a continuation of his bloodlines.

Ironically, it was there at E-RAU that I first encountered a person such as many of the members here who disputed our instructor that there was any such thing as a Black pilot who fought in WWII. When a fellow student challenged our instructor I chimed in and vouched for him that there were indeed Black pilots who flew in WWII I just wasn't aware that they were famous or that they were called the Tuskegee Airmen because my grandfather was one

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