Zone1 How Many White/Black People Do You Normally Interact With on a Daily Basis?

If you're Black how many White people do you normally encounter daily? For Whites, how many Blacks?

  • I'm Black - I don't interact with any White people on a daily basis

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'm Black - I interact with one White person on a daily basis

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'm Black - I interact with two to five White people on a daily basis

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'm Black - I interact with six to ten White people on a daily basis

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'm Black - I interact with more than ten White people on a daily basis

    Votes: 1 5.0%
  • I'm White - I don't interact with any Black people on a daily basis

    Votes: 7 35.0%
  • I'm White - I interact with one Black person on a daily basis

    Votes: 2 10.0%
  • I'm White - I interact with two to five Black people on a daily basis

    Votes: 4 20.0%
  • I'm White - I interact with six to ten Black people on a daily basis

    Votes: 1 5.0%
  • I'm White - I interact with more than ten Black people on a daily basis

    Votes: 5 25.0%

  • Total voters
You aren't speaking for ALL; you are speaking for yourself. Not everyone has the same perceptions that you do. Surely you understand that there is good and bad in every race, culture, religion, country, state, etc etc etc. If not, you haven't woken up yet.
You and i both know that if youre around a large amount of black people, you are more cautious. If you are in a black neighborhood, you dont look at the people around you the same way. You know the rules are different there and you know that there is more danger there. Denying this makes you either a liar or a complete fucking moron who is unable to see the obvious.

How about instead of trying to change human instinct, you instead use your time to speak to black people online about the bad behavior that makes people view them differently. You cant change human nature, nor would it be advisable to try, but you CAN change problematic sub cultures. Wouldnt it be great if they stopped being so sucky and instead thrived like the rest of us?
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That would only be true if the 13% of Blacks in the U.S. were evenly distributed amongst all 50 states but that is not the case.

What I have long suspected is that many of the White members here on U.S. Message Board who believe that they, as a member of the White race, are superior to Black people, have very little if any interaction with Black people and are basing their assumptions on things other than their own experiences. For example, we have shared with some members here our experiences with racism in our personal and professional lives and will have certain White members here tell us that our experiences have nothing to do with racism, especially structural or institutional racism because that was abolished in by the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and all of it's subsequent amendments.

The bottom line is why some people will believe things that are not true even when the evidence to disprove their beliefs are presented to them. One of the only reasons I could think of is because they don't actually know any Black people. This is my theory at least.

No one said anything that even resembles that.

Have you ever visited any place outside of where you grew up? If a person lives/works/visits in DC or areas of Maryland or Virginia or even Atlanta, they will encounter more Black people than White.

I grew up and went to school in an integrated environment although I momentarily attended an predominantly Black jr high school and a predominantly White high school. I was always much happier in a diverse environment, still am.

I was specifically asking about what the individuals who routinely post here on U.S. Message Board have experienced, my goal was never to try to change anything, just document it.
Have you ever met someone or interacted with anyone that isn’t Black in your small little world?

Have you met Hispanics or Asians or do you believe Blacks are the only other race in the Human Race?

I suspect people like you live in a Black vs White reality and have never been to L.A. or Austin and just stay in your little neighborhood while demanding this or that from White Society.

You believe you love diversity until you discover Hispanics and Asians are like those White Bigots and prefer not to associate with you unless it is business dealings and even then they prefer White customers over you and how do I know this?

I live in reality unlike you and America isn’t Black or White and again you believe White people should be forced to accept what you want but in the end you are only thirteen percent of the population and soon will be further behind Hispanics and Asians on the minority list!

Heck, you are the minority in the World and Asians out rank you, and yet I bet you have no clue how little the Asians think of you or your society!
There is a suspicion that we as Black people encounter White people significantly more frequently than White people encounter us.
The possibility of encountering Black people is highly dependent on where you live and work. If you are an upper income White person living in a predominantly White neighborhood you will probably have very few interactions with other Black people. If you are a poor Black person living in a predominantly Black urban neighborhood you will have very few interactions with White people.

I am retired and live in Arizona which has a very low percentage of Black residents. I have a couple of good Black friends I keep in contact with through Facebook and I have come to know a few Black retirees at my golf course who are all very friendly. Beyond that, not much. How about you?
***Mod Edit: Personal attacks (including those that are insinuated) are not allowed in Zone 1.***

When I started college, landlords preferred renting to Embry-Riddle students because they assumed are parents were wealthy and they wouldn't have to worry about the rent being paid on time. Eventually some of the guys began trashing the places and it became a less favorable situation for the rest of us. Of course the school then was probably 95% white male if not higher and yes they were the ones who gave Riddle students a bad name in the rental market.

Being in the south I got to see first hand some real racism including having one of the apartment complexes lying to me about a vacancy no longer being available when I showed up to view the place. I guess I didn't sound Black on the phone or she just assumed that as an Embry-Riddle student I was White. When I arrived at work my boss asked me how it went with the apartment complex and I told him what had happened. I must have seemed really shaken because he asked me for the phone number and he called the complex and identified him as detective sgt .... and said he was interested in the apartment they were advertising. She couldn't wait to get him down there to view the unit fast enough. He did this without me asking, so I would venture that he thought enough of me as a person, politeness not withstanding, to help me to prove that I was being discriminated against. I was the only Black person working at that police department then.

But while working there I was subjected to other employees making comments such as "a ****** with FRECKLES?!? within hearing distance, calling the fire chief at home in an emergency and having his wife answer the phone and when he asked her "who is it" she replied "I don't know, some ******". <----- You are the fill-in for the fire chief's wife in this scenario as well as the landlord who wouldn't rent to me so when I say that I/we've heard this shit from white racists our entire lives, I'm not exaggerating because I'm talking about things that happened more than 30 years ago.

Although I don't know your educational background in order to compare it to my own, judging from your comments and your rather deplorable lack of critical thinking skills, especially since you believe you're from a culture superior to my own, I would be surprised if you even matched my educational background let alone exceed it.

My culture produced an army air corps fighter pilot, bombardier and escort pilot more commonly known as a Tuskegee Airman Red Tail. My choice of Embry-Riddle University and my degree from that university in aeronautical science is just a continuation of his bloodlines.

Ironically, it was there at E-RAU that I first encountered a person such as many of the members here who disputed our instructor that there was any such thing as a Black pilot who fought in WWII. When a fellow student challenged our instructor I chimed in and vouched for him that there were indeed Black pilots who flew in WWII I just wasn't aware that they were famous or that they were called the Tuskegee Airmen because my grandfather was one

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And this is how you can tell that they know that they've lost.

Nope, i said black CULTURE is inferior. Dishonesty is another hallmark of a person who comes from an inferior culture. Do better.
I don't have to "do" better, I am better.

Does it not bother you that someone who you consider inferior to yourself can still prove themselves to be a better person as well as being more accomplished?

That would rattle me, but then again I am a normal human being not afflicted by the scourge of racism
Right there you just shown how ignorant you are!

You are a small minority in this country and there are also Asians and Hispanics in this country and how many of them do you interact with?

You want to scream racism when you fail to understand you lack the population for what you are bitching about!

It would be like you going to Mexico and complaining that Mexicans don’t interact with Blacks in the percentage you prefer while not understanding you are the minority of the population or going to Sweden and demanding this nonsense or Canada!

I mean it would be like me going to a Nation in Africa and acting surprised that many of the Blacks there don’t haeve White friends!
Quit your bitching. I'm not changing my poll to suit the likes of you. I've explained why I posted what I did and I didn't put it up to be dissected by those individuals who have a bone to pick.

And you shouldn't be so quick to try to ascribe ignorance to others when your own is on full display. The team I work with and meet daily is comprised of 3 East Indians, 1 Southeast Asian, 1 white female, 1 white male, We lost our manager a while back who is a white female, her boss who was a director - a white male, his boss, an Asian female. We also lost two other team members, a white female and a white male. I am the only African American on the team but we collaborated with another team and I worked with a Hispanic male and a Hispanic female then. Then there are our customers who cover every race & ethnicity under the sun.

And just for the record, it's not the Asians or Hispanics who are on here giving us grief on a daily basis talking about imaginary offenses against them.

But I have begun discussing some of you with my friends, team members and some colleagues who work in various legal professions and the general consensus is that we (the Black members here) are being gaslighted by some of the white racist members here who INTENTIONALLY and continually make belittling, derogatory racist comments about black people in general and us as members of U.S. Message Board. And that these individuals are not held accountable for their behavior and comments by the moderators while we are censured for every little thing we say against continuing white racism in the United States, but that this has always been the way of racists. They've always had the support and cooperation of those in authority which is why they've been able to continue with their racist behavior throughout all this time.

You are certainly free to create your own thread on whatever you feel is the appropriate topic, but trolling my thread is not the way to go.
Have you ever met someone or interacted with anyone that isn’t Black in your small little world?

Have you met Hispanics or Asians or do you believe Blacks are the only other race in the Human Race?

I suspect people like you live in a Black vs White reality and have never been to L.A. or Austin and just stay in your little neighborhood while demanding this or that from White Society.

You believe you love diversity until you discover Hispanics and Asians are like those White Bigots and prefer not to associate with you unless it is business dealings and even then they prefer White customers over you and how do I know this?

I live in reality unlike you and America isn’t Black or White and again you believe White people should be forced to accept what you want but in the end you are only thirteen percent of the population and soon will be further behind Hispanics and Asians on the minority list!

Heck, you are the minority in the World and Asians out rank you, and yet I bet you have no clue how little the Asians think of you or your society!
I guess you're not reading my responses. I attended a university that was predominantly white male. How does that fit into the misconception you have of me that only exists in your head?

This is my Alma mater, so tell me why again I should care what you think especially since you're so uninformed?
I don't have to "do" better, I am better.

Does it not bother you that someone who you consider inferior to yourself can still prove themselves to be a better person as well as being more accomplished?

That would rattle me, but then again I am a normal human being not afflicted by the scourge of racism
I dont see what race has to do with this discussion about culture. Also, i never said that "someone" was inferior to me, did i? I said black culture is inferior, which it obviously is.

I cant imagine why you would defend the very thing that is actually hurting black people. Until that culture is radically changed, the misery will continue... for all of us.
I dont see what race has to do with this discussion about culture. Also, i never said that "someone" was inferior to me, did i? I said black culture is inferior, which it obviously is.

I cant imagine why you would defend the very thing that is actually hurting black people. Until that culture is radically changed, the misery will continue... for all of us.
The truth of the matter is that the children and grandchildren of the Vietnamese immigrants who arrived here in the 70s are now actually MORE prosperous than the average American.

The reason for this is that their parents set about to make a better life for them, encouraged their education and instilled proper values in them.

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Exact same scenario with the Jewish immigrants around the turn of the 20th century. They set out for these shores, impoverished and uneducated, and often fleeing rampant antisemitism - and a generation or two later, their children and grandchildren are more prosperous than the average.

It shows that a strong family unit, the emphasis on the right values, and motivation, discipline, and hard work leads to success.

MUCH more effective than bullying others on a message board!
It's a good thing I knew so many middle class black people when I lived in Oakland. They recognized the commonality of the experiences vis a vis blacks and Jewish people in regards to being on the receiving end of hateful racial prejudice. They had also learned the lesson that in order combat racism, they needed to avoid BEING a racist.

Unfortunately, too many are filled with nothing but seething anger and hated, so any mention of the experiences of Jewish people just acts as an invitation to double down on the bullying.

Antisemitic canards cast Jews as the ultimate "the man" thus the need for the haters to dominate you.
I guess you're not reading my responses. I attended a university that was predominantly white male. How does that fit into the misconception you have of me that only exists in your head?

This is my Alma mater, so tell me why again I should care what you think especially since you're so uninformed?
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The college you attended is not relevant to the question you posed in your your poll. Why do you choose to fight with individuals instead of just answering the simple question your own poll poses? How many daily encounters do you have with White people?
More interactions with whites makes sense. You know, the population thingy..
I’m white. Tuesday-Sunday ininteract with generally 5 other people the whole day… 4 Puerto Ricans and one other Caucasian. On Mondays I interact with a larger selection of people, pretty much all Caucasian.
Exact same scenario with the Jewish immigrants around the turn of the 20th century. They set out for these shores, impoverished and uneducated, and often fleeing rampant antisemitism - and a generation or two later, their children and grandchildren are more prosperous than the average.

Because they were white

It shows that a strong family unit, the emphasis on the right values, and motivation, discipline, and hard work leads to success.

No. It shows that the Jews were white and benefitted from being white in a system of racism

MUCH more effective than bullying others on a message board!

What have blk ppl done to white ppl ?
The possibility of encountering Black people is highly dependent on where you live and work. If you are an upper income White person living in a predominantly White neighborhood you will probably have very few interactions with other Black people.

And why do you have upper income white areas ? Because white ppl have a system to assist with that.

If you are a poor Black person living in a predominantly Black urban neighborhood you will have very few interactions with White people.

Not true. Why is the black urban area poor in the first place ? Because of white ppl and there are always white ppl around and living in black areas.

I am retired and live in Arizona which has a very low percentage of Black residents.

So you live in Arizona but you post all day about Chicago. OK. Got it.

I have a couple of good Black friends I keep in contact with through Facebook and I have come to know a few Black retirees at my golf course who are all very friendly. Beyond that, not much. How about you?

And those black friends are not in your phone, unlike your white friends who are ready to be dialled and texted in moments notice. You don't have black friends.
Because they were white
And the fact that they had intact families, placed a high premium on higher education, and had discipline, motivation, and ability was not a factor?
No. It shows that the Jews were white and benefitted from being white in a system of racism

No, it shows that Jews did what it took to succeed, despite the bigotry. Their “white privilege” of which you speak robbed them of their parents and siblings at the hands of Hitler.
What have blk ppl done to white ppl ?
Nothing. What have white people done to black people over the past two generations?
Exact same scenario with the Jewish immigrants around the turn of the 20th century. They set out for these shores, impoverished and uneducated, and often fleeing rampant antisemitism - and a generation or two later, their children and grandchildren are more prosperous than the average.

It shows that a strong family unit, the emphasis on the right values, and motivation, discipline, and hard work leads to success.

MUCH more effective than bullying others on a message board!
Well, all that and 32 extra IQ points on average!! I'm going to say, that is likely to have figured into the success story.
Well, I didn’t want to say that because it would open up a whole new can of worms.
I think it's the most important racial issue facing us. The continual pretense that the big IQ gap somehow does not matter, though as we see from decades of evidence, it cannot be overcome, has led to a lot of bad directions in American society and may well be the end of us as a country, just as it was in 1860 when the Civil War started, as now at least indirectly because of blacks.

I suppose we have that "sins of their fathers until the seventh generation" Bible thing working here. If we had just never STARTED it all, they'd all be living on the Ivory Coast and all would be well and a lot better than now.
I think it's the most important racial issue facing us. The continual pretense that the big IQ gap somehow does not matter, though as we see from decades of evidence, it cannot be overcome, has led to a lot of bad directions in American society and may well be the end of us as a country, just as it was in 1860 when the Civil War started, as now at least indirectly because of blacks.

I suppose we have that "sins of their fathers until the seventh generation" Bible thing working here. If we had just never STARTED it all, they'd all be living on the Ivory Coast and all would be well and a lot better than now.
I believe it is “upon the third and fourth generation.” We are past that, except perhaps in rare cases

Figure that the last slaveowners would have had to be adults in the 1860s, meaning they were born in the 1840s. The second generation would have been born in the 1860s. The third generation, 1880s. Fourth generation, 1900s. Anyone “punished” for slavery, carried out to the fourth generation, would have to be 120 years old by now.

Let’s spread the generations out. Second generation, born 1870s. Third generation, 1900s. Fourth generation, 1930s. That means that people who are less than 85 years old or so are fifth generation or later.
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