How many years of progress in race relations were pissed down the drain by Obama & Company?

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Obama, Holder, Lynch have really set us back when it comes to race relations. They spent 8 years looking for boogeymen rather than enforcing the law. They excused criminal behavior and encouraged the further breakdown of our inner cities.

Hands up don't shoot was a lie.
Treyvon was killed by another minority.
All the cops in Baltimore were found NOT GUILTY.
Supposed race crimes are being found to be fraudulent reports but not until after days or weeks of non stop reporting.

There are the occasional cases of police abusing their authority but Obama & Company would have you believe that is the norm rather than the rarity it is.

I'm guessing we lost 10 or 15 years of progress.
If anything has set back race relations it is people like you always holding the police blameless no matter how brutal and shitty they are. In the coming years there will certainly be more unarmed black people killed by police, let's see if having Trump as president makes black people less angry about it.
Obama really was in a position to improve race relations, and instead he chose to vote "present".

My biggest disappointment with his term, by far.
If anything has set back race relations it is people like you always holding the police blameless no matter how brutal and shitty they are. In the coming years there will certainly be more unarmed black people killed by police, let's see if having Trump as president makes black people less angry about it.
Stop. Just stop. Statistics don't back you up bubba. Do you ever investigate before you post?
Obama really was in a position to improve race relations, and instead he chose to vote "present".

My biggest disappointment with his term, by far.
He did nothing for his own hometown Chicago and killing black on black. It got worse! I draw but one conclusion he hates blacks
Nobody should be surprised that the election and Presidency of a black person led to a resurgence in racism and white nationalism. But each dying gasp is weaker than the last. If Trump follows through on his campaign promises, I think he will unite Americans like never before against his tyranny.
Obama, Holder, Lynch have really set us back when it comes to race relations. They spent 8 years looking for boogeymen rather than enforcing the law. They excused criminal behavior and encouraged the further breakdown of our inner cities.

Hands up don't shoot was a lie.
Treyvon was killed by another minority.
All the cops in Baltimore were found NOT GUILTY.
Supposed race crimes are being found to be fraudulent reports but not until after days or weeks of non stop reporting.

There are the occasional cases of police abusing their authority but Obama & Company would have you believe that is the norm rather than the rarity it is.

I'm guessing we lost 10 or 15 years of progress.
You forgot, the cops acted stupidly.
If anything has set back race relations it is people like you always holding the police blameless no matter how brutal and shitty they are. In the coming years there will certainly be more unarmed black people killed by police, let's see if having Trump as president makes black people less angry about it.
Stop. Just stop. Statistics don't back you up bubba. Do you ever investigate before you post?
Simply dismissing what has made entire communities of people to become enraged at the police is part of the problem. Blaming it on the president is a handy scapegoating technique that fixes nothing. On the bright side (for you) Trump's bigoted pick for AG will never pursue even the most blatant civil rights violations, let's see if that strategy improves race relations.
If anything has set back race relations it is people like you always holding the police blameless no matter how brutal and shitty they are. In the coming years there will certainly be more unarmed black people killed by police, let's see if having Trump as president makes black people less angry about it.
More whites actually get killed by cops. So thank you for proving the liberal bullshit.
50 years or's the price people pay for ignoring the democrats plantation....
Obama has been by far the most racially divisive President in my life time and I was born when Harry Truman was in office.

Obama has also been the worst President on every other issue. He has screwed up everything he has touched. Everything from the economy to foreign policy. He even managed to lose the Iraq War after Bush handed him a victory. All he had to do was not screw it up but he managed to do that.

He was never qualified to be President. He was a worthless extreme far Left affirmative action community organizer nobody that was chosen by the party of Moon Bats because of his race.

He simply did not have the skills necessary to run this country including defusing racial tensions.

These Moon Bats were idiots electing him. Not only has it been a disaster for the country but it has come close to destroying the Democrat Party. Dumbasses! We told the Moon Bats that he was bad news but they wouldn't listen.
Obama IS a racist....a racist is incapable of improving the situation

We all knew that when we found out that he attended a filthy ass church for 20 years that openly preached hate against Jews and Whites. The Moon Bats simply refused to acknowledge Obama's blatant racism.
If anything has set back race relations it is people like you always holding the police blameless no matter how brutal and shitty they are. In the coming years there will certainly be more unarmed black people killed by police, let's see if having Trump as president makes black people less angry about it.

We are not the ones that attended a church for 20 years that preached racial hatred. We are not the ones that incited racial looting, killing and rioting by calling police racist. We are not the ones that took the side of a racial profiler that tried to kill a White Man because he was a "Cracker".

We didn't appoint shitass hate White people assholes like Holder and Lynch to the position of Attorney General.

You Boy has been a disaster for this country. That is what you get when you elect an affirmative action asshole with no qualification to be President of the US. He never understood that he was suppose to be President of all the people, not just the ghetto welfare queens that voted for him.
Nobody should be surprised that the election and Presidency of a black person led to a resurgence in racism and white nationalism. But each dying gasp is weaker than the last. If Trump follows through on his campaign promises, I think he will unite Americans like never before against his tyranny.
Obama was elected BECAUSE of white voters not despite them. Your logic is flawed
If anything has set back race relations it is people like you always holding the police blameless no matter how brutal and shitty they are. In the coming years there will certainly be more unarmed black people killed by police, let's see if having Trump as president makes black people less angry about it.

As long as black men refuse to obey a lawful order from a LEO there will be a problem.
If anything has set back race relations it is people like you always holding the police blameless no matter how brutal and shitty they are. In the coming years there will certainly be more unarmed black people killed by police, let's see if having Trump as president makes black people less angry about it.
Stop. Just stop. Statistics don't back you up bubba. Do you ever investigate before you post?
Simply dismissing what has made entire communities of people to become enraged at the police is part of the problem. Blaming it on the president is a handy scapegoating technique that fixes nothing. On the bright side (for you) Trump's bigoted pick for AG will never pursue even the most blatant civil rights violations, let's see if that strategy improves race relations.
What has that anything to do with my post? Wasn't about police. Was it?
If anything has set back race relations it is people like you always holding the police blameless no matter how brutal and shitty they are. In the coming years there will certainly be more unarmed black people killed by police, let's see if having Trump as president makes black people less angry about it.

We are not the ones that attended a church for 20 years that preached racial hatred. We are not the ones that incited racial looting, killing and rioting by calling police racist. We are not the ones that took the side of a racial profiler that tried to kill a White Man because he was a "Cracker".

We didn't appoint shitass hate White people assholes like Holder and Lynch to the position of Attorney General.

You Boy has been a disaster for this country. That is what you get when you elect an affirmative action asshole with no qualification to be President of the US. He never understood that he was suppose to be President of all the people, not just the ghetto welfare queens that voted for him.
Hands up don't shoot promoted by obummer and it wasn't true, he personally incited riots. And you all are worried about trump. Wow!
Nobody should be surprised that the election and Presidency of a black person led to a resurgence in racism and white nationalism. But each dying gasp is weaker than the last. If Trump follows through on his campaign promises, I think he will unite Americans like never before against his tyranny.
Obama was elected BECAUSE of white voters not despite them. Your logic is flawed
And Hillary won the popular vote because of white voters too.

But Trump didn't win the GOP primary because of his economic prowess, or his political skills, or his knowledge of foreign policy, etc. Cruz, Rubio and others had him beat on all that. He won it because he openly berated the darkies and made people believe that he would punish people of different faiths, cultures, beliefs, and political ideology.

The last gasp of white nationalism, and the best champion they could find is a reality TV buffoon. Weaker and weaker...
Nobody should be surprised that the election and Presidency of a black person led to a resurgence in racism and white nationalism. But each dying gasp is weaker than the last. If Trump follows through on his campaign promises, I think he will unite Americans like never before against his tyranny.
Obama was elected BECAUSE of white voters not despite them. Your logic is flawed

After experiencing eight years of that asshole Obama many White people jumped ship on Obama's jackass predecessor Crooked Hillary, didn't they?

In addition many of the racially motivated Blacks that came out to vote for their soul brother didn't bother to come out to vote for the mean old White bitch, did they?
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