How many years of progress in race relations were pissed down the drain by Obama & Company?

If anything has set back race relations it is people like you always holding the police blameless no matter how brutal and shitty they are. .....

Individual police? Who has held individuals who have broken the law "blameless"?
.... In the coming years there will certainly be more unarmed black people killed by police, let's see if having Trump as president makes black people less angry about it.

No doubt some unarmed white people will be killed by the police at some point in the future as well. Expecting any burning and looting as a result?
Nobody should be surprised that the election and Presidency of a black person led to a resurgence in racism and white nationalism. But each dying gasp is weaker than the last. If Trump follows through on his campaign promises, I think he will unite Americans like never before against his tyranny.
Obama was elected BECAUSE of white voters not despite them. Your logic is flawed
And Hillary won the popular vote because of white voters too.

But Trump didn't win the GOP primary because of his economic prowess, or his political skills, or his knowledge of foreign policy, etc. Cruz, Rubio and others had him beat on all that. He won it because he openly berated the darkies and made people believe that he would punish people of different faiths, cultures, beliefs, and political ideology.

The last gasp of white nationalism, and the best champion they could find is a reality TV buffoon. Weaker and weaker...
Look at the human you are!
..... He won it because he openly berated the darkies......
More race-bating bullshit from the left. The curtain has come down on your show, comrade.
And it's a goddamn shame.

It's an important issue, a critical issue, and the Left has diluted it to the point where it's not much more than a caricature, a punchline.

That's why I wonder what its real goal is here.
..... He won it because he openly berated the darkies......
More race-bating bullshit from the left. The curtain has come down on your show, comrade.
And it's a goddamn shame.

It's an important issue, a critical issue, and the Left has diluted it to the point where it's not much more than a caricature, a punchline.

That's why I wonder what its real goal is here.
Never agree with conservatives. EVAH
Nobody should be surprised that the election and Presidency of a black person led to a resurgence in racism and white nationalism. But each dying gasp is weaker than the last. If Trump follows through on his campaign promises, I think he will unite Americans like never before against his tyranny.
Obama was elected BECAUSE of white voters not despite them. Your logic is flawed
And Hillary won the popular vote because of white voters too.

But Trump didn't win the GOP primary because of his economic prowess, or his political skills, or his knowledge of foreign policy, etc. Cruz, Rubio and others had him beat on all that. He won it because he openly berated the darkies and made people believe that he would punish people of different faiths, cultures, beliefs, and political ideology.

The last gasp of white nationalism, and the best champion they could find is a reality TV buffoon. Weaker and weaker...

This is the legacy of that Obama asshole. Enjoy Moon Bats!

When Obama took office in 2009, Democrats controlled nearly three-fifths of both houses of Congress. At their peak, Democrats held a filibuster-proof, 60-seat Senate majority and outnumbered Republicans in the House 258 to 177.

After the 2016 elections, Republicans retained a 246-194 majority in the House. They will hold 52 out of 100 Senate seat seats at the beginning of next year. Both midterm elections of Obama's presidency were disasters for the Democrats. The defeat of Obama's chosen successor, Hillary Clinton, helped keep Capitol Hill in GOP hands.
Nobody should be surprised that the election and Presidency of a black person led to a resurgence in racism and white nationalism. But each dying gasp is weaker than the last. If Trump follows through on his campaign promises, I think he will unite Americans like never before against his tyranny.
Obama was elected BECAUSE of white voters not despite them. Your logic is flawed
And Hillary won the popular vote because of white voters too.

But Trump didn't win the GOP primary because of his economic prowess, or his political skills, or his knowledge of foreign policy, etc. Cruz, Rubio and others had him beat on all that. He won it because he openly berated the darkies and made people believe that he would punish people of different faiths, cultures, beliefs, and political ideology.

The last gasp of white nationalism, and the best champion they could find is a reality TV buffoon. Weaker and weaker...

Hahaha....excuse me...hahahahahaha...ok....he won because your policies failed. That's what you don't get. Voters didn't trust republicans to defeat the left, so they hired an outsider, all because they wanted someone who was going defeat the left and their ridiculously harmful policies.
Nobody should be surprised that the election and Presidency of a black person led to a resurgence in racism and white nationalism. But each dying gasp is weaker than the last. If Trump follows through on his campaign promises, I think he will unite Americans like never before against his tyranny.
Obama was elected BECAUSE of white voters not despite them. Your logic is flawed
And Hillary won the popular vote because of white voters too.

But Trump didn't win the GOP primary because of his economic prowess, or his political skills, or his knowledge of foreign policy, etc. Cruz, Rubio and others had him beat on all that. He won it because he openly berated the darkies and made people believe that he would punish people of different faiths, cultures, beliefs, and political ideology.

The last gasp of white nationalism, and the best champion they could find is a reality TV buffoon. Weaker and weaker...
This thread isn't about Hillary or Trump. Fail
Obama, and anyone else who buys into the eternal victimhood meme, which is part-and-parcel of Democrat orthodoxy, is unfit to improve race relations in America.
If anything has set back race relations it is people like you always holding the police blameless no matter how brutal and shitty they are. In the coming years there will certainly be more unarmed black people killed by police, let's see if having Trump as president makes black people less angry about it.
Stop. Just stop. Statistics don't back you up bubba. Do you ever investigate before you post?
Simply dismissing what has made entire communities of people to become enraged at the police is part of the problem. Blaming it on the president is a handy scapegoating technique that fixes nothing. On the bright side (for you) Trump's bigoted pick for AG will never pursue even the most blatant civil rights violations, let's see if that strategy improves race relations.

No the black community continues to want to release criminals and where do they go, the black community......
Plus they don't help cops, they just need to follow orders, it would help if they didn't have records.

How many of these shootings take place in safe aka white areas?
And by black commmunity I mean their black leftwing leadership
If anything has set back race relations it is people like you always holding the police blameless no matter how brutal and shitty they are. In the coming years there will certainly be more unarmed black people killed by police, let's see if having Trump as president makes black people less angry about it.
Stop. Just stop. Statistics don't back you up bubba. Do you ever investigate before you post?
Simply dismissing what has made entire communities of people to become enraged at the police is part of the problem. Blaming it on the president is a handy scapegoating technique that fixes nothing. On the bright side (for you) Trump's bigoted pick for AG will never pursue even the most blatant civil rights violations, let's see if that strategy improves race relations.

No the black community continues to want to release criminals and where do they go, the black community......
Plus they don't help cops, they just need to follow orders, it would help if they didn't have records.

How many of these shootings take place in safe aka white areas?
And by black commmunity I mean their black leftwing leadership
everything was just fine during the Bush Years! I never did see anyone dressed in white running around with a torch screaming "White Power! White Power" !!!!!
Obama has been by far the most racially divisive President in my life time and I was born when Harry Truman was in office.

Obama has also been the worst President on every other issue. He has screwed up everything he has touched. Everything from the economy to foreign policy. He even managed to lose the Iraq War after Bush handed him a victory. All he had to do was not screw it up but he managed to do that.

He was never qualified to be President. He was a worthless extreme far Left affirmative action community organizer nobody that was chosen by the party of Moon Bats because of his race.

He simply did not have the skills necessary to run this country including defusing racial tensions.

These Moon Bats were idiots electing him. Not only has it been a disaster for the country but it has come close to destroying the Democrat Party. Dumbasses! We told the Moon Bats that he was bad news but they wouldn't listen.
His only "qualification" was that he was (half) black.
If anything has set back race relations it is people like you always holding the police blameless no matter how brutal and shitty they are. In the coming years there will certainly be more unarmed black people killed by police, let's see if having Trump as president makes black people less angry about it.
Stop. Just stop. Statistics don't back you up bubba. Do you ever investigate before you post?
Simply dismissing what has made entire communities of people to become enraged at the police is part of the problem. Blaming it on the president is a handy scapegoating technique that fixes nothing. On the bright side (for you) Trump's bigoted pick for AG will never pursue even the most blatant civil rights violations, let's see if that strategy improves race relations.

No the black community continues to want to release criminals and where do they go, the black community......
Plus they don't help cops, they just need to follow orders, it would help if they didn't have records.

How many of these shootings take place in safe aka white areas?
And by black commmunity I mean their black leftwing leadership
everything was just fine during the Bush Years! I never did see anyone dressed in white running around with a torch screaming "White Power! White Power" !!!!!
I didn't see it either, leftwingers need a boogeyman, they can't discuss policy
If anything has set back race relations it is people like you always holding the police blameless no matter how brutal and shitty they are. In the coming years there will certainly be more unarmed black people killed by police, let's see if having Trump as president makes black people less angry about it.
Stop. Just stop. Statistics don't back you up bubba. Do you ever investigate before you post?
Simply dismissing what has made entire communities of people to become enraged at the police is part of the problem. Blaming it on the president is a handy scapegoating technique that fixes nothing. On the bright side (for you) Trump's bigoted pick for AG will never pursue even the most blatant civil rights violations, let's see if that strategy improves race relations.

No the black community continues to want to release criminals and where do they go, the black community......
Plus they don't help cops, they just need to follow orders, it would help if they didn't have records.

How many of these shootings take place in safe aka white areas?
And by black commmunity I mean their black leftwing leadership
you see, Hope and Change according to the Obama's. is allowing Thugs to sucker punch you, nearly killing you when you are walking the streets.
He did nothing for his own hometown Chicago and killing black on black. It got worse! I draw but one conclusion he hates blacks[/QUOTE]
he was afraid of being criticized by blacks and his party....thats my take anyway....
He did nothing for his own hometown Chicago and killing black on black. It got worse! I draw but one conclusion he hates blacks
he was afraid of being criticized by blacks and his party....thats my take anyway....[/QUOTE]
maybe obama doesnt see Illinois as one of the 57 states?
I'll admit that Obama fucked up. He should of stood with the law and condemned violence like Fergessen and Baltmore big time.

This didn't help race relations....This hurt them.

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