How many years of progress in race relations were pissed down the drain by Obama & Company?

He did nothing for his own hometown Chicago and killing black on black. It got worse! I draw but one conclusion he hates blacks
he was afraid of being criticized by blacks and his party....thats my take anyway....[/QUOTE]

I agree, he definately didnt want to.rock the boat in the civil rights community,
but he needed to take them on, most of those guys are corrupt and don't care about the average person.
He did nothing for his own hometown Chicago and killing black on black. It got worse! I draw but one conclusion he hates blacks
he was afraid of being criticized by blacks and his party....thats my take anyway....

I agree, he definately didnt want to.rock the boat in the civil rights community,
but he needed to take them on, most of those guys are corrupt and don't care about the average person.[/QUOTE]
remember when he decided to send a video to the NAACP? Hmm? what? afraid of being heckeld?
Obama, Holder, Lynch have really set us back when it comes to race relations. They spent 8 years looking for boogeymen rather than enforcing the law. They excused criminal behavior and encouraged the further breakdown of our inner cities.

Hands up don't shoot was a lie.
Treyvon was killed by another minority.
All the cops in Baltimore were found NOT GUILTY.
Supposed race crimes are being found to be fraudulent reports but not until after days or weeks of non stop reporting.

There are the occasional cases of police abusing their authority but Obama & Company would have you believe that is the norm rather than the rarity it is.

I'm guessing we lost 10 or 15 years of progress.
You're a fucking idiot. They used race to win the election. I've told you race is one of the wedge issues they use to divide us middle class people without these social issues you'd have no reason being a republican.

The other wedge issues are god gays and guns
Obama, Holder, Lynch have really set us back when it comes to race relations. They spent 8 years looking for boogeymen rather than enforcing the law. They excused criminal behavior and encouraged the further breakdown of our inner cities.

Hands up don't shoot was a lie.
Treyvon was killed by another minority.
All the cops in Baltimore were found NOT GUILTY.
Supposed race crimes are being found to be fraudulent reports but not until after days or weeks of non stop reporting.

There are the occasional cases of police abusing their authority but Obama & Company would have you believe that is the norm rather than the rarity it is.

I'm guessing we lost 10 or 15 years of progress.
Yea, let's see.

One one side, we have Republicans who just elected a man supported and cherished by the Alt right, Nazi Americans, the KKK and David Dukes and a party that's 90% white.

On the other side, we have a mixed race man with a lovely wife and two beautiful children who has an approval rating of nearly 60% supported by blacks, Hispanics, whites, gays, women and everyone else not Republican.

So who is the racist? The guy that says he's the president for all Americans or the guy who says:
A Mexican can't be a fair judge
Some Mexicans don't rape
Laziness is a trait in blacks
I like people who weren't captured
Mocking the disabled - I don't remember
Grab her by the pu$$y
That fat ugly face of hers

according to you, it's the guy who says:

A Mexican can't be a fair judge
Some Mexicans don't rape
Laziness is a trait in blacks
I like people who weren't captured
Mocking the disabled - I don't remember
Grab her by the pu$$y
That fat ugly face of hers

Ya dumb fuck.
Obama will forever be known as the guy who brought the economy back and took out Bin Laden. Those are facts.
Obama will forever be known as the guy who brought the economy back and took out Bin Laden. Those are facts.
No, Obama will be forever remembered for being the first non-white president and little else except being part of a string of failed administrations spanning from Clinton's second term until the inauguration of Trump.
Thankfully, we have Donald Trump coming in to heal the racial divide that Obama created. It's gonna be so awesome.

It won't be easy for anyone to fix the damage that the pathetic and gay marxist has done.
Thankfully, we have Donald Trump coming in to heal the racial divide that Obama created. It's gonna be so awesome.

It won't be easy for anyone to fix the damage that the pathetic and gay marxist has done.

Yeah! Pathetic AND GAY! He destroyed all the fences that the GOP has mended in the past 50 years. Loser negro divider in chief!!!!
Thankfully, we have Donald Trump coming in to heal the racial divide that Obama created. It's gonna be so awesome.

It won't be easy for anyone to fix the damage that the pathetic and gay marxist has done.

Yeah! Pathetic AND GAY! He destroyed all the fences that the GOP has mended in the past 50 years. Loser negro divider in chief!!!!

This thread is about the pathetic and gay marxist. Try keeping up.
If anything has set back race relations it is people like you always holding the police blameless no matter how brutal and shitty they are. In the coming years there will certainly be more unarmed black people killed by police, let's see if having Trump as president makes black people less angry about it.
Nobody always holds the police blameless. Stop lying. Pants up, don't loot.
Obama and his pathetic presidency will soon be in the rear view mirror, about the only lasting accomplishment will be to contrast how much better president Trump will be.
Obama will forever be known as the guy who brought the economy back and took out Bin Laden. Those are facts.
No, Obama will be forever remembered for being the first non-white president and little else except being part of a string of failed administrations spanning from Clinton's second term until the inauguration of Trump.
After what the right wing left him and how they left this country?
Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.

The DOW at 20,000 vs. Bush's 7,000
Unemployment below 5%. When Obama took office it was over 7% and a couple of months later, topped 10%.

Gas costs less.

Many millions more have health care.

National murder and crime rate lower.

Number of job openings up over 5.8 million for skilled workers.

At the end of Bush's term, jobs were being lost at the rate of 750,000 a month. Obama has had 73 straight months of job growth.

It will be interesting to see where we will be at the end of Trump's first four years:

1. If we are still here

2. If Trump is still in office
Obama, Holder, Lynch have really set us back when it comes to race relations. They spent 8 years looking for boogeymen rather than enforcing the law. They excused criminal behavior and encouraged the further breakdown of our inner cities.

Hands up don't shoot was a lie.
Treyvon was killed by another minority.
All the cops in Baltimore were found NOT GUILTY.
Supposed race crimes are being found to be fraudulent reports but not until after days or weeks of non stop reporting.

There are the occasional cases of police abusing their authority but Obama & Company would have you believe that is the norm rather than the rarity it is.

I'm guessing we lost 10 or 15 years of progress.

However many it is, it is too many.
Obama will forever be known as the guy who brought the economy back and took out Bin Laden. Those are facts.
No, Obama will be forever remembered for being the first non-white president and little else except being part of a string of failed administrations spanning from Clinton's second term until the inauguration of Trump.
After what the right wing left him and how they left this country?
Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.

The DOW at 20,000 vs. Bush's 7,000
Unemployment below 5%. When Obama took office it was over 7% and a couple of months later, topped 10%.

Gas costs less.

Many millions more have health care.

National murder and crime rate lower.

Number of job openings up over 5.8 million for skilled workers.

At the end of Bush's term, jobs were being lost at the rate of 750,000 a month. Obama has had 73 straight months of job growth.

It will be interesting to see where we will be at the end of Trump's first four years:

1. If we are still here

2. If Trump is still in office
Yes, America will be better. This has already happened. It is not enough to take a low point and turn it into the strongest point. The reference is artificial. Eight years of nothing much is conclusive. It is time for change.
Obama, Holder, Lynch have really set us back when it comes to race relations. They spent 8 years looking for boogeymen rather than enforcing the law. They excused criminal behavior and encouraged the further breakdown of our inner cities.

Hands up don't shoot was a lie.
Treyvon was killed by another minority.
All the cops in Baltimore were found NOT GUILTY.
Supposed race crimes are being found to be fraudulent reports but not until after days or weeks of non stop reporting.

There are the occasional cases of police abusing their authority but Obama & Company would have you believe that is the norm rather than the rarity it is.

I'm guessing we lost 10 or 15 years of progress.

Wait, it is going to get worse. Denial of truth is the quickest way to lose public support.
Several. He sure wasn't a Martin Luther King. He fully embraced every opportunity to divide the People. But then again, he'll always be a Community Organizer activist. And dividing folks is a vital aspect of that job. It's what he's always done.

So we should have expected all the division. It's a Chicago Democrat thing. Where would they be without all the Race-Baiting division? They need it. The man had a real opportunity to unite. But he chose petty division instead. It's very sad.
If anything has set back race relations it is people like you always holding the police blameless no matter how brutal and shitty they are. In the coming years there will certainly be more unarmed black people killed by police, let's see if having Trump as president makes black people less angry about it.

As long as black men refuse to obey a lawful order from a LEO there will be a problem.

Spot on!

It is a cultural flaw made indelible by Liberals.

And the result can be seen here:
'... females are several times as numerous as males among blacks with high IQs.'
Witty and Jenkins, "Educational Achievement of a Group of Gifted Negro Children," Journal of Educational Psychology, vol. 25, p. 593.

They inherit the same genes, are raised in the same homes and neighborhoods......explanations rest on the culture, the excessively 'macho' roles of males associated with and emphasizing certain sociopathologies.

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