How Middle Class Republicans Conservatives are being CONNED by the Super Rich.

Many, many people kneel down before the boss, hat in hand to plead for a raise only to be told that, "If you're not happy with your pay then quit. I can find plenty of people to replace you".


if you were in a Union you would not have to kneel down to anyone to get a raise.......:eusa_angel:
I'm always puzzled how the under employed "Joe the Plumber" types and unions of police and fire fighters continue to support the Republican Party.

After all... what have they actually done for the conservative working class?

Mostly the GOP has kept wages low and pushed the majority of tax paying onto the middled class.
No matter what the rate is for the rich (high or low) they usually hire accountants that ensure the super rich pay little if any actual tax.

But the current big con are the conservative PACS that take money from the working class Conservative Republicans and give nothing back to them.
Such as Americans For Prosperity - sounds great and I'm in favor of prosperity - but the Koch brothers are the only ones getting rich from this PAC... NOT the middle class majority.

It's NOT a real Free Market at work stupid!

I hear the worn out, lame comments from the GOP and Conservatives all the time that it's just the "Free Market" or it's "Supply and Demand" and you got to lower taxes so the wealthy can create jobs. If all that is true...

Where are the jobs GOP from the Bush Tax Cuts?

Does anyone remember the Bush Tax Cuts that were supposed to create lots and lots of jobs? :confused:
Because... you know... if you give the rich and super wealthy big tax breaks they will create lots of jobs right?

In fact - the opposite has happened - a sharp DECLINE in jobs after the Bush Tax Cuts.

Tax Dollar Subsidized Business is NOT Capitalism or the Free Market
What the GOP really wants is the low wage class and the middle class to subsidized the already wealthy and super rich.

Billion Dollar businesses such as McDonald's as Walmart get super big tax breaks and subsidies a.k.a "Corporate Welfare" paid mostly by the middle class tax payers who don't even benefit from a higher wages or benefits due to a subsidy.

$8 an hour is poverty level for a family in this country.

Middle Class Consumers and Buyers are the fuel that creates the Wealth and Job Growth!

GOP love to repeat the old Reaganomics tax plan of 1981.

FYI - 1980 Tax Rates was 70% 50% 215,400

* Reduce Government spending.
* Reduce Income Tax and Capital Gains Tax.
* Reduce Government regulation.
* Control the money supply to reduce inflation.

Reagan said this would create "Trickle Down Economics" which sorta works if the economic conditions are a certain way such as businesses hiring more people that yields incomes.

When Ronald Reagan was president in the 80's he actually came in with a bad recession and taxes were super high
Those unions support and donate to the democrat party and democrat candidates.
That kind of places the label of "moot point" on your post.
I'm always puzzled how the under employed "Joe the Plumber" types and unions of police and fire fighters continue to support the Republican Party.

After all... what have they actually done for the conservative working class? We don't ask them to do anything for us dumbass. That's why we believe in small government and independence. Don't try it, it's hard to do, you might starve to death.

Mostly the GOP has kept wages low and pushed the majority of tax paying onto the middled class. Moron, minimum wage increases have never solved anything.
No matter what the rate is for the rich (high or low) they usually hire accountants that ensure the super rich pay little if any actual tax. Then change the laws crybaby.

But the current big con are the conservative PACS that take money from the working class Conservative Republicans and give nothing back to them.
Such as Americans For Prosperity - sounds great and I'm in favor of prosperity - but the Koch brothers are the only ones getting rich from this PAC... NOT the middle class majority.

It's NOT a real Free Market at work stupid! Then get the government out of it so there's no kick backs.

I hear the worn out, lame comments from the GOP and Conservatives all the time that it's just the "Free Market" or it's "Supply and Demand" and you got to lower taxes so the wealthy can create jobs. If all that is true... It is.

Where are the jobs GOP from the Bush Tax Cuts? He had very low numbers for a very long time.

Does anyone remember the Bush Tax Cuts that were supposed to create lots and lots of jobs? :confused:
Because... you know... if you give the rich and super wealthy big tax breaks they will create lots of jobs right?

In fact - the opposite has happened - a sharp DECLINE in jobs after the Bush Tax Cuts. link

Tax Dollar Subsidized Business is NOT Capitalism or the Free Market
What the GOP really wants is the low wage class and the middle class to subsidized the already wealthy and super rich. link

Billion Dollar businesses such as McDonald's as Walmart get super big tax breaks and subsidies a.k.a "Corporate Welfare" paid mostly by the middle class tax payers who don't even benefit from a higher wages or benefits due to a subsidy. link. But they did get to opt out of that great obamacare.

$8 an hour is poverty level for a family in this country.Then you need a better job.

Middle Class Consumers and Buyers are the fuel that creates the Wealth and Job Growth!

GOP love to repeat the old Reaganomics tax plan of 1981.

FYI - 1980 Tax Rates was 70% 50% 215,400

* Reduce Government spending.
* Reduce Income Tax and Capital Gains Tax. Did you know that Clinton did that and increased revenues?
* Reduce Government regulation.
* Control the money supply to reduce inflation.

Reagan said this would create "Trickle Down Economics" which sorta works if the economic conditions are a certain way such as businesses hiring more people that yields incomes.

When Ronald Reagan was president in the 80's he actually came in with a bad recession and taxes were super high

You are a very boring and regurgitating fool.

We here at USMB expect idiotic claims to come with links to prove what we say.

I have posted factual links and post that basically support what FreeWorld is posting about and I never seem to get replies from the far right crowd And I've done it often.

Wages are where they were in 1980 for working Americans and that is despite an 86% increase in worker productivity and a 90% growth in the US economy since 1980. So yes, the middle class/working class is getting screwed. And yes, many middle class conservatives have drank the kool-aid as noted by the absence of a good debate dealing with facts.

Wealth is as concentrated as it was just prior to 1929 and economic history shows how well that worked for America.

It's time for the middle class/working class to get it share of the economic pie.
BY doing what? Fleecing the most productive citizens( in terms of income level)?
And that will do what?..Make you "feel" better?
Look, genius you can come off with cliche statements such as "fair share of the economic pie" and other nonsense, but the fact of the matter is there is no "pie" to share.
Wealth is created. It does not exist in a vacuum nor does there exist a magical pile of money from which we draw. The notion that if one has more, therefore another must have less is not based on anything but the jealousy of those who earn less than they "feel" they are worth. The old "my boss is an asshole who keeps me down so the business owner can play golf at his country club" is steeped in simple green with class envy.
Answer this question with a yes or no response....And ONLY yes or no...
If the government decided tomorrow to increase taxes on all earners over Obama's magic $250,000, do you believe your economic or financial situation would change for the better( more money in your pocket)?...Yes or no.....
Many, many people kneel down before the boss, hat in hand to plead for a raise only to be told that, "If you're not happy with your pay then quit. I can find plenty of people to replace you".


if you were in a Union you would not have to kneel down to anyone to get a raise.......:eusa_angel:

True. You have to kneel before a union boss to get a job or a promotion.

That's a LOT better.
No more so than the poor left being being conned by immediate, shiny little bauble, yet short-lived handouts from Democrats.

Get a new soundbyte. You're boring me.

tell him Gunny....and we know this fucker knows this.....
I'm always puzzled how the under employed "Joe the Plumber" types and unions of police and fire fighters continue to support the Republican Party.

After all... what have they actually done for the conservative working class?

Good question. There is some history to this.

During the postwar years, both parties supported the New Deal and progressive taxation -- therefore there was not much daylight between Truman, Kennedy, Eisenhower, and Nixon. Big business, however, grew restless. Why? Asia and Europe repaired their industrial output and American manufacturing profits shrank. Which meant that concessions to labor were now seen as intolerable.

Business needed an advocate in the White House to repeal the tax & regulatory burden of the New Deal Welfare state; therefore, starting in the 70s they began to invest heavily in the Republican Party. They purged it of balance and moderation, slowly kicking out the "Rockefeller Republicans" and calcifying into a rigid doctrinaire echo chamber which punished dissent. They moved the Republican Party hard Right, and they brought the Democrats along with them, who went from the ultra-liberal McGovern to the much more Conservative, Jimmy Carter.

But how exactly did they move the public consensus away from the New Deal? How did they break the 30 year bond the progressives had with poor people in the south and heartland? How did they sell the wealthy man's agenda to poor workers in the rustbelt?

They made heavy investments in Public Opinion. They created "Movement Conservatism" (the blending of business and politics), which converted corporate $$$ into political outcomes with ruthless efficiency. They poured money into think tanks, publishing groups, political action committees, and mass media. Any politician not willing to protect narrow corporate interests faced a primary challenge.

"Ok, fine. But be more specific. How did they win hearts and minds of poor people?"

Essentially, in the span of two decades, they shifted economic populism to values populism. They waged a powerful ideological offensive against Civil Rights, feminism, secularism, and multiculturalism, i.e., the social overreach of the post-FDR Left. They tapped into white backlash against the 60's social revolution. Instead of protecting workers from corporations (i.e., the Democratic Model), they would protect Christian families from atheist, Marxist, Black Panther, pot-smoking, homosexual, free-love, bra-burning, anti-American hippies. They also latched on to patriotic John Wayne, pro gun masculinity, which thrives inside the low IQ racists and homophobes they were molding into an impenetrable electoral coalition. They changed the debate from economic issues to wedge issues.

And they did it brilliantly. People went into the voting booth in opposition to abortion, and they came out with the Iraq War. They never knew what hit 'em because the GOP had placed them in such a powerful ideological bubble. These poor voters got all their news and information from "trusted" sources. They were conditioned to fear any information source outside the bubble. Even science was debunked and not to be trusted.

The rest is history. The corporations who took the country over under Reagan now staff government and have consolidated control over the media. Check mate.

You really believe this ,don't you?:tinfoil:
Many, many people kneel down before the boss, hat in hand to plead for a raise only to be told that, "If you're not happy with your pay then quit. I can find plenty of people to replace you".


if you were in a Union you would not have to kneel down to anyone to get a raise.......:eusa_angel:

True. You have to kneel before a union boss to get a job or a promotion.

That's a LOT better.

no you dont.....i get the raises contracted for.....and i applied for the job to the employer not the Union and got the job......and i have only seen my Union boss once in the last 7-8 years.....anymore dumbass statements?....
if you were in a Union you would not have to kneel down to anyone to get a raise.......:eusa_angel:

True. You have to kneel before a union boss to get a job or a promotion.

That's a LOT better.

no you dont.....i get the raises contracted for.....and i applied for the job to the employer not the Union and got the job......and i have only seen my Union boss once in the last 7-8 years.....anymore dumbass statements?....

No. Glad it's working out for you.
if you were in a Union you would not have to kneel down to anyone to get a raise.......:eusa_angel:

True. You have to kneel before a union boss to get a job or a promotion.

That's a LOT better.

no you dont.....i get the raises contracted for.....and i applied for the job to the employer not the Union and got the job......and i have only seen my Union boss once in the last 7-8 years.....anymore dumbass statements?....
Bullshit...If the union boss tells you to go on strike or posts a list of places you cannot shop, products you should not buy or political candidates you should not vote for, you do what the union boss says to do.
You as a union person do not earn wage increases on your own. You are beholden to what the union can get for you. Or are you now going to tell us that you can go to management without union consent and request a raise or a promotion for YOURSELF?
All union members kneel at the union altar. You must do so to keep your job.
I'm always puzzled how the under employed "Joe the Plumber" types and unions of police and fire fighters continue to support the Republican Party.

After all... what have they actually done for the conservative working class? We don't ask them to do anything for us dumbass. That's why we believe in small government and independence. Don't try it, it's hard to do, you might starve to death.

Mostly the GOP has kept wages low and pushed the majority of tax paying onto the middled class. Moron, minimum wage increases have never solved anything.
No matter what the rate is for the rich (high or low) they usually hire accountants that ensure the super rich pay little if any actual tax. Then change the laws crybaby.

But the current big con are the conservative PACS that take money from the working class Conservative Republicans and give nothing back to them.
Such as Americans For Prosperity - sounds great and I'm in favor of prosperity - but the Koch brothers are the only ones getting rich from this PAC... NOT the middle class majority.

It's NOT a real Free Market at work stupid! Then get the government out of it so there's no kick backs.

I hear the worn out, lame comments from the GOP and Conservatives all the time that it's just the "Free Market" or it's "Supply and Demand" and you got to lower taxes so the wealthy can create jobs. If all that is true... It is.

Where are the jobs GOP from the Bush Tax Cuts? He had very low numbers for a very long time.

Does anyone remember the Bush Tax Cuts that were supposed to create lots and lots of jobs? :confused:
Because... you know... if you give the rich and super wealthy big tax breaks they will create lots of jobs right?

In fact - the opposite has happened - a sharp DECLINE in jobs after the Bush Tax Cuts. link

Tax Dollar Subsidized Business is NOT Capitalism or the Free Market
What the GOP really wants is the low wage class and the middle class to subsidized the already wealthy and super rich. link

Billion Dollar businesses such as McDonald's as Walmart get super big tax breaks and subsidies a.k.a "Corporate Welfare" paid mostly by the middle class tax payers who don't even benefit from a higher wages or benefits due to a subsidy. link. But they did get to opt out of that great obamacare.

$8 an hour is poverty level for a family in this country.Then you need a better job.

Middle Class Consumers and Buyers are the fuel that creates the Wealth and Job Growth!

GOP love to repeat the old Reaganomics tax plan of 1981.

FYI - 1980 Tax Rates was 70% 50% 215,400

* Reduce Government spending.
* Reduce Income Tax and Capital Gains Tax. Did you know that Clinton did that and increased revenues?
* Reduce Government regulation.
* Control the money supply to reduce inflation.

Reagan said this would create "Trickle Down Economics" which sorta works if the economic conditions are a certain way such as businesses hiring more people that yields incomes.

When Ronald Reagan was president in the 80's he actually came in with a bad recession and taxes were super high

You are a very boring and regurgitating fool.

We here at USMB expect idiotic claims to come with links to prove what we say.

Geesh, can't anyone post an original opinion? It's his opinion so why are you demanding links?


there are two kinds of people who state opinions. Ones who explicitly acknowledge without reservations the reader or listener is getting the subjective view of the person expressing his opinion.
The other expresses his opinion as though to say "this is the way it is, Do not disagree as my opinion is in fact the only one which is valid". These are by the people who offer no invitation for debate. It is that type which deserves to be challenged. If that requires them to provide a link or two, so be it.
Bullshit...If the union boss tells you to go on strike or posts a list of places you cannot shop, products you should not buy or political candidates you should not vote for, you do what the union boss says to do.
You as a union person do not earn wage increases on your own. You are beholden to what the union can get for you. Or are you now going to tell us that you can go to management without union consent and request a raise or a promotion for YOURSELF?
All union members kneel at the union altar. You must do so to keep your job.

no i dont asswipe.....i am not allowed to strike......and i dont give a goddam about the products or candidates my Union does not Union licks Rep. Lorretta Sanchez's ass, i cant stand the bitch.....and the point of a Union dipshit is for them to negotiate on your behalf.....Duh....and if i dont kneel at the "Union Alter" i will not lose my job,i dont have to be a member if i so desire.....anymore stupid statements?....
Well welcome

But this board is full of them. I don't understand them, I just post facts and I am a socialist. Just stay on message and something is bound to land.
GOP Budget Would Force $2.9 Trillion in Tax Cuts for Rich, Worsening Deficit

Ryan, a Wisconsin Republican, released his budget outline on April 5 and set two parameters for the revenue side of the budget: The top individual and corporate tax rates should drop to 25 percent from 35 percent, and the government should collect about the same amount of money over the next decade as it would if Congress extended all of the income tax cuts expiring at the end of 2012. That’s $4.2 trillion less than the government would collect if Congress didn’t extend expiring tax breaks.
Well there's this history:

Note the outlays when Dems controlled the House only, the House and Senate Only, and both the Executive and Legislative Branches. Note the increases in outlays when chambers have changed parties. Here's a hint, in the last 40 years the outlays always went up. When Democrats replaced Republicans in the House outlays always increased more than when Republicans replaced Democrats. When Democrats replaced Republicans in both the House and the Oval Office, an even higher increase in spending resulted. Guess what happened when Democrats got all 3?

Now take a look at receipts as a percentage of GDP. If you look at Clinton's last four years, you will see that receipts were close to 20% of GDP, and the economy was booming. Now, with massive tax cuts, look at our current situation. Receipts now total just over 15% of GDP for the last four years. The economy sucks and we have massive deficits. While spending has increased too much, it is more than obvious that an even bigger problem is that receipts have declined dramatically as a percentage of GDP, and this is the biggest cause of our deficits.


The reason the deficit is so high is that we are spending more than we take in.

I believe that is what I pointed out. We are taking in much less now than we did during Clinton's final four years, and during almost every single year since WWII. Therefore, we need to take in more, not less. That is not to say that is the only problem. Spending is also too high. But the argument that spending is the only problem is a complete fallacy. It is both a spending and a revenue problem.
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There is no substitute for "Value for Value". "Something for Nothing" is Total Bullshit, Somebody Always pays. Start by living within your means. This holds for the Individual, the Society, and the Government that claims to serve it.
Feeding Incompetence and Mismanagement only encourages more of it.

You left out corporations. Why? Did the American taxpayer NOT just recently BAIL OUT the finance industry? The Auto industry? Where was the "value for value" in that? Where is ANY reciprocity between labor and industry in this country anymore? In some smaller businesses, but the corporate world? You're dreaming if you think that exists, and as far back as Reagan, government policy didn't think ONCE much less twice about the small businessman.

Actually, No. Corporations are not exempt from my statement. Why on Earth would you even think such a thing? Are you being serious here or trying a "Bait and Switch" Argument. Spin only obscures your perspective, not Reality. Fuck the Oligarchy, Fuck the Plutocracy, Fuck Soft Tyranny, Fuck Hard Tyranny, .... Wait for it ..... Fuck the Angry Mob!!! Starting to see the Pattern here????? Good! ;) :lol: Here is a clue, how about we give Government by the consent of the Governed a chance for once. How about we try to establish Justice for a change, rather than Rape and Pillage it. ;) Let's consider the value of Reason over Manipulation for a change too. ;)

See the bolded, for your first question, and could you please translate the mosh pit of talking points to something, anything, that even loosely connects to the lack of reciprocity between corporations and the taxpayer largess they recently took advantage of?
The OP is a Class Warfare Warrior. He/She/It gives themselves away in the TITLE of their thread.


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