How Much Common Sense Does This Take?

Seriously!! Like why does this even need to be a discussion right now? Back when Trump was president these kinds of people who allow this in schools would be locked up.

I do not remember a single young woman like her being locked up, even by trump supporters, even when he was President. You really think, kids should have greater access to porn in grade school? When did you change, and who have you been talking to?
I do not remember a single young woman like her being locked up, even by trump supporters, even when he was President. You really think, kids should have greater access to porn in grade school? When did you change, and who have you been talking to?

No I'm talking about the kinds of people that she's talking about that are allowing it in schools being locked up.
No I'm talking about the kinds of people that she's talking about that are allowing it in schools being locked up.
I do not think there should be any books or sexual stories in K-6, no novels in school libraries available 7th, 8th, and 9th. Limited in high school. Parents should monitor what kids get from public libraries and their online access. I do not remember the people she is talking about that favor porn in schools being locked up when Trump was president. Perhaps you could favor us with names and incidents.
I do not think there should be any books or sexual stories in K-6, no novels in school libraries available 7th, 8th, and 9th. Limited in high school. Parents should monitor what kids get from public libraries and their online access. I do not remember the people she is talking about that favor porn in schools being locked up when Trump was president. Perhaps you could favor us with names and incidents.

It's illegal for adults to allow children access to explicit material.
Won't they? I don't recall any crusade against it when he was in office before. Furthermore, this is mostly up to state and local law enforcement.
True, and it is not like they are the party of family values. If politicians are the example, I am not sure, there is one anymore. Looks like parents will have to watch and watch out for their own kids, if they want them to not turn out like many of our elected leaders and clergy.
Looks like parents will have to watch and watch out for their own kids

Well there's a novel (no pun intended) thought... Parents, not the government, monitoring and approving or disapproving what it is their kids read, watch, or listen to...

Just imagine... the idea that a parent gets involved with their children and knows what they're doing, reading, watching... and the government stays the fuck out of it...

Well there's a novel (no pun intended) thought... Parents, not the government, monitoring and approving or disapproving what it is their kids read, watch, or listen to...

Just imagine... the idea that a parent gets involved with their children and knows what they're doing, reading, watching... and the government stays the fuck out of it...

It is what was done at my house, growing up. We did as much as we could with our kids. It works. I went to the public library, a lot. Mom took me. If she did not approve of what I checked out, it got checked back in before we left.
It is what was done at my house, growing up. We did as much as we could with our kids. It works. I went to the public library, a lot. Mom took me. If she did not approve of what I checked out, it got checked back in before we left.

Mine as well. Like you I took the cue from my folks and applied it to my kids the same way. I didn't need the government or some other outside influence to make my parenting decisions or perform my parenting tasks. To many these days are too willing and too quick to give up their rights and responsibilities as parents just so they don't have be inconvenienced... and pulled away from Facebook or TikTok or X or whatever (anti)social media app is in vogue.
Seriously!! Like why does this even need to be a discussion right now? Back when Trump was president these kinds of people who allow this in schools would be locked up.

Can we be done with this now? Can conservatives stop the trend of watching obscure people rant about absolute crap on You Tube and swallow it lock, stock and barrel?

No I'm talking about the kinds of people that she's talking about that are allowing it in schools being locked up.

You need a deprogramming at this point and I'm being serious. You are very clearly talking about a few schools in the US. Are they terrible? YES

Go into any small town school all over the nation and check out what goes on. But because we (conservatives) are doing to teachers what the Left did to Defund the Police, everyone is quitting and no one is going into it.


Just stop.

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