Senator Kennedy grills Biden judicial nominee over child molester comments and sentencing

We don't know the details of the case but we do know:

"Lipez defended her actions in those cases and noted that she had support from the Maine Coalition to End Domestic Violence, and the Maine Coalition Against Sexual Assault."

So there must be more to it...
No your party supports child molesters. The head of your party took inappropriate showers with his own daughter. You loons are sick.
Then why are so many Republicans in jail for being pedophiles?
Hah! rather than explain why such incompetent judges are appointed to lifetime jobs you cast aspersions regarding Party.
One could question why a life long Democrat would bathe nude with his daughter, a former president deflowering a 19 yr old in his wife's bed, or another getting oral sex in a cubby hole off the Oval Office.
Additionally, it's Democrat Neo- Marxists that are aiding and abetting the importation of children from Mexico and other countries for sex trafficking.
I continue to point ou that you're nothing but a sniffling school yard bully that claims innocence when caught by pointing to the victim screaming. "He did it too".
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Hah! rather than explain why such incompetent judges are appointed to lifetime jobs you cast aspersions regarding Party.
One could question why a life long Democrat would bathe nude with his daughter, a former president deflowering a 19 yr old in his wife's bed, or another getting oral sex in a cubby hole off the Oval Office.
Additionally, it's Democrat Neo- Marxists that are aiding and abetting the importation of children from Mexico and other countries for sex trafficking.
I continue to point ou that you're nothing but a sniffling school yard bully that claims innocence when caught by pointing to the victim screaming. "He did it too".
I am sorry you can't handle the truth.
No your party supports child molesters. The head of your party took inappropriate showers with his own daughter. You loons are sick.

You won’t ever find BackGatersMac&CheeseDicPeeKKK types in these threads bashing Obidens people. The mushy-middlers (lol!) only rush to bash Trump threads created by Lying Leftists. Yet they expect to be seriously considered middling as Ewan McGregor voters. Smh!
This is the fourth or fifth video I have seen like this in the past few weeks. If you want to know why we have so much violent crime in this country, why we have so much gun crime in this country, this is the reason. These are the kind of people who get elected or appointed to judgeships. There is an absolute lack of common sense among so many of these judges. Why does President Biden continue to nominate people this out of touch to the federal bench?

These biden nominees are as slippery as eels
Sorry bout that,

1. I saw the Video of that Judge being grilled by Kennedy, which he did a good job, I might as well say.
2. Some one should grab her, by the nap of the neck, drag her in the backyard, and paddle her for 30 minutes.
3. Then she should be dipped in sheep shit, and set on fire.
4. Thats what she deserves.

No your party supports child molesters. The head of your party took inappropriate showers with his own daughter. You loons are sick.
Contrary to your post. Read the following:
LGBTQ Dems of Maryland Leader Caught in Child Predator Sting After Pursuing 14-Year-Old Boy
22 Jun 2024 ~~ By Margaret Clark

A leader in the Maryland Democratic party has been busted pursuing a 14-year-old boy, and the details are graphic. Michael Knaapen has been accused of exchanging explicit texts between him and what he thought was a teen boy, including saying he wanted to rape him.
These are the true colors behind the far-left movement. It's not really about freedom or progress, but more about finding new ways to cover despicable behavior. These are the people we are celebrating and bending over backward to accommodate at the cost of others. Whenever they are confronted, they just simply move the moral compass further:

Is this what DEI is all about?
Damn you people lie on top of lie with smiling faces.
I'm not shocked or surprised at the actions of Democrat Neo-Marxists.
Be assured that whatever they accuse Conservatives of, the sleazing roaches are doing it to the hilt and blaming others for the excesses', and corruption.
This is the fourth or fifth video I have seen like this in the past few weeks. If you want to know why we have so much violent crime in this country, why we have so much gun crime in this country, this is the reason. These are the kind of people who get elected or appointed to judgeships. There is an absolute lack of common sense among so many of these judges. Why does President Biden continue to nominate people this out of touch to the federal bench?

Everyone can be re-habilitated and our jails are too full. And, this guy has a lot of good in him.
Sen. Kennedy is a national treasure.....I hope we take back the Senate so these lame-ass "judges" never see the inside of a federal court.

The "judge" in question is why I say judges should never be elected, only appointed by the state legislature.

When you have more right-leaning state districts than leftist ones such appointments are often squashed.
Yet his state is still among the poorest in the nation. What has he done for them?

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