How much do you figure Liberal immigration policy costs the USA?


Gold Member
Oct 26, 2016
1. Illegals are far more likely to commit crime.

2. Our prisons are over-populated with illegals. Do you realize how much an inmate costs? Try 31-60K annually. Add prisons are so over-crowded they're releasing inmates into society they shouldn't, which is another great burden on society.

3. The days of leaving your personal belongings unlocked are gone. I can't even go to the gym without having a jump rope swiped. I caught a guy doing just that the other day. Take a wild guess what his heritage is.

4. Liberal Government sports literature and computer systems in all kinds of languages which is chaotic. I worked at a place where the same thing was written three different ways for three different mediums, and not a one was right. That's just one language. California entertains 18 languages. What's the impact to society when nobody is expected to learn English? It divides us, invites chaos and weakness, increases taxes, reduces benefits and reduces wages, that's exactly what it does.

5. Democrats prey on non-English speaking immigrants for votes. That means people are voting for someone they know nothing about. In other terms, they sponsor the incompetent and corrupt.

6. Immigrants receive more entitlements than US citizens, yet don't pay near as much into the system.

7. Immigrants force wages down and rob young adults of jobs and responsibility Then liberals treat fast food positions as careers, so they increase the minimum wage forcing prices up.

8. What are the odds illegals are insured for car accidents? That's right, ZERO. If you're involved in a hit and run, the odds are great the culprit shouldn't be here in the first place. YOU pay the higher costs of premiums plus deductibles.

9. Illegals force the standard of living down all across the board in every way possible.

10. It corrupts our education system. The education of US citizens is compromised, because we entertain non-English speaking children. So as liberals love so much, everyone is reduced to the lowest common denominator. That and we shift personal and family responsibility to the government.

11. Most illegals do not have healthcare insurance, so take a wild guess who pays for their healthcare?

That's just 11 of many examples. The cost to society are many, and the dollar amount is in the trillions. And why do we do this? All so Democrats can up their vote turnout. You figure it's worth it, or perhaps the Democrats are they first and the USA can get fucked?
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A gajillion squared.

1. every illegal is a criminal, thus the name 'illegal'
Liberals argue that illegals increase mouths to feed, so that increases retail and food revenue. We'll disregard the jobs could be done by others, and the products can be exported.

Liberals argue that because illegals require healthcare etc., business revenue is increased. We'll disregard the expenses come via taxes paid by US citizens.
Liberal immigration policy, wow, since Uncle Ronnie gave amnesty the GOP has been soft on illegals...
Liberals argue that illegals increase mouths to feed, so that increases retail and food revenue. We'll disregard the jobs could be done by others, and the products can be exported.

Liberals argue that because illegals require healthcare etc., business revenue is increased. We'll disregard the expenses come via taxes paid by US citizens.
Prove this liberal ever said that...
Liberals argue that illegals increase mouths to feed, so that increases retail and food revenue. We'll disregard the jobs could be done by others, and the products can be exported.

Liberals argue that because illegals require healthcare etc., business revenue is increased. We'll disregard the expenses come via taxes paid by US citizens.
Prove this liberal ever said that...

Cause and effect. Where do think immigrants increase GDP comes from, magic?
Liberals argue that illegals increase mouths to feed, so that increases retail and food revenue. We'll disregard the jobs could be done by others, and the products can be exported.

Liberals argue that because illegals require healthcare etc., business revenue is increased. We'll disregard the expenses come via taxes paid by US citizens.
Prove this liberal ever said that...

Cause and effect. Where do think immigrants increase GDP comes from, magic?
Engrish phalease.,..
Liberal immigration policy, wow, since Uncle Ronnie gave amnesty the GOP has been soft on illegals...
he did it b/c dems promised to secure the boarder.

they were lying, of course, but whatcha gunna do
And later when GHW Bush gave amnesty to Panamanians, that was a trick? When Reagan was president he did nothing to stop or interfere with sanctuary cities..No president has until Trump...
Complacency is moot when during Bush jr the invasion was increased to devalue the labor cost associated with construction and illegals were being used by unscrupulous contractors from both sides of the political aisle...So fuck yer notions of having myopic sight with horse blinders...
Liberal immigration policy, wow, since Uncle Ronnie gave amnesty the GOP has been soft on illegals...
he did it b/c dems promised to secure the boarder.

they were lying, of course, but whatcha gunna do
And later when GHW Bush gave amnesty to Panamanians, that was a trick? When Reagan was president he did nothing to stop or interfere with sanctuary cities..No president has until Trump...
how many Panamanians? 50? 100?

there wasn't a theme of rape and murder until obama, who did nothing to enforce the law.

but no the left is pissed the law is being enforced.

tough shit
Liberal immigration policy, wow, since Uncle Ronnie gave amnesty the GOP has been soft on illegals...
he did it b/c dems promised to secure the boarder.

they were lying, of course, but whatcha gunna do
And later when GHW Bush gave amnesty to Panamanians, that was a trick? When Reagan was president he did nothing to stop or interfere with sanctuary cities..No president has until Trump...
how many Panamanians? 50? 100?

there wasn't a theme of rape and murder until obama, who did nothing to enforce the law.

but no the left is pissed the law is being enforced.

tough shit
Did nothing to enforce the law, yeah he just told them to stop everything and just go home..Yeah,,,such the stretching of the truth...
Liberal logic: By having illegals in prison we construct more prisons. That in turn provides jobs in construction, medical, corrections and coffee, thus illegals increase the GDP and are therefore a benefit to society.

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