How much is a fair share?

There is no such thing as paying a fair share. It's having a fair share. Which means everyone "having" at the lowest common denominator.
Bitch about the 50% who don't pay taxes all you want but who among us would trade places with them?

You act as if they have no choice over their station in life and that is simply bullshit. I'm sure that other states have similar programs to our Oklahoma's Promise. If you are a resident of Oklahoma and your parents make less than $50,000 per year, you can sign up for Oklahoma's Promise in 8th grade. There are certain high school classes you have to take and you only have to maintain a 2.5 GPA......that's a C+ to qualify for having your FULL tuition paid to a state school. It can also be used for a private university. That's a pretty sweet deal. My son was an honor student with a 3.81 GPA, 93 percentile, 33rd of 478 in his 2011 graduating class. All the state is willing to spend on him is a $2,000 merit scholarship because we make "too much" money and we are on the hook for the other $14,000 per year his education is costing. Actually, I'm OK with that because I don't expect the state or federal government to take care of me. That's why I got a college education and a good job.......but I digress. If people choose to not get an education when all they have to do is maintain a 2.5 GPA in high school, that is on them. They will get the life they chose......and no, I wouldn't want to trade places with them after they pissed away a sweet deal for a better life. My only beef is that in addition to having to foot the bill for my son's education, I'm having to pay for all those other folks who aren't paying anything.

Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education | Students | Oklahoma's Promise | How It Works
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Higher on the hog than they should be considering the get 'freebies' for doing nothing

Bitch about the 50% who don't pay taxes all you want but who among us would trade places with them?

Why to trade places? If they want same thing I have, maybe they should lift up their ass and do something about it, like work more, earn it... instead demand from government to take it from me and just give it to them. Btw, I would love to do nothing and get paid for it, but I can't afford it, I have responsibilities and goals in my life, for me and my children.

Back to the topic, do you agree with Obama on rich not paying their "fair share"?
Bitch about the 50% who don't pay taxes all you want but who among us would trade places with them?
that doesn't justify access to other people's money. Poverty should be neither an enviable or comfortable status. It should be painful enough to drive them to strive to work and profit with a stigma and shame attached to it to make it less desirous than work.

Yeah, I'm sure that 50% is living high on the hog.
Hmmm yeah. The poor are definitely getting the shaft, aren't they?

In Entitlement America, The Head Of A Household Of Four Making Minimum Wage Has More Disposable Income Than A Family Making $60,000 A Year | ZeroHedge


Pretty damning when you start counting everything that this nation's poverty pimp's whining have forked over to do-nothings at the expense of working class Americans. Hell those making 30K a year get screwed the worst, and I can personally vouch for that!

Shit, why don't I go get a graphics consulting job for one weekend a month, collect tens of thousands in benefits and just rock out with almost as disposable income as someone who makes 60k a year???? Show me the downside somewhere! Please!

Give me the reason why I should bust my hump making 30k a year since right now 60k is out of my reach? Hmmm? Why should I support their sorry asses living better than me??? Shit, I ought to BE one of them if this is how it's going to work!

The left is still quiet here. Where are they?

They keep spamming the board with shitload of one-liners, but when you ask them for opinion, when you really want them to answer, they're nowhere to find. You can see them giving thanks to each other, but no answer. Maybe they didn't get instructions from above what to write?

Anyways, let's go back to the "fair share" problem.

Everyone, regardless of income bracket, pays FICA taxes, but you don't really hear poor complaining about it. They are in fact pretty supportive of paying into Social Security and Medicare because they benefit from it.

Poor are also supportive of other government programs they benefit from, such as food stamps, EITC, rent assistance (check the Big Fitz's chart above)... but they don't pay into those programs. Why not? If they are willing to pay FICA taxes that benefit everyone when they retire, why are they opposing to pay income taxes used for welfare programs that benefit them right now? Or why they shouldn't pay income taxes that are also used to finance our national defense, and our education, infrastructure?

Just asking... should they contribute a little and what is their fair share?
Ame®icano;4165591 said:
Give me exact number.

39% marginal income tax rate on income in excess of $2 million satisfies my definition of fair.

I say a total tax burden of 50% is fair for all of those above 1 million in personal income.

If you made a million, would you really be willing to only bring home $500,000? Now $500,000 is no small change, but why even try to make a million when you know you'll only see half of it.
39% marginal income tax rate on income in excess of $2 million satisfies my definition of fair.

I say a total tax burden of 50% is fair for all of those above 1 million in personal income.

If you made a million, would you really be willing to only bring home $500,000? Now $500,000 is no small change, but why even try to make a million when you know you'll only see half of it.

Yes, as long as EVERY SINGLE TAX I was responsible for was paid. That means that after paying sales, excise, property, state, local, federal, medicare, medicade, SS, ect ect ect that I still keep 50% of my income.

If you look back several pages I explained my tax rates and I think its more fair than our current system to both the poor and the rich.....let me find it
39% marginal income tax rate on income in excess of $2 million satisfies my definition of fair.

I say a total tax burden of 50% is fair for all of those above 1 million in personal income.

If you made a million, would you really be willing to only bring home $500,000? Now $500,000 is no small change, but why even try to make a million when you know you'll only see half of it.

There is no incentive to even try to earn a million dollars, just the same as an increase in capital gains would reduce the desire to invest into business. Then the liberals are left scratching their heads as to why, with all these regulations and policies, the economy and the job market has gotten worse not better over the last 2 1/2 years.
I know it wasn't hard for me to pick a number.

I said 50% of total income...that means ALL TAXES into account. If the federal income tax was 50% for someone then they should not have to pay a single other tax.

All taxes adding up to 50% of total income for those making 7 figures.....for every 100,000 under that you drop it by 5% or something and then by 1% for every 10k under 100k.

Sound good?

So half the time I'm working, I'm working for the gov't? No thanks. G-d Himself only wants 10%.

If you make over 1,000,000/year the most you will have to be responsible for, in ALL forms of taxation, can not exceed 500,000 on 1,000,000 (it stays at a max of 50% all the way to the top)

If you make up to 900,000/year the most you will have to be responsible for in ALL forms of taxation can not exceed 405,000

If you make up to 500,000/year no more than 125,000

If you make up to 100,000/year then no more than 10,000

If you make up to 90,000/year then no more than 8,100

If you make up to 50,000/year then no more than 2,500

If you make up to 10,000/year then no more than 100

If you make under 10k/year then zero.

I understand executing htis type of system will have difficulties. People will have to track their own taxes paid on sales, fuel, bills, state, local, ect and figure out how to deduct it from the fed number the end...your total taxes don't exceed set percentages.

^^^^there i found it FINALLY!
Ame®icano;4165591 said:
Give me exact number.

39% marginal income tax rate on income in excess of $2 million satisfies my definition of fair.

And if it is not the same rate for someone making 10K or whatever other number you wish to state... then it is not equal treatment under law by government...

But yet I can pretty much figure that if it is proposed that others get preferential treatment by law under government, say reduced sentences for those who are under 5'6" (just as arbitrary as separating treatment by income), you would be OK with that??? Charging blue eyed people double the rate to enter national parks, you would be ok with that??

Your envy of those making more than you is astounding
So half the time I'm working, I'm working for the gov't? No thanks. G-d Himself only wants 10%.

If you make over 1,000,000/year the most you will have to be responsible for, in ALL forms of taxation, can not exceed 500,000 on 1,000,000 (it stays at a max of 50% all the way to the top)

If you make up to 900,000/year the most you will have to be responsible for in ALL forms of taxation can not exceed 405,000

If you make up to 500,000/year no more than 125,000

If you make up to 100,000/year then no more than 10,000

If you make up to 90,000/year then no more than 8,100

If you make up to 50,000/year then no more than 2,500

If you make up to 10,000/year then no more than 100

If you make under 10k/year then zero.

I understand executing htis type of system will have difficulties. People will have to track their own taxes paid on sales, fuel, bills, state, local, ect and figure out how to deduct it from the fed number the end...your total taxes don't exceed set percentages.

^^^^there i found it FINALLY!

Thanks! I remember this post. Looking at it, I'd rather make $500,000 and bring home $375,000 as opposed to making $1,000,000 and only bringing home $500,000. Only giving up $125,000 in taxes seems far better to me than giving up $500,000. There is little incentive to put in the work involved to make $1,000,000 with so much to lose.
If you make over 1,000,000/year the most you will have to be responsible for, in ALL forms of taxation, can not exceed 500,000 on 1,000,000 (it stays at a max of 50% all the way to the top)

If you make up to 900,000/year the most you will have to be responsible for in ALL forms of taxation can not exceed 405,000

If you make up to 500,000/year no more than 125,000

If you make up to 100,000/year then no more than 10,000

If you make up to 90,000/year then no more than 8,100

If you make up to 50,000/year then no more than 2,500

If you make up to 10,000/year then no more than 100

If you make under 10k/year then zero.

I understand executing htis type of system will have difficulties. People will have to track their own taxes paid on sales, fuel, bills, state, local, ect and figure out how to deduct it from the fed number the end...your total taxes don't exceed set percentages.

^^^^there i found it FINALLY!

Thanks! I remember this post. Looking at it, I'd rather make $500,000 and bring home $375,000 as opposed to making $1,000,000 and only bringing home $500,000. Only giving up $125,000 in taxes seems far better to me than giving up $500,000. There is little incentive to put in the work involved to make $1,000,000 with so much to lose.

I understand where you are coming from.

I bet we could tweak it in a way that doesn't de-incentivise (is that a real word, lol) people.

I dunno I just think we need something simpler with zero deductions for the 9-9-9 plan from Herman Cain.
39% marginal income tax rate on income in excess of $2 million satisfies my definition of fair.

I say a total tax burden of 50% is fair for all of those above 1 million in personal income.

fuggin socialist! :evil:

:lmao: :D

I make under 6 figures and pay almost 50% of my income in total taxes right now manifold.

My 6% state income tax, 6.25% sales tax, 70cent/ gallon fed&state combined gasoline tax, the taxes and fees on my phone bills, the taxes on my cable bill, the taxes on my gas bill, the taxes on my electric bill, local taxes/property taxes, medicare tax, social security tax, another 20something percent in federal income tax............i'm sure I forgot something. Oh yeah liscenisng for car and handgun, annual registration, forced state car inspections......those are fees that the govt forces me to pay, oh yeah and the annual fine for not having health insurance or expense of having it to avoid the fine.

In the end, I lose more than half my money to the government.
I say a total tax burden of 50% is fair for all of those above 1 million in personal income.

fuggin socialist! :evil:

:lmao: :D

I make under 6 figures and pay almost 50% of my income in total taxes right now manifold.

My 6% state income tax, 6.25% sales tax, 70cent/ gallon fed&state combined gasoline tax, the taxes and fees on my phone bills, the taxes on my cable bill, the taxes on my gas bill, the taxes on my electric bill, local taxes/property taxes, medicare tax, social security tax, another 20something percent in federal income tax............i'm sure I forgot something. Oh yeah liscenisng for car and handgun, annual registration, forced state car inspections......those are fees that the govt forces me to pay, oh yeah and the annual fine for not having health insurance or expense of having it to avoid the fine.

In the end, I lose more than half my money to the government.

I guess you don't realize that your proposal would likely result in an income tax structure far more progressive than simply raising the highest marginal income tax rate to 39%. All of those fees, gas taxes, etc. add up to a significant percentage of your income because you don't make more than 6 figures. For someone making over $2million per year, they add up to a significantly smaller percentage. In order to get to a total burden of 50%, he'd likely be paying a lot more in income taxes than he would be by simply paying 39% on income in excess of $2 million.
Even if the feds lowered the tax rates, the states and locals would raise theirs to make up for the shortfall.

So at the end of the day, we still end up paying the same amount only to different people.

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