How much money Did Democrats steal from taxpayers under Obama


Diamond Member
May 20, 2014
Is there a dept they didnt plunder? Defense Dept minus billions....HUDs books cooked to the max.....Fannie and Freddie plundered.....Justice Dept plundered and on and on
HUD Can Fix $520 Billion In Accounting Errors, But Still Can’t Document Its Spending
Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD’s) financial books are in such bad shape that HUD’s Inspector General (IG) can’t complete an audit even after HUD officials corrected $520 billion in bookkeeping errors, according to a new IG report.
Is there a dept they didnt plunder? Defense Dept minus billions....HUDs books cooked to the max.....Fannie and Freddie plundered.....Justice Dept plundered and on and on
HUD Can Fix $520 Billion In Accounting Errors, But Still Can’t Document Its Spending
Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD’s) financial books are in such bad shape that HUD’s Inspector General (IG) can’t complete an audit even after HUD officials corrected $520 billion in bookkeeping errors, according to a new IG report.

The left isn't going to touch this thread, lol.......but I will.

How much does the left, and some on the right looooooooooove Fannie and Freddie! Good! Are you lovers of them aware they actually made a profit? Oh yes, billions, which was supposed to be reinvested to help stop a pesky meltdown from happening again. But it wasn't!

Yes folks, it was redirected by your favorite leftist O-ministration. To where you ask? You mean you brilliant lefties aren't aware of where YOUR tax dollars went? Color me shocked!

Well, let me tell you------------> it was diverted to Obungles care to keep it afloat for as long as possible. So now, we all get to use new words in our limericks-----> If you like your house, you can keep your house; as long as you don't want to keep your doctor, but then again, I lied, and you really can't keep your doctor either; and oh, by the way, I Barack Obysmal thank you for your support!

Hey Valerie, Valerie, get ready to buy up some cheap properties-) Maybe we can trade them to Iran on another deal!
Yeah but they felt it was going to a good cause! All that money went to campaign for Hillary and see what wonder is wrought!
The failed Stimulus Bill cost nearly $1 trillion and contained more than 7,000 pieces of DNC-ONLY pork which elevated the cost of each job Obama claimed to have created / saved, according to the CBO, to approx $774,000 - PER JOB
Obama lied to the American people by claiming $500 million he claimd was going for Zika in the US. Before the week was out it was revealed he gave the money to the UN to help fund their new Global Initiative. He gave another $500 million to them for the same thing in in the last days before leaving office.
In the last days in office Obama TRIED to give tax dollars to the Palestinians...
Obama used tax dollars to try to oust our ally Israel's leader, Netanyahu, during their elections
Obama used tax dollars to supply, finance, arm, and train ISIS and Al Qaeda, helping Al Qaeda muder Qadaffi and take iver Libya, to aud ISIS in an attempt to overthrow al-Assad and take over Syria...
Didnt billion go missing from Hillies State Dept too.....
Seems they treated the treasury as their personal stash

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