How Much of a Theist or Atheist are You?

How Much of a Theist or Atheist are You?

  • Strong Theist

    Votes: 21 25.9%
  • De-facto Theist

    Votes: 3 3.7%
  • Weak Theist

    Votes: 3 3.7%
  • Pure Agnostic

    Votes: 14 17.3%
  • Weak Atheist

    Votes: 4 4.9%
  • De-facto Atheist

    Votes: 8 9.9%
  • Strong Atheist

    Votes: 16 19.8%
  • Other

    Votes: 12 14.8%

  • Total voters
were a freed Spirit to be admitted to the Everlasting why would there be a reason for them to give up their identity by becoming a part of the Almighty that enabled their individuality to begin with. for as long as they can survive the new life that undoubtedly will have its own goals to be accomplished.
So you would do a lot for God, but not give up your identity for God? Interesting.

IMHO, becoming one with God would be the greatest reward ever. Knowing what God knows, seeing what God see, everything.
So you would do a lot for God, but not give up your identity for God? Interesting.

the Almighty is the gatekeeper to the Everlasting, they have said to enter one must Triumph Good vs Evil in a way of a decisive success they will judge to determine its outcome. that's it -

the animosity is removed but not the endless tribulations of being alive and certainly to survive the Everlasting may not be a realistic goal of immortality ... I will pursue becoming an engineer for the Genome of Life - the Almighty insures not its outcome but that something such as Adolf H is not involved in the process.
Yeah, I did mean Ben and Jerry's. (I thought that didn't look right when I typed it, but. . .) :)

I pretty much allow people to be who and what they are unless their actions are physically or materially harming somebody. So I can honor and respect your choices who where to shop based on your personal code of ethics, right and wrong, etc. and will not criticize you for that. You are acting on your convictions in a way that harms nobody.

I personally take the point of view that if I value the right to be able to express my point of view, my values, my beliefs, my opinions without fear some gang of snowflakes will descend on me to prevent me for speaking at a venue, will try to get me fired from my job, or threaten my customers, suppliers, advertisers, etc. in my business. . .

. . .then it logically follows to me that I should allow them their point of view, their values, their beliefs, their opinions without fear that I will try to punish, or if possible destroy them.

It sort of follows the commandment to do unto others what you would have them do unto you. That is something the snowflakes among us neither embrace nor comprehend and certainly does not respect.

But don't we have the right to descend onto an event you are speaking at and boycott your sorry ass?

If you are a right wing nutjob and we don't like rwnj's and you are open about it, don't we have to right to write your boss and tell them we are boycotting his business because he employs you?

Is it illegal to fire someone for being a liberal or Democrat or Republican? I hope it is. But it's not illegal to boycott a conservatives business. Least not last I checked. And that's affecting his income or YOUR income. So keep your politics to yourself until you find out all your co-workers and customers are conservative because if I found out you were a con I'd look for a new supplier.

Do unto others as I would have them do unto you? Sorry pal. I'm an atheist. I would love it if theists didn't discriminate against atheists but the fact is they do. So, I keep my religious beliefs to myself. If not I would expect a lot of customers to stop buying from me. For one reason because I'm an atheist and for two I'm stupid to have let it become public. Same with your politics. Don't put that on facebook. You will lose friends. You don't care? Neither do I. But I do care if I lose customers.

You have every right to share as much or as little of your opinions and beliefs as you choose to do so. You have every right to run your business as you see fit for your own benefit.

You also have every right to boycott anybody you want to, to call people names, to insult their intelligence, or anything else you wish to do.

You even have the right to organize your buddies and picket my business, harass and threaten my customers, threaten my suppliers or advertisers or pretty much do anything you want to make my life miserable, punish me, and destroy me if you can because I don't agree with you.

That is pretty much legal. It shouldn't be, but it is.

But when you do that, you diminish us all, you weaken us as a society, and make us meaner, more coarse, more hateful, and more intolerant.

I think the message of Christ was that those who love God will do better. They will build people up, do good when all others are doing bad, and only those who have never sinned have any grounds to judge others as somehow morally inferior.

Thank God there are at least legal limits on how much you can harass and threaten other people and interfere with their lives. Now if we could only get the authorities to enforce those limits.

And you equate the Westboro Baptists with Christianity? Here is where the anti-religious, "I hate Christians" group goes way over the line. I know of no Christian or conservative group anywhere that would approve of this sign or who condone what the Westboro Baptists do. There should be some way to sue to prevent that hateful group from using the label 'baptists' as I know no Baptists, even the more fundamental groups who believe homosexuality is sin, who would condone this.

And I think it is pretty hateful to misrepresent it as appropriate for this thread.
I know a lot of Christians don't believe gays are going to hell but real Christians say those aren't real Christians and also going to hell.
But don't we have the right to descend onto an event you are speaking at and boycott your sorry ass?

If you are a right wing nutjob and we don't like rwnj's and you are open about it, don't we have to right to write your boss and tell them we are boycotting his business because he employs you?

Is it illegal to fire someone for being a liberal or Democrat or Republican? I hope it is. But it's not illegal to boycott a conservatives business. Least not last I checked. And that's affecting his income or YOUR income. So keep your politics to yourself until you find out all your co-workers and customers are conservative because if I found out you were a con I'd look for a new supplier.

Do unto others as I would have them do unto you? Sorry pal. I'm an atheist. I would love it if theists didn't discriminate against atheists but the fact is they do. So, I keep my religious beliefs to myself. If not I would expect a lot of customers to stop buying from me. For one reason because I'm an atheist and for two I'm stupid to have let it become public. Same with your politics. Don't put that on facebook. You will lose friends. You don't care? Neither do I. But I do care if I lose customers.

You have every right to share as much or as little of your opinions and beliefs as you choose to do so. You have every right to run your business as you see fit for your own benefit.

You also have every right to boycott anybody you want to, to call people names, to insult their intelligence, or anything else you wish to do.

You even have the right to organize your buddies and picket my business, harass and threaten my customers, threaten my suppliers or advertisers or pretty much do anything you want to make my life miserable, punish me, and destroy me if you can because I don't agree with you.

That is pretty much legal. It shouldn't be, but it is.

But when you do that, you diminish us all, you weaken us as a society, and make us meaner, more coarse, more hateful, and more intolerant.

I think the message of Christ was that those who love God will do better. They will build people up, do good when all others are doing bad, and only those who have never sinned have any grounds to judge others as somehow morally inferior.

Thank God there are at least legal limits on how much you can harass and threaten other people and interfere with their lives. Now if we could only get the authorities to enforce those limits.

And you equate the Westboro Baptists with Christianity? Here is where the anti-religious, "I hate Christians" group goes way over the line. I know of no Christian or conservative group anywhere that would approve of this sign or who condone what the Westboro Baptists do. There should be some way to sue to prevent that hateful group from using the label 'baptists' as I know no Baptists, even the more fundamental groups who believe homosexuality is sin, who would condone this.

And I think it is pretty hateful to misrepresent it as appropriate for this thread.

It's fairly amazing to me that the Westboro cult gets so much attention, and gets designated by the leftists as the official face of Christianity, given that there are only like 34 members of that church, and they're basically all members of the same family.

I don't think anyone can stop them from calling themselves Baptist, since there are lots of types of Baptist churches, and none of them actually own a patent or copyright on that term. They can't claim affiliation with any of the mainstream Baptist denominations, and if anyone rushing to present them as Christian spokespeople ever bothered to research them, they'd realize that, in fact, they AREN'T affiliated with any denomination; in fact, they despise mainstream Christian denominations about as much as they do virtually everyone else who isn't them.
I know born agains here on usmb who think Catholicism is a false religion. I agree but I also think so is theirs.
were a freed Spirit to be admitted to the Everlasting why would there be a reason for them to give up their identity by becoming a part of the Almighty that enabled their individuality to begin with. for as long as they can survive the new life that undoubtedly will have its own goals to be accomplished.
So you would do a lot for God, but not give up your identity for God? Interesting.

IMHO, becoming one with God would be the greatest reward ever. Knowing what God knows, seeing what God see, everything.
So you would do a lot for God, but not give up your identity for God? Interesting.

the Almighty is the gatekeeper to the Everlasting, they have said to enter one must Triumph Good vs Evil in a way of a decisive success they will judge to determine its outcome. that's it -

the animosity is removed but not the endless tribulations of being alive and certainly to survive the Everlasting may not be a realistic goal of immortality ... I will pursue becoming an engineer for the Genome of Life - the Almighty insures not its outcome but that something such as Adolf H is not involved in the process.
Do you really believe there is an everlasting? So you are more than just an animal on one planet? You are more than that? You are a god yourself? Wow! Pretty impressive I'm talking to a god. I bet you can't wait to get to heaven. I hope you are old and dying. God forbid you have to live here much longer
were a freed Spirit to be admitted to the Everlasting why would there be a reason for them to give up their identity by becoming a part of the Almighty that enabled their individuality to begin with. for as long as they can survive the new life that undoubtedly will have its own goals to be accomplished.
So you would do a lot for God, but not give up your identity for God? Interesting.

IMHO, becoming one with God would be the greatest reward ever. Knowing what God knows, seeing what God see, everything.
So you would do a lot for God, but not give up your identity for God? Interesting.

the Almighty is the gatekeeper to the Everlasting, they have said to enter one must Triumph Good vs Evil in a way of a decisive success they will judge to determine its outcome. that's it -

the animosity is removed but not the endless tribulations of being alive and certainly to survive the Everlasting may not be a realistic goal of immortality ... I will pursue becoming an engineer for the Genome of Life - the Almighty insures not its outcome but that something such as Adolf H is not involved in the process.
Do you really believe there is an everlasting? So you are more than just an animal on one planet? You are more than that? You are a god yourself? Wow! Pretty impressive I'm talking to a god. I bet you can't wait to get to heaven. I hope you are old and dying. God forbid you have to live here much longer
You are a god yourself?

not yet, rookies have chores like volcano cleaning, hook up with a god and start living the good life - and yes eventually become a god yourself, the sky's the limit.

or simply perish, I hopefully will triumph and join the crowd upstairs.

there is Everlasting sealy, you can count it.
The first time I heard of a scale being around was through Richard Dawkins, one of the founders of the New Atheism group. Since I do not have a differing widely known scale, I use his. He's eliminating other beliefs and the like for those whose beliefs lie elsewhere, so I include "Other" in my poll.

  1. Strong Theist: I do not question the existence of God, I KNOW he exists.
  2. De-facto Theist: I cannot know for certain but I strongly believe in God and I live my life on the assumption that he is there.
  3. Weak Theist: I am very uncertain, but I am inclined to believe in God.
  4. Pure Agnostic: God’s existence and non-existence are exactly equiprobable.
  5. Weak Atheist: I do not know whether God exists but I’m inclined to be skeptical.
  6. De-facto Atheist: I cannot know for certain but I think God is very improbable and I live my life under the assumption that he is not there.
  7. Strong Atheist: I am 100% sure that there is no God.
If this has been posted before, then please forgive. I did a search and did not find.
Let's put it this way. You have no idea how many atheists are out there. I went up north with a bunch of good Christians. They don't ask or don't tell, unless you ask. I had a great conversation about religion but never hunted to any of them that I don't really believe in God. I didn't want to have that conversation with people who truly believe. It'd blow their minds and I'm not going to convince them or make them happy. So most of us just shut up and agree. That's why I love the internet. It's a place to vent and share with like minded people. Yes us atheists love to debate this but u can only do that with people you don't mind offending. Here if you don't like it too bad. In a way that's a good thing.

I would love to have that conversation with my family but they'd have to bring it up. They just assume everyone in the room agrees. No one here can reasonably assume everyone here thinks god is a given. Not in this thread. So leave your feelings at the door if you want to have an honest conversation. If we think your god was made up and doesn't exist we think it best you hear the truth.

And don't worry we won't cut your heads off because you believe but there are theists who would do that to us or wouldn't lose sleep when they hear it happens. So no militant atheists are not as bad as militant theists.
were a freed Spirit to be admitted to the Everlasting why would there be a reason for them to give up their identity by becoming a part of the Almighty that enabled their individuality to begin with. for as long as they can survive the new life that undoubtedly will have its own goals to be accomplished.
So you would do a lot for God, but not give up your identity for God? Interesting.

IMHO, becoming one with God would be the greatest reward ever. Knowing what God knows, seeing what God see, everything.
So you would do a lot for God, but not give up your identity for God? Interesting.

the Almighty is the gatekeeper to the Everlasting, they have said to enter one must Triumph Good vs Evil in a way of a decisive success they will judge to determine its outcome. that's it -

the animosity is removed but not the endless tribulations of being alive and certainly to survive the Everlasting may not be a realistic goal of immortality ... I will pursue becoming an engineer for the Genome of Life - the Almighty insures not its outcome but that something such as Adolf H is not involved in the process.
Do you really believe there is an everlasting? So you are more than just an animal on one planet? You are more than that? You are a god yourself? Wow! Pretty impressive I'm talking to a god. I bet you can't wait to get to heaven. I hope you are old and dying. God forbid you have to live here much longer
You are a god yourself?

not yet, rookies have chores like volcano cleaning, hook up with a god and start living the good life - and yes eventually become a god yourself, the sky's the limit.

or simply perish, I hopefully will triumph and join the crowd upstairs.

there is Everlasting sealy, you can count it.
Just enjoy the life you have now. It could be the only one you get and life is short.

I don't mind the idea my spirit doesn't live beyond my 90 years. I'm lucky I was born and I'm going to enjoy my life till the day things go bad and they always do. No exceptions. But I realize how lucky I was to be born. There are millions of spirm in one load. Mine made it. And my parents met. And their grandparents met and so on.

Remember what it was like 1 million years before you were born? That's what it will be like 100 years after you die. But don't worry you won't suffer.
...You have no idea how many atheists are out there. I went up north with a bunch of good Christians. They don't ask or don't tell, unless you ask. I had a great conversation about religion but never hunted to any of them that I don't really believe in God. I didn't want to have that conversation with people who truly believe. It'd blow their minds and I'm not going to convince them or make them happy. So most of us just shut up and agree. That's why I love the internet. It's a place to vent and share with like minded people. Yes us atheists love to debate this but u can only do that with people you don't mind offending. Here if you don't like it too bad. In a way that's a good thing.

I would love to have that conversation with my family but they'd have to bring it up. They just assume everyone in the room agrees. No one here can reasonably assume everyone here thinks god is a given. Not in this thread. So leave your feelings at the door if you want to have an honest conversation. If we think your god was made up and doesn't exist we think it best you hear the truth.

And don't worry we won't cut your heads off because you believe but there are theists who would do that to us or wouldn't lose sleep when they hear it happens. So no militant atheists are not as bad as militant theists.
Multiple surveys indicate between 2-4%. The problem is that some "atheists" believe in the supernatural, an afterlife, etc just not a "god". That's playing semantics IMO. Those same people often label Buddhist "atheists", which they are not.

10 facts about atheists
...You have no idea how many atheists are out there. I went up north with a bunch of good Christians. They don't ask or don't tell, unless you ask. I had a great conversation about religion but never hunted to any of them that I don't really believe in God. I didn't want to have that conversation with people who truly believe. It'd blow their minds and I'm not going to convince them or make them happy. So most of us just shut up and agree. That's why I love the internet. It's a place to vent and share with like minded people. Yes us atheists love to debate this but u can only do that with people you don't mind offending. Here if you don't like it too bad. In a way that's a good thing.

I would love to have that conversation with my family but they'd have to bring it up. They just assume everyone in the room agrees. No one here can reasonably assume everyone here thinks god is a given. Not in this thread. So leave your feelings at the door if you want to have an honest conversation. If we think your god was made up and doesn't exist we think it best you hear the truth.

And don't worry we won't cut your heads off because you believe but there are theists who would do that to us or wouldn't lose sleep when they hear it happens. So no militant atheists are not as bad as militant theists.
Multiple surveys indicate between 2-4%. The problem is that some "atheists" believe in the supernatural, an afterlife, etc just not a "god". That's playing semantics IMO. Those same people often label Buddhist "atheists", which they are not.

10 facts about atheists
Nope! They show those surveys aren't accurate. A lot of people won't admit it surveying them that way. They did it a different way, probably anonymously, and found more than 25% of Americans are atheists. And what does that say that you'll take any cockamamie notion as one for your team? Does the Muslim Jehova or Mormon cults give you more or less credibility? I think less.

Even without religions people believe there must be something. This is what it all boils down to. In the end you believe there must be a creator and I don't believe that's true. At least not one that visited. So if you want to believe there must be that's OK with me as long as it's OK that I don't believe.

I know if there is a creator it doesn't care if I don't believe Jesus, Moses, joseph Smith or Mohammad stories.
were a freed Spirit to be admitted to the Everlasting why would there be a reason for them to give up their identity by becoming a part of the Almighty that enabled their individuality to begin with. for as long as they can survive the new life that undoubtedly will have its own goals to be accomplished.
So you would do a lot for God, but not give up your identity for God? Interesting.

IMHO, becoming one with God would be the greatest reward ever. Knowing what God knows, seeing what God see, everything.
So you would do a lot for God, but not give up your identity for God? Interesting.

the Almighty is the gatekeeper to the Everlasting, they have said to enter one must Triumph Good vs Evil in a way of a decisive success they will judge to determine its outcome. that's it -

the animosity is removed but not the endless tribulations of being alive and certainly to survive the Everlasting may not be a realistic goal of immortality ... I will pursue becoming an engineer for the Genome of Life - the Almighty insures not its outcome but that something such as Adolf H is not involved in the process.
I count 29 atheists and 9 true believers.

So I see you want to claim everyone except the strong atheists? I want to claim anyone except the strong theists. Only 9 of those. The rest of us don't really believe. Some may want to believe, some are feared into not being an atheist and those "other" votes? Who knows what crazy things they believe.

Most hope. Even us atheists would love to find out there is a heaven that rewards intelligence.
But don't we have the right to descend onto an event you are speaking at and boycott your sorry ass?

If you are a right wing nutjob and we don't like rwnj's and you are open about it, don't we have to right to write your boss and tell them we are boycotting his business because he employs you?

Is it illegal to fire someone for being a liberal or Democrat or Republican? I hope it is. But it's not illegal to boycott a conservatives business. Least not last I checked. And that's affecting his income or YOUR income. So keep your politics to yourself until you find out all your co-workers and customers are conservative because if I found out you were a con I'd look for a new supplier.

Do unto others as I would have them do unto you? Sorry pal. I'm an atheist. I would love it if theists didn't discriminate against atheists but the fact is they do. So, I keep my religious beliefs to myself. If not I would expect a lot of customers to stop buying from me. For one reason because I'm an atheist and for two I'm stupid to have let it become public. Same with your politics. Don't put that on facebook. You will lose friends. You don't care? Neither do I. But I do care if I lose customers.

You have every right to share as much or as little of your opinions and beliefs as you choose to do so. You have every right to run your business as you see fit for your own benefit.

You also have every right to boycott anybody you want to, to call people names, to insult their intelligence, or anything else you wish to do.

You even have the right to organize your buddies and picket my business, harass and threaten my customers, threaten my suppliers or advertisers or pretty much do anything you want to make my life miserable, punish me, and destroy me if you can because I don't agree with you.

That is pretty much legal. It shouldn't be, but it is.

But when you do that, you diminish us all, you weaken us as a society, and make us meaner, more coarse, more hateful, and more intolerant.

I think the message of Christ was that those who love God will do better. They will build people up, do good when all others are doing bad, and only those who have never sinned have any grounds to judge others as somehow morally inferior.

Thank God there are at least legal limits on how much you can harass and threaten other people and interfere with their lives. Now if we could only get the authorities to enforce those limits.

And you equate the Westboro Baptists with Christianity? Here is where the anti-religious, "I hate Christians" group goes way over the line. I know of no Christian or conservative group anywhere that would approve of this sign or who condone what the Westboro Baptists do. There should be some way to sue to prevent that hateful group from using the label 'baptists' as I know no Baptists, even the more fundamental groups who believe homosexuality is sin, who would condone this.

And I think it is pretty hateful to misrepresent it as appropriate for this thread.
I know a lot of Christians don't believe gays are going to hell but real Christians say those aren't real Christians and also going to hell.

You need to meet a better class of Christians because I know a lot of Christians and not one who thinks or says any one of those things.
Nope! They show those surveys aren't accurate. A lot of people won't admit it surveying them that way. They did it a different way, probably anonymously, and found more than 25% of Americans are atheists. And what does that say that you'll take any cockamamie notion as one for your team? Does the Muslim Jehova or Mormon cults give you more or less credibility? I think less.

Even without religions people believe there must be something. This is what it all boils down to. In the end you believe there must be a creator and I don't believe that's true. At least not one that visited. So if you want to believe there must be that's OK with me as long as it's OK that I don't believe.

I know if there is a creator it doesn't care if I don't believe Jesus, Moses, joseph Smith or Mohammad stories.
Nice dodge, but it's an excuse. Research methodology takes into account a person's privacy. It's not like they ask them in class or at work by a show of hands.

Your "Us vs. Them" mindset is, IMHO, one reason why you have difficulty seeing the big picture on this. This was exemplified by your comment "one for your team".

Agreed a truly all-powerful, all-knowing and all-merciful being doesn't care if you believe in religious stories per se. Such a being would care about people who live lovingly and those who live hatefully. Not that such an entity would condemn hateful people to hell, since they do that to themselves.
Most hope. Even us atheists would love to find out there is a heaven that rewards intelligence.
It does......what makes you think you'll get in? :)
Because I'm a good person.

You know that guy who raped his kid to death? He's going to hell if there is one
You are free to say you are good, but the hate you spread indicates different.
What hate? Why are you making it personal? Maybe you're not mature enough to be in this thread.
Most hope. Even us atheists would love to find out there is a heaven that rewards intelligence.
It does......what makes you think you'll get in? :)
OK, what makes you think you'll get in? Don't answer because I already know the answer. It's like who's on first.

Fact is there is no heaven. You're not a god inside your moral human shell. It's a ridiculous notion and this stupidity is holding our species.

There was a time when it maybe was necessary and maybe god is necessary for current humans but soon we have to stop being superstitious and ignorant to reality. It's easy to control an ignorant masses
What hate? Why are you making it personal? Maybe you're not mature enough to be in this thread.
$20 says I can prove you made it personal first. Bet?

Thanks for the insult. It tells me you have no logical response to my point.

OK, what makes you think you'll get in? Don't answer because I already know the answer. It's like who's on first.

Fact is there is no heaven. You're not a god inside your moral human shell. It's a ridiculous notion and this stupidity is holding our species.

There was a time when it maybe was necessary and maybe god is necessary for current humans but soon we have to stop being superstitious and ignorant to reality. It's easy to control an ignorant masses
I don't since I don't know anything about anything beyond the material universe.

Fact? Great! If it's a fact, then you can prove it. Looking forward to seeing your data. Take your time, I can wait.
Most hope. Even us atheists would love to find out there is a heaven that rewards intelligence.
It does......what makes you think you'll get in? :)
Because I'm a good person.

You know that guy who raped his kid to death? He's going to hell if there is one

If there is one? You say definitively that there is no heaven but you don't know whether there is a hell? :)

I can't speak for the Almighty and won' presume to. But instinct tells me that 'goodness' doesn't include insulting people, calling them names, or suggesting they are somehow less intelligent or whatever if they are people of faith..

'Goodness' isn't actively attempting to destroy the faith of people who receive comfort and value from that faith.

I will never tell another person he or she is going to hell no matter what he/she has done because that is not my prerogative to determine or proclaim. I can't say who will be in heaven either though I believe those who say they have personal assurance of that..
Most hope. Even us atheists would love to find out there is a heaven that rewards intelligence.
It does......what makes you think you'll get in? :)
Because I'm a good person.

You know that guy who raped his kid to death? He's going to hell if there is one

If there is one? You say definitively that there is no heaven but you don't know whether there is a hell? :)

I can't speak for the Almighty and won' presume to. But instinct tells me that 'goodness' doesn't include insulting people, calling them names, or suggesting they are somehow less intelligent or whatever if they are people of faith..

'Goodness' isn't actively attempting to destroy the faith of people who receive comfort and value from that faith.

I will never tell another person he or she is going to hell no matter what he/she has done because that is not my prerogative to determine or proclaim. I can't say who will be in heaven either though I believe those who say they have personal assurance of that..

He without sin cast the first stone. Are you perfect? Then shut the fuck up. And I already told you when you theists realize you aren't convincing any of us with your bullshit you resort to trying to make us feel bad. Sorry, aint gonna happen. I'm 100 times better person than most christians. Just because you talk to a god and ask him to forgive your wickedness doesn't mean anything.

I don't say definitively that there is no heaven. BUT, if you guessed that there is one that's an amazing guess. Because no god ever came down and told you there was a heaven. You made it up. How sure am I? Pretty fucking sure. If I wasn't I'd still be a christian.

There is no hell either. You see me wishing that guy to hell is the perfect example of how we wish a heaven for us and wish a hell for people who deserve a hell. Sorry, no hell.

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