How Much of a Theist or Atheist are You?

How Much of a Theist or Atheist are You?

  • Strong Theist

    Votes: 21 25.9%
  • De-facto Theist

    Votes: 3 3.7%
  • Weak Theist

    Votes: 3 3.7%
  • Pure Agnostic

    Votes: 14 17.3%
  • Weak Atheist

    Votes: 4 4.9%
  • De-facto Atheist

    Votes: 8 9.9%
  • Strong Atheist

    Votes: 16 19.8%
  • Other

    Votes: 12 14.8%

  • Total voters
Creation science shows cavefish is wonder of God's work and not evolution.

EarthLink - Politics

Toxins in widespread use excluded from EPA chemical review

BILLINGS, Mont. (AP) — Spurred by the chemical industry, President Donald Trump's administration is retreating from a congressionally mandated review of some of the most dangerous chemicals in public use: millions of tons of asbestos, flame retardants and other toxins in homes, offices and industrial plants across the United States.

the above is the reality of creation science, christianity and the "conservative" flight from reality - for the sake of their own mitigated personal gain.

why such people are allowed free reign to use their awful religion to destroy Garden Earth will be the undoing of everyone alive - the true prophesy of Antiquity will be fulfilled in the worst possible way.

I was talking about living creatures so you have FAILED once again. I'll assume that creation science won another one.

Yet, I assume you bring up toxins because they are caused by living creatures, flora or fauna. So how are these toxins going to cause the danger that you forsee? Doesn't making more laws just stifle job creation which we need now? This is why Obumba and the Dems are out of power now ha ha.
I was talking about living creatures so you have FAILED once again. I'll assume that creation science won another one.

EarthLink - U.S. News

Study: More evidence links earthquakes to energy waste wells

DENVER (AP) — Scientists say they have more evidence that an increase in earthquakes on the Colorado-New Mexico border since 2001 has been caused by wells that inject wastewater from oil and gas production back underground, similar to human-caused quakes in Oklahoma and other states.

Study: More evidence links earthquakes to energy waste wells

they're on a role, winning another one - more job creation by the creation scientist ... their favorite word "wastewater" nothing there to worry about.

why such people are allowed free reign to use their awful religion to destroy Garden Earth will be the undoing of everyone alive - the true prophesy of Antiquity will be fulfilled in the worst possible way.

bond is delirious, the creation science / christian alliance is the furthest path to the Almighty there could possibly be.

Creationists maintain this is driven by a collection of ingenious mechanisms with all the hallmarks of divinely engineered systems designed by an omnipotent and all-wise Creator rather than random evolutionary processes.4"

Thus, it's more evidence for God than evolution.

they have abdicated any semblance of authority, rather than a mission of truth they foster the fallacies of their 4th century book as a peril to every living being on planet Earth.

Yet, I assume you bring up toxins because they are caused by living creatures, flora or fauna. So how are these toxins going to cause the danger that you forsee? Doesn't making more laws just stifle job creation which we need now? This is why Obumba and the Dems are out of power now ha ha.

Yet, I assume you bring up toxins because they are caused by living creatures, flora or fauna.

no, they are caused by phony science, creation science and their alliance with christianity ... you try and give academic credentials to people that do not deserve them it is you, christianity who own the EPA that is now the greatest proponent of pollution ever by knowing perfectly well the consequences of their actions.
Creation science shows cavefish is wonder of God's work and not evolution.

EarthLink - Politics

Toxins in widespread use excluded from EPA chemical review

BILLINGS, Mont. (AP) — Spurred by the chemical industry, President Donald Trump's administration is retreating from a congressionally mandated review of some of the most dangerous chemicals in public use: millions of tons of asbestos, flame retardants and other toxins in homes, offices and industrial plants across the United States.

the above is the reality of creation science, christianity and the "conservative" flight from reality - for the sake of their own mitigated personal gain.

why such people are allowed free reign to use their awful religion to destroy Garden Earth will be the undoing of everyone alive - the true prophesy of Antiquity will be fulfilled in the worst possible way.

I was talking about living creatures so you have FAILED once again. I'll assume that creation science won another one.

Yet, I assume you bring up toxins because they are caused by living creatures, flora or fauna. So how are these toxins going to cause the danger that you forsee? Doesn't making more laws just stifle job creation which we need now? This is why Obumba and the Dems are out of power now ha ha.
I was talking about living creatures so you have FAILED once again. I'll assume that creation science won another one.

EarthLink - U.S. News

Study: More evidence links earthquakes to energy waste wells

DENVER (AP) — Scientists say they have more evidence that an increase in earthquakes on the Colorado-New Mexico border since 2001 has been caused by wells that inject wastewater from oil and gas production back underground, similar to human-caused quakes in Oklahoma and other states.

Study: More evidence links earthquakes to energy waste wells

they're on a role, winning another one - more job creation by the creation scientist ... their favorite word "wastewater" nothing there to worry about.

why such people are allowed free reign to use their awful religion to destroy Garden Earth will be the undoing of everyone alive - the true prophesy of Antiquity will be fulfilled in the worst possible way.

bond is delirious, the creation science / christian alliance is the furthest path to the Almighty there could possibly be.

Creationists maintain this is driven by a collection of ingenious mechanisms with all the hallmarks of divinely engineered systems designed by an omnipotent and all-wise Creator rather than random evolutionary processes.4"

Thus, it's more evidence for God than evolution.

they have abdicated any semblance of authority, rather than a mission of truth they foster the fallacies of their 4th century book as a peril to every living being on planet Earth.

Yet, I assume you bring up toxins because they are caused by living creatures, flora or fauna. So how are these toxins going to cause the danger that you forsee? Doesn't making more laws just stifle job creation which we need now? This is why Obumba and the Dems are out of power now ha ha.

Yet, I assume you bring up toxins because they are caused by living creatures, flora or fauna.

no, they are caused by phony science, creation science and their alliance with christianity ... you try and give academic credentials to people that do not deserve them it is you, christianity who own the EPA that is now the greatest proponent of pollution ever by knowing perfectly well the consequences of their actions.

>>JB: I was talking about living creatures so you have FAILED once again. I'll assume that creation science won another one.

Yet, I assume you bring up toxins because they are caused by living creatures, flora or fauna. So how are these toxins going to cause the danger that you forsee? Doesn't making more laws just stifle job creation which we need now? This is why Obumba and the Dems are out of power now ha ha.

BW: Study: More evidence links earthquakes to energy waste wells

DENVER (AP) — Scientists say they have more evidence that an increase in earthquakes on the Colorado-New Mexico border since 2001 has been caused by wells that inject wastewater from oil and gas production back underground, similar to human-caused quakes in Oklahoma and other states.<<

Ho hum. More changing the subject because you can't answer or have no answer to my and creation scientists' tough questions.

Isn't talking about earthquakes what creation scientists have talking about all along? They repeatedly stated that catastrophism changes the earth and not evolution. Thus, due to Noah's Flood, the earth is relatively young and not billions of years old. If you want to discuss what you brought up, then explain briefly in your own words what happens and the cause instead of providing a link no one will ever read?

>>JB: Yet, I assume you bring up toxins because they are caused by living creatures, flora or fauna.

BW: no, they are caused by phony science, creation science and their alliance with christianity ... you try and give academic credentials to people that do not deserve them it is you, christianity who own the EPA that is now the greatest proponent of pollution ever by knowing perfectly well the consequences of their actions.<<

It isn't creation science that is the fake science. The creationists invented modern science to honor God. It's the evolutionists who have the fake science which I have started to point out repeatedly. The EPA has always been the tool of those in power in the government. Here's what's important to make America great again. One, is to cut taxes on corporations. Two, is to streamline new technology and developments, even if it means there is a cost to the environment. Three, is to not build the wall (which does not appear to fit with what America represents) and have a pool of immigrant workers and "legal" immigrants. Unfortunately, the fine line between "legal" and "illegal" immigrants has been eviscerated by Obumba and the Democrats so that it almost doesn't matter anymore. I'm for sanctuary cities, as long as we can stem those who come into our country to commit criminal activity.
Ho hum. More changing the subject because you can't answer or have no answer to my and creation scientists' tough questions.

Orrin Hatch: Trump plans to shrink size of Utah national monuments - CNNPolitics

Utah senator: Trump plans to shrink size of Utah national monuments

If the President officially announces the plan to shrink either national monument it would make Trump the first president to shrink a national monument using the Antiquities Act.

"I'm approving the Bears Ears and Grand Staircase recommendation for you, Orrin,"
Trump told Hatch in a phone call Friday morning, the spokesperson said.

it would make Trump the first president to shrink a national monument using the Antiquities Act ...

more creation (Ho hum) scientists / christian alliance / republicans shrinking our national monuments to quench among other vices their insatiable greed and disdain for Garden Earth they seem to think is theirs for the taking.

The creationists invented modern science to honor God.

no bond the only thing they worship like yourself is a book of forgeries that disguises their true political persuasion of selfishness as a religion.

Yet, I assume you bring up toxins because they are caused by living creatures, flora or fauna. So how are these toxins going to cause the danger that you forsee? Doesn't making more laws just stifle job creation which we need now? This is why Obumba and the Dems are out of power now ha ha.

So how are these toxins going to cause the danger that you forsee?

no, they are caused by phony science, creation science and their alliance with christianity - you try and give academic credentials to people that do not deserve them ...

Flora and Fauna have nothing to do with global endangerment, that's you bond, your creation science / christian alliance as I had already responded. the same as the dreadful history of christianity from its beginning to the present time. you may disregard the past, candy coating the present but in the end those crimes by your own action will be yours as well.
Ho hum. More changing the subject because you can't answer or have no answer to my and creation scientists' tough questions.

Orrin Hatch: Trump plans to shrink size of Utah national monuments - CNNPolitics

Utah senator: Trump plans to shrink size of Utah national monuments

If the President officially announces the plan to shrink either national monument it would make Trump the first president to shrink a national monument using the Antiquities Act.

"I'm approving the Bears Ears and Grand Staircase recommendation for you, Orrin,"
Trump told Hatch in a phone call Friday morning, the spokesperson said.

it would make Trump the first president to shrink a national monument using the Antiquities Act ...

more creation (Ho hum) scientists / christian alliance / republicans shrinking our national monuments to quench among other vices their insatiable greed and disdain for Garden Earth they seem to think is theirs for the taking.

The creationists invented modern science to honor God.

no bond the only thing they worship like yourself is a book of forgeries that disguises their true political persuasion of selfishness as a religion.

Yet, I assume you bring up toxins because they are caused by living creatures, flora or fauna. So how are these toxins going to cause the danger that you forsee? Doesn't making more laws just stifle job creation which we need now? This is why Obumba and the Dems are out of power now ha ha.

So how are these toxins going to cause the danger that you forsee?

no, they are caused by phony science, creation science and their alliance with christianity - you try and give academic credentials to people that do not deserve them ...

Flora and Fauna have nothing to do with global endangerment, that's you bond, your creation science / christian alliance as I had already responded. the same as the dreadful history of christianity from its beginning to the present time. you may disregard the past, candy coating the present but in the end those crimes by your own action will be yours as well.

Mostly, you're repeating your same boring rhetoric over and over and avoid my questions.

>>JB: Yet, I assume you bring up toxins because they are caused by living creatures, flora or fauna. So how are these toxins going to cause the danger that you forsee? Doesn't making more laws just stifle job creation which we need now? This is why Obumba and the Dems are out of power now ha ha.[/QUOTE]

So how are these toxins going to cause the danger that you forsee?

BW: Flora and Fauna have nothing to do with global endangerment, that's you bond, your creation science / christian alliance as I had already responded. the same as the dreadful history of christianity from its beginning to the present time. you may disregard the past, candy coating the present but in the end those crimes by your own action will be yours as well.

Ha ha. Flora and fauna cause toxins. That's a well known fact. Yet, you cannot explain why these and man-made toxins are going to cause global endangerment. It was your claim, not mine. What DJT, his people and I care about right now is getting the economy back on track. We care about toxins, but not the way the wacky liberals care about global endangerment. It's political correctness thinking and evo thinking. It's scientific racism and all of it leads to Communism. That's it, isn't it BW?

Mostly, you're repeating your same boring rhetoric over and over and avoid my questions.

Ha ha. Flora and fauna cause toxins. That's a well known fact. Yet, you cannot explain why these and man-made toxins are going to cause global endangerment. It was your claim, not mine. What DJT, his people and I care about right now is getting the economy back on track. We care about toxins, but not the way the wacky liberals care about global endangerment. It's political correctness thinking and evo thinking. It's scientific racism and all of it leads to Communism. That's it, isn't it BW?

I have included links in my discussion on the subject of global endangerment ...

Yet, I assume you bring up toxins because they are caused by living creatures, flora or fauna.

where is the link for what you are alluding to - the links I have included are just a cross section of a multitude of ailments harbored by the creation scientist / christian alliance ...


"Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground."

creation sceince / desert religion alliance, their interpretation of the above quote is nothing less than an indictment against humanity that will have no other fitting resolution than their condemnation and extinction.

Flora and Fauna have nothing to do with your poison bond, hundreds of million years and those that lived left Garden Earth as they found it ... then came along the desert religions and those that worship such awful religions and their scriptures as planet Earth became their victim with each of their mindless passing's.
Mostly, you're repeating your same boring rhetoric over and over and avoid my questions.

Ha ha. Flora and fauna cause toxins. That's a well known fact. Yet, you cannot explain why these and man-made toxins are going to cause global endangerment. It was your claim, not mine. What DJT, his people and I care about right now is getting the economy back on track. We care about toxins, but not the way the wacky liberals care about global endangerment. It's political correctness thinking and evo thinking. It's scientific racism and all of it leads to Communism. That's it, isn't it BW?

I have included links in my discussion on the subject of global endangerment ...

Yet, I assume you bring up toxins because they are caused by living creatures, flora or fauna.

where is the link for what you are alluding to - the links I have included are just a cross section of a multitude of ailments harbored by the creation scientist / christian alliance ...

View attachment 157057

"Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground."

creation sceince / desert religion alliance, their interpretation of the above quote is nothing less than an indictment against humanity that will have no other fitting resolution than their condemnation and extinction.

Flora and Fauna have nothing to do with your poison bond, hundreds of million years and those that lived left Garden Earth as they found it ... then came along the desert religions and those that worship such awful religions and their scriptures as planet Earth became their victim with each of their mindless passing's.

>>BW: I have included links in my discussion on the subject of global endangerment ...<<

You may have, but who reads them? Can you provide something more than "global endangerment" which is a libbie code word. Weren't you guys going to Mars because you believe we can't live on this planet? The cons seem to think we can live here just fine without "global endangerment" by taking care of air and water pollution through the EPA and having conservation of natural resources programs. Would you like links to these?

It's funny that you guys believe in evolution, but we have not been able to evolve to deal with CO2. Plants thrive in the stuff. Why can't some of us "evolve" so that they become more like plants *? This would allow others to get more oxygen ;). Where are the groks of this world? Would you like to become a grok?

* Because evolution doesn't happen ha ha.

The young libbies seem to think we'll be able to beat death by turning into the walking dead instead of the boring -- dying and being resurrected into heaven that Christians call rapture. Hee hee.

>>JB: Yet, I assume you bring up toxins because they are caused by living creatures, flora or fauna.

BW: where is the link for what you are alluding to - the links I have included are just a cross section of a multitude of ailments harbored by the creation scientist / christian alliance .<<

This is too basic for an article. A toxicant is a toxin usually pesticide. It's any chemical that can be of chemical or natural origin, capable of causing a deleterious effect on living organisms 1. A toxin is a toxicant which is exclusively produced by living organism, flora or fauna, including bacteria 2.

1. Cope, Gregory W.; Leidy, Ross B.; Hodgson, Ernest (2004). "5 - Classes of Toxicants: Use Classes". In Hodgson, Ernest. A Textbook of Modern Toxicology (3rd ed.). Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons. p. 65. ISBN 0-471-26508-X.

2. James, Robert C.; Roberts, Stephen M.; Willians, Philip L (2000). "1 General Principles of Toxicology". In James, Robert C.; Roberts, Stephen M.; Willians, Philip L. Principles of Toxicology: Environmental and Industrial Applications (2nd ed.). New York: John Wiley & Sons. p. 5. ISBN 0-471-29321-0.

We have snakes that produce venom which is a toxin. We have poisons so that if you eat a oidium fruit such as grapes or mangoes, then you die. We also have poisonous mushrooms. We have bacteria that produce a biological poison.

Examples of poisonous fruits and vegetables. Surprise! Top 10 Poisonous Fruits - Page 2 of 2

Holy guacamole! Your ignorance is showing. Speaking of which, didn't you learn anything from food poisoning at the liberal run Chipotle restaurant? One of the causes was e coli which is produced from bacteria. Another was a garden variety norovirus caused by a sick employee. There you go.

Here's your link
AP News - Chipotle turnaround stalls as food scares continued
Last edited:
We have snakes that produce venom which is a toxin. We have poisons so that if you eat a oidium fruit such as grapes or mangoes, then you die. We also have poisonous mushrooms. We have bacteria that produce a biological poison.

who's We bond, those above are of their own accord and will justly answer as yourself to the Almighty and are from Their making as yourself. I though do not make poisons so am not worried for myself as surly you should be.

Flora and Fauna have nothing to do with your poison bond, hundreds of million years and those that lived left Garden Earth as they found it ... then came along the desert religions and those that worship such awful religions and their scriptures as planet Earth became their victim with each of their mindless passing's.

nothing to do with your poison bond .. / .. (they) left Garden Earth as they found it

I'm sure in your own clever way you know Flora and Fauna are following the rules those that still exist, that will be the difference between them and the creation scientist / desert religion alliance that follows their own rules, forgeries - their self determined demise is everywhere to be seen ... the greater crime will be they are taking the Garden with them, good luck.
We have snakes that produce venom which is a toxin. We have poisons so that if you eat a oidium fruit such as grapes or mangoes, then you die. We also have poisonous mushrooms. We have bacteria that produce a biological poison.

who's We bond, those above are of their own accord and will justly answer as yourself to the Almighty and are from Their making as yourself. I though do not make poisons so am not worried for myself as surly you should be.

Flora and Fauna have nothing to do with your poison bond, hundreds of million years and those that lived left Garden Earth as they found it ... then came along the desert religions and those that worship such awful religions and their scriptures as planet Earth became their victim with each of their mindless passing's.

nothing to do with your poison bond .. / .. (they) left Garden Earth as they found it

I'm sure in your own clever way you know Flora and Fauna are following the rules those that still exist, that will be the difference between them and the creation scientist / desert religion alliance that follows their own rules, forgeries - their self determined demise is everywhere to be seen ... the greater crime will be they are taking the Garden with them, good luck.

>>who's We bond, those above are of their own accord and will justly answer as yourself to the Almighty and are from Their making as yourself. I though do not make poisons so am not worried for myself as surly you should be.<<

You make plenty of bacteria through you spouting feces ha ha. We is the general public including you. I'm not trying to trick you.

>>nothing to do with your poison bond .. / .. (they) left Garden Earth as they found it<<

It's not my poison. And why you try to equate it with Christians is beyond me. It's all part of nature and natural selection as described by creation science.
And why you try to equate it with Christians is beyond me.

they are the guilty party - the worshipers of the desert religions.

After Las Vegas massacre, 'bump stock' is hot item at U.S. gun shops

EarthLink - Politics
Toxins in widespread use excluded from EPA chemical review

EarthLink - U.S. News
Study: More evidence links earthquakes to energy waste wells

Orrin Hatch: Trump plans to shrink size of Utah national monuments - CNNPolitics
Utah senator: Trump plans to shrink size of Utah national monuments

in just the last week
And why you try to equate it with Christians is beyond me.

they are the guilty party - the worshipers of the desert religions.

After Las Vegas massacre, 'bump stock' is hot item at U.S. gun shops

EarthLink - Politics
Toxins in widespread use excluded from EPA chemical review

EarthLink - U.S. News
Study: More evidence links earthquakes to energy waste wells

Orrin Hatch: Trump plans to shrink size of Utah national monuments - CNNPolitics
Utah senator: Trump plans to shrink size of Utah national monuments

in just the last week

And how you link them to Christians is beyond me nor anyone else. Enjoy your life in the asylum.
And why you try to equate it with Christians is beyond me.

they are the guilty party - the worshipers of the desert religions.

After Las Vegas massacre, 'bump stock' is hot item at U.S. gun shops

EarthLink - Politics
Toxins in widespread use excluded from EPA chemical review

EarthLink - U.S. News
Study: More evidence links earthquakes to energy waste wells

Orrin Hatch: Trump plans to shrink size of Utah national monuments - CNNPolitics
Utah senator: Trump plans to shrink size of Utah national monuments

in just the last week

And how you link them to Christians is beyond me nor anyone else. Enjoy your life in the asylum.
And how you link them to Christians is beyond me nor anyone else. Enjoy your life in the asylum.

you give yourself away bond, your bumpstock crowed are nothing more than russian loving traitors or to mention your ridiculous creation evolutionary 100 year old dinosaurs, it's funny you mention asylums siberia is just the place for an aspiring 4th century zealout. good luck.
And why you try to equate it with Christians is beyond me.

they are the guilty party - the worshipers of the desert religions.

After Las Vegas massacre, 'bump stock' is hot item at U.S. gun shops

EarthLink - Politics
Toxins in widespread use excluded from EPA chemical review

EarthLink - U.S. News
Study: More evidence links earthquakes to energy waste wells

Orrin Hatch: Trump plans to shrink size of Utah national monuments - CNNPolitics
Utah senator: Trump plans to shrink size of Utah national monuments

in just the last week

And how you link them to Christians is beyond me nor anyone else. Enjoy your life in the asylum.
And how you link them to Christians is beyond me nor anyone else. Enjoy your life in the asylum.

you give yourself away bond, your bumpstock crowed are nothing more than russian loving traitors or to mention your ridiculous creation evolutionary 100 year old dinosaurs, it's funny you mention asylums siberia is just the place for an aspiring 4th century zealout. good luck.

It seems we'll have to add pedophilia to your Hollywood values. Kevin Spacey and the abusers of Corey Feldman have to pay. I would guess they are atheists like you. Do you prefer men over women like KS, too?
And why you try to equate it with Christians is beyond me.

they are the guilty party - the worshipers of the desert religions.

After Las Vegas massacre, 'bump stock' is hot item at U.S. gun shops

EarthLink - Politics
Toxins in widespread use excluded from EPA chemical review

EarthLink - U.S. News
Study: More evidence links earthquakes to energy waste wells

Orrin Hatch: Trump plans to shrink size of Utah national monuments - CNNPolitics
Utah senator: Trump plans to shrink size of Utah national monuments

in just the last week

And how you link them to Christians is beyond me nor anyone else. Enjoy your life in the asylum.
And how you link them to Christians is beyond me nor anyone else. Enjoy your life in the asylum.

you give yourself away bond, your bumpstock crowed are nothing more than russian loving traitors or to mention your ridiculous creation evolutionary 100 year old dinosaurs, it's funny you mention asylums siberia is just the place for an aspiring 4th century zealout. good luck.

It seems we'll have to add pedophilia to your Hollywood values. Kevin Spacey and the abusers of Corey Feldman have to pay. I would guess they are atheists like you. Do you prefer men over women like KS, too?
It seems we'll have to add pedophilia to your Hollywood values. Kevin Spacey and the abusers of Corey Feldman have to pay. I would guess they are atheists like you. Do you prefer men over women like KS, too?

really bond, you live in an awful place, 4th century christianity knows no bounds of ill repute, disguising its political persuasion as a religion ... again, good luck -

Humans are the "dominant cause" of global warming, according to the latest U.S. government study

The CSSR notes that the past 115 years have been “the warmest in the history of modern civilization,” according to a recent report by NPR who also obtained a copy of the report.

the sentence above is to give your loathing something to latch onto, NPR - public radio without your corporate sponsor must make your skin crawl in dispare.

the new report really does not do service to your sins -


what the desert religions are doing to Garden Earth is their crime, destroying the habitat for every other being for their own selfish reward - your family values bond, the reason you live with your machinegun.

"Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground."

there is no reason for a religious person to read further a book of lies and forgeries as the one above.

* you use ad hominem rather than debating your base cause.
And why you try to equate it with Christians is beyond me.

they are the guilty party - the worshipers of the desert religions.

After Las Vegas massacre, 'bump stock' is hot item at U.S. gun shops

EarthLink - Politics
Toxins in widespread use excluded from EPA chemical review

EarthLink - U.S. News
Study: More evidence links earthquakes to energy waste wells

Orrin Hatch: Trump plans to shrink size of Utah national monuments - CNNPolitics
Utah senator: Trump plans to shrink size of Utah national monuments

in just the last week

And how you link them to Christians is beyond me nor anyone else. Enjoy your life in the asylum.
And how you link them to Christians is beyond me nor anyone else. Enjoy your life in the asylum.

you give yourself away bond, your bumpstock crowed are nothing more than russian loving traitors or to mention your ridiculous creation evolutionary 100 year old dinosaurs, it's funny you mention asylums siberia is just the place for an aspiring 4th century zealout. good luck.

It seems we'll have to add pedophilia to your Hollywood values. Kevin Spacey and the abusers of Corey Feldman have to pay. I would guess they are atheists like you. Do you prefer men over women like KS, too?
It seems we'll have to add pedophilia to your Hollywood values. Kevin Spacey and the abusers of Corey Feldman have to pay. I would guess they are atheists like you. Do you prefer men over women like KS, too?

really bond, you live in an awful place, 4th century christianity knows no bounds of ill repute, disguising its political persuasion as a religion ... again, good luck -

Humans are the "dominant cause" of global warming, according to the latest U.S. government study

The CSSR notes that the past 115 years have been “the warmest in the history of modern civilization,” according to a recent report by NPR who also obtained a copy of the report.

the sentence above is to give your loathing something to latch onto, NPR - public radio without your corporate sponsor must make your skin crawl in dispare.

the new report really does not do service to your sins -

View attachment 158759

what the desert religions are doing to Garden Earth is their crime, destroying the habitat for every other being for their own selfish reward - your family values bond, the reason you live with your machinegun.

"Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground."

there is no reason for a religious person to read further a book of lies and forgeries as the one above.

* you use ad hominem rather than debating your base cause.

>>Humans are the "dominant cause" of global warming, according to the latest U.S. government study.<<

What have you done today to cause less global warming, BreezeWood? Do you buy more expensive detergent gasoline with more ethanol to have lower emissions, but lower fuel efficiency? I haven't seen Al Gore and the liberal rich give up their big global warming toys, but he wants you to give up yours. Isn't it hypocritical? Do as I say and not do as I do?

Second, the NPR report is skewed in that it highlights the anomalies when if one looks at the changes in temperature over the entire latitude of the planet, then warming is miniscule. It just goes to show that NPR is fixing the data to fit their beliefs about global warming.

there is no reason for a religious person to read further a book of lies and forgeries as the one above.

* you use ad hominem rather than debating your base cause.<<

Aren't you the one using ad hominems about me and Christians? Furthermore, you haven't shown that the Bible is a book of lies and forgeries. It is still the best selling non-fiction book of all time.
I see the atheists were in the news again, BW. Usually in a negative light.

EXCLUSIVE: 'Creepy, crazy and weird': Former classmates say Texas gunman was an 'outcast' who 'preached his atheism' online before killing 26 in the state’s worst ever mass shooting

Texas church shooter Devin Kelley was an 'outcast' | Daily Mail Online

And remember I told you atheism leads to communism? JB is right again.


Antifa are atheists and they promote communism.

From my pal, Rico:
"These AntiFa [read: Communist] assholes have been around since the 1930's, so it's no surprise that the biggest Communist asshole living today [George Soros] is funding them.

It's 2017 and they still are trying to overthrow the system, because, er...something.

- Stupid can be defined as being undeterred by almost a century of failure.

It's just not working out for them because sane people want life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness and nothing to do with these clueless shmendriks."

Aren't you the one using ad hominems about me and Christians? Furthermore, you haven't shown that the Bible is a book of lies and forgeries. It is still the best selling non-fiction book of all time.
Aren't you the one using ad hominems about me and Christians?

no, that has been your trademark from the beginning. as for christians I have repeatedly referred to recorded history without rebuttal from you their uninterrupted history of evil -


I'm sure you are a fan of re lee, the christian community worship him and his cause as they were all fighting for evil - deny it all you like. history is replete from the 4th century to present time with the same alliances by the desert religions against truly righteous causes.

What have you done today to cause less global warming, BreezeWood?

EarthLink - Politics
Toxins in widespread use excluded from EPA chemical review

what I can do is vote for politicians that are the ones to pass legislation to make the difference possible - the christian / capitalist coalition do everything possible to continue the path of least resistance for pollution and global warming, and as I have pointed out the greatest concern of global destruction of livable habitat for all beings and not just for yourself bond, family values. yours alone while destroying the Garden you live in, the lie of genesis.

Furthermore, you haven't shown that the Bible is a book of lies and forgeries. It is still the best selling non-fiction book of all time.

“I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me”.

I have displayed hundreds of them ...

there are countless forgeries in all the desert religion "scriptures" the one above defines christianity in the most egregious terms - those books are dead as those that worship them by their tacit acceptance to selffullfilling forgeries passed to future generations to repeat their uninterrupted history of crime and persecution against the very people that know otherwise, free spirited beings - no book required, the falsely religious despise the most.

their books, the desert religions are meant to remain alive and progressively refined, they presently are confiscated by people that live in fear and dispare.
Aren't you the one using ad hominems about me and Christians? Furthermore, you haven't shown that the Bible is a book of lies and forgeries. It is still the best selling non-fiction book of all time.
Aren't you the one using ad hominems about me and Christians?

no, that has been your trademark from the beginning. as for christians I have repeatedly referred to recorded history without rebuttal from you their uninterrupted history of evil -

View attachment 158942

I'm sure you are a fan of re lee, the christian community worship him and his cause as they were all fighting for evil - deny it all you like. history is replete from the 4th century to present time with the same alliances by the desert religions against truly righteous causes.

What have you done today to cause less global warming, BreezeWood?

EarthLink - Politics
Toxins in widespread use excluded from EPA chemical review

what I can do is vote for politicians that are the ones to pass legislation to make the difference possible - the christian / capitalist coalition do everything possible to continue the path of least resistance for pollution and global warming, and as I have pointed out the greatest concern of global destruction of livable habitat for all beings and not just for yourself bond, family values. yours alone while destroying the Garden you live in, the lie of genesis.

Furthermore, you haven't shown that the Bible is a book of lies and forgeries. It is still the best selling non-fiction book of all time.

“I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me”.

I have displayed hundreds of them ...

there are countless forgeries in all the desert religion "scriptures" the one above defines christianity in the most egregious terms - those books are dead as those that worship them by their tacit acceptance to selffullfilling forgeries passed to future generations to repeat their uninterrupted history of crime and persecution against the very people that know otherwise, free spirited beings - no book required, the falsely religious despise the most.

their books, the desert religions are meant to remain alive and progressively refined, they presently are confiscated by people that live in fear and dispare.

>>JC: “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me”.<<

BreezeWood, I can believe you just threw away one of the key instructions. You just sealed your fate with the second death.

Anyway, it's high time I leave you to your incessant ramblings that lead nowhere, but to some abyss in the recesses of your mind.

I shall leave you and the atheists here with more evidence of God. We have discovered that "we cannot go back in time." God made it this way in order for men to not be able to undo their original sin. It's my belief the original sin will stay with us in this life and next. It does not go away. However, we can go forward in time. Time travel is available today courtesy of Elon Musk. You can take off in his space ship and then come back to some date in the future. See his second to the last idea -- affordable time travel.

Elon Musk's 5 craziest tech ideas for the future | Trusted Reviews

God is great. I leave you with hope for a better future.
Funny that Neil Degrasse Tyson says that philosophy is useless when he's more about philosophy than real science. What a buffoon.

NT: “My concern here is that the philosophers believe they are actually asking deep questions about nature. And to the scientist it’s, what are you doing? Why are you concerning yourself with the meaning of meaning?”

The Faith-Based Science of Neil deGrasse Tyson—It Needs Correcting

The Faith-Based Science of Neil deGrasse Tyson—It Needs Correcting | HuffPost
Quote me saying I hate anyone for their religious beliefs. If not you will be known as a low down scumbag lying hypocrite.

I hate the sin not the sinners. I feel sorry for you ignorant fools. And you're holding us back as a species.

Has religion interfered with the advancement of humankind more than it has contributed to it?

the Dark Ages refers to a period of roughly 1,000 years during which the science of the ancient Greek and Roman societies was forgotten, discouraged, and suppressed by medieval Christians. By placing their "holy" book above all else and fighting anything that was not consistent with it, early Christians set back scientific progress approximately 1,000 years.

What is even more troublesome than losing the advances of the ancients to early Christians' war on reality is that there are Christians today working toward similar ends. Recall that opposition to modernism and anti-intellectualism are key components of Christian extremism. The result is that we have a politically influential movement in the United States opposing education, battling science, and working to prevent equality for women, LGBT persons and many other groups.

You know who makes me mad? Nancy Reagan. She was against stem cell until Ronny got Alzheimers. She was against gays before she found out her son was gay. And I'm sure religion played a part in her initial ignorant positions.

If you guys are offended, don't come to a thread like this. You will run into extreme atheists like me.

Being an extreme atheist means you extremely disavow God. It may not mean you're a hater, but it means that you'll likely turn into a Commie. I think atheism is for those people who do not like to think and be rational. Do you find yourself spouting liberal dogma and believe everything they tell you to believe? What's funny is that they claim to be the ones who invented rational thought. The theists are and will be better off.

Some of the current liberal trend is for politics to invade sports and consumerism. The idea is to separate teams and individuals who are liberal vs conservative. The actions are to buy products based on politics. It's silly. Buy what you want or need. It's not Coke vs Pepsi.

That's funny you say that

Why American Sports Are Socialist

See what I mean? The liberal masters, i.e. the rich want you to think politics should be in everything including sports and consumerism. I can show you an article between Nike (liberal) vs Under Armour (conservative) because UA's CEO spouted something.

My thinking is ignore all that BS. If you like Nike products and their shoes look good and fit you well, then buy it. Don't buy or not buy products because of political beliefs. Also, people with a business shouldn't mix business with politics or religion.

But even if they do, what harm is there? If the Chic-fil-a CEO advertises their policy that all their stores will close on Sundays so that their employees can attend church or just have a day off on what he believes is God's Sabbath Day, how does that harm anybody? If Tom and Jerry's choose to put a float in a Gay Nazi parade, how does that harm anybody? Am I going to refuse to buy something in either place because of their religious or political stances? No.

Should I refuse to enjoy "Sister Act", a movie I do enjoy, just because Whoopi Goldberg is politically offensive to me? Or "Moonstruck" (Cher) or "Shall We Dance" (Susan Sarandon.)

I do confess when Target refused to allow the Salvation Army Santa and kettle in front of their stores and Wal-mart continued that tradition, I chose to go to Wal-mart instead of Target. But that was to reward Wal-mart for what I see as a wonderful tradition, not to punish Target. If what I needed was at Target and not at Wal-mart, I would go to Target.

From one of my favorite all-time movies: "Chocolat":

I think you mean Ben & Jerry's. :)

To an extent, you're both correct. Mixing political or religious views with business is probably bad business practice, but that doesn't mean people should be stopped from doing so if that's their choice. Freedom means the freedom to be stupid, if that's what floats one's boat.

SHOULD you avoid things simply because one aspect of it is offensive to you? Not if you don't want to. By the same token, there's no "should" about ignoring those aspects, either, if you don't want to.

I stop doing business with companies when their offensive behavior becomes too much for me to ignore. Maybe it's cumulative, or maybe it's just one big thing they do that's too much for me. Depends entirely on the business and what they do. I won't eat Ben & Jerry's or buy Starbucks because their self-righteous proselytizing through their products has just accumulated too much, to the point where it completely overshadows their actual product. I won't watch a movie with Jake Gyllenhaal or Alec Baldwin in it, to name two, because their behavior outside of their acting has become so pervasive in my consciousness that I simply can't forget who they are and see them as their characters any more. I think it's a serious mistake for actors to make the public too aware of them as regular people, because their careers depend on their ability to make us believe in them as their characters, at least for the length of time that the show lasts.

On the other hand, there are companies who do things I don't care for, but I still do business with, because they haven't shoved it into my face sufficiently to make me stay away. There are actors whose personal politics I find distasteful, but they're smart enough to mostly keep it personal and allow to largely ignore it.

Won't shop at Target, because I don't like shopping somewhere I don't feel comfortable using the bathroom.

>>C1200: Mixing political or religious views with business is probably bad business practice, but that doesn't mean people should be stopped from doing so if that's their choice. Freedom means the freedom to be stupid, if that's what floats one's boat.<<

Yes, this was one of the unwritten rules in all society, but today the liberal elite want to politicize everything. I think this brand of politics is what we are dealing with today. We are learning more about people who run our corporations and the way the founder of the company was. Those beliefs form the foundation of a company and are still in place.

That said, I'll try and leave the politics out in my personal decisions. However, when comparing two competing products from different companies, then it may factor in a decision such as Coke or Pepsi unless you're a Sealybobo. What a nut jobber that guy turned out to be.

>>Won't shop at Target, because I don't like shopping somewhere I don't feel comfortable using the bathroom.<<

Yeah, that was a really BAD decision since it got publicized so much. I cut down shopping at my local Target (not megastore) before that because they didn't have enough of basic products such as Tide when they put on a sale. It usually ran out and you ended up buying another brand at regular price. I guess libs get used to it as normal and "accept" the rain check.
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Being an extreme atheist means you extremely disavow God. It may not mean you're a hater, but it means that you'll likely turn into a Commie. I think atheism is for those people who do not like to think and be rational. Do you find yourself spouting liberal dogma and believe everything they tell you to believe? What's funny is that they claim to be the ones who invented rational thought. The theists are and will be better off.

Some of the current liberal trend is for politics to invade sports and consumerism. The idea is to separate teams and individuals who are liberal vs conservative. The actions are to buy products based on politics. It's silly. Buy what you want or need. It's not Coke vs Pepsi.

That's funny you say that

Why American Sports Are Socialist

See what I mean? The liberal masters, i.e. the rich want you to think politics should be in everything including sports and consumerism. I can show you an article between Nike (liberal) vs Under Armour (conservative) because UA's CEO spouted something.

My thinking is ignore all that BS. If you like Nike products and their shoes look good and fit you well, then buy it. Don't buy or not buy products because of political beliefs. Also, people with a business shouldn't mix business with politics or religion.

But even if they do, what harm is there? If the Chic-fil-a CEO advertises their policy that all their stores will close on Sundays so that their employees can attend church or just have a day off on what he believes is God's Sabbath Day, how does that harm anybody? If Tom and Jerry's choose to put a float in a Gay Nazi parade, how does that harm anybody? Am I going to refuse to buy something in either place because of their religious or political stances? No.

Should I refuse to enjoy "Sister Act", a movie I do enjoy, just because Whoopi Goldberg is politically offensive to me? Or "Moonstruck" (Cher) or "Shall We Dance" (Susan Sarandon.)

I do confess when Target refused to allow the Salvation Army Santa and kettle in front of their stores and Wal-mart continued that tradition, I chose to go to Wal-mart instead of Target. But that was to reward Wal-mart for what I see as a wonderful tradition, not to punish Target. If what I needed was at Target and not at Wal-mart, I would go to Target.

From one of my favorite all-time movies: "Chocolat":

I think you mean Ben & Jerry's. :)

To an extent, you're both correct. Mixing political or religious views with business is probably bad business practice, but that doesn't mean people should be stopped from doing so if that's their choice. Freedom means the freedom to be stupid, if that's what floats one's boat.

SHOULD you avoid things simply because one aspect of it is offensive to you? Not if you don't want to. By the same token, there's no "should" about ignoring those aspects, either, if you don't want to.

I stop doing business with companies when their offensive behavior becomes too much for me to ignore. Maybe it's cumulative, or maybe it's just one big thing they do that's too much for me. Depends entirely on the business and what they do. I won't eat Ben & Jerry's or buy Starbucks because their self-righteous proselytizing through their products has just accumulated too much, to the point where it completely overshadows their actual product. I won't watch a movie with Jake Gyllenhaal or Alec Baldwin in it, to name two, because their behavior outside of their acting has become so pervasive in my consciousness that I simply can't forget who they are and see them as their characters any more. I think it's a serious mistake for actors to make the public too aware of them as regular people, because their careers depend on their ability to make us believe in them as their characters, at least for the length of time that the show lasts.

On the other hand, there are companies who do things I don't care for, but I still do business with, because they haven't shoved it into my face sufficiently to make me stay away. There are actors whose personal politics I find distasteful, but they're smart enough to mostly keep it personal and allow to largely ignore it.

Won't shop at Target, because I don't like shopping somewhere I don't feel comfortable using the bathroom.

>>C1200: Mixing political or religious views with business is probably bad business practice, but that doesn't mean people should be stopped from doing so if that's their choice. Freedom means the freedom to be stupid, if that's what floats one's boat.<<

Yes, this was one of the unwritten rules in all society, but today the liberal elite want to politicize everything. I think this brand of politics is what we are dealing with today. We are learning more about people who run our corporations and the way the founder of the company was. Those beliefs form the foundation of a company and are still in place.

That said, I'll try and leave the politics out in my personal decisions. However, when comparing two competing products from different companies, then it may factor in a decision such as Coke or Pepsi unless you're a Sealybobo. What a nut jobber that guy turned out to be.

>>Won't shop at Target, because I don't like shopping somewhere I don't feel comfortable using the bathroom.<<

Yeah, that was a really BAD decision since it got publicized so much. I cut down shopping at my local Target (not megastore) before that because they didn't have enough of basic products such as Tide when they put on a sale. It usually ran out and you ended up buying another brand at regular price. I guess libs get used to it as normal and "accept" the rain check.

I guess libs get used to it as normal and "accept" the rain check.

... and "accept" the rain check.

"We don't need a liberal person in there, a Democrat, Jones. I've looked at his record. It's terrible on crime. It's terrible on the border. It's terrible on military," Trump said. "I can tell you for a fact we do not need somebody who's going to be bad on crime, bad on borders, bad for the military, bad for the Second Amendment."

But the White House signaled on Monday that its position was shifting away from the mainstream of Republican leaders, as White House counselor Kellyanne Conway signaled the need for Moore's vote on tax reform was more important in the administration's calculation than the sexual misconduct allegations leveled against him.

your a sad case bond, the example above is the reality of blind obedience ... actually believing what you are being told - to believe.

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