How much patience does Barr have?

Why? Why does it come down to a Durham last minute Hail Mary? Were the Parties reversed and Republicans were caught redhanded turning the FBI into their Secret Police, there would have been dozens of executions for treason by now.
the Durham investigation is no Hail Mary its a serious investigation thats finding the deepstates tentacles dug into countries all over the globe ! and i think thats one of the reasons McCabe wasnt prosecuted for lying ...i think they have more serious charges about to be drop on him and his cronies ....though i could be wrong.
... helping Trump move us closer to dictatorship than a democratic Republic.

Stop getting mad at President Trump, like its his fault, that Obama chose to be a coward toward China and Russia. Obama asked Bush43 to start a Trade War with China, in Aug'08, but somehow that trade war did not get started until the courageous Trump showed up.
The dictatorship is a result of diminishing the powers of the judicial and legislative branch. It has nothing to do with trade wars. Trump supporters do not understand the basics of our government.
what about this guys supporters ?

Barr is just trying to put on a lipstick on the discusting pig that his tenure has so far been.

Trump's comments expose AG as a swamp shill and Barr is just trying get our idiot president to just STFU and let him get back to quiet shilling.

Why? Why does it come down to a Durham last minute Hail Mary? Were the Parties reversed and Republicans were caught redhanded turning the FBI into their Secret Police, there would have been dozens of executions for treason by now.
The only time anyone has ever been executed because of politics in the republic is this;
Julius and Ethel Rosenberg - Wikipedia

And this;
Operation Pastorius - Wikipedia

I'm highly skeptical that the death penalty would be used.

Remember, the longest anyone has ever even served for political crime was G. Gordon Liddy, and he only did five years.

All these elites are, in the end, on the same side, making sure the government gets bigger, and more dictatorial.

I could see them sending some of their own to prison for a stretch. . . but executions? Nah, that would open that can of worms to be used against each other in the future. They will save that for us plebes if we don't follow their dictates.

You are right though. . . they are just stringing us along with this Durham non-sense. And will continue to do so until they can think of something else to distract folks with and keep their hopes alive, for that sense of equal justice that will never come.

Why? Why does it come down to a Durham last minute Hail Mary? Were the Parties reversed and Republicans were caught redhanded turning the FBI into their Secret Police, there would have been dozens of executions for treason by now.
the Durham investigation is no Hail Mary its a serious investigation thats finding the deepstates tentacles dug into countries all over the globe ! and i think thats one of the reasons McCabe wasnt prosecuted for lying ...i think they have more serious charges about to be drop on him and his cronies ....though i could be wrong.

After Sessions, Huber, Horowitz and Barr..What's the definition of insanity?
No nonsense? Based on what? So far, he's the Son of Sessions
Ok Frank lol
what's he done that session's didn't?

Hillary is just as unindicted under Barr as she was under Sessions...
The only attention Hillary gets, these days, is from whackos like you that cannot let go of blaming her for all your problems. The anti-Trumpers have forgot about Hillary. She is partially responsible for Trump getting elected. Good riddens.
You are keeping her happy by one of the few groups giving her attention even though it is negative. She appreciates negative attention over no attention.
It’s not an American Dream for incomes to be equal.
True. That would infer that all men are equal. They aren't/
All men are created equal toward an unimpeded outcome. All men are not created for equal outcomes nor guaranteed such.
Every man and woman have many traits. All men and women are not equal in all traits. Humans are equal in they are a mixture of traits. No one defines the whole person
Only friciking idiots believe the monitary worth determines a person's worth. worth.
Donald Trump is an example of that. Disgusting, low life human in most traits but he has a lot of money.

Socialism does not work.

We need a system that gives people the incentive to pursue what they desire.
It’s not an American Dream for incomes to be equal.
True. That would infer that all men are equal. They aren't/
All men are created equal toward an unimpeded outcome. All men are not created for equal outcomes nor guaranteed such.
Every man and woman have many traits. All men and women are not equal in all traits. Humans are equal in they are a mixture of traits. No one defines the whole person
Only friciking idiots believe the monitary worth determines a person's worth. worth.
Donald Trump is an example of that. Disgusting, low life human in most traits but he has a lot of money.

Socialism does not work.

We need a system that gives people the incentive to pursue what they desire.
We have such a system .Those who do not attain it are lazy or stupid.
It’s not an American Dream for incomes to be equal.
True. That would infer that all men are equal. They aren't/
All men are created equal toward an unimpeded outcome. All men are not created for equal outcomes nor guaranteed such.
Every man and woman have many traits. All men and women are not equal in all traits. Humans are equal in they are a mixture of traits. No one defines the whole person
Only friciking idiots believe the monitary worth determines a person's worth. worth.
Donald Trump is an example of that. Disgusting, low life human in most traits but he has a lot of money.

Socialism does not work.

We need a system that gives people the incentive to pursue what they desire.
We have such a system .Those who do not attain it are lazy or stupid.

That's not true.
We FINALLY get a no nonsense man at the helm of the justice department and Trumps incessant and completely unnecessary tweeting may very well drive Barr out.
How long would you expect someone to take all the shit he's getting as a results of Trumps tweets to last? He's clearly fed up with the tweeting or he wouldn't have asked Trump to stop.

At this point I'm getting a little nervous that Trump is going to beat himself.
Nearly EVERY measurable metric is in Trumps favor so STOP STOKING THE FIRES. Stop giving the left unnecessary talking points.
Tamp it down till the election is over ffs.

And no, I'm not saying he needs to change or stop campaigning. Just stop giving the hacks on the left easy and COMPLETELY UNNECESSARY ammunition.
Every measurable metric doesn't favor trump and his selection of barr and barr's antics at his command makes it worse for trump.
We FINALLY get a no nonsense man at the helm of the justice department and Trumps incessant and completely unnecessary tweeting may very well drive Barr out.
How long would you expect someone to take all the shit he's getting as a results of Trumps tweets to last? He's clearly fed up with the tweeting or he wouldn't have asked Trump to stop.

At this point I'm getting a little nervous that Trump is going to beat himself.
Nearly EVERY measurable metric is in Trumps favor so STOP STOKING THE FIRES. Stop giving the left unnecessary talking points.
Tamp it down till the election is over ffs.

And no, I'm not saying he needs to change or stop campaigning. Just stop giving the hacks on the left easy and COMPLETELY UNNECESSARY ammunition.
Every measurable metric doesn't favor trump and his selection of barr and barr's antics at his command makes it worse for trump.
Show us these "measurable metrics" you pulled out of your ass.

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