How Much Should We Fine Them per day ???

When the only time someone shows concern over pollution is after an EPA accident, it's very obvious how their goal is to attack the EPA, and thus fanatically promote the pollution that the EPA stops.

That is, the conservative pollution-advocacy crowd isn't fooling anyone here. This is just another of their many help-the-polluters stunts.
Yeah...only Ds care about ALL pollution. Those damn Rs and cons they LOVE pollution, except when cause by the that kind of ridiculous propaganda is straight from the DNC.

don't you love it when they spew that pollution. good grief. only lib/dems care about the air and mother earth.
When the only time someone shows concern over pollution is after an EPA accident, it's very obvious how their goal is to attack the EPA, and thus fanatically promote the pollution that the EPA stops.

That is, the conservative pollution-advocacy crowd isn't fooling anyone here. This is just another of their many help-the-polluters stunts.
Yeah...only Ds care about ALL pollution. Those damn Rs and cons they LOVE pollution, except when cause by the that kind of ridiculous propaganda is straight from the DNC.

Actually opinions like that come from years of experience: Republicans opposing EPA regulation, opposing restrictions on polluters, on forestry, on mining, on industry, giving away our national parks and wilderness areas to exploiters. George W Bush's FIRST act as President of the United States was to dramatically increase the maximum levels of arsenic allowed from mine effluents. If you don't think such things aren't obvious to absolutely EVERYONE, you need to get your blinders removed. Conservatives have fought against every piece of environmental legislation put before them for the last 60 years.
When the only time someone shows concern over pollution is after an EPA accident, it's very obvious how their goal is to attack the EPA, and thus fanatically promote the pollution that the EPA stops.

That is, the conservative pollution-advocacy crowd isn't fooling anyone here. This is just another of their many help-the-polluters stunts.
Yeah...only Ds care about ALL pollution. Those damn Rs and cons they LOVE pollution, except when cause by the that kind of ridiculous propaganda is straight from the DNC.

Actually opinions like that come from years of experience: Republicans opposing EPA regulation, opposing restrictions on polluters, on forestry, on mining, on industry, giving away our national parks and wilderness areas to exploiters. George W Bush's FIRST act as President of the United States was to dramatically increase the maximum levels of arsenic allowed from mine effluents. If you don't think such things aren't obvious to absolutely EVERYONE, you need to get your blinders removed. Conservatives have fought against every piece of environmental legislation put before them for the last 60 years.

Ever heard of Richard Nixon?
Animas River Massive Waste Spill Turns River Orange

A Massive Waste Spill Turned This River in Colorado Orange
Maya Rhodan @m_rhodan Aug. 6, 2015

Jerry McBride—Durango Herald

Mine waste from the Gold King Mine north of Silverton fills the Animas River at Bakers Bridge on Aug. 6, 2015 in Durango, Colo.

The EPA accidentally caused the spill, reports say

About 1 million gallons of mine waste spilled into a Colorado waterway on Wednesday, turning the water bright orange and prompting officials to warn residents to avoid recreational use of the Animas River.

San Juan County health officials say the Environmental Protection Agency and the state Division of Reclamation, Mining and Safety were investigating

another contamination when they “unexpectedly triggered a large release of mine waste water into the upper portions of Cement Creek.” Cement Creek is a tributary of the Animas River.


Hey Einstein, if we fine the government, the fine is paid by WHOM...

Take your time...
When the only time someone shows concern over pollution is after an EPA accident, it's very obvious how their goal is to attack the EPA, and thus fanatically promote the pollution that the EPA stops.

That is, the conservative pollution-advocacy crowd isn't fooling anyone here. This is just another of their many help-the-polluters stunts.
Yeah...only Ds care about ALL pollution. Those damn Rs and cons they LOVE pollution, except when cause by the that kind of ridiculous propaganda is straight from the DNC.

Actually opinions like that come from years of experience: Republicans opposing EPA regulation, opposing restrictions on polluters, on forestry, on mining, on industry, giving away our national parks and wilderness areas to exploiters. George W Bush's FIRST act as President of the United States was to dramatically increase the maximum levels of arsenic allowed from mine effluents. If you don't think such things aren't obvious to absolutely EVERYONE, you need to get your blinders removed. Conservatives have fought against every piece of environmental legislation put before them for the last 60 years.
Who started the EPA?

The EPA, in it's original form was a worth while addition to the bureaucracy.
If it had its regulatory process remained subject to Congressional approval it likely wouldn't have become the farce it is. When flushing little fishies out to sea is more important than growing food and an entire industry is shut down to protect an owl, the agency has become too powerful.
In this case, they were told that tampering with the containment would likely be catastrophic, they figured, as usual, that they knew better.
No one wants polluters to be unregulated at all. That INCLUDES the Environmental Protection Agency.
When the only time someone shows concern over pollution is after an EPA accident, it's very obvious how their goal is to attack the EPA, and thus fanatically promote the pollution that the EPA stops.

That is, the conservative pollution-advocacy crowd isn't fooling anyone here. This is just another of their many help-the-polluters stunts.
Yeah...only Ds care about ALL pollution. Those damn Rs and cons they LOVE pollution, except when cause by the that kind of ridiculous propaganda is straight from the DNC.

Actually opinions like that come from years of experience: Republicans opposing EPA regulation, opposing restrictions on polluters, on forestry, on mining, on industry, giving away our national parks and wilderness areas to exploiters. George W Bush's FIRST act as President of the United States was to dramatically increase the maximum levels of arsenic allowed from mine effluents. If you don't think such things aren't obvious to absolutely EVERYONE, you need to get your blinders removed. Conservatives have fought against every piece of environmental legislation put before them for the last 60 years.

REALLY, than why do we have the 1000's of regulations passed on us now if the Republicans opposed them? I hope people aren't buying that lie anymore. and they do such a bang up job they just caused a frikken disaster in our rivers and then say. oops. and then it's WE the taxpayers who pays for their Salaries and now will get to pay for their CLEAN up of their oops. what a stinking gig
I personally wish you worthless federal employees would just stay on your porn sites rather than go out and fuck things up.

How bad is it?

Sounds like this river that federal unionized lazy incompetents have polluted serves as the source of drinking water for people in several states.

MOST OF THEM LIBERAL!!! Yep they is gonna cry loud!
What in heavens name makes you think its being ignored? It's been in the headlines on every news channel and blog since it happened.
Animas River Massive Waste Spill Turns River Orange

A Massive Waste Spill Turned This River in Colorado Orange
Maya Rhodan @m_rhodan Aug. 6, 2015

Jerry McBride—Durango Herald

Mine waste from the Gold King Mine north of Silverton fills the Animas River at Bakers Bridge on Aug. 6, 2015 in Durango, Colo.

The EPA accidentally caused the spill, reports say

About 1 million gallons of mine waste spilled into a Colorado waterway on Wednesday, turning the water bright orange and prompting officials to warn residents to avoid recreational use of the Animas River.

San Juan County health officials say the Environmental Protection Agency and the state Division of Reclamation, Mining and Safety were investigating

another contamination when they “unexpectedly triggered a large release of mine waste water into the upper portions of Cement Creek.” Cement Creek is a tributary of the Animas River.


Hey Einstein, if we fine the government, the fine is paid by WHOM...

Take your time...

Hey Einstein, for them to clean it up, is going to be paid by WHOM? Magic money trees they have growing?
REALLY, than why do we have the 1000's of regulations passed on us now if the Republicans opposed them?

Because the democrats have been in control of Congress and the White House for the majority of that time period.

You also asked me about dumping a load in the yard next door.

I did? :eek:

I don't recall doing that. :eusa_eh: What was the context?

I can sue a company that harms me from ANY STATE..

Those that are advocating getting rid of the EPA are intending to get rid of any liability that would be grounds for you to sue. In essence they want to make it cost you more to sue than you would ever receive in any lawsuit. That means the corporations can pollute at will and never have to worry about who gets hurt.

That doesn't mean you can't sue but you will be facing a system that has thrown out all of those liabilities and the onus will be on you to prove the liability without the benefit of violations of regulations to support your case.

Oh c'mon.. Which is more satisfying? Having a Federal agency fine them and dump the winnings into the Fed toilet, or being part of a class action suit and getting a personal check?

You STILL have to prove harm. Harm is already defined by Federal or State (or existing Federal) OR scientific studies for recognized levels of toxicity or physical safety. Like I said -- HIGHLY unlikely you are the only one harmed, so litigation is shared (likely FREE).
You're looking for reasons in the wrong places. The mission of the EPA is to harmonize the enviro laws of the various states and then FORCE them to comply. And in doing so -- they end up with a one size fits all prescription that can bankrupt a small western community for a negligible benefit in water quality... Or pounding on a farmer in a marginal biz for a regulation designed to stop Con-Agra from polluting..

THat's braindead.. And it punishes way too many innocent people to get to the few ACTUAL problems..
So the unstable leader of the EPA declared today -- that the river is BACK to pre-spill cleanliness and water standards.

Show's over folks... Nothing to see here ---- keep it moving..
She THINKS we are idiots. She THINKS a spill like that requires NO REMEDIATION..

No, that was your policy. At least, before the latest spill it was. You only suddenly started caring when one of the polluters was the EPA.

I guess the silver lining here is you now have pretend to care about pollution, if only for the moment.

Thats what happens when hypocrites who villainize every accident like this as caused by greedy corporatists and willfully negligent monsters --- suddenly have the same accident. We get to point out that immense hypocrisy.. It's not that we don't recognize the same harm is done in either case. We just don't like the holier than thou attitude from the peanut gallery when they sit in judgement of the actual doers. Folks that keep this country economically healthy and competitive.

The game is never as easy when you're suited up and on the field as it is from your couch..
Animas River Massive Waste Spill Turns River Orange

A Massive Waste Spill Turned This River in Colorado Orange
Maya Rhodan @m_rhodan Aug. 6, 2015

Jerry McBride—Durango Herald

Mine waste from the Gold King Mine north of Silverton fills the Animas River at Bakers Bridge on Aug. 6, 2015 in Durango, Colo.

The EPA accidentally caused the spill, reports say

About 1 million gallons of mine waste spilled into a Colorado waterway on Wednesday, turning the water bright orange and prompting officials to warn residents to avoid recreational use of the Animas River.

San Juan County health officials say the Environmental Protection Agency and the state Division of Reclamation, Mining and Safety were investigating

another contamination when they “unexpectedly triggered a large release of mine waste water into the upper portions of Cement Creek.” Cement Creek is a tributary of the Animas River.


Hey Einstein, if we fine the government, the fine is paid by WHOM...

Take your time...

That's correct.. In a fair world -- it would come directly out of the EPA litigation budget and go to the local communities affected. You got a problem with that? MAYBE EPA would then have to fire a few lawyers and a couple of those directly involved and concentrate on what they are best at. Which is buggering the nation with "uniform laws" that apply to both Monsanto and a 200 acre apple farm..
get rid of the epa

So when your home value and that of your neighbors is wiped out because a corporation in the neighboring state dumps toxic waste into the water table that kills off all living plants for a hundred miles what are you going to do?
Sue them.

You don't have standing to sue because you don't live in the same state as the corporation so you are SOL as far as suing goes.

what a stupid thing to say
He does that a lot

i picked up on that
So the unstable leader of the EPA declared today -- that the river is BACK to pre-spill cleanliness and water standards.

Show's over folks... Nothing to see here ---- keep it moving..
She THINKS we are idiots. She THINKS a spill like that requires NO REMEDIATION..

No, that was your policy. At least, before the latest spill it was. You only suddenly started caring when one of the polluters was the EPA.

I guess the silver lining here is you now have pretend to care about pollution, if only for the moment.
Conservatives want a dirty environment and their kids to get cancer:uhoh3: All the bureaucracy at the EPA and the 100s of billions of dollars to feed the bureaucracy doesn't do much to clean the environment and Carbon dioxide is not a pollutant, the sludge they dumped into the river is . Abolish the EPA:thup:
EPA declares the river is "restoring itself" and water is safe and back to pre-spill toxic levels..

EPA chief says polluted Animas River apos seems to be restoring itself apos - LA Times

So what did we learn here boys and girls and folks of other varying sexual orientations??

That you can dump 3 million gallons of 100 yr old toxic mine stew into 3 river systems --- and NATURE will "restore itself" within a week..

Seems to be the BEST argument so far for cutting back on the number of desk jockey bureaucrats and Govt lawyers. Because obviously -- if it's that easy to recover from such a spill, we don't need them..

Worst part of this is -- folks who truly CARE about the enviro -- know that's not true. But at least we need a FEW people that value the enviro over political spin and expediency.. This behavior is just as bad as some of the corporate spin that I've seen.. No diff in my mind...

REALLY, than why do we have the 1000's of regulations passed on us now if the Republicans opposed them?

Because the democrats have been in control of Congress and the White House for the majority of that time period.

so what you're saying is that when a republican lead congress is in power, the people who voted for them are bad people. Is that what you're saying? There can't be any other reason?

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