How Much Should We Fine Them per day ???

get rid of the epa

So when your home value and that of your neighbors is wiped out because a corporation in the neighboring state dumps toxic waste into the water table that kills off all living plants for a hundred miles what are you going to do?
Sue them.


what a bunch of helpless assholes

You can't sue when you don't have standing to sue and by eliminating the EPA you eliminated the regulations too.

But don't let reality spoil your imaginary bubble world.
get rid of the epa

So when your home value and that of your neighbors is wiped out because a corporation in the neighboring state dumps toxic waste into the water table that kills off all living plants for a hundred miles what are you going to do?
Sue them.

You don't have standing to sue because you don't live in the same state as the corporation so you are SOL as far as suing goes.

what a stupid thing to say

Your ignorance is your problem!
get rid of the epa

So when your home value and that of your neighbors is wiped out because a corporation in the neighboring state dumps toxic waste into the water table that kills off all living plants for a hundred miles what are you going to do?
Sue them.


what a bunch of helpless assholes

You can't sue when you don't have standing to sue and by eliminating the EPA you eliminated the regulations too.

But don't let reality spoil your imaginary bubble world.

you are incredibly stupid

or completely ignorant

you pick i dont care which
get rid of the epa

So when your home value and that of your neighbors is wiped out because a corporation in the neighboring state dumps toxic waste into the water table that kills off all living plants for a hundred miles what are you going to do?
Sue them.

You don't have standing to sue because you don't live in the same state as the corporation so you are SOL as far as suing goes.

what a stupid thing to say

Your ignorance is your problem!

wow how original --LOL
get rid of the epa

So when your home value and that of your neighbors is wiped out because a corporation in the neighboring state dumps toxic waste into the water table that kills off all living plants for a hundred miles what are you going to do?
Sue them.


what a bunch of helpless assholes

You can't sue when you don't have standing to sue and by eliminating the EPA you eliminated the regulations too.

But don't let reality spoil your imaginary bubble world.

When would you not have standing to sue a corporation for dumping toxic waste next to your home? Pollution standards are already handled for the most part by state and local law and enforcement. The only reason for the Federal enforcement of pollution standards is to "harmonize" these laws and allow agenda driven national politics to pummel states and regions into compliance. In fact, the victims of the EPA are equally likely to be cities, counties and states as they are to be a small farmer with a watering hole that is now a "navigable waterway"..
When the only time someone shows concern over pollution is after an EPA accident, it's very obvious how their goal is to attack the EPA, and thus fanatically promote the pollution that the EPA stops.

That is, the conservative pollution-advocacy crowd isn't fooling anyone here. This is just another of their many help-the-polluters stunts.
This pretty much sums it up:

When the only time someone shows concern over pollution is after an EPA accident, it's very obvious how their goal is to attack the EPA, and thus fanatically promote the pollution that the EPA stops.

That is, the conservative pollution-advocacy crowd isn't fooling anyone here. This is just another of their many help-the-polluters stunts.
just so you have some information with which to use:

link, Credit CNN:

Supreme Court EPA unreasonably interpreted the Clean Air Act -

"Washington (CNN)In a loss for the Obama administration, the Supreme Court ruled that the EPA unreasonably interpreted the Clean Air Act when it decided to set limits on the emissions of toxic pollutants from power plants without first considering the costs on the industry to do so."

The battle has been happening. You are just misguided as always.
When the only time someone shows concern over pollution is after an EPA accident, it's very obvious how their goal is to attack the EPA, and thus fanatically promote the pollution that the EPA stops.

That is, the conservative pollution-advocacy crowd isn't fooling anyone here. This is just another of their many help-the-polluters stunts.
Yeah...only Ds care about ALL pollution. Those damn Rs and cons they LOVE pollution, except when cause by the that kind of ridiculous propaganda is straight from the DNC.
When the only time someone shows concern over pollution is after an EPA accident, it's very obvious how their goal is to attack the EPA, and thus fanatically promote the pollution that the EPA stops.

That is, the conservative pollution-advocacy crowd isn't fooling anyone here. This is just another of their many help-the-polluters stunts.
Yeah...only Ds care about ALL pollution. Those damn Rs and cons they LOVE pollution, except when cause by the that kind of ridiculous propaganda is straight from the DNC.
I've always stated in here that this dude/dudette, whatever it calls itself, is a paid poster. Get's language directly from the liberal party.

What ever the current party line is will be posted in here daily by each of those liberal posters. the language is most always the same.

It's why there is never an answer to a question in a thread from any of them. Their schtick is to always comment that they already answered and if we didn't understand it back when they supposedly posted the answer, they won't post it again. Funny stuff daily in here from the left.

But a point of fact is they never answer questions directed their way.
So the unstable leader of the EPA declared today -- that the river is BACK to pre-spill cleanliness and water standards.

Show's over folks... Nothing to see here ---- keep it moving..
She THINKS we are idiots. She THINKS a spill like that requires NO REMEDIATION..

It's not the water quality honey.. That's not where the HEAVY METAL pollutants are you mental midget. Who GAVE her that job? And when can we have it back??
get rid of the epa

So when your home value and that of your neighbors is wiped out because a corporation in the neighboring state dumps toxic waste into the water table that kills off all living plants for a hundred miles what are you going to do?
Sue them.

You don't have standing to sue because you don't live in the same state as the corporation so you are SOL as far as suing goes.

what a stupid thing to say
He does that a lot
So the unstable leader of the EPA declared today -- that the river is BACK to pre-spill cleanliness and water standards.

Show's over folks... Nothing to see here ---- keep it moving..
She THINKS we are idiots. She THINKS a spill like that requires NO REMEDIATION..

It's not the water quality honey.. That's not where the HEAVY METAL pollutants are you mental midget. Who GAVE her that job? And when can we have it back??
obi-one ...." those are not the droids you are looking for"
get rid of the epa

So when your home value and that of your neighbors is wiped out because a corporation in the neighboring state dumps toxic waste into the water table that kills off all living plants for a hundred miles what are you going to do?
Sue them.


what a bunch of helpless assholes

You can't sue when you don't have standing to sue and by eliminating the EPA you eliminated the regulations too.

But don't let reality spoil your imaginary bubble world.

When would you not have standing to sue a corporation for dumping toxic waste next to your home? Pollution standards are already handled for the most part by state and local law and enforcement. The only reason for the Federal enforcement of pollution standards is to "harmonize" these laws and allow agenda driven national politics to pummel states and regions into compliance. In fact, the victims of the EPA are equally likely to be cities, counties and states as they are to be a small farmer with a watering hole that is now a "navigable waterway"..

You are referring to existing regulations.

The lackwitted poster said that they should get rid of the EPA so I asked how he would handle a hypothetical situation if he was harmed by toxic fallout coming from a neighboring state without the EPA.

Not being a resident he would not be able to sue since he would have no standing in that state and all of the existing federal regulations would have been thrown out with the EPA (otherwise what is the point?) so the dullard would have no recourse as we have today.

But it is readily apparent that none of those that want to eliminate the EPA have the cognitive skills to think through the potential consequences of their folly.
So when your home value and that of your neighbors is wiped out because a corporation in the neighboring state dumps toxic waste into the water table that kills off all living plants for a hundred miles what are you going to do?
Sue them.


what a bunch of helpless assholes

You can't sue when you don't have standing to sue and by eliminating the EPA you eliminated the regulations too.

But don't let reality spoil your imaginary bubble world.

When would you not have standing to sue a corporation for dumping toxic waste next to your home? Pollution standards are already handled for the most part by state and local law and enforcement. The only reason for the Federal enforcement of pollution standards is to "harmonize" these laws and allow agenda driven national politics to pummel states and regions into compliance. In fact, the victims of the EPA are equally likely to be cities, counties and states as they are to be a small farmer with a watering hole that is now a "navigable waterway"..

You are referring to existing regulations.

The lackwitted poster said that they should get rid of the EPA so I asked how he would handle a hypothetical situation if he was harmed by toxic fallout coming from a neighboring state without the EPA.

Not being a resident he would not be able to sue since he would have no standing in that state and all of the existing federal regulations would have been thrown out with the EPA (otherwise what is the point?) so the dullard would have no recourse as we have today.

But it is readily apparent that none of those that want to eliminate the EPA have the cognitive skills to think through the potential consequences of their folly.

You also asked me about dumping a load in the yard next door. But nevermind..

I can sue a company that harms me from ANY STATE.. Whether it's tainted drugs, or a lemon car, or formaldehyde in your carpets.. But here's the deal, if it's out of state --- you are not likely to be the ONLY ONE involved. So if the class can prove the source and harm -- there's not an issue. The suit might be subject to accepting law of the state of the polluter, but I see no reason why you NEED the EPA to sue people.

In fact MANY of the big Enviro fake "advocates" like NRDC, are nothing BUT big buildings full of lawyers ready to sue their way to cleanliness... Go tell them your story.. You'll have trainloads of lawyers at your disposal...
You also asked me about dumping a load in the yard next door.

I did? :eek:

I don't recall doing that. :eusa_eh: What was the context?

I can sue a company that harms me from ANY STATE..

Those that are advocating getting rid of the EPA are intending to get rid of any liability that would be grounds for you to sue. In essence they want to make it cost you more to sue than you would ever receive in any lawsuit. That means the corporations can pollute at will and never have to worry about who gets hurt.

That doesn't mean you can't sue but you will be facing a system that has thrown out all of those liabilities and the onus will be on you to prove the liability without the benefit of violations of regulations to support your case.
Now, let's look at some more examples of the kookery. This comes from FOX news.


According to the kooks, the EPA should suspend everything they do, solely because of this accident. It doesn't make any bit of sense, but the kooks still want it to happen.

Again, the kooks don't care about the accident. They just want an excuse to attack the EPA, because their masters want the EPA to stop cutting into their profits by preventing the polluting. I just wonder why the kooks think they're fooling anyone.
So the unstable leader of the EPA declared today -- that the river is BACK to pre-spill cleanliness and water standards.

Show's over folks... Nothing to see here ---- keep it moving..
She THINKS we are idiots. She THINKS a spill like that requires NO REMEDIATION..

No, that was your policy. At least, before the latest spill it was. You only suddenly started caring when one of the polluters was the EPA.

I guess the silver lining here is you now have pretend to care about pollution, if only for the moment.

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