How Much Should We Fine Them per day ???

So is there any point here somewhere, or it is just an excuse for yet another rightwing sulkfest about the EPA?
Sulkfest. Nvm that if the EPA had been around when the mine that caused the contamination was active, it would never have been able to operate in the first place and this couldn't then have happened.

And maybe -- we couldn't have had a space program or an aerospace industry that depends on supplies of rare materials. Oh WAIT -- that's what happening NOW.. When all our "rare metals" are coming from Asia because of regulation and harrassment of mining operations..
Yeah, and our NASA budget being reduced to barely anything has NOTHING to do with it right? And today there is just sooooo much demand for space flight in the private industry right? And they're being stymied by the EPA blocking rare metals from them! Lol are you kidding?
So is there any point here somewhere, or it is just an excuse for yet another rightwing sulkfest about the EPA?
Sulkfest. Nvm that if the EPA had been around when the mine that caused the contamination was active, it would never have been able to operate in the first place and this couldn't then have happened.

And maybe -- we couldn't have had a space program or an aerospace industry that depends on supplies of rare materials. Oh WAIT -- that's what happening NOW.. When all our "rare metals" are coming from Asia because of regulation and harrassment of mining operations..
Yeah, and our NASA budget being reduced to barely anything has NOTHING to do with it right? And today there is just sooooo much demand for space flight in the private industry right? And they're being stymied by the EPA blocking rare metals from them! Lol are you kidding?

Ummm, that would be Obama's fault. Obama has gutted the NASA budget so he could give his cronies and friends taxpayer dollars for "green" energy projects................ that keep failing.
You just wait.

Any day now Solyndra will be back with a design for a solar powered vehicle that'll make flights to Venus cheap and convenient.

But first they need another trillion or so........
So is there any point here somewhere, or it is just an excuse for yet another rightwing sulkfest about the EPA?
Sulkfest. Nvm that if the EPA had been around when the mine that caused the contamination was active, it would never have been able to operate in the first place and this couldn't then have happened.

And maybe -- we couldn't have had a space program or an aerospace industry that depends on supplies of rare materials. Oh WAIT -- that's what happening NOW.. When all our "rare metals" are coming from Asia because of regulation and harrassment of mining operations..
Yeah, and our NASA budget being reduced to barely anything has NOTHING to do with it right? And today there is just sooooo much demand for space flight in the private industry right? And they're being stymied by the EPA blocking rare metals from them! Lol are you kidding?

Products from those mines powered our Industrial Age in America. Today, there's no demand here for raw materials in that volume because we don't MANUFACTURE anything here anymore.. My entire supply chain for components and materials shifted from almost entirely Domestic supply to almost totally foreign in the activist portion of the EPA existence.. Not the ONLY REASON. But it is a critical reason for that shift..

You want your electric cars and windmills and solar panels made in this country? Or don'tcha care?
So is there any point here somewhere, or it is just an excuse for yet another rightwing sulkfest about the EPA?
Sulkfest. Nvm that if the EPA had been around when the mine that caused the contamination was active, it would never have been able to operate in the first place and this couldn't then have happened.

And maybe -- we couldn't have had a space program or an aerospace industry that depends on supplies of rare materials. Oh WAIT -- that's what happening NOW.. When all our "rare metals" are coming from Asia because of regulation and harrassment of mining operations..
Yeah, and our NASA budget being reduced to barely anything has NOTHING to do with it right? And today there is just sooooo much demand for space flight in the private industry right? And they're being stymied by the EPA blocking rare metals from them! Lol are you kidding?

Ummm, that would be Obama's fault. Obama has gutted the NASA budget so he could give his cronies and friends taxpayer dollars for "green" energy projects................ that keep failing.
Yeah Obama's been terrible for NASA. So have the last several Presidents. And people in this country don't care. Look how little attention private space travel receives. But noooo it's because the EPA passes regulations to prevent our waterways being poisoned? Gimme a break.
So is there any point here somewhere, or it is just an excuse for yet another rightwing sulkfest about the EPA?
Sulkfest. Nvm that if the EPA had been around when the mine that caused the contamination was active, it would never have been able to operate in the first place and this couldn't then have happened.

And maybe -- we couldn't have had a space program or an aerospace industry that depends on supplies of rare materials. Oh WAIT -- that's what happening NOW.. When all our "rare metals" are coming from Asia because of regulation and harrassment of mining operations..
Yeah, and our NASA budget being reduced to barely anything has NOTHING to do with it right? And today there is just sooooo much demand for space flight in the private industry right? And they're being stymied by the EPA blocking rare metals from them! Lol are you kidding?

Products from those mines powered our Industrial Age in America. Today, there's no demand here for raw materials in that volume because we don't MANUFACTURE anything here anymore.. My entire supply chain for components and materials shifted from almost entirely Domestic supply to almost totally foreign in the activist portion of the EPA existence.. Not the ONLY REASON. But it is a critical reason for that shift..

You want your electric cars and windmills and solar panels made in this country? Or don'tcha care?
Those mines powered the industrial revolution? Yeah, and people used to just die in those mines constantly. And rivers were full of poison. And people caught the black lung, and workers had no rights, and smog swallowed all the air, etc.

And plenty of electric cars, windmills, and solar panels ARE made in this country. :cool:
So is there any point here somewhere, or it is just an excuse for yet another rightwing sulkfest about the EPA?
Sulkfest. Nvm that if the EPA had been around when the mine that caused the contamination was active, it would never have been able to operate in the first place and this couldn't then have happened.

And maybe -- we couldn't have had a space program or an aerospace industry that depends on supplies of rare materials. Oh WAIT -- that's what happening NOW.. When all our "rare metals" are coming from Asia because of regulation and harrassment of mining operations..
Yeah, and our NASA budget being reduced to barely anything has NOTHING to do with it right? And today there is just sooooo much demand for space flight in the private industry right? And they're being stymied by the EPA blocking rare metals from them! Lol are you kidding?

Products from those mines powered our Industrial Age in America. Today, there's no demand here for raw materials in that volume because we don't MANUFACTURE anything here anymore.. My entire supply chain for components and materials shifted from almost entirely Domestic supply to almost totally foreign in the activist portion of the EPA existence.. Not the ONLY REASON. But it is a critical reason for that shift..

You want your electric cars and windmills and solar panels made in this country? Or don'tcha care?
Those mines powered the industrial revolution? Yeah, and people used to just die in those mines constantly. And rivers were full of poison. And people caught the black lung, and workers had no rights, and smog swallowed all the air, etc.

And plenty of electric cars, windmills, and solar panels ARE made in this country. :cool:

And more people live longer because of industrialization. Truly guy, you need to read some history. Without industrialization you would be living to an average life span of around 40 years. Would be miserable most of the time. Would be malnourished, uneducated, and most likely would never leave an area of around 5 miles form your home. Ever.

Industrialization has made it possible for more people to lead easier, longer, lives than would ever have been possible without it.
Of course Obama is defunding NASA!

You think He wants to risk their finding the planet on which He was hatched?
Products from those mines powered our Industrial Age in America. Today, there's no demand here for raw materials in that volume because we don't MANUFACTURE anything here anymore.. My entire supply chain for components and materials shifted from almost entirely Domestic supply to almost totally foreign in the activist portion of the EPA existence.. Not the ONLY REASON. But it is a critical reason for that shift..

You want your electric cars and windmills and solar panels made in this country? Or don'tcha care?
Those mines powered the industrial revolution? Yeah, and people used to just die in those mines constantly. And rivers were full of poison. And people caught the black lung, and workers had no rights, and smog swallowed all the air, etc.

And plenty of electric cars, windmills, and solar panels ARE made in this country. :cool:

Why the Nissan Leaf is labeled made in the USA even though 80 percent of it is actually made in Japan VentureBeat Green by VentureBeat
folks who think we produce much of ANYTHING here anymore better wake the fuck up...
Whereyabeen OldSchool???

Here's your "US" solar panel producers

U.S. solar industry Lots of energy not many panels.

The solar industry is positively booming in the U.S. The annual installation of solar systems rose from 1.265 megawatts in 2008 to 4.75 gigawatts in 2013. From nowhere, America has emerged as the third-largest market for solar. Installers are carpeting the nation’s deserts, parking lots, and rooftops with polysilicon panels that convert sunlight into electrons.

While the U.S. is manufacturing a lot of solar energy, production of solar panels has been another story entirely. The two biggest solar panel manufacturers headquartered in the U.S., First Solar and SunPower, have located most of their manufacturing capacity in Southeast Asia. Many recent startups have gone kaput, including Solyndra, which became a poster child for government-subsidized failure. In January, Sharp Solar said it would stop manufacturing solar panels in Memphis, Tennessee.

Ya might do better with the Wind Industry because of the manufacturing tax credits that GE sucks up every year. But I'll bet most of the complex compounded metals are made from Imported materials..
Last edited:
folks who think we produce much of ANYTHING here anymore better wake the fuck up...
Whereyabeen OldSchool???

Here's your "US" solar panel producers

U.S. solar industry Lots of energy not many panels.

The solar industry is positively booming in the U.S. The annual installation of solar systems rose from 1.265 megawatts in 2008 to 4.75 gigawatts in 2013. From nowhere, America has emerged as the third-largest market for solar. Installers are carpeting the nation’s deserts, parking lots, and rooftops with polysilicon panels that convert sunlight into electrons.

While the U.S. is manufacturing a lot of solar energy, production of solar panels has been another story entirely. The two biggest solar panel manufacturers headquartered in the U.S., First Solar and SunPower, have located most of their manufacturing capacity in Southeast Asia. Many recent startups have gone kaput, including Solyndra, which became a poster child for government-subsidized failure. In January, Sharp Solar said it would stop manufacturing solar panels in Memphis, Tennessee.

Ya might do better with the Wind Industry because of the manufacturing tax credits that GE sucks up every year. But I'll bet most of the complex compounded metals are made from Imported materials..

I know the owners of Reno Salvage, they tell me that ALL of their scrap metal go's to China. We knock down the buildings and all that material go's to China which then re-manufactures the steel and other metals and then they either use them over there or send them back here and charge an arm and a leg for them.
Products from those mines powered our Industrial Age in America. Today, there's no demand here for raw materials in that volume because we don't MANUFACTURE anything here anymore.. My entire supply chain for components and materials shifted from almost entirely Domestic supply to almost totally foreign in the activist portion of the EPA existence.. Not the ONLY REASON. But it is a critical reason for that shift..

You want your electric cars and windmills and solar panels made in this country? Or don'tcha care?
Those mines powered the industrial revolution? Yeah, and people used to just die in those mines constantly. And rivers were full of poison. And people caught the black lung, and workers had no rights, and smog swallowed all the air, etc.

And plenty of electric cars, windmills, and solar panels ARE made in this country. :cool:

Why the Nissan Leaf is labeled made in the USA even though 80 percent of it is actually made in Japan VentureBeat Green by VentureBeat
Nissan is a Japanese brand. You been drinkin?
Products from those mines powered our Industrial Age in America. Today, there's no demand here for raw materials in that volume because we don't MANUFACTURE anything here anymore.. My entire supply chain for components and materials shifted from almost entirely Domestic supply to almost totally foreign in the activist portion of the EPA existence.. Not the ONLY REASON. But it is a critical reason for that shift..

You want your electric cars and windmills and solar panels made in this country? Or don'tcha care?
Those mines powered the industrial revolution? Yeah, and people used to just die in those mines constantly. And rivers were full of poison. And people caught the black lung, and workers had no rights, and smog swallowed all the air, etc.

And plenty of electric cars, windmills, and solar panels ARE made in this country. :cool:

Why the Nissan Leaf is labeled made in the USA even though 80 percent of it is actually made in Japan VentureBeat Green by VentureBeat
Nissan is a Japanese brand. You been drinkin?

It's sold as assembled right here in Tenn USA. Nissan Headquarters in the Nashville region (recently stolen from SoCal. Check the Chevy Volt you'll find about 40 or 50% imported content..

Boy.. CNN and Money MAg must be drinking too. Because TODAY in the waning era of US manufacturing -- this is what is called "Made in the USA"...

Nissan Leaf to be manufactured in U.S. - Jan. 9 2013
Nissan Leaf to be manufactured in U.S.

The first articles I read on this gleefully blared about how mine owners caused this spill, somehow making it a case against greed and not caring about the environment.

Now we learned the oh-so-esteemed EPA caused it!

Read more @

The first articles I read on this gleefully blared about how mine owners caused this spill, somehow making it a case against greed and not caring about the environment.

Now we learned the oh-so-esteemed EPA caused it!

Read more @

Yep the morons at the EPA did it.... Because they didn't listen to the mine owner or use commonsense.. Those EPA individuals should be held to account and pay the cost of clean up due to their stupidity. I love how the Obama EPA blames someone else for EVERYTHING those morons do.

Long past time to defund the federal EPA and leave this to the states.
Check out all the environment-haters working their hardest to let the actual polluters off the hook.

Look, if the dam broke because a backhoe bumped it, it wasn't going to last long anyways. The EPA's accident just accelerated the failure. And they apologized for it, admitting the small part they played.

The real story, of course, would be the environmental rapists who created the sludge. Protect them, conservatives! Your masters demand it!
Check out all the environment-haters working their hardest to let the actual polluters off the hook.

Look, if the dam broke because a backhoe bumped it, it wasn't going to last long anyways. The EPA's accident just accelerated the failure. And they apologized for it, admitting the small part they played.

The real story, of course, would be the environmental rapists who created the sludge. Protect them, conservatives! Your masters demand it!

Gee.. They APOLOGIZED?? Oh my. That's a different story.. Now I have no reason to want people fired or Congressional hearings, or court dates or PER DAY fines of $1M til they clean it up.. Thanx for pointing that out. It changes EVERYTHING..
Why do you think apologizing is all they did?

As usual, that's your strawman, so there's no need to address it.
Anybody who really thinks the EPA is about improving the environment has a plate in their head.

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