How Much Should We Fine Them per day ???

I mean SERIOUSLY, and then they are going to write the rules for how we can live with GloBULL warming (UNTIL that wasn't working then they changed it to: climate change to trick you with it).

EPA, BLM, DOE, ETC needs to be DEFUNED and boarded up. think of how much more money that MONSTER of a Federal government would have and then can get OFF OUR BACKS
The EPA accidentally caused the spill, reports say

Besides the single sentence in the link that the OP used where is the evidence that the EPA actually caused the spill?

They only apologized 300 times. They opened up an area of acid and it flowed through a tributary into the animas river. I was fishing it and then noticed this beautiful brown hue.....and then got the hell out of their from the acid burning the eyes.
The EPA accidentally caused the spill, reports say

Besides the single sentence in the link that the OP used where is the evidence that the EPA actually caused the spill?

They only apologized 300 times. They opened up an area of acid and it flowed through a tributary into the animas river. I was fishing it and then noticed this beautiful brown hue.....and then got the hell out of their from the acid burning the eyes.

You mean like physically in the river fishing when it happened? Or are you just channeling your dear departed BrownTrout cousins..

These guys have to put "test fish" into the water to see if it's safe for fish.. Any mental midget will tell you it's not..
GuaranDamnTeed.. Nobody will be fired... No fines. No Court cases.. No calls for more legislation...

Mental midget desk jockeys and paper shufflers out in the woods for a field trip..
Should be fining the EPA a sum equal to their operating budget for the next 5 years.

Should make it comparable to what the mine would have been fined. So say maybe $100,000 a day until one of their employees drinks a gallon of it.. I want to see someone ANYONE EVER get fired from a bureaucratic job with the FEDs. How many fish can you kill and NOT get fired? Too bad we don't have a dead famous lion.. THEN somebody might be fired..
So is there any point here somewhere, or it is just an excuse for yet another rightwing sulkfest about the EPA?
Sulkfest. Nvm that if the EPA had been around when the mine that caused the contamination was active, it would never have been able to operate in the first place and this couldn't then have happened.

And maybe -- we couldn't have had a space program or an aerospace industry that depends on supplies of rare materials. Oh WAIT -- that's what happening NOW.. When all our "rare metals" are coming from Asia because of regulation and harrassment of mining operations..
Yeah, and our NASA budget being reduced to barely anything has NOTHING to do with it right? And today there is just sooooo much demand for space flight in the private industry right? And they're being stymied by the EPA blocking rare metals from them! Lol are you kidding?

Ummm, that would be Obama's fault. Obama has gutted the NASA budget so he could give his cronies and friends taxpayer dollars for "green" energy projects................ that keep failing.
Yeah Obama's been terrible for NASA. So have the last several Presidents. And people in this country don't care. Look how little attention private space travel receives. But noooo it's because the EPA passes regulations to prevent our waterways being poisoned? Gimme a break.
The EPA doesn't pass shit. They write regulations without congressional approval, completely bypassing the will of the people.
Sulkfest. Nvm that if the EPA had been around when the mine that caused the contamination was active, it would never have been able to operate in the first place and this couldn't then have happened.

And maybe -- we couldn't have had a space program or an aerospace industry that depends on supplies of rare materials. Oh WAIT -- that's what happening NOW.. When all our "rare metals" are coming from Asia because of regulation and harrassment of mining operations..
Yeah, and our NASA budget being reduced to barely anything has NOTHING to do with it right? And today there is just sooooo much demand for space flight in the private industry right? And they're being stymied by the EPA blocking rare metals from them! Lol are you kidding?

Ummm, that would be Obama's fault. Obama has gutted the NASA budget so he could give his cronies and friends taxpayer dollars for "green" energy projects................ that keep failing.
Yeah Obama's been terrible for NASA. So have the last several Presidents. And people in this country don't care. Look how little attention private space travel receives. But noooo it's because the EPA passes regulations to prevent our waterways being poisoned? Gimme a break.
The EPA doesn't pass shit. They write regulations without congressional approval, completely bypassing the will of the people.

Actually for decades now --- Congress has stopped WRITING LAW.. They pass "fill in the blank" legislation that REQUIRES the agencies to figure it out and add the rules. IT's CONGRESS's fault that agencies like EPA now have so much power and Congress doesn't.. Congress abdicated the job because they have too many ASSUMED responsibilities that they should NOT have.. And because they know NOTHING about science or technology or how things work...
"How Much Should We Fine Them per day ???"

The fails as a false comparison fallacy, in addition to being ignorant and ridiculous.

So you say..... How much we owe you Counselor for the "ignorant and ridiculous" part?

Was it a negligent act resulting in severe breach of the law? Does a Fed Agency have immunity from it's own laws? SHOULD THEY? And who gets the bill for all the collateral damages in this case? Seems to me every property owner that has contact with that river --- now has cause to sue..
"How Much Should We Fine Them per day ???"

The fails as a false comparison fallacy, in addition to being ignorant and ridiculous.

So you say..... How much we owe you Counselor for the "ignorant and ridiculous" part?

Was it a negligent act resulting in severe breach of the law? Does a Fed Agency have immunity from it's own laws? SHOULD THEY? And who gets the bill for all the collateral damages in this case? Seems to me every property owner that has contact with that river --- now has cause to sue..
Including those that have discolored well water
"How Much Should We Fine Them per day ???"

The fails as a false comparison fallacy, in addition to being ignorant and ridiculous.

So you say..... How much we owe you Counselor for the "ignorant and ridiculous" part?

Was it a negligent act resulting in severe breach of the law? Does a Fed Agency have immunity from it's own laws? SHOULD THEY? And who gets the bill for all the collateral damages in this case? Seems to me every property owner that has contact with that river --- now has cause to sue..

The mines owners have standing to sue.. They informed them that their actions would result in sever damage to the retaining pond.. Which it did. This borders on, if it is not, Gross Negligence.
I know that the TVA which is Federally owned corporation with all it's Directors appointed by the Prez was sued several times for the COal Ash spill here in Tenn.. If that's what it takes to get accountability for this kind of accident or negligience, maybe all EPA field operations should be done under a similar Federal corporation..

Add to that the million tons of improperly stored nuclear waste stored at several US nuclear bomb facilities that have been neglected for decades.. Probably the worst case of US pollution on the charts right now.. What do we need to do to get the Feds accountable for this crap they untaken??
The EPA accidentally caused the spill, reports say

Besides the single sentence in the link that the OP used where is the evidence that the EPA actually caused the spill?

They only apologized 300 times. They opened up an area of acid and it flowed through a tributary into the animas river. I was fishing it and then noticed this beautiful brown hue.....and then got the hell out of their from the acid burning the eyes.

You mean like physically in the river fishing when it happened? Or are you just channeling your dear departed BrownTrout cousins..

These guys have to put "test fish" into the water to see if it's safe for fish.. Any mental midget will tell you it's not..
GuaranDamnTeed.. Nobody will be fired... No fines. No Court cases.. No calls for more legislation...

Mental midget desk jockeys and paper shufflers out in the woods for a field trip..
Should be fining the EPA a sum equal to their operating budget for the next 5 years.

Should make it comparable to what the mine would have been fined. So say maybe $100,000 a day until one of their employees drinks a gallon of it.. I want to see someone ANYONE EVER get fired from a bureaucratic job with the FEDs. How many fish can you kill and NOT get fired? Too bad we don't have a dead famous lion.. THEN somebody might be fired..

I was there actually fishing. I was stopping over in durango for a night after being up in montana for a month. The stench was unbearable. The animas is such a nice river. It sucks that this happened.
If it's found they contaminated the people drinking waters. they need to do a CLASS action lawsuit against the EPA. that's the only way they are going to brought back under "We the peoples" control.

right now this MONSTER of a Government is out of CONTROL and just Steamrolling over us.
Check out all the environment-haters working their hardest to let the actual polluters off the hook.

Look, if the dam broke because a backhoe bumped it, it wasn't going to last long anyways. The EPA's accident just accelerated the failure. And they apologized for it, admitting the small part they played.

The real story, of course, would be the environmental rapists who created the sludge. Protect them, conservatives! Your masters demand it!
why did they delay in actually admitting it?

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