How Much Should We Fine Them per day ???

Reuters) - Some 3 million gallons of toxic wastewater, triple previous estimates, have poured from a defunct Colorado gold mine into local streams since a team of Environmental Protection Agency workers accidentally triggered the spill last week, EPA officials said on Sunday.

The discharge, containing high concentrations of heavy metals such as arsenic, mercury and lead, was continuing to flow at the rate of 500 gallons per minute on Sunday, four days after the spill began at the Gold King Mine, the EPA said.

An unspecified number of residents living downstream of the spill who draw their drinking supplies from their private wells have reported water discoloration, but there has been no immediate evidence of harm to human health, livestock or wildlife, EPA officials told reporters in a telephone conference call.

Wastewater spill from Colorado gold mine triples in volume EPA - Yahoo News
Thank you Obama. Once again YOUR quality of work blows chunks.
Wonder if the EPA will fine itself or throw its members in jail??

If citizens or some corporation were guilty of this that's just what would happen.

The EPA sucks and has to much power.
For more information from the EPA here:
08 10 2015 Gold King Mine Release Update-August 10

So basically they were "trying to clean up" and instead made a huge mess... I'm leaning toward those saying they should have just left it alone...

(From another post about the incident on the website):
"On August 5, 2015, EPA Region 8, based in Denver, Colorado, was conducting an investigation of the Gold King Mine. The intent of the investigation was to assess the on-going water releases from the mine and to treat mine water and to assess the feasibility of further mine remediation. The plan was to excavate the loose material that had collapsed into the cave entry back to the timbering. During the excavation, the loose material gave way, opening the adit (mine tunnel) and spilling the water stored behind the collapsed material into Cement Creek, a tributary of the Animas River."

I also noticed a snippet on their website saying that once it leaves the river system and enters the ocean it becomes the Coast Guard's problem, hopefully they are formulating a plan for any impact it might have once it outlets >.<
MSNBC is having a meeting cooking up stories on how to tie this to Bush and the GOP. Like they did when during the Minnesota Bridge Collapse that was caused by Mothman.
I personally wish you worthless federal employees would just stay on your porn sites rather than go out and fuck things up.

How bad is it?

Sounds like this river that federal unionized lazy incompetents have polluted serves as the source of drinking water for people in several states.
I guess the illegal aliens who were looking forward to clean drinking water are in for a big surprise.
I also noticed a snippet on their website saying that once it leaves the river system and enters the ocean it becomes the Coast Guard's problem, hopefully they are formulating a plan for any impact it might have once it outlets >.<
Unless things have changed drastically since I was in, all the Coast Guard can do is call it in, they do law enforcement, search and rescue, not environmental cleanups.
I also noticed a snippet on their website saying that once it leaves the river system and enters the ocean it becomes the Coast Guard's problem, hopefully they are formulating a plan for any impact it might have once it outlets >.<
Unless things have changed drastically since I was in, all the Coast Guard can do is call it in, they do law enforcement, search and rescue, not environmental cleanups.

hmmm yea idk I just found the note on the EPA site somewhere. Found this though:

"Since August 1981, Coast Guard FOSCs have responded to releases and substantial threats of releases of hazardous substances, pollutants or contaminants (HAZMAT) in the coastal zone, the Great Lakes, and inland river ports as designated in the National Contingency Plan (NCP). The Coast Guard National Strike Force (NSF) provides highly trained responders to support these responses. The NCP designates the Strike Force as a national resource available to all of the Federal On-Scene Coordinators (FOSCs) conducting removal operations throughout the United States, its territories, and possessions.

Since its establishment, NPFC has served as the fiduciary agent for the portion of the Superfund used by the Coast Guard. EPA provides the funds to the Coast Guard through Interagency Agreements (IAGs), and the funds are used for the ongoing costs of building and maintaining response capabilities (training, equipment, personnel) and for costs incurred in removal operations following a CERCLA incident.

CERCLA response authority includes response to intentional releases of industrial or military hazardous materials by terrorists, resulting in an overlap of pollution response and homeland security." ~ CERCLA Coast Guard Superfund Use
Things HAVE changed. When I was active there was no superfund or mediocre fund. We were funded under the Dept. of Transportation and I learned how to "recycle" stuff.
Well on the plus side, it appears that the Coast Guard does indeed know how to deal with the eventual outlet of this disaster, and they have the funding to do it too.

That said, I'd read an EPA report that the "sludge" wasn't harming wildlife or animals, though I can't figure out if it's simply because the waters moving through fast enough, or if it's that the "sludge" isn't really dangerous. I'm guessing the former though, which means it's prob. going to be a problem that needs to be dealt with in the ocean.
The spill caused by the EPA in Colorado has already spread to waterways in a neighboring state.
The way the left pounces on any kind of threat to the environment why is this incident being ignored?
Don't worry, they will find a way to blame the contractor, the previous mine owner, and of course, any Republican official that tries to slap around the EPA for this giant cluster fuck.

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