How Much Should We Fine Them per day ???

Looks like a good day for all the people who hate green energy, think global climate change is a hoax, and who believe God gave them the earth to exploit any way they choose.
EPA spill turns Animas River in Colorado a toxic orange -

it's actually terrible news, but the typical black/white 2+2=5 environmental nutjob won't be able to grasp the concept of people who care for the environment, but not the socialism/authoritarianism said nutjobs propose as the solution.
Moderation Note --- Yes there are SEVERAL threads now on the river spill..
Let's keep it to one or two please..

Merged 2 threads. Posts appear in time order -- so things should be easy to read..

I have seen two or three other threads

Me too.

Its a horror story and just proves what many have been saying for years and years - we need to clean up after ourselves.

As it is, I would think this will be happening more in the future.

When I lived in AZ, it was often reported that the Bisbee copper mine often spilled into local water. The town is built the shafts and there were even times when a house would break through to the shaft below.
the cbs news played this off like the epa wasn't even involved
all of the sudden toxic waste is no big deal.
the epa throws a fit if a guys cow takes a dump in a creek.
I bet nobody is fired over this either

This hypocritical media coverage just might be the BIGGER disaster. The wife and I were floored this morning when a CNN correspondent was showing a jar of bright yellow river water and proclaimed --- "There is no solid evidence of water contamination".. We both couldn't believe our ears. And nary a mention of the EPA..

It's passed the point of Pravda and the stories from my Russian friends about the "news" in the old Soviet Union...
The EPA accidentally caused the spill, reports say

Besides the single sentence in the link that the OP used where is the evidence that the EPA actually caused the spill?

I wonder why the OP purposely left off part of the quote. Here is the entire sentence and I would urge people to read the link as well as other sources.

San Juan County health officials say the Environmental Protection Agency and the state Division of Reclamation, Mining and Safety were investigating another contamination when they “unexpectedly triggered a large release of mine waste water into the upper portions of Cement Creek.” Cement Creek is a tributary of the Animas River.

The CAUSE is the pollution.

If the pollution were not allowed to be there, there would be nothing to spill.

Ridiculous to fine those who discovered it instead of those who caused it.
The EPA accidentally caused the spill, reports say

Besides the single sentence in the link that the OP used where is the evidence that the EPA actually caused the spill?

I wonder why the OP purposely left off part of the quote. Here is the entire sentence and I would urge people to read the link as well as other sources.

San Juan County health officials say the Environmental Protection Agency and the state Division of Reclamation, Mining and Safety were investigating another contamination when they “unexpectedly triggered a large release of mine waste water into the upper portions of Cement Creek.” Cement Creek is a tributary of the Animas River.

The CAUSE is the pollution.

If the pollution were not allowed to be there, there would be nothing to spill.

Ridiculous to fine those who discovered it instead of those who caused it.

No it's not, you ignorant asshat. I posted that entire section a couple of posts down as well. The cause was gross incompetence on the part of the EPA officials involved. The mine waste was safely partitioned AWAY from the river until your precious government workers fucked up and sent the whole mess into the river.

That waste had been safely stored away for DECADES until some incompetent moron decided he knew better and decided to turn the wrong valve.
The EPA accidentally caused the spill, reports say

Besides the single sentence in the link that the OP used where is the evidence that the EPA actually caused the spill?

I wonder why the OP purposely left off part of the quote. Here is the entire sentence and I would urge people to read the link as well as other sources.

San Juan County health officials say the Environmental Protection Agency and the state Division of Reclamation, Mining and Safety were investigating another contamination when they “unexpectedly triggered a large release of mine waste water into the upper portions of Cement Creek.” Cement Creek is a tributary of the Animas River.

The CAUSE is the pollution.

If the pollution were not allowed to be there, there would be nothing to spill.

Ridiculous to fine those who discovered it instead of those who caused it.
Funny logic. That's kinda like when righties said that if Michael Brown hadn't attacked the cop to begin with he wouldn't be DEAD.

Course logic only applies to non hacks. And btw the mine was closed in the 1920's or 30's
Check out all the environment-haters working their hardest to let the actual polluters off the hook.

Look, if the dam broke because a backhoe bumped it, it wasn't going to last long anyways. The EPA's accident just accelerated the failure. And they apologized for it, admitting the small part they played.

The real story, of course, would be the environmental rapists who created the sludge. Protect them, conservatives! Your masters demand it!
why did they delay in actually admitting it?

Because they are government bureaucrats!!!
The EPA accidentally caused the spill, reports say

Besides the single sentence in the link that the OP used where is the evidence that the EPA actually caused the spill?

I wonder why the OP purposely left off part of the quote. Here is the entire sentence and I would urge people to read the link as well as other sources.

San Juan County health officials say the Environmental Protection Agency and the state Division of Reclamation, Mining and Safety were investigating another contamination when they “unexpectedly triggered a large release of mine waste water into the upper portions of Cement Creek.” Cement Creek is a tributary of the Animas River.

The CAUSE is the pollution.

If the pollution were not allowed to be there, there would be nothing to spill.

Ridiculous to fine those who discovered it instead of those who caused it.

Don't know why you think that exonerates. They decided to do this cleanup themselves rather than hire it out. Cleanup crews ARE responsible for containment of the stuff they are handling. There is no excuse for them to not take precautions when handling this crap -- even if it is 100 years old. Your 1st job is to do NOTHING that would spread it. It was there for 100 years before they arrived to "help"....

Same deal would apply to the Federal cleanup at their own nuclear weapons plants. Which is probably the biggest Enviro FUBAR in this country.

(((Apologies to Westwall for missing his similar response)))
That said, I'd read an EPA report that the "sludge" wasn't harming wildlife or animals, though I can't figure out if it's simply because the waters moving through fast enough, or if it's that the "sludge" isn't really dangerous. I'm guessing the former though, which means it's prob. going to be a problem that needs to be dealt with in the ocean.
Or they are simply lying out of their ass.
The EPA accidentally caused the spill, reports say

Besides the single sentence in the link that the OP used where is the evidence that the EPA actually caused the spill?

I wonder why the OP purposely left off part of the quote. Here is the entire sentence and I would urge people to read the link as well as other sources.

San Juan County health officials say the Environmental Protection Agency and the state Division of Reclamation, Mining and Safety were investigating another contamination when they “unexpectedly triggered a large release of mine waste water into the upper portions of Cement Creek.” Cement Creek is a tributary of the Animas River.

The CAUSE is the pollution.

If the pollution were not allowed to be there, there would be nothing to spill.

Ridiculous to fine those who discovered it instead of those who caused it.

Don't know why you think that exonerates. They decided to do this cleanup themselves rather than hire it out. Cleanup crews ARE responsible for containment of the stuff they are handling. There is no excuse for them to not take precautions when handling this crap -- even if it is 100 years old. Your 1st job is to do NOTHING that would spread it. It was there for 100 years before they arrived to "help"....

Same deal would apply to the Federal cleanup at their own nuclear weapons plants. Which is probably the biggest Enviro FUBAR in this country.

(((Apologies to Westwall for missing his similar response)))

EXACTLY! If it had been my company handling the cleanup (and we did several of these abandoned mines both here in the States and abroad) we would have built two catchment dams to hold everything JUST IN CASE something like this happened. When dealing with old works like this you ASSUME they are going to fail so you build backups.
The EPA accidentally caused the spill, reports say

Besides the single sentence in the link that the OP used where is the evidence that the EPA actually caused the spill?

I wonder why the OP purposely left off part of the quote. Here is the entire sentence and I would urge people to read the link as well as other sources.

San Juan County health officials say the Environmental Protection Agency and the state Division of Reclamation, Mining and Safety were investigating another contamination when they “unexpectedly triggered a large release of mine waste water into the upper portions of Cement Creek.” Cement Creek is a tributary of the Animas River.

The CAUSE is the pollution.

If the pollution were not allowed to be there, there would be nothing to spill.

Ridiculous to fine those who discovered it instead of those who caused it.

Don't know why you think that exonerates. They decided to do this cleanup themselves rather than hire it out. Cleanup crews ARE responsible for containment of the stuff they are handling. There is no excuse for them to not take precautions when handling this crap -- even if it is 100 years old. Your 1st job is to do NOTHING that would spread it. It was there for 100 years before they arrived to "help"....

Same deal would apply to the Federal cleanup at their own nuclear weapons plants. Which is probably the biggest Enviro FUBAR in this country.

(((Apologies to Westwall for missing his similar response)))

No worries, these people are stupid. You have to beat them over the head several times before they finally "get it".
This hypocritical media coverage just might be the BIGGER disaster. The wife and I were floored this morning when a CNN correspondent was showing a jar of bright yellow river water and proclaimed --- "There is no solid evidence of water contamination".. We both couldn't believe our ears. And nary a mention of the EPA..
Didn't take a sip either did he?
Gold King Mine spill exposes Obama hypocrisy threatens EPA credibility critics say - Washington Times

The political fallout from last week’s toxic spill at Colorado’s Gold King Mine intensified Monday, with critics saying the incident has exposed clear hypocrisy within the Obama administration while threatening the credibility of the Environmental Protection Agency at a crucial moment.

Rather than express outrage as it has done in the wake of previous environmental disasters, the White House would not comment on the spill and instead directed all questions to the embattled EPA.

The agency, meanwhile, remains under intense fire after its contractors accidentally breached a dam at the mine last week and sent toxic sludge flowing into the Animas River. The contaminated water has spread to New Mexico, Arizona and Utah, and EPA officials were forced to concede that more than 3 million gallons were released into the river — a much higher amount than the agency’s initial estimate of 1 million gallons.

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