How NASA might build its very first warp drive


Diamond Member
Jun 25, 2010
How NASA might build its very first warp drive

A few months ago, physicist Harold White stunned the aeronautics world when he announced that he and his team at NASA had begun work on the development of a faster-than-light warp drive. His proposed design, an ingenious re-imagining of an Alcubierre Drive, may eventually result in an engine that can transport a spacecraft to the nearest star in a matter of weeks — and all without violating Einstein's law of relativity. We contacted White at NASA and asked him to explain how this real life warp drive could actually work.


A new design

In October of last year, White was preparing for a talk he was to give for the kickoff to the 100 Year Starship project in Orlando, Florida. As he was pulling together his overview on space warp, he performed a sensitivity analysis for the field equations, more out of curiosity than anything else.

How NASA might build its very first warp drive
"My early results suggested I had discovered something that was in the math all along," he recalled. "I suddenly realized that if you made the thickness of the negative vacuum energy ring larger — like shifting from a belt shape to a donut shape — and oscillate the warp bubble, you can greatly reduce the energy required — perhaps making the idea plausible." White had adjusted the shape of Alcubierre's ring which surrounded the spheroid from something that was a flat halo to something that was thicker and curvier.

He presented the results of his Alcubierre Drive rethink a year later at the 100 Year Starship conference in Atlanta where he highlighted his new optimization approaches — a new design that could significantly reduce the amount of exotic matter required. And in fact, White says that the warp drive could be powered by a mass that's even less than that of the Voyager 1 spacecraft.

That's a significant change in calculations to say the least. The reduction in mass from a Jupiter-sized planet to an object that weighs a mere 1,600 pounds has completely reset White's sense of plausibility — and NASA's.​

Wow. This is really cool.

It might be mankind's only chance of immortality as a species.
I tried reading deeper into the article and it gave me a headache.

But yes, very cool. :thup:
It would be neat if it pans out, but I'll believe it when it comes to fruition. We've only been a few years from cold fusion for how many decades now?

That said, if this works out, it's a definite Nobel Prize.
It would be neat if it pans out, but I'll believe it when it comes to fruition. We've only been a few years from cold fusion for how many decades now?

That said, if this works out, it's a definite Nobel Prize.

As long as it's not a Peace Prize. They're meaningless.
Gotta give the government employees something to do since Hussein grounded the Space Shuttle. It might as well be something impossible (according to Einstein) so they are busy for a long time.
That's not what Einstein said. He said it's impossible to accelerate to the speed of light. Warping Space-Time doesn't prove Einstein wrong since acceleration isn't the issue here.

Think of it light this: remember in the Road Runner cartoons when someone would run really fast, but not move, and the road would just pile up behind them? Wile E. Coyoteand Bugs Bunny are standing side by side. Let's have Wile E. Coyote run fast without moving and end up with a pile of road behing him and then we straighten the road back out. Now The Coyote is a mile up the road while Bugs hasn't moved an inch.
Star trek suggested many planets support intelligent life.
Question is, are humans ready to meet them?

IMHO. there is very probably other life out there but are we more likely to start a peaceful federation or start wars?
I'm going for the latter as some corrupt bastard would see the profit in in.
Gotta give the government employees something to do since Hussein grounded the Space Shuttle. It might as well be something impossible (according to Einstein) so they are busy for a long time.

You never get tired of lying about Obama, do you?

The Space Shuttle program was extended several times beyond its originally envisioned 15 year life span because of the delays in building the United States space station in low Earth orbit — a project which eventually evolved into the International Space Station. It was formally scheduled for mandatory retirement in 2010 in accord with the directives President George W. Bush issued on January 14, 2004 in his Vision for Space Exploration.

Space Shuttle program - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Thinking ahead --- it might be like that $400 radio controlled Mustang I bought.. So fast -- I lost it in the glare.. Never found it or the wreckage.

So when you push that big red warp button --- do we have a means to track this thing?
Well -- it either vaporized ---- OR ---- it's approaching Alpha Centuri in 22 minutes..
Thinking ahead --- it might be like that $400 radio controlled Mustang I bought.. So fast -- I lost it in the glare.. Never found it or the wreckage.

So when you push that big red warp button --- do we have a means to track this thing?
Well -- it either vaporized ---- OR ---- it's approaching Alpha Centuri in 22 minutes..
Interesting question...would radar/lidar work through the warped space? Gonna need some means of detecting space trash. A micrometeorite would utterly destroy the vehicle.
Gotta give the government employees something to do since Hussein grounded the Space Shuttle. It might as well be something impossible (according to Einstein) so they are busy for a long time.

You never get tired of lying about Obama, do you?

The Space Shuttle program was extended several times beyond its originally envisioned 15 year life span because of the delays in building the United States space station in low Earth orbit — a project which eventually evolved into the International Space Station. It was formally scheduled for mandatory retirement in 2010 in accord with the directives President George W. Bush issued on January 14, 2004 in his Vision for Space Exploration.

Space Shuttle program - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Who grounded the Space Shuttle program? Ronnie Reagan?
I can see the typical assholes that hate human advancement.

If the first man chose not to walk out of Africa?
If a man didn't crack rocks together to discover fire?
If a man didn't build cities?
If a man didn't build ships?
If a man didn't make airplanes and computers????

Some of you people want us to just stop and go back to the 18th century. The republican party is no longer a party I can support.
Thinking ahead --- it might be like that $400 radio controlled Mustang I bought.. So fast -- I lost it in the glare.. Never found it or the wreckage.

So when you push that big red warp button --- do we have a means to track this thing?
Well -- it either vaporized ---- OR ---- it's approaching Alpha Centuri in 22 minutes..
Interesting question...would radar/lidar work through the warped space? Gonna need some means of detecting space trash. A micrometeorite would utterly destroy the vehicle.

Send something first that destroys anything ahead maybe? :dev3:
Thinking ahead --- it might be like that $400 radio controlled Mustang I bought.. So fast -- I lost it in the glare.. Never found it or the wreckage.

So when you push that big red warp button --- do we have a means to track this thing?
Well -- it either vaporized ---- OR ---- it's approaching Alpha Centuri in 22 minutes..
Interesting question...would radar/lidar work through the warped space? Gonna need some means of detecting space trash. A micrometeorite would utterly destroy the vehicle.

Send something first that destroys anything ahead maybe? :dev3:

That would be expensive...and pointless. A vehicle leading the way would be destroyed, creating another debris field.
Interesting question...would radar/lidar work through the warped space? Gonna need some means of detecting space trash. A micrometeorite would utterly destroy the vehicle.

Send something first that destroys anything ahead maybe? :dev3:

That would be expensive...and pointless. A vehicle leading the way would be destroyed, creating another debris field.

Even if you get to Alpha Centuri in 22 minutes --- If you signal back, It'll be 4.3 years til we see the beacon.. Is your mind blown yet??

Seems like we will need to "warp" ElectroMagnetic or Optical transmission links as well..
Someone ought to hack the Star Fleet Engineering bureau and take a peek at how it's done.

Maybe you could leave a trail of flourescent bubbles behind..
Send something first that destroys anything ahead maybe? :dev3:

That would be expensive...and pointless. A vehicle leading the way would be destroyed, creating another debris field.

Even if you get to Alpha Centuri in 22 minutes --- If you signal back, It'll be 4.3 years til we see the beacon.. Is your mind blown yet??

Seems like we will need to "warp" ElectroMagnetic or Optical transmission links as well..
Someone ought to hack the Star Fleet Engineering bureau and take a peek at how it's done.

Maybe you could leave a trail of flourescent bubbles behind..
The light from the bubbles would take 4.3 years to get back from Centauri. :lol:

The quickest way for the crew to let us know they got there is to come back and tell us.
That would be expensive...and pointless. A vehicle leading the way would be destroyed, creating another debris field.

Even if you get to Alpha Centuri in 22 minutes --- If you signal back, It'll be 4.3 years til we see the beacon.. Is your mind blown yet??

Seems like we will need to "warp" ElectroMagnetic or Optical transmission links as well..
Someone ought to hack the Star Fleet Engineering bureau and take a peek at how it's done.

Maybe you could leave a trail of flourescent bubbles behind..
The light from the bubbles would take 4.3 years to get back from Centauri. :lol:

The quickest way for the crew to let us know they got there is to come back and tell us.

There ya go... imagine the conspiracy theories that will inspire.. They better return with an alien ambassador or some version of alien fast food.
Thinking ahead --- it might be like that $400 radio controlled Mustang I bought.. So fast -- I lost it in the glare.. Never found it or the wreckage.

So when you push that big red warp button --- do we have a means to track this thing?
Well -- it either vaporized ---- OR ---- it's approaching Alpha Centuri in 22 minutes..

That is what exactly happens, using this sort of technology won't work for Star Ships, as the ship will not even reach the destination, it will crumble away from old age into dust, the occupants onboard the ship will find themselves trapped inside a bubble of space-time where the continuation of time is running incredibly fast and moving slower than an old lady with a walker, the crew runs out of supplies and/or dies of old age, then the ship crumbles away from old age only traveling a short distance until it fails, within a few seconds in normal space-time, it was estimated that several billion years had past in the space in and around the ship.
An important discovery was made, as time continues faster, the molecules move faster relative to normal space, thus an enormous amount of heat can be extracted into normal space to generate power.
As zero-point-energy is almost unusable, using this warp method, zero-point-energy batteries can be constructed, as the time is continuing faster inside the battery housing, the molecules accelerate the outer portion of the battery housing in normal space-time causing it to get very hot, this heat can power steam turbines & whatnot, thus not using any fuel.
Bla bla bla free energy for all right ............ wrong, we buy the fuel, then deduct the expense for tax reasons, then resell the fuel out the back door at inflated price to the Sheeple, works out nicely.

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