How occupy DC dealt with a table filled with job applications

The idea of wealth redistribution is a myth concept invented by the class envy crowd who are motivated by their greed of assets which they have not earned. In short, "because you are rich and I am not, you owe me."

What an original thought.

A fiscal conservative is one who earns what he works for, tries to keep as much of his earnings as possible from being wasted, saves what he can, lives within his means, does not accept the concept of widespread entitlement for able bodies persons who can work but refuse and demands smaller and non-intrusive government.
A fiscal conservative also loves the socialism that benefits them (road, street lights, the police) and hate socialism that doesn't. Funny how people who claim to be anti-socialist never bitch about the fact that government maintains a road going nearly up to their front door for them.
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A person such as yourself who claims a degree in physics should be able to grasp the painfully obvious.

Its not painfully obvious to me. Please elaborate on my user name and its stupidity. Thanks.

BTW - thanks for the taxes you paid that went to my assistantship and research costs.
Yeah....Greed......You should have paid for that yourself.

I did. Its called an ASSISTANTSHIP - its WORK for MONEY you jackass. But I know, I know, conservatives also hate science.
After that answer, I must question your intelligence.

Great. Now after you explain what makes the name "OohPooPahDoo" "stupid", you can begin the questioning.

Case closed. Discussion terminated.


Now you can bitch and whine about how I am "cutting and running"... Go ahead. You cannot resist. You must be the one who gets the last word. You're a lib.
Have at it. BTW, your response will go unread.

Oh,I GUESS NOT. Or do you not know what "terminated" means?

It's your dime. Waste it if you will. I find it incredible how you lefties without conscience ,demand wealth redistribution, but will have an absolute shit fit if that redistribution is out of your pocket.

LOL, I dunno what kinda deal USMB gives you but I don't pay cent to post on here.
The idea of wealth redistribution is a myth concept invented by the class envy crowd who are motivated by their greed of assets which they have not earned. In short, "because you are rich and I am not, you owe me."

What an original thought.

A fiscal conservative is one who earns what he works for, tries to keep as much of his earnings as possible from being wasted, saves what he can, lives within his means, does not accept the concept of widespread entitlement for able bodies persons who can work but refuse and demands smaller and non-intrusive government.
A fiscal conservative also loves the socialism that benefits them (road, street lights, the police) and hate socialism that doesn't. Funny how people who claim to be anti-socialist never bitch about the fact that government maintains a road going nearly up to their front door for them.
Bullshit....Infrastructure is an essential function of government.
Thanks for your input, Mr Obfuscation.
Its not painfully obvious to me. Please elaborate on my user name and its stupidity. Thanks.

BTW - thanks for the taxes you paid that went to my assistantship and research costs.
Yeah....Greed......You should have paid for that yourself.

I did. Its called an ASSISTANTSHIP - its WORK for MONEY you jackass. But I know, I know, conservatives also hate science.
Fuck off. You stated the taxpayers funded your "assistantship".....Once again, you should have paid for it yourself. You had no right to our money.
Ooh I just poo pooed....Nice screen name. You tissue in the sleeve pink shirt wearing flit boy.
Please explain.

I agree that "OohPooPahDoo" is a stupid username.

But I also agree that the Military is "the definition of voluntary socialism:" There is no profit/loss responsibility, and merit is not based on productivity.
No I wanted you to expound upon your statement about the military.
Offer examples and then explain how those example apply to socialism.

OK, let's just take the Quartermaster Corps, for example.

All quartermaster goods and services are centrally controlled: purchasing of materials is centrally controlled, distribution of these goods and services is centrally controlled, and the goods and services are highly standardized (essentially their is little or no concern about individual preferences).

This entire conversation would be better in another thread, as I see no topicality between jobs available for OWS protestors and examples of how the military is a socialist organization.....unless, someone is proposing the military as the perfect employment for OWS protestors who are truely socialists. In this case I would agree; however, I doubt most of the protestors are as much socialists as they are immature whiners that have lived off the government dole for the past 99 weeks, and seeing their unemployment insurance benefits expiring, are throwing a tantrum.
I still haven't heard a valid justification for people who are complaining for jobs not filling out applications for jobs.
I still haven't heard a valid justification for people who are complaining for jobs not filling out applications for jobs.

Apparently, jobs that start at $50,000/yr are not well paying enough.

I've raised 3 children (1 still living with me), helped one with college, and dealt with the financial fallout of a divorce since 2001... all on about $50,000/yr.

fuck 'em.
I still haven't heard a valid justification for people who are complaining for jobs not filling out applications for jobs.

Apparently, jobs that start at $50,000/yr are not well paying enough.

I've raised 3 children (1 still living with me), helped one with college, and dealt with the financial fallout of a divorce since 2001... all on about $50,000/yr.

fuck 'em.

Yeah my first job out of college with a BBA was for $10.25/hour working in the stockroom at walgreens but I didn't go protest the CEO of walgreens crying that he makes too much money and I should make more.

I worked hard and got promoted into management as a result.
I still haven't heard a valid justification for people who are complaining for jobs not filling out applications for jobs.

Apparently, jobs that start at $50,000/yr are not well paying enough.

I've raised 3 children (1 still living with me), helped one with college, and dealt with the financial fallout of a divorce since 2001... all on about $50,000/yr.

fuck 'em.

Yeah my first job out of college with a BBA was for $10.25/hour working in the stockroom at walgreens but I didn't go protest the CEO of walgreens crying that he makes too much money and I should make more.

I worked hard and got promoted into management as a result.

Uhh, great job. You know you don't need a college degree to work in the stockroom at walgreens? Had you skipped college and got a job at Walgreens instead, you don't think you would have been making at least that $10.25/hour 4 years later? Certainly once you take into account the expense of college, I can't see how you wouldn't have been further ahead by just skipping college.
Yeah....Greed......You should have paid for that yourself.

I did. Its called an ASSISTANTSHIP - its WORK for MONEY you jackass. But I know, I know, conservatives also hate science.
Fuck off.
I thought you weren't going to talk to me anymore. You're a liar.

You stated the taxpayers funded your "assistantship".....
They did. The taxpayers fund a lot of employment.
Once again, you should have paid for it yourself.
I did.
You had no right to our money.
Would you like me to show you my latest employment contract? It very clearly states what LSU is to pay me and what my responsibilities are. I clearly have a "right" to money which I have earned through employment. I am very sorry that you, as a taxpayer, oppose science.
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The idea of wealth redistribution is a myth concept invented by the class envy crowd who are motivated by their greed of assets which they have not earned. In short, "because you are rich and I am not, you owe me."

What an original thought.

A fiscal conservative is one who earns what he works for, tries to keep as much of his earnings as possible from being wasted, saves what he can, lives within his means, does not accept the concept of widespread entitlement for able bodies persons who can work but refuse and demands smaller and non-intrusive government.
A fiscal conservative also loves the socialism that benefits them (road, street lights, the police) and hate socialism that doesn't. Funny how people who claim to be anti-socialist never bitch about the fact that government maintains a road going nearly up to their front door for them.
Bullshit....Infrastructure is an essential function of government.
Thanks for your input, Mr Obfuscation.

Its also socialist.
Companies pay out the ass for technical degrees. Try it sometime, declare your major as engineering and watch the money fly in.

Oh yeah, tons. And like you said - science - I majored in physics. I got all sorts of free money from "companies", they were just knocking down my door.
I've never met you. However, I would damn sure not hire you based on your posts here.
I'm sorry, I'm a bit confused. Did I ask you for a job? Why on Earth would I want to work in the lawn care business?

You come across as a whiny entitled person.

Please elaborate.
What an original thought.

A fiscal conservative also loves the socialism that benefits them (road, street lights, the police) and hate socialism that doesn't. Funny how people who claim to be anti-socialist never bitch about the fact that government maintains a road going nearly up to their front door for them.
Bullshit....Infrastructure is an essential function of government.
Thanks for your input, Mr Obfuscation.

Its also socialist.

:rolleyes: Oh brother
Apparently, jobs that start at $50,000/yr are not well paying enough.

I've raised 3 children (1 still living with me), helped one with college, and dealt with the financial fallout of a divorce since 2001... all on about $50,000/yr.

fuck 'em.

Yeah my first job out of college with a BBA was for $10.25/hour working in the stockroom at walgreens but I didn't go protest the CEO of walgreens crying that he makes too much money and I should make more.

I worked hard and got promoted into management as a result.

Uhh, great job. You know you don't need a college degree to work in the stockroom at walgreens? Had you skipped college and got a job at Walgreens instead, you don't think you would have been making at least that $10.25/hour 4 years later? Certainly once you take into account the expense of college, I can't see how you wouldn't have been further ahead by just skipping college.

Yes I know that but I took the job that was available in the marketplace at the time I graduated. It wasn't what I went to school for but it at least it was something.....better than leeching off my parents or crying @ some CEOs about how much they make.

I eventually got into the corporate side of management there after I worked my way up to store manager. You have to start somewhere and the vast majority of the time EVERYONE has to start at the bottom and prove themselves.

I made the decision to go to college and take loans and its not someone else's fault that when I graduated I had debt and couldn't find a $20/hr+ my advice to OWS is buck up and earn the compensation you want and stop blaming others for your own decisions.
I still haven't heard a valid justification for people who are complaining for jobs not filling out applications for jobs.

occupy wall street is not about applying for employment...why is that so hard for you to understand ?
Yeah my first job out of college with a BBA was for $10.25/hour working in the stockroom at walgreens but I didn't go protest the CEO of walgreens crying that he makes too much money and I should make more.

I worked hard and got promoted into management as a result.

Uhh, great job. You know you don't need a college degree to work in the stockroom at walgreens? Had you skipped college and got a job at Walgreens instead, you don't think you would have been making at least that $10.25/hour 4 years later? Certainly once you take into account the expense of college, I can't see how you wouldn't have been further ahead by just skipping college.

Yes I know that but I took the job that was available in the marketplace at the time I graduated. It wasn't what I went to school for but it at least it was something.....better than leeching off my parents or crying @ some CEOs about how much they make.

I eventually got into the corporate side of management there after I worked my way up to store manager. You have to start somewhere and the vast majority of the time EVERYONE has to start at the bottom and prove themselves.

I made the decision to go to college and take loans and its not someone else's fault that when I graduated I had debt and couldn't find a $20/hr+ my advice to OWS is buck up and earn the compensation you want and stop blaming others for your own decisions.

So ... why did you go to college on money you didn't have exactly? To get a 10.25 /hr job at walgreens? Getting back to my question - you don't think you'd have just been 4 years ahead of everyone else at Walgreens had you skipped college and gone straight into Walgreens?

I mean really - was it a good investment? People go to college to get ahead, not to start at the bottom. If you're going to start at the bottom, may as well NOT GO TO COLLEGE - right?

Or was the thousands you borrowed and the 4 years you spent NOT advancing your career at Walgreens worth learning all that stuff in college just for knowing its sake?

Did your parents or teachers encourage you to go to college? What was the line they used, did it sound something like "you need to go to college so you can get a job just as good as the one you can get without going to college!"
Uhh, great job. You know you don't need a college degree to work in the stockroom at walgreens? Had you skipped college and got a job at Walgreens instead, you don't think you would have been making at least that $10.25/hour 4 years later? Certainly once you take into account the expense of college, I can't see how you wouldn't have been further ahead by just skipping college.

Yes I know that but I took the job that was available in the marketplace at the time I graduated. It wasn't what I went to school for but it at least it was something.....better than leeching off my parents or crying @ some CEOs about how much they make.

I eventually got into the corporate side of management there after I worked my way up to store manager. You have to start somewhere and the vast majority of the time EVERYONE has to start at the bottom and prove themselves.

I made the decision to go to college and take loans and its not someone else's fault that when I graduated I had debt and couldn't find a $20/hr+ my advice to OWS is buck up and earn the compensation you want and stop blaming others for your own decisions.

So ... why did you go to college on money you didn't have exactly? To get a 10.25 /hr job at walgreens? Getting back to my question - you don't think you'd have just been 4 years ahead of everyone else at Walgreens had you skipped college and gone straight into Walgreens?

I mean really - was it a good investment? People go to college to get ahead, not to start at the bottom. If you're going to start at the bottom, may as well NOT GO TO COLLEGE - right?

Or was the thousands you borrowed and the 4 years you spent NOT advancing your career at Walgreens worth learning all that stuff in college just for knowing its sake?

Did your parents or teachers encourage you to go to college? What was the line they used, did it sound something like "you need to go to college so you can get a job just as good as the one you can get without going to college!"

All investments, including furthering your education, contain risks that the investment wont pay out as much as you want it to.

I went because I wanted to go. My plan was, and still is, to own my own business one day which is why I went for business.

I'm still glad I went to college because I learned a lot of good information and a lot about myself as a person. 15 years after graduating I've almost saved up enough money by living well below my means to be able to start up a business for myself. I would like to get a bit more saved first though so I have enough money to pay my bills and eat for a full year just in case it doesn't start out profitable (which it probably wont).

I was encouraged by parents, friends, family, and my high school teachers/guidance councelor to go to college. I actually got into Bently, Bryant, and Babson (i was going for business) but I figured out if I went to those schools the amount of money I would have to borrow wasn't worth the risk of the degree not panning out. I went to my state's university instead.

Going to college isn't a guarantee of anything and some who encouraged me to go told me this before going.

I have been able, since graduating, to pay off all my debts by living below my income level.

To adress your point, you are right if I went right into the workforce out of college I would be 4 years ahead of where I am now....but then again maybe the time management skills, personal enlightenment, and general knowledge I gained in college have allowed me to get further ahead than I would have at this point if I didn't go.

To me it was still worth it.
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I still haven't heard a valid justification for people who are complaining for jobs not filling out applications for jobs.

occupy wall street is not about applying for employment...why is that so hard for you to understand ?

So one of the OWS complaints aren't about compensation for work at entry level and low level positions in america and they aren't complaining about how much CEOs and corporate bigwigs are compensated?

I thought that was one of their big deal items.

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