How often do you think, when someone is called racist, they are innocent?


Senior Member
Jan 9, 2013
What percent? I think about 70 to 80 percent of people called racist are innocent. If someone thinks it zero percent, they are either racist or wrong, if you think about it.
What percent? I think about 70 to 80 percent of people called racist are innocent. If someone thinks it zero percent, they are either racist or wrong, if you think about it.
When Kamala said that Joe was a he? She hasn't exactly behaved as if he is.
What percent? I think about 70 to 80 percent of people called racist are innocent. If someone thinks it zero percent, they are either racist or wrong, if you think about it.

Racist is a loaded word. Using it in polite company is much like sucking the barrel of a gun.
The sad take away is that it dilutes the word, racist.
It takes away from the true racism meaning.
Ends up just shooting themselves in the foot.
What percent? I think about 70 to 80 percent of people called racist are innocent. If someone thinks it zero percent, they are either racist or wrong, if you think about it.
Most racism comes from people over generalizing.

You see a topic like "Black college professor says she's glad whites die."

If you extrapolate what she said to all blacks, that's racism.

It's a word used by inarticulate assholes to silence anyone who disagrees with them in a discussion about racial issues.

The word is now nearly worthless as a verbal weapon, because of its over-use. It seems to be used mostly by cowardly, self-righteous wimps these days.

It's a word used by inarticulate assholes to silence anyone who disagrees with them in a discussion about racial issues.

The word is now nearly worthless as a verbal weapon, because of its over-use. It seems to be used mostly by cowardly, self-righteous wimps these days.
Thank you for your feedback.
nawpar There will always be individuals who are racist. I don't know the percentage but certainly a significant majority of Americans today are not racist. A couple of generations ago, the majority of Americans were racist.
Very often because fhe term has been misused and improperly defined for decades. However, this does not - as some on The Right often suggest - mean that nothibg racist and that the solution is to stop using the word altogether.

Racism still exists and I frequently use the term to desctibe that which is actually racist.
nawpar There will always be individuals who are racist. I don't know the percentage but certainly a significant majority of Americans today are not racist. A couple of generations ago, the majority of Americans were racist.
This is very true, but it is sadly gaining more and more popularity in the form of CRT/intersectionality on The Left and "RaCe ReAlIsM" on The Right.

Of course, the anti-dote is very simple and that is color-blindness or more broadly and specifically individualism.
Trickster There are still many of us who value the content of character over skin coloration. I am concerned the new generation is being programmed to see color above all else.
White 6 Really, you think half of Americans are racist?
To an extent, yes. Some obviously more than others and this includes subliminally racist and overtly racist. Just because someone doesn't act on it, or speak doesn't mean they don't think it. If it is among your first thoughts on encountering or observing a situation, though you don't speak or act on it, you've got the racist instinct, and you are a racist. I am good with that, actually. The thing that separates stable adults for unstable type people that can and do exacerbate racially charged situations is that lack of self-control, when these thought come to mind. To put it bluntly, some people don't think before they speak or act, not knowing when to shut the fk up and back the fk off from situations. I don't like to be around these people and avoid engaging in conversation with them. The amoebic, xenophobic impulse to that which is recognized as different, is why we are still here (at all), but everybody is responsible for controlling their impulses and when to act or not act on impulse. Once in a while, you got to take your impulses out of the closet and look at them in the light, before putting them back n the shelf. Some would be better, much further back, though it is unlikely you will ever clear all the shelves.
What percent? I think about 70 to 80 percent of people called racist are innocent. If someone thinks it zero percent, they are either racist or wrong, if you think about it.
Quit Letting the Ruling Race Traitors Define Right and Wrong

Innocent of what? There's nothing automatically wrong with racism; it's part of the Survival Instinct. In many cases, racism is realism. It is a rational judgment based on a race's inferior behavior and uselessness to society. In the case of inferior races, their racism is part of the Death Wish.
They can only survive if they serve the superior races.
White 6 I suppose it's all in how you define "Racist". Some would say everyone who is White is Racist. Others would say anyone who defines everything by skin color is Racist.
White 6 I suppose it's all in how you define "Racist". Some would say everyone who is White is Racist. Others would say anyone who defines everything by skin color is Racist.
I would say (of your two definitions) though have never heard a black per describe "everyone White is Racist", that I agree with your statement "anyone who defines everything be skin color is Racist."
Those folkes are not even subliminal. They are overt and several are right here on this board.

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