How often does Democrat policy backfire on Americans?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
Conversely, does the same happen with Republican policy?
I’ll start with an example...
Sanctuary City policies have cost Americans cash, lives, job opportunities, wage increases and quality of life

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Democratic solutions are aimed at urban areas and the costs are often bared everywhere but. GOP solutions are usually not solutions but avoidance. Most of the problems we face should be addressed at the state and local levels. Unfortunately the state and local governments are unwilling or unable to tackle them effectively, and Washington just refuses to hand over funds without their republican or democratic strings attached.
When did their policy work in the first place?

"Poor black people."...

Few years later 70% out of wedlock rate, people doing worse than under slavery. These people can not solve problems if their lives dependent on it, they are children.
Democratic solutions are aimed at urban areas and the costs are often bared everywhere but. GOP solutions are usually not solutions but avoidance. Most of the problems we face should be addressed at the state and local levels. Unfortunately the state and local governments are unwilling or unable to tackle them effectively, and Washington just refuses to hand over funds without their republican or democratic strings attached. said “Democratic solutions” that is some funny ass shit.
Democrats hate “solutions”....every thing and policy spawned from Democratic ideology manifests more of its filthy same. They never solve shit...they throw taxpayer cash at shit and call it “fixed”.
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Invading Iraq was a pretty expensive fuck up.

Why was that a fuck up?
Did we liberate a nation and kill a dictator that committed mass genocide?
I thought you Lefties love saving the
Golfing Gator?

It was a fuck up because Iraq was a sovereign nation that was no threat to the US.

It cost the US more than 4500 service members, more than 20,000 wounded and in upwards of 100,000 or more with PTSD.

The financial cost so far exceeded 2.4 trillion dollars, and that does not include some of the cost the VA is eating with all the broken service members.

It destabilized an entire region and brought about the "Arab Spring" and ISIS. If Saddam had not been removed ISIS would have never been more than a fringe group that he destroyed.

The world is full of ruthless dictators, Trump has been sucking up to one on a regular basis over the last 2.5 years.

We are still paying the price for the Iraq war, far more than your pet issue.
Invading Iraq was a pretty expensive fuck up.

Why was that a fuck up?
Did we liberate a nation and kill a dictator that committed mass genocide?
I thought you Lefties love saving the
Golfing Gator?

It was a fuck up because Iraq was a sovereign nation that was no threat to the US.

It cost the US more than 4500 service members, more than 20,000 wounded and in upwards of 100,000 or more with PTSD.

The financial cost so far exceeded 2.4 trillion dollars, and that does not include some of the cost the VA is eating with all the broken service members.

It destabilized an entire region and brought about the "Arab Spring" and ISIS. If Saddam had not been removed ISIS would have never been more than a fringe group that he destroyed.

The world is full of ruthless dictators, Trump has been sucking up to one on a regular basis over the last 2.5 years.

We are still paying the price for the Iraq war, far more than your pet issue.

Your smartest guy in the room shit works real well in hindsight doesn’t it?
We acted with the intelligence we thought we had...War will almost always cost us service members....PTSD is fabricated bullshit for pussies.
Your smartest guy in the room shit works real well in hindsight doesn’t it?
We acted with the intelligence we thought we had...War will almost always cost us service members....PTSD is fabricated bullshit for pussies.

We acted on known fabricated evidence. The neo-Cons took advantage of a tragedy and used it to entice war lust in the country. There is not one single gain the US received for the price we paid in dollars and lives.

As for PTSD, that is spoken like a true pussy that never had the fucking balls to serve his country but talks a lot of shit from behind the safety of his computer. you are a joke.
Conversely, does the same happen with Republican policy?
I’ll start with an example...
Sanctuary City policies have cost Americans cash, lives, job opportunities, wage increases and quality of life


How about the Republican policy of Amnesty for illegals that started with do you feel about that one?
Your smartest guy in the room shit works real well in hindsight doesn’t it?
We acted with the intelligence we thought we had...War will almost always cost us service members....PTSD is fabricated bullshit for pussies.

We acted on known fabricated evidence. The neo-Cons took advantage of a tragedy and used it to entice war lust in the country. There is not one single gain the US received for the price we paid in dollars and lives.

As for PTSD, that is spoken like a true pussy that never had the fucking balls to serve his country but talks a lot of shit from behind the safety of his computer. you are a joke.

So tell us Michael Moore, what was the motivating factor for the invasion of Iraq? “War lust”...that’s a cool phrase.

PTSD never existed until doctors injected it into society...brilliant shit...but bullshit nonetheless.
I have friends whom have been emergency room physicians for decades...seen more gnarly shit that any soldier ever will...none have “PTSD”...weird huh?
‘Soldiers’ with “PTSD” were / are pussies who weren’t built to be soldiers...FUCK THEM!
Conversely, does the same happen with Republican policy?
I’ll start with an example...
Sanctuary City policies have cost Americans cash, lives, job opportunities, wage increases and quality of life


How about the Republican policy of Amnesty for illegals that started with do you feel about that one?

BINGO...I agree, that’s why I’d piss on Reagan’s grave if given the opportunity. No other president has fucked Americans over like he did with one signature in 1986. Mexicrats owned that bipartisan pussy.
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Conversely, does the same happen with Republican policy?
I’ll start with an example...
Sanctuary City policies have cost Americans cash, lives, job opportunities, wage increases and quality of life


How about the Republican policy of Amnesty for illegals that started with do you feel about that one?
That was Ted Kennedy's policy, dumb ass. He's the one who wrote the bill.
Conversely, does the same happen with Republican policy?
I’ll start with an example...
Sanctuary City policies have cost Americans cash, lives, job opportunities, wage increases and quality of life


How about the Republican policy of Amnesty for illegals that started with do you feel about that one?
That was Ted Kennedy's policy, dumb ass. He's the one who wrote the bill.

True, but the Bill dies on floor if Reagan doesn’t endorse it.
So tell us Michael Moore, what was the motivating factor for the invasion of Iraq? “War lust”...that’s a cool phrase.

To take control of the middle east and its oil supply, plain and simple. But the plan failed because the part after the military won the war was fucked up from day one and because you cannot force people into a "democratic style of government"

PTSD never existed until doctors injected it into society...brilliant shit...but bullshit nonetheless.
I have friends whom have been emergency room physicians for decades...seen more gnarly shit that any soldier ever will...none have “PTSD”...weird huh?
‘Soldiers’ with “PTSD” were / are pussies who weren’t built to be soldiers...FUCK THEM!

Of course it existed dumbfuck, they just called it something else. Way back in WWI it was called being shell shocked.

emergency room physicians do not have anyone trying to kill them and they are not killing other human beings. You are a mindless fucking moron.

The only pussy here is the one that was too big a pussy to do what they did but will still call them names
Let’s see..

Social Security....No
Environmental Protection....No
Women’s Rights....No
Gay Rights...No
So tell us Michael Moore, what was the motivating factor for the invasion of Iraq? “War lust”...that’s a cool phrase.

To take control of the middle east and its oil supply, plain and simple. But the plan failed because the part after the military won the war was fucked up from day one and because you cannot force people into a "democratic style of government"

PTSD never existed until doctors injected it into society...brilliant shit...but bullshit nonetheless.
I have friends whom have been emergency room physicians for decades...seen more gnarly shit that any soldier ever will...none have “PTSD”...weird huh?
‘Soldiers’ with “PTSD” were / are pussies who weren’t built to be soldiers...FUCK THEM!

Of course it existed dumbfuck, they just called it something else. Way back in WWI it was called being shell shocked.

emergency room physicians do not have anyone trying to kill them and they are not killing other human beings. You are a mindless fucking moron.

The only pussy here is the one that was too big a pussy to do what they did but will still call them names

Shove your conspiracy theory up your ass. We gained nothing and never stood to gain anything.

PTSD will go down as the granddaddy of all extortion levied against the American taxpayer. Fuck the cowards, the opportunistic bitches...our soldiers are suppose to be killing machines...real badasses conditioned for war...that’s what all you self proclaimed tough guys claim...right? Well...WTF?
Yet highly educated, fragile, nutless physicians will have innocent mangled children die in their arms daily for decades and not one case of PTSD..hahaha...BULLSHIT!
Shove your conspiracy theory up your ass. We gained nothing and never stood to gain anything.

poor execution does not take away the reasons we went and the reason we are involved in the middle east at all.
PTSD is a farce. A fake name for something that does not exist. Let's call it what it is. Guilt complex from killing innocent civilians is part of war, get over it. LOL

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